FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE. THE CELL OF SOLITUDE. D IM as the fleeting visions of the night, A dark lower tott'ring clos'd th' extended view ; While round its spires, illum'd with feeble light, The flitting bat, and boding raven flew. Rent was the hanging arch—the domes o'erthrown ; Nor tread was heard along the distant pile, Save when the troubled ghost with hollow moan, Strode flow'.v o'er the long rtffounding isle. One only cell withstood the waste of time, 'Twas where a turret rear'd its moss clad brow ; Gloomy it flood in falling pomp iublime, And fliow'd the mould'ring wrecks around below. Here on her hand her drooping head reclin'd ; Wrapt in fwect musing fat the lonely power; Penftve (he fat and heard the howling wind Die, faintly murm'ring round her ivy'd bower. In graceful ringlets fell her amber halt! Black as ihe raven's plumes her mantle flow'd ; No cupids round her fan'd ilie sullen air; No ftftive echo checr'd her lone abode. Bnt the wild harp that to the blast complains, Sooth'd with melodious plaint her raptur'd ear j Deep, solemn, awful roll'd the varying strains, Such drains the feraphiins with transport hear. FROM THE COLUMBIAN CENfINEL, MR. RUSSELL, TT is said to be in agitation, immediately on A the arrival of official accounts of o|en hostili ties between the Patriots of France, and their enemies, to set oil foot a plan for rai in<* a body of American Volunteers, to embark as°foon as possible for France. The idea was tic fuggefled from a doubt that the French Freemi 11 are not able to cope with their slavish enemii —or that they wanted any thing to Simulate tl ;m to glo rious conquest ; but merely to evince the grati tude of Americans—and once more o mingle their blood with those of their allies, n defence of the rights of human nature. Shot d the idea be carried into effect, there is not a oubt that the government of the United State! and the individual Hates, will make ample pf>vifion for the support and transportation of Patriot Volunteers. Ihe Legislature of Maflachufetts, now in session, would do themselves immortal honor, by being the firft to provide, on their part, in cafe the project succeeded, for those who would go from this Hate. To ibis fubietft their attention is requested, by Jutte 1792. AN AMERICAN. ExtraS from the address oj M. Marauthon, at the civic Feflival in Bourdeaux, in December laji. Jpojlrophe to Stanislaus King of Poland. ; tiie Lithuanian Eagle now at . T^ tr ?' r,S y ° Ur re ß ard - F'om the banks of the I iftula to the Borijlhenes, it bears towards immortal,ty the name of StaniJlau<.-St an i/lau t , %vho kindled by the torch ofphilofophj, enflam cd by the generosity of his nature, glided by experience and perhaps by the solemn example Winch tlnsfcene exhibited, delivered a great Peo p e frjui the yoke of the nobles of his Empire. May the benign genius of this monarch prepare for his nation and for himfelf, a new source of glory ; by sweeping from liis states the remains of feudal tyranny. Pardon, O ! Staniflau,, if we point out this great benefic to thy noble foul.— Pardon if we do not render to thy labours that plenitude of praise, which thy generosity has doubt lets a right to demand. But the friends of liberty are aukward in flattering Kings: And while they cannot refufe to thy virtues the tri bute of their cfleem—a salutary dirtruft permits them not to lavifli on it too much praise." Bank of the United States, TTF.SOLv'ED, That the specie proportion of the thirdly. t^R m v fK n C fc ft M ° nday J"'? n ""- on cach «•»« of the Bank of the United Sates, may he made at the Bank or at *>y of the offices oldifcount and deposit; and that transfers of Cfarf* T 'T Un \"l 'V, rh Paymem> maV bf on the books of the Treasury of the Unrted States, or i„ the office of any of the Comm.ffioner, of Loans in any of the States, certificate, of which transfersto be deposited ,n the office in which the fpccic proportion of such payment shall be made. Refolveo,That the transfer books be closed fourteen day. pre vious to the full days ot July and January of each year By Order, JOHN KEAN, Caffiier. »1"-- • Stock Brokers Office, T-V, Great Dock-llreet, N e w-Yor k, HE Subfoiber intending to confine himfclf entirely to the PURCHASE AND SALE of STOCKS ON COMMISSION Begs leave 10 offer his services to his friends and others in ihe line of a Stock Broker. Those v.-ho may pleafeto favor him with their bunnefs, may depend upon having it tranlaaed « ith the ut. moil fidelity and difpaich. Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any other part of the United States will beftriftly attended to. May s LEONARD BI.EECKER. ('•(•) Twenty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY from the fubfenber, on Monday the 9th cur rent, a NEGRO MAN njmed ROBIN, is 55 years of age, Rout marie, and bred a farmer ; oncot his thumbs much fwelied; is 5 feet 6 inches high ; had on when he went away a big purple coloured cloth coat, a short linen coat, a pair of fuftian breeches, a ruffled (hirt, an oJd beaver hat, with shoes. (lockings and buckles, all good. Also, a young NEGRO BOY named SAM, is 19 veais of age, stout and well made, 5 feet 9 inches high, much marked with the small-pox ; had on when he went away, a big blue coat, a brown (hort coat, overalls of a mixed cloth, fulled (lockings, a new wool hat, new (hoes and buckles. Whoever will fee ure fa id Negroes in any gaol, or bring them to the sub scriber, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. Morris-Town, April 17, 1792. A LOTTERY, TO raise the sum of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing ehe Pfouftant Epifcopiil Church in the city of New-Biuntwick, agre< able to an ast of the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey, palled November 1791. SCHEME. 1 1 5 20 30 90 ■675 Prize of 2000 1814 Prizes. 3520 Blanks 5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, it 16002 Dolls. This Lottery is composed of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks to one Prize, and fubje£l to a dedu&ion ol twelve and an half per cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lottery yet offered to the public—and it being ot such evident utility, that it cannot be doubted but the undertaking will meet with the mod liberal support. The drawing will positively commence on the second Monday in July, or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city of New-Brunl'wick, under the infpeflion of Col. John Bayard, Pre sident of said city ; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the city ot Am. boy; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Ma nufacturing Society of New*Jrrfcy. Tickets to be had ot the following persons, who are duly ap pointed Managers, are under oath, and have given fccurity for the faithful performance o r their duty. A lift of the fortunate numbers will he publiflied, and the paid immediaielv after the drawing of the Lottery JOHN PARKER, ) PETER KEENON, C Managers. ANTHONY W. WHITE,) N. B. Those pj izes which are not demanded within fix months after the drawing of the Lottery, will be considered as a generous donation to the Church. *** Adventurers in the above Lottery have a chance of more than 3 P er cent, per month for their money. To accommodate all those who may he disposed to purchase Tickets, letters dire&- ed to P. Keenon, Manager, and Poftmaftcr, at New-Brunfwick, and enclosing good bills, will be attended to, and Tickets for warded on receipt of such letters. New-Brunfwick, April 20. 1792 THICKETS in the NEW-BRUNSWICK LOTTERY, are to A be had at the following placcs, viz.—Samuel Cooper's Ferry; at Burlington, of R. Pierfon, Esq. Bordentown, of Mr. John Van Emburgh ; Mount Hollv, of J. Read, Esq. Trenton, ot John Singer, Esq. Amboy,of James Parker, Esq. Elizabeth- Town, of R.Gray; Powles-Hook, of Col. Smith and Judge Hunt; Cranbury, ot William Throckmoiton Spchfwood ; and of the Managers in Brunfwick. American Lead Manufactory. STEPHEN A U S T I N, & Co. HAVEjuftnow opened their Lead-War e house, two doors south of Walnut-flrcet Wharf, adj'.iningtheir New Faflory— where they have now made, and ready for sale, a genera] assort ment of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a number of experienced Engiifh woikmen, they warrant it to be equal in qilality to any manufa&ured in Europe, and at a reduced price from the cost of imported. They alCo continue to manufacture all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addressed to either of the above Faaories, will be thankfully received, and executed on the Ihorteit notice. N. B. Wanted, indubious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said Mines, whercconftant employ, good wages, und other encourage ments will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and houses lor their reception. For further particulars enquire of MefTrs. Moses Austin&Co. at their Fa&ory in Richmond,or as above. Philadelphia, Dcrt-mbrr 3, 1701. FOR PUBLISHING BY SURSCR IPTION, In the Commonwealth of Ma}lachitfetts y A SYSTEM for the DISCIPLINE of the ARTILLERY in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA; THE YOUNG ARTILLERIST'S POCKET COMPANION. IN THREE rARTS, Part 1./ CONTAINING the duty and practice of light field artillery. Part 2. Containing the theory and practice of heavy artillery • to which will be added, an extract of a Treatise on the origin and principle of Courts-Martial, wrote by an cxpcricnccd Officcr in the ,tne, and who did duty as Judge-Advocate in America. Part 3. Laboratory duty ; containing a great variety of direflions lor comporuion, and the method of making artifi ial fire-works and the formation of ammunition for the different kinds us ordl nance. By WILLIAU STEVENS, Ffj An Officer in the American Artillery through the whole of the late revolution, and since in the Militia. CONDITIONS. This woik to be pi inted on good paper with a handsome tvpe neatly bound and lettered, in three pocket volumes, contain,,,; upwards ot one thousand pages; illustrated with a great variety or explanatory plates, executed bv able artifls. r 1 K hc P /i CC 'r t " h f c ' )be ' s > Dollar each volume—to non-fub for'r, Cr r, ."I'n u r rach vo!umc : and th " fc who fubfcr.bc lor fix setts, fViall have a seventh gratis. fubferibed^for^ 14 " bC publiftltd as ,oon as five hundred copies are Subleripti on paper, will be lodged with the principal Printers Booksellers in the United States of America. Jones & Burroughs, STOCK-BROKERS, B State-Street, BOS TON, UV and fell every kind of the Sleeks of the United Statu, on Commiilion, by Private Contrad, and Public Auflion.— Ihofe gentlemen who m;v be pleased to favor them with their commands, may rely on fidelity, secrecy and dtfpaich ■uolon. March, iiq" ' , ' ' ■? ' (iaw3m; 40 Dollars is 2000 1060 1000 500 f'OO 1000 1000 1000 1.500 18co 67CG 100 5° 20 4 i6ooo .n, In til' S.. j> aloi .- Captain l'i ;r, f.-om Lisbon, A FEW pipes and quarter ea(iv bales oi' she very best COH.KS, TO BK.jSpLD *Y George MEADE, WHO HAS ALSO FOR SAIE, Choice three and five years aid Billot Exchange MADEIRA WINE, by the pipe or quarter-calk. London Market MADEIRA WINE, five vqars old, by the pipe or quarter-caflc. Choice old SHEHRY WINE, by the quarter-calk. MESS BEEF, of a superior quality, and such as is fit for an Ealt-India voyage, put up in this city. Choice firll quality REEK, ' ,10. Ditto fetond ditto do, BOSTON BEEF, equal to any from that country. BURLINGTON PORIC, of the firft qualitv, and 114 FLAX-SEED. &c. Philadelphia, Alay 16, 1792 NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL HYSON and SOUCHONG Of the very fhft quality, and la.cft importation from Cautn'n ,ia New-York, by retail,at No. 19, Third, between Chefnnc and Market Streets APRIL £7, i9aa TO B£ SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, At any time between ijiis da;eand thefirft d*y of July. tiiiog, A very valuable FARM, PLEASANTLY fnuated, and bounded on the East by the river Delaware, 17 miles above Philadelphia; containing 205 acres, 40 whercol is firft rate Timothy Meadow, which may be watered in a dry time; 25 acre?, a rich low boat, »n, made very good meadow at an ealy expence. The uplao.l lay> in iht lap of about 50 acres of rich out marftv, from which 'by an cafy ascent to the eleared fields.) 130 acres of excellent upland meadow may be made, at a moderate expence ; 30 acres of woodland. A never failing (beam of water runs through this tuft, on which it a feat for a mill, and in which is good fpt/rt with the net a«d hook ; plenty of rabbits and small game ; and on the flats, abun dance of wild ducks in the season. A good manlinn-hnnle, gar den, and nectffaiy out-buildiugs; an orchaid o! the b. ft kind*, of apple, pear, peach and cherry trees, beating; a crqpol wheatand rye in the ground, and a spring croo putting in. Appl,y to Peter Leßmhier Du Pi issls, Esq. No. 86, Chcfnut-ftrrel, Philadelphia; Mr. Humphrey Wateiman, at the Walhingl ton, on the Brillol road; or to Doctor Tomb, at Nelliainany Ferry, Bucks Count) . The piirchaifr, pa> ing one third.of tho price down, may have a term of y's tu pay the rcfidue, payini imereft. ' May 5. ( ' GEORGETOWN (POTOWMAC.) THE SUBSC RIRLR HATH OPENED A House of Entertainmeitf, At the Sign of the PRESIDENT of the UN I TED ST ATES, In that commodious House lately occupied by Tfomif Bcu'c, tfij. Mayor of this Town. He has furnilbed himfelf with a stork ot the best L ; qnors, and will use every exertion 10 give fdiisfaftion by procuring, in their season, the bed of every fpecics of provision, and having,ihefaroc.. served up in ihc moil neat and elegant manner. GEORGE H. LEIGH. SOCIETY (OK ESTABLISHING USEFUL MANUFACTURES. At a meeting of the Directors of ihe Society for eltablilhing ufeftiJ manufatSures, held at New ark, on Friday the eighteenth day of, May, 1792, at which time was pnlled the following. Supplement to an ordinance, entitled, " An- or dinaace for fepnring the punilual payment of the monies due on the fubferiptions to the so ciety for eftabli/hing ufeful manufactures/' WHEREAS by the third fetftion of the ordi nance entitled, " An ordinance for secur ing the puniflnal payment of the monies due on the fubferiptions to the l'ociety for ellablifhrng ufeftil manufactures," it is ordained, that if any lublirriber or his afligns, /hall negleiit to pay the second, third or fourth payment of his, her or their refpedlive fubferiptions, for the space of three days after the expiration of the tinip limit ed by the law of incorporation for the And pay ments, that is to fay, the feccnd payment, on the 13th day of July, 1 792 : that then and in that cafe, all and every share or (hares, offuchperfon or persons, so negledting to make such payments as aforel'aid, and the monies by them pre.vioufly paid, shall be forfeited, and forever thereafter vested in the laid direiSors and their fuccelTors for the common benefit of the said focietv. And whereas circumstances render it inexpe dient to exacft full payment of the second inflal ment on the said thirteenth day of July next, or within three days thereafter. Be it therefore ordained, by the deputy gover nor and directors of the focieiy for eftablifhmg ufeful manufactures, that if the said second pay ment shall be made in planner following, that is to fay, one equal third part thereof, on or before the thirteenth day of Ayguft next, one other e qual third part thereof, on or before the thir teenth day of September next, and one other e qual third part thereof, on or before the thir teenth day of October next, with lawful inteieft computed thereon from the said thirteenth day °f July next, that then and in such cafe, the laid penalty mentioned in the said fetftion, (hall no: be exatfted, any thing in the said ordinance to the contrary notwithltanding. A. MERCER, Dep.Gov. Extracft from the minutes, J A M ES GRIFFITHS, Clck. TO BE SOLD BY THE EDITOR, A TABLE for receiv i: