FROM THE COLOMBIAN CENTINEL. THE REQUEST. Xf£ Lambkins that fporton yon mountain's green fide, With a fleece that's as white as its-snow, From your grazing O turn for a moment aiide, And then bleat a' foft echo to woe. Ye warblers that soar on the wings of the air, That distend with foft rapture the throat, Let pity induce ye to hear a fond prayer, And O ! lend to my sorrows a note. When Delta once fmil'd I were happy as ye We alike'were exposed to fate : The Jleel of detraction was aimed at me, And malice spread fnarts for my feet. Alike have we felt the keen pang of distress, For the Lamb to the altar is bound, The youug have been torn from your tender caress, And my Delia has cruelly frown'd. Go seek the fair Maid, ot-er till and o'er dale, In her ear go and whisper )mr pain, She'll certainly pity; then tell her my tale, And O, mark if (he pities again. But Ihould you not know her, if thousands you find, By these tokens diftinguilh your choice, You'll view all your innocence ftampt on her mind, Hear your mnlic excell'd by her voice. FROM THE CONNECTICUT COURANT. TANNED Sheep Skins at this day are in great demand for a variety of ufes—bnt for want of proper attention in taking off the wool, the ikin is ft)any times so far injured as scarcely to be worth dressing. The following method will he found beneficialAs soon as the Ikin is ta ken off the (heep's back, spread it on a horse or cow, and in fix or eight hoars the wool will come better than in any other way. After the wool is off, spread the ikin on a pole, and let it hang in the ihade (as the fun writ be very detrimental to it) till convenient to fend it to a tanner. This practice will render (beep skins of four times the value they now are, and save thousands of pounds to the country in a short time. BOSTON, June ij. The New-Hampfliire Bank commenced dif eounting at Portfmonth on Monday last. The Salem Bank will commence the ift of July. The votes for Governor and Lieutenant-Go vernor of this state, at the last ele PETER KEENON, > Manag-rs. ANTHONY W. WHITE,) NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL HYSON and SOUCHONG, Of the very firll quality, and latest importation from Canton, »i a New-York, by retail, at No 19, Third, between Chefnut and Market Streets. No. 45, Great Dock-street, New-York, THE Suhfcriher intending to confine himfelf. entirely to th e PURCHASE AND SALE or STOCKS on COMMISSION, Bfgs leave to offer his services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may pleafeto favor him wuj, their business, may depend upon having it tranfaileil with the uu most fidelitv and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston. or any other part of the United Slates will be ftri£tly attended to. M'V 2 Jones & Burroughs, STOCK-BROKERS; ( of explanatory plates, executed bv able ar'.ifts. The price to fubferibers, One Dollar each volume—to non-tuß fcribcrs, One French Crown each volume : and those who lubicriDe for fixfetts, Thai! have a feventh^radJ. This work lhall be published as soon as five hundred copie fubferibed for. . _ ■ Subscription papers will be lodged with the prtncipa and Booksellers in the United States of America. _ ""PICKETS in the NEW-BRUNSWICK LOTTERY, JL be had a! the following placcs, viz.—Samuel 0 P.. F.rrv; at Builington, of R. Pierfon, Esq. Bor ? cn '" wn L°I n ,o ' John Van Ernbmgh; Mount Hollv, of J. Read, E f l' of John Singer, Eiq. Amboy.of James Paiker, Esq. *~,)« Town, of R. Gray; Powles-Hook, of Col. Smith and Judge Hunt; Cranbnry, of William Throckmoiton SpotTwood , the Managers in Brunfwii k. Stock Brokers Office, LEONARD BLEECKES. (ii) PROPOSALS late revolution, and since in the Militia, CONDITIONS April 27, 1792.