Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 12, 1792, Image 4

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Thomas james, wax ciiaxdler,
from London, refpe&fnlly mfeiruis ihe public
that he has edablifned a Manufactory of the jbove
branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street.New-
Yoik, where Merchants, Captains of Veffeta,
and Families, may be fuppi'ed with
excellent and pure White Wax Candies, White
Wax in Cakes, Tapers, Wax'd Lamp Wicks,
Flambeaux, &c. warranted tqual to any made in
London, and twenty percent, cheaper.
Ordeis in this and the adjacent Stales, received
by Mr. John Goodeve, Bridge-Street, Mr.
William Fkobisher, Fletcher-Street, and at
(be Manuf-ittoiy, wheie lam pics may be seen.
N. B. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleached
on moderate terms.
New-York, Jul/ 19, 1792,
Church Lottery.
THt p . ulur circumttanccs of a gentleman
who had undertaken to dispose of a propor
tion of the tickets in the New-Binnfwick Church
Lottery, having, in his opinion, rendered it
veuient for him further to proceed in the faic
thereof, between eleven and twelve hundred tick
ets are unexpe&edly returned to the Re£lor,
Church-Wardens and Veft»y-mcn. This fay* m
Managers under the necefijty of further adjourning
tiie.firawing of the Lottery, until the fifteenth day
of October next, that they rrav have time to trans
mit thtfe tickets to the parts of the Rate whrre ihey
aieapolicJ tor, and tecrive the returns As (here
are but few tlfc};ets besides these remaining on
hand, ail perfofis who are difpoftd to promote the
pious object of (his Lottoy, or to take a chance
fur the p: there it), are requeued to supply their,-
felvea by ihe firft of O&ober; and the gentlemen
appointed to diipofe of them, are desired to return
chose to the Mauagers which then remain unfold
to answer ibe applications of some gentlemen ii
the neig.suou»hood, who are postponed to thi> rc
fource for a supply.—And notice is hereby given
that (he tickets riot returned to the Managers hi
theeigh'h day of Oflober, will be couhdercd a;
N. B. -ftoB£RT Morris, Esq. of New-Brqnf
wick, it duly choficn one of the Managen of iJk
fiid Lottery, and has given security and qmlificid
agreeably to law. fepiOi)
(And pollellion given immediately)
A Valuable FARM,
PLEASANTLY Gtuated, and well improved,
containing 213 acres, whereof 47 are wood
land, 30 meadow, and 20 more may be made ; the
cleared land is under good fence, and is well
adapted tografs, and there being so much meadow,
a large Hock may be ratfed : it is also natural to
wheat, and a proper attention to a well-kept iiock,
will much improve its quality, and be the moil
profitable : it has a young orchard of 200 apple
trees, a variety of peach acid cheriy trees, and 4
largt garden. There are on the premises a hand
some two story stone houfc and kitchen, and an
elegant piazza; also, a good barn, with Hailing,
cow-house, granary, waggon-house, woik-fhop,
and fmoak-houfe. The lituation is high, pleasant,
and healthy, and affords some very agreeable pro
fpefts, and is in a good neighbourhood : it lies on
the main road to New-York, about a mile and a
half from Princeton, New-Jersey, and 43 from!
tins city. The till- was examined and approved
byeminent council before thefubferiber purrhafed.
For further particulars apply to the fublWiber, at
No. 141, South Second-ftreei, or at No. 81, South
Water-ftrect, Philadelphia.
N. B. Stock for the farm may be had of the pre
sent tenant.
Alio, to be Sold, and entered immediately,
A two-story Br ck HOUSE and BAKE-HOUSE,
in Arch-llrcet, N'o. 23, 16 leu two inches 10 front,
and 102 feet in depth. Apply a& above.
J"'V 17- (eptf)
(The ninth edition of)
The Travels of Cyrus:
THE Travels of Cyrus having gone through so
many editions in Europe, every thing which
might be said to recommend so valuable a work,
is rendered useless; and as it is now almost, if not
entirely out of print, the publilher trulls there
7a 1 £ r lml<: d,fficult y in procuring a refpeflable
lift of fubferibers to an American Edition.
This work will be published in one volume,
i2mo. on good demy paper, and a neat type; and
will contain about 25® ps^fs.
The price 10 fubfenbers will be On e Dol la r ,
10 Wpi'd o " the delivery of the book, which
wii! be neatly bound and lettered.
The work (hall be put to press in OSobcr next
provided there shall be a s o fubfcnbers.
Any person fcDfcribing lor, or procuring fub
fcnbers tor twelve books, and will be rcfponfible
for the payment, (hall be entitled 10 two giatis.
The names of fubfciibcrs (ball be prefixed to
the work.
u Subscriptions recc 'vcd by most of the
iSookicllerc in Philadelphia and New-York.
N. B Gentlemen who may plcafe to encourage
the work by procu'ing fubfcriptmns, are requertJd
to forward a lift of <he names fubferibed, by the
20th day <»r October next.
George-T own.
A Number of LOIS in every C.tuation which
may be in City of Washington
Mo' H C °! CrC « d /°; salC r & lbe £
Monday the Bth day of (Mober nexi. One lourth
part of the money to be paid do w „, ,h c ,e!,du<-
ihree equal annual payment*. with yearly inte.eft
ou the whole principal unpaid.
to the Ceramiflinnets.
£cptf] |
June 2, 1795.
From i he la(t ot October next,
£3- A convenient iloufe, in or r.cur the cor '.re oj
the City.—Enquire oj the Ldtltr.
To be pubtijked #y Subjcnbtioz
OR, P*OCttDINC» Oh fH fc
From September 1774, to March 1789
An auth ntic and original collediou oi
r <-D7-.v]
(fur patlicuUri,Jce Propyls at Urge.)
Suhfcriptions are recetvid by the pr.oi.ipa
liuokfellers, and by the tailor,
JOHN' CARhV, All. 26, Pcar-btrecl, PkiUddphia
Stock Brokers Office,
i Np-4j, Great Dock-street, \iw-Yoii, |
'T'HE Subscriber intending to coofiue hitnfeU
4- entirely to the PURCHASE ahd SALE or
STOCKS ok COMMISSION, Brgt leave loofier
hit services to his trieods and others, in the line'
of a Stock Broker. Those who may pleafc to fa*
vQr him with their bufinefa, may depend upon
having it traufaaed with the utmoll fidelity and
Orders from Philadelphia. Bo ft on, or any other
part of the Untied States will be ftriflly attend
cd to.
May 2
i oo Dollars Reward
LOST on Cambridge Common, Maflachufetts,
on the atternoon of the iß;h ult. a Mor«cco
POCKLT-BOOK, with a fti el clasp, containing
a number of valuable papers, among which weft
tin. following Public Securities, viz.
MdfTacbufetts State Notes— No 2.425, dated
December «, 1782, payable to Thomas Greenwood,
for £.23 16 i. principal— No. 22,399, da 'ed Ja
nuary 1, 1785, payable 10 Nathaniel Partridge, tor
£ io ioj. principal.— No. , dated Januaiy
1, 1782, (an army note) payable to Tmcthy How
ard, loi£ . 8 81. id. pnncipal.— No. ,' a \ Ol ,
(the nunibei, date, and to whom payable, uol
known) for £. 3 O J. 3d. principal.— One Indent
Ccr:ihcate for four Dollars, and a New-Hamp-
Anre Certificate for about £. 12 payable to John
tnd Daniel Jenis ; also a number of Note» of Hand
one of which was for £. j7 , given by Nathan
Bond to Smmucl W. Pomeroy (by whom it was en
dotled) dated ill May, 1792, and payable on the
nth Augufl following ; the oiheis were all paya
ble to the Sublcnber. The Securities ate chicked
at ilie different offices from whence they were
tffued, and the Noses of Hand by the differcn,
ligners, they can therelore be of r.o use to anv but
the owner.
The Subscriber hereby offers a reward of One
Hundrid Dollars to any person or persons
who has fouud the fame, and will return them to
linn, or leave them w"h the Printer hereof, and
110 quell ions will be asked.
Salem, Majfachufetts y Augujl 1, 1792. (eptfj
To be Sold by THOMAS DOBSON, and oiher
Booksellers in Philadelphia,
A Colle&ion of PSALMS, HYMN'S, and SPl
■t\ RITUAL SONGS ; feleiied from different
Auihors, and published by Order of the Con
vent,on the Doarine of the Salvauon ol
allj.Men, met in Philadelphia, Mav 25, i-qi.
Price ol a single book, bound,3-Bth» of a Dollar
with good allowance lothofewho lake quaniinei'
4. '(ept,.) '
pURSL'AN'T to the lad Will and Teft,mm o f
A the late Rev. Al.xa.m, Wi l mamson,
dialed, will be exposed to Public Sale on ThutU
day, the 1 ith ot October Georcetou- s
on a credit of three years, the purchasers givinJ
bond with approved bear mtereft Irom
da.e-That valuable Seat of Land. , n Monteo
mery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling
plantation ol the decealed, containing between fix
and seven hundred acrei, the greatelf part of which
is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa
tered, and capable of affording a very confiderabk
quantity cl fine meadow ;_S„uaied ahnut(i milr,
from the Federal City.and the fame „ce from
George-Town, it. a genteel neighbourhood, and a
remarkable healthy pait of the country.
n mP , r , OVem o n!S r a,e - 3 V " y clt S a,H * w °
Blick Dwelling House. (with four rooms and a
(«P'o| THO-'lA^^oirvv"' 1 . Ewulo,s -
T H R«kB fcri k e 7 ff "'^ r Sal '' jL »^-S"'or
, Rock Crf< *> deemed by ihofe who have c*
mTh'V \° any lhe Umlcd Stsl ". The
Mtll-Houfe may be placed within one quarter of
fhem°! t" V r er PoloWmaC ' h,lf a from
be market house in Georgetown, and one mile
f»om the PreGdent'i fquaie, in the city of u'alh
'ngton—on tide water, navigable forvcffcls of fe
verai hundred bufliels burthen.—The flieam
fumcen' the year round,to turn four pair ol lionet
and the fill may be 25.0 3 o fee I,'
( C P 3 w i
■r Jh' P . UrL . hafcr m 7 bc accommorfatcH will, ,
f uXfcia* Mi "' SC4L
if the SENJTF. of the UNITED ST4Ti<,
w of the Editor kcruj.
Old Cson^TeJ^ }
wriuen during the laie war ;
And extracts from the
Hymn Book
V — *
Treasury Department*
Auclst 10, 1792.
N'OTICE is hereby given, that propohis will
be received at the office of the Secretary of
the Treasury, until the twenty-ninth day of Sep
tember next inciufive, foi thefupply or ali Rations
•vhich may be required for the ufc of the United
Slate*, from the firli day of January to ihe ihirty
firft day of December, 1793, t>o:h days inciufive,
di ibe places, and wjch.ti the diftrilis heieaiter
mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or r'.aces betwixt Yo»k-Town &
Car iTie.iii the it are P nnfylvan a,and Pitciour ...
and «>t Pi t ifo-' rgh, Yoiic-Town mid Cailiflt.
2. At any place or places from Pmfburgh to the i
mouth of B>: Beaver Creek, ana at the inouih of
Beaver Creek.
3. At any place or places from the said mouth to
'he upper sam ul the fa d iv.a ver, diic «l the
upper falls.
j 4. Ar any place or places from che said upper |
j falls lo Mahoning, and ai Mahoning.
j 5. At any place or places 1 rom the fjid Mahoning I
Jove to ihe Head Navigation of the River Caya
ho?a, and *l the said Head Navigation.
6. At any place or places from the said Head Na
vigation to the mouth of the said Rivei Cayahoga,
and at the said mouth.
7. At any place or places betwixt the mouth o?
the Big Beaver Creek to the mouth of the River
| Mulkiugum, and uo the said River tu the Tufca-
I rowas, and at the 1 ufcarowa>, and thence over to
the Cayahoga River, «jud iucacc down the said j
River to its mouth.
8. At anyplace or places betwixt the mouth of
the River Mufkingum and the mouth of the Scioto
River, aud at the mouth of the said River Scioto.
9 At any place or places betwixt the mouth of
Scioto River and the mouth of the Great Miami I
at the mouth of the Great Midmi, and from theuct
to Ihe Rapids or ilie Falls of the Ohio, and «st tht
(aid Rapids.
10. At anv place or places betwixt the mouth o 1
the Greet Miami, up the said Miami to and a'
Pique Town.
1 1. At any place or places from Fort Wafbinnon
to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamilton. At an*
plice or places from Fort Hamilton to Fort St.
Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. At anv place or places from Fort St. Ciair lo
Fort Jetfeifon, and ai Fort Jffftrfoit.
13. At any place or piaccs from Fort lefferfon to
the Held ot a&ion of the 41)1 of Xovembc. I~m
and at the said field of action.
14. At anv place or places from the said field oi
afriontolhe Miami Villages, and at ihc Miami
■ »5- At any place or placet from the said Miami
Village! to the Fall, of the Miami River, »hich
empties into Lake Eiie, and at the fa id Falls, and
from thence to it* piouth, and at its n-.ouih.
16. At any place or places from ihc month of ihe
said Miami River of Lake Erie toSatiduiky Lake,
and at Sandully Lake.
17. At any place or places from >he said Sandufky
Lake to the mouth of the River Cayahoga.
18. At any place 01 places from the mouth of the
laid Rivet Cayahoga lu Piefquc] fie; and at Prefque
Isle. ,
19. At any place omlaces from Prefque I fle to the
fticim running into Lake Erie from towards the
Jadaghque Lake, and thence over to and at the
laid Jadaghque Lake, and thence down the Alle»-
:hany River to Fort Franklin.
20. Ac any place or places IromPiefquclfletoLe
Beuf, <md at he Beuf.
21. Ai any place or nlaces from I.e Beuf to Fori
Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and tiom thenct
to Pittsburgh.
22. At any place or placcs from theßapids of tlv
Ohio to the mouth of the Wabafh River, and from
the mouth us the said Wabafh River to the mouth
oi the River Ohio.
23 At any place or placej on the East fide of the
River MidiOtppi, h-om the mouth of the Ohio
River, to ihe mouth of the Illionois River.
, , 2 i„ A ' a ". T pl ' ce or placei on ,t,c E-' 1 fide of the
j Miliiflippt, between the mouth of the Onio anc
ihe River Margot inclusively.
»si. At any place or places from the said River
Margot to the River Yazout iuclufively.
i 'n y „° IaCC or placc » ,rom 'he mouth of the
laid \V abalh Rivet up to Fort Knox, and at Fori
.K S r^^' a . n y P'ace or placet from Fort Knox, up
the laid \V abalh, to Ouiuanon, and at Ouittanon.
r *Il*n y P laceor place*from Ountanon.up the
said A\abafti, to the head navigation of a branch
thereof called Little River, and at the said head
navigation ol Little River.
29. At any place or placet from the laid head na
vigation o. Little River over to the Miami Village
30. At anv place or places from the mouth of the
RiverTencffee to Occochappo or Uea, Creek, on
the laid River, inclusively.
31. At any placeor nlacesfrom the mouth of the
River Cumberland to Nalhvillc, on the laid River
and at Nashville.
„f r'"a V V! Y ?' p '" es withi » thirty miles
oj laid NafhviUe lo the Southward, Westward or
Should any rations be required at any placcs, o,
within other diUi.a., not Ipecified in .hefe pro
polals, tbe price of the fame to be hereafter agreed
on betwixt the public and the coiur^ftoT.
1 he rations to be fupplicd are to confiß of the
following articles, viz.
One pound ol biead or flour,
One pound of beef, or j of , pound of pork,
Half a jtli oi rum, brandy or whijky
One quart ot faJt, }
T wo quarts of vinegar,
Two pounds of soap, r P er ICO "lions.
One pound ot candles, )
J he rattoos ate to be furtiinied in such quami
lies as t.,at there (hall at all ttme s , during ,h e laid
term, he (üßicient to r lh e coiilumotiou of the
troops at each ot the. (aid polh, lor the- fpacc ol a,
lean three mombs tu advance, in good and whole
(ome proviftons, if the lame ihall be required.
r n 15 'ji u " d "' lood '"each cafe, liuc all loflVs
It-Hamed by ihe depredations of the enemy, or bv
means ol lhe troops ol l he United Stale., Ihall be
t>a,d lor at tlu-pntWthe a.i.clcsc.ptured o, de. thcdepofitious ol two or more credit
ed* n?fi ' V a " d l '. >e c, ,uflci " < ' °f * eointniflion
ed ottKer alcmaming the circumttanres of lh.
l.» s , and The amomi. of ihe articks so, which com
'jcnlauon is claimed.
The conn ast (or the above fupplitj will be madt
' so ' me >'" r > " r f<W ycau, as may appeal
fere -—*nr Itit'h iijfc,, y .2Sr
*• ** 111 ■»»
The T*—T —frrjiSit tl .tf * ' frjl
Treasury Department
* AveutT ioiv. *
NOTiC£ill I„eh1„ehv e ..m ,
b« woeivcd juue o«cc ot .S,
ihe Trcafury, umil the irh day Q f *
inclusive, ,o, ,he f upu | v ot aU *«
he required f„ lhf use „f,h r U o |..j a*,**
n' , div of 'J anuJ, v 'o the ifciu.-s'sV' 0 ™
December , 793 , bothd-v. lOC | ufi J,
,ne Sure of M-ifLchule.i s ., nd
Point, in the Suic u s New-Yoi It
i,c 10 °< *
One pound of b.e?d or Boor
Ooe p„ u „d ot b «,, or jof ;
Hill . jill of rum, br»udv or whiftv
One amrt of f»Jt, "
Two quarts of vim-gar, /
Two pounds of soap, ( P" 'CO rjtlou».
One pound of cauditj. )
The proDofch m JV be made for both «f ,k
"bove-memionerf PofU, or fep« 1U !v f, s "
field and Well-Point
Treasury Department,
j OTICE is hereby given, lha, prt,p., (i U will
,h bc rccc;v ' '1-ltheftiSte ®l «hr .v-,, Ufv •
the Treajury uni il ,he fourth oi , ot Ou.vjerLv
f l,„ wln^c
■" - -«
llfo v'T P-rofSock,
Bbbß U roirn Overalls 4608 Stocks
0.m6 Linen O.e.alt, 4ficJj c)j
18376 Pa.r of Shoe. ot Suckle,
360 , iG P d ,r oiSi ut kin-i
' s 1440 Shirtl
3 f»"' S r, Kbnkeu
3&0 Pair of Leather 360 Stock*
p ;3 /r C ' US 360 So ' kC '*'>;alfo,
720 Po.rof iioocs 1200 KtfleShms, tobc
360 Pair of Spurs (nude of lluiHa Sheeting.
The above Clothing to be delivered either
\ u Pn;,ad c'phia or Baltimore, at thcoo
■ ton ot the conrrafinr or conusors, ot. or
he 15th cay ot June, 1793.
1 he piopofals mav coinprife the whole of the
before-memjoped Clothing, or any on, or a ,„.
o thecomponeni article.; to be lum.fhed a S ieea.
■ to patterns or fpeciipeui, which will be fhou
aitnc \\ ar Office. Good fecurily i»ii: beitquii.
Ed tor the punfhia! and faithful pcrioimaine ..f
" c con, «f. The payment will be on therein;,
ry of the Cloihing, q», if neecffan, luch r«fnn>.
nle advanrej Wlil be made a> Ibe Secretary of li, c
Trealury (hall diem expedient.
War Department,
August 6, 1792.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
Military Invalids of the United Stales, that
the fuins tu which they are mtitled for fix momfis
of their annual pension. from the 4th day of Maich
1792, and which will become due on the sth day
of September 1792, will be paid on the laid day
;X lhe Commitfioners of the Loans within the
States refpedively, under the ulual regulations, viz.
Every application for payment mud be accuiu
pamed by the following vouchers.
1 ft. The certificate given bv the slate, fpecifying
that the person poflVfling the fame is in lad an in
valid, and a fee? taming the sum to which as such he
is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following
form :
A. B. camc before me, one of the ft/Ikes of the
county of m the slate of and made oath thai
he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate
in his pojfeffion was given, of which theJul towing u
a CO P) (the certificate given by the Jlatc to be rkited)
That he served (regiment, corps or veffelj at
the time he was difalled, and that he now rejides n
l " c and county of and has lefdtd
therefor the lafl years t previous to which he re
ftded in
In cafe an invalid should apply foi pavincut by
an attorney, the said attorney, betides the ccriifir
cate and oath before recited, must produce a fne
ctal letter of attorney agreeably to'.he following
form ;
I, A. 3. of county of Jiate of dt
herci> conflitute and appoint C. D. oj my lanjul
attorney, to receive in my behalf of my penjioi
f" r fx months, as an invalid oj thf United States,
fiom the fourth day of March, one thou fan d stun
hundred and ninety-two, and ending the fifth day of
September, one thoujandfcixn hundred and ninety-two.
Signed aud fealcd
»n the pretence of
Acknowledged before rae f
Applications of executors and adminiftiators
must he accompanied with legal evidence of ti-cr
'Hpe&ive offices, and also of ihe time the invalid*
died, who fie pin (ion they may claim.
By command of the
Prtfident of the United States,
H. KNOX, Sen etarj oj (for,.
The Priuters in the refpeflive Statesyt
requeftcd to puhliih the above in ihcir ucv»ip«i*
pers, for the ipace of two months.
Of the very fiifl quality, and latWl importation
fiom Canton, via New-Yoik, by retail,at
No 19,
Third, between Chcfuui and ?«-aikci Streets,