SAVANNAH, May 31 A match for the Bottle Conjurer ! In consequence of notice given, a bouc 300 people aflembled at [lie fila ture, la(l Monday evening, co fee the wonderful feats which were promised to be performed by John Perry's daughter, himfelf, his liorfe, pigeon, &c: After fulFeringm uch for an hour and a half, from the heat of the wea ther, and the honfe being greatly crowded, they were obliged to dil mifs without having their curiosity gratified, for some of the company going behind the curtain fouhd John and his alibciates, by means of a lad der fixed to one of the windows, had made off with the ca(h they collected, leaving only a little girl behind them ci. the stage. The tickets werefign ed Juan Penez, or Perez, and there feeins also to have been concerned in this cheat an Italian, who went by the name of John Jontfon, a hair dreller named Williams, and some others whose names are now un known SALEM, June 19 ESSEX BANK Will begin to discount on Monday next, if no unexpected occurrence oc casions a delay. This Bank is kept in the fame build ing with the Cultom House, in Bank- Street, Salem, a few rods from the Sun Tavern. The following gentlemen have been chol'en officers of it, viz. Mr. William Gray, jun. President Capt. George Dodge, Edward Pul ling, Esq. Mr. John Norris, Jacob Aftiton, Esq. Capt. William Orne, and Capt. Joseph White, Directors. Mr. James King, Caffiier. We are allured that J t 'peculation, that bane of industry and integrity, is no part of the system on which this Bank is instituted. Situated in the midst of an enterprizing, commercial and manufacturing people, it is intended to facilitate the operations of their industry ; and we underftandthat in fant manufactures will be the parti cular objects of its favor. By this inllitution, the profits which have hitherto been drawn from the citi zens of Essex by other banking liouf es, and which have not been incon/1 derable, may he retained among our selves, and applied to the promotion of our own bulinefs. And as the af fociators are not only jointly, but in dividually, answerable for the credit of the Bank, the inhabitants of this county will find a superior degree of (ecurity, co-operating with their general interest, to give a currency to the Essex Bank Bills. A particular convenience nrifes to the inhabitants more immediately in its neighborhood : that every man may deposit his cafli in the Bank for security, free of expense, however large or finall the (um, and make use ot checks for the transaction of buli nefs. While the good of the community is promoted by this institution, it is hoped that the flockholders may de rive a reasonable advantage for their enterprize. BOSTON, June 21. Capt. Kellfa, from Bilboa, which he left the beginning of May, confirms the accounts of the Declaration of War by the French Nation against the Ho use of Austria, and the other powers who have succoured and encouraged theFrenchemi grants, and who have been menacing hostilities, and dilating terms to France.—He further adds, that a merchant of great repute in Bilboa, read hiin an account of a battle which had been fought by the French Patriots, and the Germane in Austrian Flanders—that it was on the 26tb day of April, and that accounts had dated the loss on both fides at yooo mea, the a&ion conti ting from nine in the morning until four in afternoon. On which fide Victory declared iTelf, he did notunderftand, but supposes from silence on that head, that it was dubious. The Captain further informs that the Spanish ernment entertained great fears of a Revo ion in that kingdom—that, as far as possible, ' cori *efpondence on political fuhjedls was in terdicted, and that the Inquisition-Boat visited every veiTel on its arrival, to forbid the landing of any books, pamphlets, letters or newfpapevs, but such as were previously inspected. The Captain and crew of all vessels were also forbid speaking on the government orreligion of Spain. NEW-YORK, June 25. The Governor of the state of Georgia ha-, iiTued his proclamation requiring the citizens of that state resident in the /ower di(tri