From an Zvgiijk To ft r PRINCE POTEMKIN. THlSPrince, according to the mili tary law of Russia, served as all otheryoung Noblemen do, a few years Serjeant in tlie Em pre Is s guards, and at length received Lhe com million of an officer. Fortunately lor Russia, her Imperial Majelty continually re wards merit, an. 26, Pear-Street, Philadelphia r_ prtE Partner (hip ol HAZARD & ADDOMS, J. is d'fTolved ;— AM pcrfons having demands on that F1 KM, are dcfircd ro call for fcttlemcnt. upon EBENEZER HAZARD, at No. 1 :8, North Second-Street —and those indebted to it are re quested to make immediate payment to him. EBENEZER HAZARD. JONAS ADDOMS. Philadelphia, Jvh 10. 1792. (if NEW TEAS. I MI'ERIAL,HYSON& SOUCHONG, Of the very fir It quality, and latest importation from Canton, via New-York, by retail, at No. 19, Third, bclween Chcfnut and Market Streets, , US T PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, Bookseller, at the Stone-House, in Second-Stieet, Philadelphia, VOLUME VI of ENCYCLOPEDIA: Or a Ditfionary oKArts, Science#) and Miscellaneous Literature, On a plan entirely new : By which the different fcinices and arts are digeftcd into the form Of diftinit Treatifs or Sjflems. This fixili volume contaiiis, among a variety of intereftinq articles, Dioptrics,oiftillation,diving bell,art of drawing, Dublin art of Dying, theory of the earth and earth quakes, Edinburgh, education,|lriftory ot Egvpi, System of ele&rictty, history of England; engrav ing, cflavmg, hifiory of Ethiopia, See. See. Sec. liliijlruted with twenty-t no copper plates. CONDITIONS. The work is printing oft a fuperfme paper, and new types (calk tor tlie purpose in Philadelphia) which will be uccafionally renewed before they contrail a worn appeaiance. !. The work may be hart in volumet or halj-voltimes; it being proposed to deliver the volumes in parts, at twenty ftiillingJ.(Pffinfylvania currency) each, in boards, or lor the whole volume, five dollars, in boards. The volumes now finished aieto be paid so ran delivery,and the price ol one volume is to be paid in advance, and the pi ice of each succeeding volume to be paid on de livering the volume preceding it. 11. In the corn fe of publication will be exhibit ed above five hundred copper plates, elegantly engraved in Philadelphia ; which by far exceed in number those given in any other fcicntilic dictionary. At the close t>f the publication will be delivered, an elegant frontifpiece, the dedi cation, preface, and proper title pages for the different volunus. %* As the very great exprnce attending the undertaking, makes pun&uali'\ of payment in dispensably neceflary, the puMifher flatters hirrt felf that the fubfonbers wtil be perfectly fatisfud with his adhering ftri&ly to his original plar\ of delivering the books only on receiving payment, agreeable to the eondirions ot publication. Subscriptions for the Encyclopedia, Will continue to be received on the fmne terms as uiaal, nil the fiift of September, 1792, when the price will be encieafed. Ten Dollars to be paid on fubfeription, by thole who have not sub- Icribed before that time. Those who have fubfc.ribcd, but not taken their books before that time, will be considered as not fiaving fqbfcribed. As Ibe fubfeription wiil probably be closed by C'tiriftmas, such as chufe to be pofleflors of this very valuable and important work, will do well *0 come forward in tune, that they may not be j.lifappointed. Julv 21. eptf TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. Juke 28, 1792. PURSUANT to the last Will and Teftamentof ibe late Rev. Alexander Williamson, deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale onThuri day, the 11th of October next, at Giorcetown, on a crcdit of three years, the purchasers giving bond with approved fecurity,to bear interest lrom ihe date—That valuable Seat ol Land, in Montgo mery county, called Hayf.s; the late dwelling plantation ol the deceased, containing between fix and seven hundred acres, the part of which is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa- trred, and capable of affording a very consider able quantity ct fine meadow ; —Situated about 6 miles from the Federal City,and the fame distance from George-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a remaikable healthy part of the country. The improvements aie, a very elegant two story Brick Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a Daflfage, or entry, on a floor) and the necefTiry out houses. HENRY TOWNSEND,) BENJ. STODDERT, > Executors. (epiO) THOMAS JOHNS, ) TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. Ju L v 6, 1792. THE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Scat oil Rock Creek, deemed by ihofc who have ex- j mined it, equal to any in the United States. The Mill-House may be placed within one quarter of a mile of the river Potowmac, half a mile from •he market house in Georgetown, and one milt from the Prefulent's square, in the city of Wafa ington—on tidewater, navigable for vcffels of se veral hundred bulhels burthen.—The stream is fufficient,thc year round,to turn four pair of stones, the fall may be made from 25 to 30 feet. It is unnccefTary to dwell on the advantages of such a situation. The purchaser may be accommodated with a '< w hundred acres of land adjoining the Mill-Seal if thai (hould be an objeiV (ep 3 m 14Jul) George-Town. A Number of LOTS in every situation which X may be desired in City of Washington, will he offered for sale by the Commiflioners, on Monday the 8:h day of Ottoberntxt. One fbbrth oart of the money to be paid down, the icfidue in three equal annual payments, with yearly interest on the whole principal unpaid. JOHN M'GANTT, Clerk June 1. 1792 JUST PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD (PRICE 1 of.) By EBENEZER HAZARD, 128 North Second-Strect, THE history New-Hampfhirc, Vol. 11l Containing a geographical description of the State?—with (ketches of its natural history, pro ductions, improvements, and present (tale of so ciety and manners, laws and government. B\ JEREMY BELKNAP, A. M. This volume complcars the hiflorv, and is peculiarly mterefting. SubFcribcrs are delired to call for their book?. 68 WHITE WAX MANUFACTORY. JAMES, WAX CHANDLER, 1 Iroin London, refpeftfnlly informs the public [na t he has eftabliihed a Manufactory of the above branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street,New- Yo.k, whete\ Merchants, Captains of Vessels, Dru 'oills, and l"an»ilies, inay be supplied with < xcel]cnt and pu'e V/hkc Wax Candles, \\ hite Wax in Cakes, Tapers, Wax'd Lamp Wicks, Flambeaux, &c. warranted equal to any made in 1 ondon, and twenty percent, chcaper. Oidrrs in this and the adjacent Slates, received hv Mr. Jo HN Good-eve, Bridge-Sweet', Mr. William Wohmi«, Fletcher-Street, and a> t hc Manufactory, where samples mav be ken. | >J U. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleached hi moderaie terms. New-York. July 19, i?9 2 WANTED, to go to Boston, A JOURNEYMAN COPPERSMIIH, »t small work, such as Tra-Ketilcs, Coffee pots, &c.—Good wages and constant employment will be given to a peifon with good lecowmcn^a nons a fuigJe man would be preferred. Enquire of the Editor, July 25 HAS Removed his OFFICE to No. 128 north Second-Street, where he continues to purchase and fell on Comtniflion, Certificates of debt of the United, and Individual States, Bank. Stock, Canal, and Turnpike Shares, &c. &c. (pT Subscribers to the Universal Tontine who have not vet received tin-r Ceitificatcs are deiiied 10 call for them. July 18. N0.45, Great Dock-llreet, New-York, THE Subfctiber intending to confine himfclf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE ok STOCKS on COMMISSION, leave to offrr his services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thofc who may please to fa vor him with their business, mav depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utinoft fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States will be ftri&ly attend ed to. May 2 Philadelphia, July 7, 1792. FOR the information of Merchants and die Mas ters or Commanders of v< flels, are published the following extra&s from the Law for establish ing Pofl-Offices and Pod-Roads within the United iStates. In fe&ion 10, it is ena&ed (hat there fhafl be charged " for every letter or packet brought into the United States, or carried from one port there in to another by fca, in any private ship or vdlel, four cents, if delivered at the place where the fame shall arrive ; and if directed to be delivered at any other place, with the addition of the like pottage, as other letters are made fubjett to the payment of by this act." In fc&ion 12, " That no (hipor vessel, arriving at any port within the United States, where a poft offrce is established, shall be permitted to irport, make entry or break bulk, till the mailer or com mander shall have delivered to the poltinaller, all letters dire&cd to any per (on or persons within the United States, which, under his care or within hm power, fhill be brought in such ship or vessel, other than luch as are dire&ed to the ownei or consignee : but when a vessel (hall be bound to a nother port, than that, at wbiclv|fhe may enter, the letters belonging to, or to be delivered at the said port of delivery, shall not be delivered to the poft rnaftcr at the port ot entry. And it shall be the duty of the collector or other officer of the port, empowered to reccive entries of ships or vessels, to require from every master or commander of luch ship or vessel, arioath or affirmation, purport ing that he has delivered all such letters, except as aiorcfainj' In fe£lion 13, " That the postmaster to whom such letters may be delivered, shall pay to the master, commander, or other person delivering the fame, except the commanders of foreign pack ers, two ccnts tor every such letter or packet; and shall obtain from the person delivering the fame, a ccrtficate fpecilying the number of letters and packets, with the name of the ship or vessel, and the place from whence she tall failed ; which certificate, together with a receipt for the money, shall be with his quarterly accounts, transmitted to the Poflmafter-General, who shall credit the amount thereof to the poll matter forwarding the j lame." B. STODDERT, For general injor nation, the 14th fe&ion is pub lished, " And be it further ent&ed, That if any person, other than the Poflraafter-General, or his' deputies, or perfofis by them employed, shall take 1 up, receive, order, dilpatch, convey, carry or de liver any letter or letters, packet or packets, other : than newspapers, for hire or reward, or shall be concerned in fitting'up any foot or horse poll, waggon or other carnage, by or in which any let ter or packct shall be carried for hire, on any cfla blifhed post-road, or any packer, or other veifel or boat, or any conveyance whatever, whereby the revenue of the general poft-othce may be injured, every person, so offending, shall forfeit, for every such offence, the sum of two huudred dollars. Provided, 1 hat it shall and may be lawful for eve. r v person to fend lettei sor packets by fpccial mes senger. to the Commiinoners. fcptf] THE UNIVERSAL HYMN BOOK. Now in the Press, and will be readv for Sale in ten days, by THOMAS DOBSON, and orher Booksellers in Philadelphia, A Seltftion of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI RITUAL SONGS ; taken trom d i tlei ent Au ihors, for the Use of those who believe in the Reftorationof all Men. Publilhcd by Order of i!ie Convention holding said Faith, met in Phila delphia, Mav, 1 791. *** As this is an Universal Ilvmn Rook, the favor ol the Printers in different parts, in iifrrtinu the above advcrtifeuicni, will be acknowledged. 3 u b eptf. Ebenezcr Hazard, stocK-bkoker, Stock Brokers Office, LEONARD BLEECKER. fr U GENERAL POST-OFEICE, SECURITIES.' SOLDIERS, Mariners, and militia men'i b* lands, and claims on the public, SHARES, in the Batiks, in the>Cauals,and Tiwij oike Road, > CERTIFICATES, granted by the public, ai.6 | the old and late paper monies, NOTES of hand, bills, bor.ds, and mort«» e i with or without deposits, BOUGHT, fold, or negotiated, at No. 2 ia Fourth-ftieet below Matfeeuftteci, by FRANC IS WHITE, Who iranfafts bufincfs in lie public for Country people and others,by virtue of i fuuu 6f altornty, or by perianal application'; ' PHILADELPHIA. [< a one fide, and looks up—had on and ton him the followingcloaths, viz. a frarnoug tc |' a * a black and white kersey coat, cut ''/T i kersey jacket and breeches, two pair of yarn nont ings, the one pair lately footed, and the ot CT * two oznaburgh shirts, each pieced on onc . j two pair of tow-linen trow fen, one p«" r P a with new tow-linen down the fore pdrts, old felt hat. .. ... n f t hii Whoever takes up said N<*gro, ' 0 tni T R- State,and secures him in gaol, foall recfive TEEN DOLLARS reward-and if;t»k« this State, and secured as aforefai , 3 • EIGHT DOLLARS reward; and ' home, rcaionablc expence* » ,|,b ' p ' '.-nv PEREGRINE I-tTH R Bl K'- , June 4, 179 1 • J^lL- \Ch'ficr-Town> fr*- ,tr»r-rt*t ■" U " •■the O f>j fie tdiW> '4 (n«6») K'Als'TFfl- TO RENT, t \