p ' f [No. 5, of Vol. IV.] \Vm. CLE L A Tvi D, boston, TranfatU business in Fund.. of :he United States; B ANK STOCK, BILLS of EXCHANGE, &c.| ffs- OrdJrsfroro New-York, Phtftdeiphia, or; any other part ot the Union, will h*-' itUcnilcd t u withDn.io.HKS and Punctuality. 7»« 1. '• entitled, « Aa ast for raising a farther < Jin ol" money! for the protection of the frontiers and for other purpose; therein mentioned, are repub* )iihed f.>r Hie information of all pcrlbns.Tho, on the day of Jun« next (I 79 2 ) h® possessed of WINES. " Ssft. ANDbe it ftrther entfltrf, That /1 all Wines which after the (hid l*ft Hay of fime next, (hall be imported into the Vnited States, shall be landed under the care of ths mfpeftnr of the port where the fame lhallba landed, and for that purpo!e, every permit for lundim; any Wines, which (hall be granted by a Collertnr, itiall, prior to fuc'.i* landing, b* pro duced to tlia said infpeftor, who, by crxlorfcmont thereupon under his hand, lhall fignify the pro duction thereof to bim, and the time when, af ter which, and not otl erwife, on pain of forfei ture, it fh-all be lawful to land the laid Wine*. And the said (ball make an entry of all such permits, and of the contents thereof, and each pipe, butt, hoglhead, calk, cafe, box or package whattbever, containing such Wines, (hall be marked by the officer under whose im mediate mfpeftion the fame (hall be landed, in legible and durable characters, with r.rogreffite rumhers, tiw name of: the said officer, ahd tfiS tpiality or kind of Wine as herein bet)re enu merated and diftimuilbed. And the said officer flrall graitt a certificate for each such pipe, butt, hoglhead, caflc, cafe,box or package, fpecifvitig therein thj name or names of the importer or importers, the ship or vefl'il in which the fame lhall have been imported, and the number there of, to accompany the fame whcrcfoever it lhall sco r "" * - And if any P' butt, kiMifUeaii, cask, eafc, box or package, containing Wine, fliall be (t>und without such marks and certificates, the fame fhalibe liable to be feiwd, and the want of such marks and certificates shall be prtfntnptive evidence, that such Wine was unlawfully im ported and landed." " 11. And be it further ena&ed, That every person, who (hall have in his or her po!- fcflion, Wiues whidi are intended' for IV.lfr, in quantity exceeding one hundred and fifty gal lons, fliall f>n*r to the fail! last day of Jiih« next, make entry thereof in writing at some office oi infpeftion in the city, town or county where he ct (lie lhall reside, fpecifying and describing the cifks, cases, boxes and other packages contain ing the fame, and ttie'kirxM, qnaKtie* and qnan tities thereof, and where,and in wlio'if pofleflion they are ; and the officer of at whoso office such entry may be mad. 1 , (hail, as fuou as . may be thereafter, visit and infpec>, or caule to be visited and the Wines so reported, and IhnJl mark,or daulc to be inUrktd, the call; :, cases, boxes and packages contaimns tho fame, with progreflive numbers, with the name of tiie perlbn to who-n the Tame may belong. Ih® kind or k'mirthcrro.', and words" t or package, an* t I the Wines therein contained, which certificate (hall accompany the fame, wherever it may be sent. And if anv person who.may have Wines in his or her poilfcfiion for 1 :i!e, fliall' not, prior to tht said' lafr day of June next, rrtakle cutty there of, as above direAed, he or: (He, for (hehoinifllon or ncgleft, fliall forfeit and pay the value of the Wine omitted to be entered, tx> be recovered with costs of (hit", for' the benefit of any person who (hall give information thereof, and the Wines fa omitted to be entered, (hall be for feited." (ept2o) WR the fubferibfrs, weavers of the city o Philadelphia, attended this day, Thursday May 24th, at Mr. Pearck's Cotton Manu factory, No. 13, Pcnn-ftreet, to view his ma chinciy-; raoft of usarcHurcpeans.and do all apree, that his mebhafiiftiYfrre fut>t*vior to we ever saw, efpecullv in h»s double loom, in which one man can tv\o pieces at the fame time, 42 ifuhc* wiole, with equal' facility to one pice© in the comWion loom; this ufelul loom, Svhen examined, appears simple, the art of woik irrg it fc*vn attatAed, atid the ef.tra ex pence very fmaH ; his-machine j (or carding and roping are excellent, and .til ihe reft of the utensils prepared for the hiifinefs are contrived with great judgment, the whole of which we hope will soon come into gerteral use, 2nd be found of utility in the United States. George Storey, Francis Storey, llerculcs O'Connor, David Napier, William tyaddle, John Maxwell, James Darrngh, *** Tht above beirg intended for a public good, ; « requeued the Printers oj Ticiujpajicrt uiil if Ctrl throughout the United Statu. A N.triSNAL PAPER. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JO Hi! fFKSO, No. 60. HIGH-STREET, PHILADELPHIA i !>. THAT ali iiewfpapers to be conveyed hy poir, I«mi* as ufir.il, with the nHSBe; of t'iv perl'ms to ukoihthey are t<» fce delivered, fiiob/ riii! refpeftive Priuwy, be fuviftatl lilt ) convenient packages; each package to Milder cover (open at one endan the law diverts) a«d sddreQed to the proper Pbft-Ma'ftir, Uy whom its contenti a»et6fee d'Kvtered. That on firth cevfcr, the Pointer mark dilHnftlv, tbd aumt)-r of newfpujiers contained within it, for Printers of newljjapers and for Subfccjbers. . 2«fpo' jr\ — 3d. It is desirable that fucb new«-|>apo<« a* are to be conveyed in the mail fUould be dried— 'f'his \VV.I reduce; their weight about one thirds and at the fame time fcmre- theirdclverv in pood order—new-papers put up damp tram tVe press, Often pet injured" ill tild tftcir covert are worn off, aild' thoil* diretHibns ren dered illegible. 4th. "thelc mode; of convejtityg.ncws-papers arc pTopofell a< the moil eligible which at pre - sent occur—lf others more convenient (hoaMbe devised, thrv \»til be readil? adop'ed. TIMOTHY PICKtaiMU Central fyjl.tfliu, rtiUJel/ihu, June 1, 1 f9». M th GAS.tr If of the ONI rim STATES. MR. FENN'O, A WRITER in a laic Wilmington paper, in fornt (Iti&torca on the oew proposed Cotifli lution for the State ot flclawate, rrprbbalei the article which iroder»th« Clernv ineligible to feats in the Le^ifUture —thii he corifidets as a vtolauon of .equal tights, a* degrading that order ul men to, the condition of (laves, ar.d the offspring of flives. In anfwcrto thcfe remarks, a writer tfi the Tame payer oblcrtefr***" If there cxift* a c4«fi tff men who by the influence-of their proUfQon, or by any other iufluence, exacpt that of talents end virtue, could gain feats in the Legtflature, such clifirof met* faobld be excluded. Is there no] dtngtr to be apprehended from eloquent and crafty Priests ? Could not such command' a4l «br-l 1 votes »od all the influence of their congregations ? 1 He (word of religious discord, which has denrofr ed more than plague, peftilcnce and famine, has loft its edge in thtfc fhtcs. We have seep in a public piotcfficm, Christian Mmifters of dtifeient denominations walking arm in aim with a Rabbi of the Je*s. Cut is there no danger of foment mgafrefh trilgiona difienttons, by exciting in the laity of different denominations, a conceit for the eanyingof their refpeft've Priests ? Or is there uo danger that such conufts would be excited ?" Oft which a correspondent remaiks—That the reasoning contained in the above quotation, is fub veifive of every principle of right, justice and 1 freedom. To point out, and ftigmatiae any cla& or profetfion of citizens, by disqualifying diftinc tioirs, is cleat!y an'invafion of ludcfeafible righi* ; to deprive them of their rank in focifty, antece dent to any ad by which they have incurred pte n.foment, is unjust ; and a community to hold a perpetual proscription over the heads of a panicu- 1 lar body of men, is an outrage against libeity that every one pofleflitig a paiticleof benevolence irttlft revolt sr. But why talk of u eloquent and crafty PriefU"— are tht re not eloquent and crafty Lawyers, Mer . chairs, Physicians, Farmers and others ?— 41 Cun ning and cralty" are convertible teims, fomctimes meaning one thing, and fbmetimes another. In Merchants, Lawyers, Farmers, See. they Agnify address and found reafomog—but applied to the Clergy, they always have a wicked meaning. An implacable spirit towards the Clergy, has been dis covered in many recent publications—for wbai good rcafon does not appear. Certain it is that no defcriptior* of pcrfons have (hewn thernfelves greater friends'to liberty and the independence oi the United States, than ttf* Cleigy. But there are some individuals in emcmg rts, who arc so te nactons of the rights of man, that they wilh to dfc i pi ive the people of thenght oi i hiuking and , ing for themlclvcs. Tbeie cieclatmeis for the peo » pic, are for taking the people under their own ■ (ruardiaiiihip—and to prevent the people from being imposed on by craft and cunnirtg, they would deprive them of the right of electing those whom the people may suppose the best qualified to P'°* mote their interefL— It would be just as wife to prohibit the people from electing any m>n who wea«s a black coat, or a wig, as to exclude 'he Clergy from the Legislatures in this country ; where the clerical proleflion boasts ot no legal andexclu five privileges, and where it can never be made an / engine of, unless by unjust clcrgymcn i fh.micV be compelled to form combinations in their own defence. 9 MOM ttir. AMERICAH museum. RtH.ECTIONS on the STATE «f lht UNION'. Concerning tht manufaHtifes of tilt Umtei States. (coHTtUuZtS.) IT :i an obvious truth, that every thing i<; more valuable in proportion to the number and extent of it? iifei, or the pwrpofes to which it cm be advantageously tr;>iriie*l. Flas, hemp, wool, iilk, cotton, incline, tobacco, hides, iton, wood, nain, and cattle, are valuable, wliert they are wanted merely a? exports; but they ttanif'efUy acquite a nfew v.il-ie, when wanted to eAiploy, accommodate of hduTrfli manufac ture!. In places from whenee those artitlfei cannot be exported, without a great expenl'e of t r.uiijortapoii, it is very desirable to give theli) this/r'cuii life : but in situations too inteiior trt V am-ftpd by the demand for exportation, and where of enurfe they are not required for the parjofes of external commerce-, this new use mail be created for tlifcm, or thr*. ni/7 r.tl be prc iucei, and agriculture will confeqnently lan guid!. This view of the fuijeft (uggefts the necessity cf manufactures to the prafperitv of the interior and weAern country as before intimated. Nor will thele idem ap pe»r on kxamioiU,ion, to be msrely piaufihrte co»jt; * • .j . a 11> ■ a a- ,2 2 2 - 4 . . ..4 * -5.3,4 i * * * S '• «1« ' . i-' 1 * -3- I 8 > I - I , . 3,> ; I r ' • >' ■ -I' ! '!■' t- 1 J • ! i a 3 i i ? SfodcißgwopfWt, i i Gmiifautlu,, , 3 1 tlopf ambtrt, ' . i.: v Jjl. Aj JltM T-UMI Amilfe's * fft«, It appears from this table, tliat in those coun ty towns (of ofJWftee) in the interior and 4-aHefn parts ofi'cnMiytfante, tti; neccffitv for ltianufa&ufes has occaGoned p. littlecongregati on of axtizaas, ia the proportion of twfcnty-lr ven parts in one hundred, nf the whole village in the fttialleft instance, and ill the proportion of part- in one liu-ndred, in the largelt. The town of WalhiAgt , oii,\*hich is the " most remote, and is beyond the Ohio, has been creatvd Core the late war. Its Pittance is a bout miles weft of Philadelphia. Tho vari ety of its manufactures is striking, and it may be fafcly affirmed, that at tho feats of justice, ill the counties of Delaware, Bucks, Che ft el and Montgomery, which are nearest to Phila delphia, as great a number of marftifaftfcrers, in proportion 'to their refpeftive popxilatiii, nit navigation. The nutnber of iamtles was in 1786, about 700, of whom 234 were ma nufacturers. The following is the lift of thein. IFoirteen hatters, thirty-fix IhoeirTakers, lour tamers, feventcenfaddlers, twenty-five tailors, twaity-five weavers of wflolen, linen, and cot toilcloth, three stocking weavers, twenty-live » V [Whole No. 325.' '.vhite and black fpiithn, fix wheelwright", ele ven cooper?, fr- ; i'lbclc a>iA \v4tch linkers, fix tobacco and fnutf msnufuSiirert, tour dyers, fr- i'i) gun&nithtvfiva fopeYnifcers, four ti'mers, rwo bract fit.inders, tbree ilcitr d'.tfTeriy- one lirufh maker, (even turner':, fevt n nai! makers, five fitve'rfraiths, tluee potters, three brewers, thf4eu.bppfcrimil.tis, and t.vo printer* in 'sn glifh anfl German- There v.'tre rw I j9>, allfo within thirty-nine mile's of the town, feveotetu furnaces, forges, rolling mills and flitting iijilU, {Si mile's of it eighteen corn raiits, fifctfetfit fin* ihitts, cMe fWling mil!, fouV ailliiift, five twijfonwlta, t#o boiling Mitl griAilmg nillls for guu barrds*.and eight taniiei ies. TBe. ih creafe since 1786, *»uft halve he«n very coflfide ratale ; for the attention of tie United States lids teen very much turned tq manuftftiwes fintfc the year 1 tt tti&t Te lUfely afttthed, tlittt-the cOtintiM df Lartfc&lWf(?h wftichtfifcbb rtiagh re)- York attd Btrfcs Ife the lfcoA rfgbt-- otu in Pennfylvaoitj perhaps ih the and that there are nqnein the ftatein which these are niore manuiaftiiros, is beyond ajj qpeftiop 'They are ast fifVy mrt:j <«• fhdre frdin the' rieif «ft feapotti ' 1 Information feveraJ c'rannolaffords tlie greatest re a Ton to heiievfc, that the interior of Frederick and Elizabeth towns in Maryland, Stanton in Virginia, Lexington in Kent-ucicej. and other towns in the fonthern Itates, wouid prove on eraimmtron, fitniUr to eliofe of Pew.- iytvania, and tlilt the improvement"; in rtetek ftiHhfc' utunhAiw» «ar *i» falalji »>■ 7 vinte tWfe 4ir«& u<} ias benefit* otv atrtl then. There are three or four diltilleries in town. In the ncighbburhood there are many. There-arc SI fo-ft vend oil mills in tliC ne'glr bourhoed. The price of fiexfeed k 2s. add 256 |*r bttffiol, Virginia money. Grill mills are numerous in the neighiaur liood ; and teams are constantly employed ih the transportation of flour to Alexandria : dis tance eighty miles : carriage IJ dollar per bar rel. Oac copperfinitb, *&tio c*f?i©s on his buiit?e r 6 very extensively. Three tin plate workers. Eight or ten hatters. Wool hats, of 4 Winches ter make, are in much repute, and are vended in large quantities. Price eleven dollars pe. dozen. Single hat, one dollar. £T Note. Wool is one third ofadofkir per lb. ind ii ojtcn prderti up J torn Flnlttttljiln* by the W in ch JUr halters. Twdlve or fifteen saddlers. $3* Note. This itiaijufaftuTe, as WfeU as the hattieg, is vn ti cmiiimr£ Wheel makers. Three or four saddle tree makers. EXTRACT^ (jRATITUDE is the growth of a v.-ai thy and iitiv nttSWipeied miird, and always tales root isi a well cfifpofed heart. O'rte who/ fs: itifphed with religious gratitude rsSndecd faTisfiad wjdi all the difpeiifatMn.s of heaven [ but receive with peculiar feniibility every favpj&r,, and looks apon it as a new demand upon him for Come suitable return*. The 't-eguianfy, the pleasure, f.ia cheerfulnefs, the gratiAl emotions atttf rff feftrans of a rectified heWt, are a r.oorft