A NATIONAL PAPER, PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 69, HIGH-STREET, PHILADELPHIA [No. jj, of Vol. IV.] RUN AWAY from the fubfcuotr, living in Kent Countv, and State of Maryland, on Sunday the 27th May last, a NEGRO MAN, named Hark ; about 40 years of age, about five feet nine inches high, has a fear over one of his eye-brows, and when talking, hangs his head on one fide, and looks up—had on and took with h« 71 the followingcloaths, viz. a fearnought coat, a black and white kersey coat, cut round, a white kersey jacket and breeches, two pair of yarn flock ings, the one pair lately footed, and the other not, two oznaburgh shirts, each pieced on one fide, two pair of tow-linen trowfers, one pair patched with new tow-linen dovrn the fore parts, and an old felt hat. Whoever takes up said Negro, if out of this State,and secures him in gaol, shall receive FOUR TEEN DOLLARS reward—and if taken within this State, and secured as aforefaid, shall receive EIGHT DOLLARS reward ; and it brought home, reasonable expences will be paid by PEREGRINE LETHRBURY Chefler-Town, June 4, 1791. (ep 8w ) Thirty Dollars Reward. PUN AW AY from the fubferiber in February last. a NEGRO LAD, named PHIL, about 20 years of age; had on when he went away, a round jackct, a pair homespun breeches, and a tow Ihirt; the fellow has a yellowish complexion, his heighth about five feet fix or seven inches, very square made ; has a mark along fide of his nose. and one of his insteps has been burnt, which causes the sinews to draw. Whoever takes un said Negro, and secures him in any iail, so that I may get him again, (ball re ceive the above reward, and have all reasonable charges paid. ROBERT PEARCE. HtaiSajafnts, June 16, 1792, JUST PUBLISHED. AMD TO BE SOLD (PRICE 10f.) By HAZARD and ADDOMS, At the corner of Third & Chefnut Streets, THE HISTORY N e\v-Hamp{hire, Vol. 11l Containing a geographical description of the Staic with {ketches oi it* natural hiltory, pro ductions, improvements, and present state of so ciety and manners t laws and government. By Je remy BIUKAr, A.M. This volume compicats the history, and is pe uliarly interesting. Subscribers arc detired to call for their books. ADVERTISEMENT. I DO hereby give notice to all person?, not to oedit any person or persons whatever on my account, othcrwife in my name, or on my credit, •without Ipecial order from under mv hand au thorizing the fame, as I am determined not to pay anv debt or d. bts contrasted without tuch order being produced. rjj -r , THOMAS JONES. Fieaertci-Toain, Junes, 1792. (ep4w) WM. CLE LAND, boston, Tranfach buHneft in the Funds of the United States; BANK STOCK, BILLS of EXCHANGE, £:c. itS- Orders from New-York, Philadelphia, or any otner part of the Union, will be attended to wuh Diligence and Punctuality. i (epim & iauiim) fßOit THE NATIONAL GAZETTE. A CONSTITUTION OR FORM OF COV BR NMS NT for tri itati or KENTUCKY. ' ,h „ R of the People of the Stale of Kentucky, in Convention aflcmbled, do or. and ">•» Constitution for its Go vernment. ARTICLE I. tc. l.T'ilE powers of government (hall be di „ . * v, lr l d ulto l hreediftmft department, each „f Ihcm lo he confined to a fepa.ate body o! I « h "l'which are le,. fLlive tr h frl h /" " CU '' Ve to anoth ". '"<1 thofc which are judiciary to anothet U.lf' *' N : 0 , P V r " n °' ""'■fli™ of perfoos be- X ' w f'P""ncn.,, ihail rx.rofe anv P"»er properly belonging ,o eithfr ol the others' Sec. 3* The leg'flative DOWrr n» »k weaJ»h jKjli k 11 C P () *« of Ihs common. c.i. n Ihdl be vcftedin afriie m „i Si-* - «-StWK| c lect. t >os may be continued for three davs months thereof aa inhabitant of the county Z which he m»y fccchofen; unlrfs he {hall hav; been absent on the public buGnefs of the United States, or of this (late. Sec. 6. Within two years after the firft meeting of thegtneral afiemblv, and within every subse quent term of four years, an enumeration of the free male inhabitants above 21 years of age, (hall be made in such a manner as may be dircfted by law. The number of representatives (hall at the several periods of making such enumeration be fixed by the legislature, and apportioned among the several counties, according to the number of Tree male inhabitants above the age of 21 years in each, and (hall never be less than 40 nor greater than 100; but no county hereafter ercfted, fnall he entitled to a separate representation, until a fuf ficient number of free male inhabitants above the age of 21 years shall be contained within it, to entitle them to one representative agreeable to the ratio which shall then be eftabliflied. Sec. 7. The Senators (hall be chosen for four years. Sec. 8. Until the firft enumeration be made, the Senate (hall consist of 11 members, and thereafter for every 4 members added to the house of repre sentatives, one member (hall be added to the Se nate. Sec. g. In chuiing the Senate, one member at least (hall be ele&ed from each county, until the number of counties is equal to the number of Se nators : after which, when a new county is made, it (hall, as to the choice of Senators, be considered as being a part of the county or counties fiom which it fhali have been taKen. Sec. is. The Senate (hall be chosen in the fol lowing manner : All persons qualified 10 vote for representatives, shall on the firft Tuesday in May in the present year, and on the fame day in every 4th year for ever thereafter, at the place appoint ed by law forchufing representatives, cleci by bal lot, by a majority of votes, as many persons as they are entitled to have for representatives for their refpeftive counties, to be elettors of the Senate. (*epim) Sec. :r. No person (hall be chofcn an ele&or, who ftir'l not have vended in the (late three years next before his ele&ion, and who (ball not have attained the age of twcnty.fevcn years. Sec. 12. The electors of the Senate (hall meet at such place as (hall be appointed for convening the legislature, on the third Tuesday in May in the prefept year, and on the fame day in every fourth year forever thereafter; and they or a ma jority of thero so met, (hall procecd to ele£t by ballot as Senators, men of the mod wildom, ex perience and virtue, above 27 years of age, who shall have been residents of the state above two whole years next preceding the eleflion. If on the ballot two or more persons shall have an equal number of ballots in their favor, by which the choicc (ball not be determined by the fuft ballpt, then the electors shall again ballot before they *e parate. in Arhichthey sHall be confined to the per sons who on the firft ballot fliall have had an equal number, and they who fnall have the greatest num ber in their favor on the second ballot, (ball be ac cordingly declared and returned duly elected ; and if on the second ballot an equal number shall still be in favor of two or more persons, then the ele&ion (hall be determined by lot, between those who have equal numbers ; which proceedings or electors shall be certified under their hands, and returned to the Secretary for the time being ; to whom shall also be made by the proper officers, returns of the persons chosen as elc£lors in the re fpe&ive counties. Sec. 13. The eleflors of Senators fhal] judge of the qualifications and ele&ions of members of their own bcdv—and on a contested ele&ion, (ball ad mit to a feat as an elector, such qualified person as shall appear to them to have thcgreateft number of legal votes in his favor. Sec. 14. The elettors, immediately on their meeting, and before chey proceed to the elettion of Senators, (hall take an oath or make affirmation of fidelity to this state, and also an oath or affirma tion to elett without favor, affection, partiality 01 prejudice, such person for Governor, and such per sons for Senators, as they in their judgment and conscience, believe best qualified for the refpe&ive offices. Sec. 15. That in cafe of refufal, death, resig nation, difqualific2tion or removal out of this State of any Senator, the Senate (hall immediately thereupon or at their next meetingthereaher, elefi by ballet, in the fame manner as the electors are herein airefted to chufe Senators, another person in his place for the residue of the laid term of four years. Sec. 16. The General Assembly (hall meet on 'he fl» ft Monday in November in every vear, till the time of their meeting (hall be altered by the tegiflarure, unlefsfooner convened by the Governor. Sec. 17. Each House (hall chufe its Speaker and other officer?, and the Senate (hall also chufe a Speaker pro tempore, when their Speaker (hall cx ercife the office of Governor. Sec. 18. Ea-h H ■'use shall judge of the quali fications of its members ; contested ele&ions'ftull he determined by a committee to be felefted, for med and regu'ated, in such manner as (hall he di tetlrd by law. A majority of each houfc (hall constitute a quorum to do bufmef-, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be an horifed by law to compel the attendance of of absent members, in furh manner and under such penalties as may be provided. Sec. 19. Each House may determine the rules of iis proceedings, puni(h its members for disor derly behavror, and with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member ; but not a second tim* for the fame cause. Sec. 20. Each hou r e shall keep a jou'nal of its proceedings asd publish them weekly, exccpt Saturday, June 30, 1792. 33 such parts of them as may require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of members on any qUestion, lhall at the desire of any two ot ihcm, be entered on the journals. Sec. 2t. The doors of each House and of com mittees of the whole, shall be open, unless when the business shall be such as ought to be kept se cret. Sec. 32. Neither House shall, without the con tent of the other, adjourn for moie than three days ; nor to any orher place than that in which the two Houses shall be fitting. Sec. 23. The members of th- General Affcra | My, and elcttors of the Senate, (hall leceive from the public Treafurv, a compensation for their ser vices, which forthe present (hall he fix (hillings a day during their attendance on, going to, and re turning from the Legislature, and the place for choosing the Senators ; but the fame may be in creased or diininifhed by law, if circumstances (hall require it, but no alteration (hall be made, to take effect during the exidence of the Legislature which (hall make fach alteration : They (hall in all cases, except treason, felony, breach or fuvety of the peace, be privileged (rom arrest during their attendance at the Session of the refpefttvc houses, and at the place for chufing Senators, and ingoing to and returning from the fame; And for any speech or debate in either House, they (hall not be questioned in any other place. Sec. 24. No Senator or Rcprefentative (hall, during the time tor which he (hall have been elett ed, or for one year afterwards, be appointed to any civil office under this State, which (hall have been created or the emoluments of which have been increased during the time such Senator or Representative was in office ; provided that no member of the firft Leg'flature which (hall be af femblcd under thisconflitution, (hall be preclu ded from being appointed to any office which may have been created during his time of service in the said Legislature ; and no minister of religious societies, member of Congress or other per ion hcldiug any office of profit under the United States or this ccmmonwealth, except attornies at law, justices of the peace, militia officers and coroners, (hall be a member of either Houle, during his continuance to ast as minister, id Congress, or in office. Sec. 25. When vacancies happen in the House of Reprefeniatives, the Speaker (hall ilTue writs of election to fill such vacancies. Sec. 26. All bills for railing revenue (lull ori ginate in the House of Reprefeutatives, but the Secate may propose amendments as in other bills. Sec. 27. Each Senator, Representative, and Sheriff, (hall, before he be permitted to a & as such, take an oath or affirmation, that he hath not direct ly or indire£lly, given or promilec any bribe op treat to procure his ele&ion to the fa id office : and every person {Hail be difqualitied from serving a* 3 Senator, Representative or fher;r7, for the term for which he (hall have been