Banker theUnltedStates. RESOLVED, THAT an Orflc-e of JViicount and Oepofit, lit tftabliliied in the Cny of Richmond, S;aieo! V irgmia. RESOLVS.D, Ti-.a- t' jd T>u frif.y Si p• : . x >."r next Vc np tointed for tlie Election ot Thirteen Dije&ors and a Cashier, for the Office ol Diicuunt and Dfpoiit, ;;i the City ot Richmond. By Order of the President and Directors, JOHN' KKAN, Cattiier. Certificates Loft. A vTISSINC, Five Afca- jerfo Ctrijicaies, 1 by Si/as Couditf, *ir. No. 740 for £\ 73 o o 1978 JI f 9 7 t - 100 348.1 i 6 82c) O 12 9 The fubfcribcr luppofes the above Certificates arc flolen. Whoever will discover the Thief, 01 Certificates, and leave information at the T or Loan-Ofßce in New-Jersey, or in the Cauoty Colleftor'i Orßce -it Moms-To*n, lhall be hand lomeiy rewarded by MoniS'Toivn, JOSEPH LEWIS. New- ferfey, july 12,1792. (i ay 7 w) Ebenezer Hazard, STO CII-RROKEK, HAS Removed OFFICE to N.o. 1-28 north Second-Street, vvlieie he continues to purchale and fell on Comquflian, Certificates of debt of the United, and Individual States, Bank Stock, Canal, and Turnpike Shares, &c. &c. (Jdt* Su.brcrib.ers to the yriiverfal Tontine who have not yet received their Certificate* arc deiircd to call for tkem. July xB. Stock Brokers Office, N0.45, Grczt Dock-Ureet, New-York, THE Subfciibcr intending to confine himfelf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE or STOCKS on COMMISSION, Begs leave to ofTer his services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may please to far vor him with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmoll fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States will be ftri6ll v attend td to. LEON'ARD BI.EECKER. (t.1.) Mi jv 2, WHITE WAX MANUFACTORY PiOMAS JAMES, WAX CHANDLER, from London, refpeftfnlly informs the pubitc that he has eilablilhed a Mnnufaffory of the abovq branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street,New- Y • ik, where Merchants, Captains of Vessels, Drugg i its, and Families, may be supplied with excellent and pure White W« Candles, White fapcrs, Wa-t'd Lamp Wieks, Flambeaux, &c. warranted equal to any made in London, and twenty per cent, cheaper. Orders m this and the adjacent States, receiv'cri by Mr. J9.HN Goojdeve, Bridge-Street, M William Frobishf.r, Fletcher-Street, and at the Manufattorv, where famp|es may be Teen. N B. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleachcd on moderate terms. New-Yotk, Jul/ ig, 1792, WAN.TED, to go to.Boston, X JOURNE.YxMAN COPPERSMITH, at X 1. small work, such as Tea-Kettles, Coffec- EfftMy:. —Good wages and constant employment given to a pcrfon with good lecomn.enHa man,would be preferred. Enquire or the Editor. J ul K 26 NEW TEA S. IMPERIAL,HYSON& SOUCHONG Of .he very Fnft quality, a„d la,eft importation irom Canton, via New-York, by retail, at No. 19, Third, between Chefnut and Market Street!. 'T'HE Partoerlhtpof HAZARD & ADDOMS X isdlllolvedj-All perfom having demands on th.t FIRM, are desired to call f„ r upon EBENEZER HAZARD, at No. 12 g, North Second-Street-and those indebted to it are re quelled to make immediate payment to him. EBiNEZER HAZARD, Pi 7 iui- - , JONAS ADDOMS. Philadelphia, July 10, 1792. / |fl American Lead Manufactory STEPHEN AUSTIN, & Co. HAVEjuft now opened their Lead-Ware house, two doors Couth of Walnu;-ftreel v«n?rf,adjoin,agtheir New Faflory-where thev *ve now made, a ,,d rrad lur £ ]f . < h '» MRLIAD th° T of , a "/ z "' wilh SHEIT Ind AAK LtAD, the production of the in Vjrjima. As they have employed a number of ttpcri.-need Engl,ih workmen/.hey w a , rlnt P beiqual .m quality to any manufactured in tarcdu " dpri " from the c °» or a-Jdes' a f° H ". n,in «;°-^ufaau r e all Literature, On a plan entirely new : By witch the different fc enct s r d . s 2rc !: d jnto the form Of dip in ft Tr:fzs or Syjiems. T"' s fixm vi* >.11 1 ' . ~ arwong a vaiiety of rll ci; s, Dioptncsjdiu;,!. ' \ in..; t>i ll,art of drawing, Dub I u an of. Dying, theory of ihe t.. rth and earth quakes, Edinburgh, education,"history of Egypt, dyil&m pt elect: icuv, hiltory ol engrav :ug, eilayiu#, ot t.hiop'a, &c. &c. &c. LduJlj aled. with twenty-tao copper plates. j I. The work is printing on a fuperfinc paper, and new types (ca.t lor the purpose in Philadelphia)! which wi 1 be occasionally renewed befoie the) contra-cla worn appearance. I. :1 ■: y.o.rk may be had in volumes or h^/f-volumes; ii b in; propo/ird to deliver the volumes in pa'(Sj at twenty lhi'lingi(P nnfylvania currency} each, in boaidi, or ior the whole volume, fiu dollars, in boards. The volumes now fimfticd aic to be oaid for on the price ot on« vo.ume is to be Daid in advance, and the piice, of each iucceeding volume »o be paid on de livering the volume preceding it. 111. In the courfeof publication will be exhibit ed above five hundred copper plates, elegantly engraved in Philadelphia ; which by far exceed* in nuinbtr in any other fcientißc di&ionary. At the close of the. publication will be delivered, an elegant frontifpiece, the dedi cation, pieface, and proper title pages for the different volumes. ( %* As the very great ex pence attending the unrlertaking, makes pun&uaJit) of payment in difpeniably ijgceffary, the publisher flatters- bim- I'elf that the fub!cr;bers will be perfedly farisfi d with h: s adhering ttri&ly to his original plan o|: de I» v4.'i ing the books only on receiving payment, agreeable othe conditions of publication. Subscriptions Jor the Encyclopedia, Will coptmye (o be received on the lame terms as usua l , till the full of September, 1792, when the price will l.e encreafed. Tf.k Dollars to be paid <>n ful.fcripiiou, by ihofe who have not sub- Icnbtd before that time. Thole who have fubferib d, but not fallen their books before that time, will be confidercd as no: having fubferibed. As Ihe fubfcripiion will probably be closed bi Cnri(tni3s, such fqua.e, in the city of Wa(h. irvon-on "de navigable for veil",. Is „f fe. ruffi .en .t' bu!hdS h " r,h ">—The ilream is lufficient the year round,to turn four pal, „f ft Olies nd the (all may be made from , 5 ,o 30 feet I ;vr a :^ arytodwciionth - d -4e» <. f to, Ihe purchaser may be acrommodated with-1 ( e P3 m MJul) George-Town. A Num t"fr L ? rs in every r, which be desired in Pim tnr will he offered for fair bv the C A, " ,NCTON . Monday lhe Bth dav of ohotr ,°T' ol" r"' °K fhre 0f ,he to be paid down.'.he refidu"' t - JOHN M'G A NTT, Clerk 10 'he Coinnliffinncrj. [eptlj June a, To U pullijhcd bj Sufjiriplion, O«,PROCEEDINGS OP TMI " Old C-on^rejZ), wriuen during the lai.f war; extract's the VU L U 1 .. Vf o? C 'XN IXI T 1 ON S B. STODDERT. 76 New-Brunfwick Lottery. HIGHEST PRIZE, 2,000 DOLLARS. HHHE Public are hereby informed, that the i drawing of ilie abpye Lottery is poiiponcd nil the third day of September ne?tt —.a which time, the Managers are pofuively determined Ihe drawing fho 11 commence, in Mr. Norman's Long Room, in ihe City til New-Brunfwiek. Tickets are to be had at Samuei Cooper's Ferry, where fortunate adventurers may receive iheir pi ize-money ten dtys after drawing. A lift *»f fortunate numbers will be pnblifbed in the Gazette of the United States. $3" Cucumftances unforeleen, and unfavorable 10 Lotteries, have pecafioned the ncceflitv of this furOv r poiiponement. T'(ic Re&or and Wardens ask tfye of their cpt (copal and other friends, in supplying theinlclvcs with Tickets pre-1 v oys to the above day—ronfuWut that no Loiury more favorable to adventuieis has hern tp he public;—the dfd.y£kion bemg only per cent, and not ivyo blanks to a prize. THE MANAGERS. * # * Letters directed to Peter Keen on, Poft-M«iftcr, Ne w-Brunfwick (po(l paid) will L»e immediately attended to. New-BrunTwick, July 25, 1792 SECURITIES. SOLDIERS, Mariners, «nnd militia m,eo's pay lands, and claims on the public, 611 ARES,in the Banks, in the Canals,and Turn, pike Road, CERTIFICATES, granted by the public, and ihe old and late paper monies, NOTES of hand, bills, bonds, and mortgages with or without depoiits, BOUGHT, Cold, or negotiated, at No. 2, in Fourth-lbect below Ma:ket-flrect, by FRANCIS WHITE, Who trajofa&s bufincfs in the public offices for country people and others, by virtue of a power, of ai:o-uey, or bv perianal application PHILADELPHIA, GENERAL POST-OFEICE, Ph l 1. AD* LPHI A, Jutv 7, 1792. F>R the information of Merchants and ihe Mi.f icrs or Commandos ofvi ireli, are publidicd t!ic following extracts from the Law lor <-flah 1 ifh_ ng Polt-Officcsand Poft.Roa.ds within the United States. I In fe&iou 10, it is ena&ed that there (hall he chaigrd for tverv letter or packet brought into 'he United States, or carried from one port there in toao.Oiher by lea, in any private fl>ip or vefTt 1, four cents, if delivered at the place where the fame shall a,nivef and if dtrc;£}ed to be delivered *t afly other p'ace, with the add' of the like pottage, |as other letters are made fubjett to the payment 1 of by this ast," In (edlio# 12, " That no ship or vefi;;], arriving -t any port wit.hin the United Slates, where a poii ollice is shall be permit;ed to report, ei/try or bre-jk bulk, till the maflcr or com mander shall hrfve delivered to the poitmafter, ajJ, letters diretted to any pcrfon or performs within, he United States, which, under his care or wji-hin ms power, (hall be brought in such (hip or vtft.l, >ther t an such as are dn<6fed to the owner 01 onfignee : but when a vefTel shall be bound notiier port, than that, at which she may enter, tt)«' letters belonging to, or to be delivered at the (aid port of delivery > (hall not be delivered to the o o ffc_ -nailer at the port of entry. And it shall be the duty of the colleflor or other officer of the port, empowered to receive entries of fhijrs or vcffels ro require from every mailer or comm,nd< r of luch th ip or vellel, an oath or affi, matior,, put port ing tnat he has delivered all such letters, except as lforelaid.!' ' 5 In fcflion t 3 , « That the poftmafUr to whom i " c !j 'ctteia may be delivered, (hill pay to ,h c matter, commander, or other pclno delivering mc - the commanders of foreign par.!;'! ecs, two centss!or every such letter or packet; and fnad. obtain from the perron delivering ih.; fame, a certficatc fpccifying the number of letiers and] ■ nackc-ts, with the name of the (hip or vcili I, | and the place from whence the la ft failed ; wh'ch! -nfkate, together with a receipt for the mo„ y.| to 11 r'Vft »" accounts, tranfmittcd to the Poftmafter-Gcneral, who (hall credo ihe amount thereof to the pollma'kr forwarding the ' * me." ° I; \ njonnatm, the . 4 th feflinn is nub. I.toed, '• And be ,t further en,£ied, That if 'any person, other than.the P,.(l n „ft w .Grner,t, „ r hl . deputies or persons by them employed, shall take "P. receive, order,, cor.vev! ca'rry or d*!i iver any lettt, or letters, packet or packets, other newspapers, for hire or reward, or IV,!1 be concerned m fating up any foot or ho.fe post «-3SOi. or other carnage, by „ r i n whil „ any le, ter or packet (hall be cried for lure, on any ..ft,. ..'J bo'al '° f a " V pack "' or ° :lwr vfiW; boat, or any conveyance whoever, whereby the e,enue of the general poll-orfice may be injured ;my person, f„ offend,ng, Ihal! forfeit, for every! Provided" tV n ,° f lwo dollars. rv Derfon'i r u ' na> ' hc ' 2wtul for cvc ' fcng" ">r packets by special mcf- JI'ST PUBLISHED. AND TO BE SOLD (p kI c E l'O^) By EBENEZER HAZARD, 128 North Sccond-Sircet, the history O F New-Hampshire, r . . Vol. in. __ Uoniamme a geographical dcfcription of (he aC t , no etch ' sot " s " atural £«""•, P - ::rn;;; d orcfc " t state °' f °- ' lies, |«WS ~„d ; ,„ fr n mr ,„ t ~-5- J"»»' BiusAf, A.M. r„; con,p s c T?- lh ; hi "" rv - ami ! > ■° fnr tho.r Uot"~ Sub!Cr ' bcIS are de «~d A tar't v E f iolu Ev THE tD1IO «> A 111- r I [ r ? c - cu ' ! "S a "d paying Gold a t of Gold. rtr '' afCCrUlnl^t h^t a ° Q r da,d ind h V'atut 800 K < -x * / PR I Iv r I j A X O ..OLD BY M A 'i 11 £ VV CAR£Y No. ii 8, Market-Street, Philadelphia ' A MERICANML:SEUM,t,o, nttscolnrapnct / \ inent m January 1787, to December lin ten voir. Puce, neatly bound and I u 1' iixteen dollar.. " d lnt( - rc d, This work, which is now conduced on an , m prov d plan, containing the belt p,ccc s puW.lhTj far and against the proceeding, u ; eovtl , 1 will be ton mi lo contain at lead as great of political, agricultural, and raHiellaneou. as any ever puhliihed in America, P, ,h „ ' one work are lo many valuable docum mZ f "I" nig the h,koiy ol this country; coUeStd tumii, , ! Exccllency the P,el,de„,of the U,„ !r£ Sm (1 ' hw declared of ... that " a more ufclul plan has never been undertaken in A i,cr„ , nor T| e T'Jr of P ub '' c cncnrr.ptnicu, » Ihe liibfcrtptien is two dolbrs and a |~|l ' am. Gentle,iien in the country wh, will,' t0 lit- fupplted with this work, are requdlid to m , can.rniiliun to blends in the citv to lubfcn3e",or and receive Any of tke back nua.bcu fr.ay be had in order to complete fei's. 2. Ladies' Pocket I.ihraty, cou'tauu,. Miss More s Eoays, Giegory's Legacy, Lady Ptum.w 10ns Advice, Karchionefs ol Lambeit's Adv..r. SwiO's Letter to a uewly married Lady, Mis. Cr.a pune on ot Temper, Muie'a I'abka i U r the Ladies. Price 6/6. 3. Smith's Hiltory of New-York, fromits lettlement to the year 1733. To which is am,o.. Ed, a (kfcription of the country, wuh a (Hon account of the inhabitants, their reli S ious mm political date, and the conftitutian of the courts o) justice. Price a dollar and a quarter. 4. Elements of Moral Science, by James Beat, tie, l. l d. profefior or moral phiinfopliy and logic in the Marifchai College, Aberdeen Price three-fourths of a dollar. Ot ibis book the Critical Reviewers (vol. 69, p. 628) fav : "We have ken nothing no tbefc fubjetts nm plain, more perspicuous, or more generally ufeful." 1 N. E. It is introduced into the UuivcFfiiy in Phi- I&delphia. (cpis) (l»W'€w) •5 Be»uti«ff Potiry, Britift mi American, con Laming feleS prodiiQioas of the mud'etaum* Bniifh iod Aiwtncan poets—Bnce hjui-&Uu of * doiiar. ' 6. Bioir's Sermons,containing tho wliolc of :-he three volumes of the BritlUi cdilion, in dvu Price two dollars. 7. N cker's freatife on the importance of Re ligious Opinions.— Price four-fifth* of a dollar. 8. Examination of the Obfrrvarions Sheffield on American Commerce—Prices on very fine paper, 5 B:hs of a dollar. 9- The Conlkuu: ions of the several Uhite'rlar—plain, a dollar. '3. The Dovvdv Translation of the Vulgate bi bl' 1 , in quarto—Price, eie-gamly bound audJtue** SC/2—plain, fix dollars. 14. Devout Christian's Vade Mecura— Pricc a quarter dollar. 15. 1 hink well on't, or refl flions for every day of the month.—Price a quarter dollar. Is. Christian Economy, tran dated' from a Greek, manuscript, found in the iflanclof Paimoa where Sr. John wrote the ApocaJypfe— prices* fifth of a dollar. 17. Hulory of Charles Grandifon, abridged— Pricc a sixth of a dollar. 18. Poems by Col. Humphreys—Price a ih rd of a dollar. 19. Select Poems, chiefly American-.-P;icea ftxth of a dollar. Said Carey has for sale, a Jarge aflbrtment of Book?, European as wtl) 2s Amcrscan editions, which he will difpole of on the molt leafonablc Terms. Country gentlemen, wlio (avor him with commands, mjy depend upon berng supplied in the most fatisfactory manmr. A liberal allowance to such as purchrifc quantities for public libraries, or to fell again. Wm. CLELAND, BOSTON, Tranfa'fh buiinefs in the Funds of the United BANK STOCK, BILLS of EXCHANGE, &c* 03" Orders from New-York, Philadelphia, or any other part of the Union, will be attem'ed with Diligence and Punctuality. June 1 RUN AWAY from the febferiber, living in Kcm County, and State of Marviaud, on Sunday the anb May last, a NEGRO M A Ny named Hark 7 aoout 4a years of age, about five feet nine inches high, has a fear over one of In* eye-brows, and when talking, hangs his head oit one fide, and looks up—had on and took with him the following cloaths, viz. a fearnought coat, a black and white kersey coal, cut round, a white kerfev jacket and breeches, two pair of yarn flock ing*, thfftme pair lately footed, and the o.'ber two oznaburgh shirts. each pieced on one fioe, two pair of tow-linen trowfers, one parr patched with new tow-linen down the fore parts, and an oJd/elt hat. Whoever takes up fair! tfepro", if out of rhift Slate.and feeures him in gaol, shall receive yO^R -1 6£N DOLLARS reward—and if'tafcfri within this State, and fecuced as aforefaid, ihall receive EIGHT DOLLARS reward ; and if brought ho-mtf, reasonable expences will be paid by PEREGRINE LETHRBURV. Ch'fter-Towtif June 4, 1791. (ep Bw J WANT ED-TO RENT, fps" A convenient House, in or near' the centrecf the City.—Enquire of the Editor. f£T The JOURNAL of the TIHJW SJD6SJO* of Phe SENATE of the UNITED h hadoj the Editor hcrcej. / *5 *3 '■» ■. States; (epim & \aiwzm)