July 27. A-violent remedy is talked of for the indispo sition of the Queen of Portugal. This is the leading her Miijefty into a temporary building eretted in a large piece of water, into which flic is to fink immediately upon her entrance, and to be taken out by persons provided for tha purpose. Asfaft as the French army under Luckner, and that lately commanded by Fayette, retire, the Auftrians press on to take their ground, and are now forcing their route, by Bavav, towards the interior part of the kingdom. The Elector of Saxony is laid to have joined the league against France, and furnifhes the al lied powers with 24,000 auxiliaries. The Duke of Brunfwick has iflued a procla mation, forbidding, on pain of death, every pruflian from entering the camp of the French emigrants, and every French emigrant from entering the Pruflian camp. The Chevalier de Nauldes, either not having heard of the procla mation, or imagining that the penalties would not be rigorouily inflided, attempted to enter the Pruflian camp, and was fliot dead by the centinel. Count d'Egmont is to command the right wing of the army of the Princes, but it is not resolved that this army shall ast at all. A warrant has just received the royal signa ture, for from the Treafu y the sum of 20001. to the Trustees of the Protestant Dillent ing meeting house at Fjirmingham, as a full compensation for the lofTes and damages sustain ed by the deftruftion of that edifice during the late riots there. Saturday, an officcr arrived at the Admiralty Office with letters from Lord Hood in the grand fleet, which were dated ofFUfhant, the 16th inft where the fleet was then lying, and all well. Tiit camp at BagiTiot, under the command of the Duke of Richmond, is now formed, and the different regiments are arriving daily. The King goes occafionallv ; the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Gordon, Lady Susan, and several persons of fafliion, are now at the camp. One of the alTaflins of the late unfortunate D lion teas executed at Lisle on the 13th inft. A fort of revolution has taken place at Con stantinople. The sublime Porte has established a Privy Council with juriidi