■I ■ TROM THE BALTIMORE DAILY REPOSITORY. An ADDRESS to the CITIZENS in conjiderivg the Magnetic Tides, which have de- Jiroyed that Country at different periods, agreeing with the late encroachments of the Ocean there. TF I believe what heretofore Has happened to this hollowed fliore, May the next age piognofticate An inundation for your fate ; Then, BelgU Citizens, beware Of what you can avoid with care. Columbia's sons would you befriend, Should you unto their voice attend. Behold, with open arms they (land, Upon the margin of the land, Proclaiming welcome tothefe plains, Where Liberty triumphant reigns.— Come, listen to their timely call, Thus, from the deep, prevent your fall. Or will you difregatci their cries, Close up your ears, ihutto'your eyes, / t- And on your brittle banks depend t Against the billows to defend ! \ Can you the troubled sea command, \ When building bufU-arks on the fa rid, Saying that " we will be obcy'd," *' And hereJhall thy proud xuaves beJlay'd." July 18, 179* JUST PUBLISHED, y By Thomas Dobfon, Bookseller, at ihe Stone-House, in Second-Street, Philadelphia, VOLUME VI OF ENCYCLOPEDIA: Or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Mi (cell a neons Literature, On a plan entirely new : By which the different sciences and arts are digs fted into the form Of dip in 61 Treaties or Sjftems. This sixth volume Contains, among a variety of articles, Dioptrics,diftillation,dni'ng bell,art of drawing, Dublin art of Dying, theory of the earth and earth quakes, Edinburgh, education,{history of Egypt, Syft m of efc&ricity, h'ftory of England, engrav ing. ess.iv ing. history of Ethiopia, &c. &c. &c. lUuftr&tsi with twenty-two copper plates, C ON DITIONS, new p, pc, : ' purpose in Philadelph-.a' wh»ch wi.l be occationally renewed before they con.ritl ti v. :i appearance. 11. The v> ui k p>a\ be had in volumes or half-volumes; it beiag p.opofed to deliver the volumes in parts, at twenty fhillingi(Pennfylvaoia currency; each, in boards, or tor the whole volume, five dolars, in boards. The volumes now fiaifaed are to be paid for on delivery,m'd the price of one volume is to be paid in aova- e. and the price fach succeeding volume to be paid on de livering the volume preceding it. 111. In the course of publitatior. will be exhibit ed above five hundred copper plates, elegantly engraved in Philadelphia ; which by far exceed in number those given in any other Icientific di£l:onary. At the close of the publication will be delivered, an elegant froniifpiece, the dedi cation, preface, and proper title pages for the different volumes. %* As the very great expence attending the undertaking, makes punctuality of payment in dispensably neciffary,. the publisher flitters h:m fclf that the subset .bers will be perfe&ly fatisfied with his adhering ftri&ly to his original plan of delivering the books only on receiving payment, agreeable to the conditions of publication. Subscriptions for the Encyclopedia, Will continue to be received on the fame terms as usual, till the firft of September, 1792, when the price will be encreafed. Ten Dollars to be paid on fubfeription, by those who have not sub scribed before that time. Those who have fubferibed, but not taken their books before that time, will be considered as not having fubferibed. As ihe fubferiptian wiil probably be closed by Christmas, such as chufe to be possessors of th>s very valuable and important work, will do well to come forward in time, that they may not be difappoiuted. J u 'y 21 • eptf WHITE WAX MANUFACTORY. Thomas james, wax chandler, from London, relpeftfnlly informs the public that he has efld> lifhed a Manuta&ory of the above branch, at the upper end of Mulberry-Street.New- Yoik, where Captains of Vessels, Druggifls, and Families, may be supplied with excellent and pure White Wax Candles, White Wax in Cakes, Taptrs, Wax'd Lamp Wicks, Flamceaux, &cc. warranted equal to any made in London, and tweniy percent, cheaper. Orders in this and the adjacent States, received by Mr. John Good eve, Bridge-Street, Mr. William Frobisher, Fletcher-Street, and at the Manuta&oiy, where famplcs may be seen. K B. Bees-Wax taken in payment, or bleached on moderate terms. New-York, Jul/ 19, 1792. THE UNIVERSAL HYMN BOOK. J*ow in the Press, and will be readv for Sale in ten a?ys, by THOM AS DOBSON, and O'.her IJooMeiiers m Pntladelpiiia, ASele&ion of PSALMS, HYMNS, and SPI RITUAL SONGS ; taken trom different Au thors, for the Use of those who believe in the Reftorationof all M.n. Published by Order of the Convention holding said Faith, met in Phila delphia, Mar, 1791. As 1 his is an Univcrfal Hymn Book, the favor of the Pr.mcis in dillcrent parts, in mfertinj the above advcrlifcmcat, will be acknowledged. July 11, MAGNET. "ng on a fuperfine paper, and [.•D 7 w] eptf. Ebenezer Hazard, STOCK-BROKER, HAS Removed his OFFICE to No. 128 north Second-Street, where he continues to purchase and fell on Commiflion, Certificate, of debt of the United, and Individual States, Bank Stock, Canal, and Turnpike Shares, &c. &c. $3" Subscribers to the Univtrfal Tontine who have not.yet received their Certificates arc delired to call for them. ' July 18. TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. June 28. 1792. PURSUANT to the last Will and Testament of the late Rev. Alexander Williamson, deceased, will be exposed to Public Sale on Thurl day, the 1 ith of October next, at Georgetown. on a credit of three years, the purchasers giving bond with approved fccurity, 10 bear intereftfrom the date—That valuable Spat of Land, in Montgo mery county, called Hayes; the late dwelling plantation of the deceased, containing between fix and seven hundred acres, the greatest part of which is rich, heavy timbered land, extremely well wa tt red, and capable of affording a very confiderablc quantity ot fine meadow ; —Situated about 6 miles from the Federal City,and the fante from Gcorge-Town, in a genteel neighbourhood, and a remarkable healthy part of the country. The improvements are, a very elegant two story Brick Dwelling House, (with four rooms and a ojfT.ige, 01 entry, on a floor) and the necellary out houfts. HENRY TOWNS-END, } BEN J. STODDERT, > Executors. (eptQ) THOMAS JOHNS, > TERRITORY of COLUMBIA. JULY 6, 1792. r rHE Subscriber offers for Sale, a Mill-Seat on X Rock Creek, deemed by ihofe who have ex mined it, equal to any in the United States. The Ivlill-Houfe may be placed within one quarter of a mile ot the river Potowmac, half a mile from the market house in Georgetown, and one mile from the Prcfidrnt's square, in the city of Wa(h ingiont—on tide water, navigable for vessels of fe vcral hundred bufliels burthen.—The stream is fufficient,the year round,to turn four pair of stones, and the iall may be made froro 25 to 30 feet. It is uuneeelTary to dwell on the advantage* of such a situation. The purchaser may be accommodated with a few hundred acres of land adjoining the Mill-Scat, if that (hould be an obje£l, (ep 3 m 14 Jul) To be putli/hed ky Sutfcription % THE AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER, OR, i»Ro c I£DINGS OF THE Old t?(mcj,r-e,j oufes for thcrf reception. For further particulars enquirer. Aust 1n & Co. at their Fatiory in Richmond, or as above. .c Philadelphia) December 3,179 11 PRINTED AND SOLDBY. STEPHEN AUSTIN, & Co. { (