JUST ARRIVED, 111 the Ship Molly, Captain Pitt, from Lisbon, A FEW pipes and quarter-calks of LISBON WINE, far superior in quality to what is generally imported And a few bales of the very best CORKS, TO BE SOLD BY George Meade, WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Choice three and five years old Bill of Exchange MADEIRA WINE, by the pipe or quarter-cask. London Market MADEIRA WINE, five years old, by the pipe or quarter-calk- Choice old SHERRY WINE, by the quarter-calk. MESS BEEF, of a superior quality, and such as is fit for an gall-India voyage, put up in this city. Choich firft quality BEEF, Ditto second ditto do. do.. BOSTON BEEF, equal to any from that country. BURLINGTON PORK, of the firft quality, and 114 Hhds, FLAX-SEED. &:c. &c. Philadelphia, May 16, 1792 NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL HYSON and SOUCHONG, Of the very firfl quality, and latest importation from Canten, via New-York, by retail, at No. 19, Third, betweeri Chefnut and Market Streets. Stock Brokers Office, No. 45, Great Dock-street, New-York, THE Sub fori her intending to confine himfelf* entirely to the PURCHASE AND SALE of STOCKS ON COMMISSION, Begs lepve to offer his services to his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may pleal'e to favor him with their business, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the ut mofl fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boflon, or any other part of tne United States will be flri&ly attended to. bleecker. (t.f,)* May 2 TO BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE, At any lime between this date and the firft day of July ensuing, A very valuable FARM, PLEASANTLY fitu'ated, and bounded on the East by the river Delaware, 17 miles above Philadelphia; containing 203 acres, 40 whereof is firft rate Timothy Meadow, which may be •watered in a dry time ; 25 acres, a rich low bottom, may be made very good meadow at an easy expence. The upland lays in the lap of about 50 acres of rich out marsh, from which (by an easy ascent to the cleared fields) 130 acres of excellent upland meadow may be made, at a moderate expence ; 30 acres of woodland. A never failing ftteam of water runs through this tract, on which is a feat for a mill, and in which is good sport with the net and hook; plenty of rabbits and small game ; and on the flats, abun dance of wild ducks in the season. A good mansion-house, gar den, and neccflary out-buildings ; an orchard of the be ft kinds of apple, pear, peach and cherry trees, bearing ; a crop of wheat and rye in the ground, and a spring crop putting in. Apply to Peter Le Barbier Du Esq. No. 86, Chefnut-ftrcet, Philadelphia; Mr. Humphrey Waterman, at the Washing ton, on tHe Biiftol Toad; or to Dottor Tomb, at Nefhamany Ferry, Bucks County. The purchaser, paying one third of the price down, may have a term of years to pay the residue, paying interest. May 5. (cp.tf.) American Lead Manufa&ory. STEPHEN AUSTIN, &Co. HAVE just now opened their Lead-War£house, two doors south of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoiningtheir &ew Factory— •where they have now made, and ready for sale, a general affort mcnt of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have employed a number of experienced Engliih workmen, they warrant it to be equal in quality to any manufa&ured in Europe, and at a reduced price from the cost of imported. They also continue to manufa&ure all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrefled to either of the above Factories, will be thankfully received, and execnted on the shortest notice. N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and other encourage ments will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and houses for their reception. For further particularsenquirc of Messrs. Moses AuUY and fell every kind of the Stocks of thcVniUd Statu, on JJ Commiffio.., by Private Con,raft, and Public Auction - who may be pleased to favor them with their commands, may rely on fidelity, secrecy and difpotch. Bolton. March. 1702. , v * , ( law 3m) May 8, 1792. RESOLVED, That the specie proportion of the thud pay ment due on the fifft Monday of July next, on each (hare of the Bank of the United States, may be made at the Bank, or at any of the offices ol discount and depolit; and that trans er public debt on account of luch payment, may be m* con books of the Treasury of the United States, or 111 the office ot any of the Commiffionets of Loans in any of the States, certi ca es o which transfers to be depolited in the office in which the specie proportion of such payment (hall be made. Refolveds That the transfer books be closed fourteen days pre vious to-the firft days of July and January ot each year By Order, IOHN KEAN, Calh.er. At a meeting of tb« Directors of the Bank ot the United States, March 30, 179 2 • RESOLVED, That the Offices of Discount and Depoht be authorised to receive ot Stockholders the 3d and 4th Specie Payments on their Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank, and that the Caftiie.s of the said offices give duplicate receipts for such payments, oneot which receipts, accompanied with evidence ot a transfer ot public debt Oiflicicnt to complete said shares, upon be in* produced at the Bank, (hall entitle such Stockholders to cer tificates for full (hares, and to all the benefits of the Refoluttons of the Board of Directors parted the 21ft inllant, relative to com " pleting fharcs by paymentat any time before the periods required by the law of incorporation. By order of the Prefidcnt & Directors. JOHN KEAX.' a/hicr. C e P9') TO raise the Turn of £. 750 for the purpose of repairing 1 r Protcflant Epifcooal Church in the city of New-Biunfwick, agreeable to an ast of the Legislature of the State of New-Jersey, passed November 1791. SCHEME. 5334 Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 16002 Dolls. (£3" This Lottery is compoied of 5334 Tickets, not two Blanks to one Prize, and fubjeft to a dedu&ion of twelve and an half per cent, which is more favorable to adventurers than any Lottery yet offered to the public—and it being ot such evident utility, that it cannot be doubled but the undertaking will meet with the moll liberal support. The drawing will positively commence on the second Monday in July, or sooner if the Tickets are disposed of, in the city ot New-Brunfwick, under the infpe&ton of Col. John Bayard, Pre., fident of said city ; James Parker, Esq. Mayor of the cay ot Am boy ; and Archibald Mercer, Esq. Deputy Governor of the Ma nuladturing Society ot New-Jersey. Tickets to be had ot the following peifons, who are duly ap pointed Managers, aie under oath, and have given fccurity tor the faithful performance of their duty. A lift of the fortunate numbers will he published, and the prizes paid immediately after the drawing of the Lottery. JOHN PARKER, ) PETER KEENON, > Managers. ANTHONY W. WHITE,) Apr i l 27, 1792, N. B. Those ptizes which are not demanded within fix months after the drawing of the Lottery, will be confidcred as a generous donation to the Church. * # * Adventurers in the above Lottery have a chance of more than 3 per cent, per month for thei-r money. To accommodate all those who may be difpofcd to purchase Tickets, letters direct ed to P. Keenon, Manager, and Postmaster, at New-Biunfwick, and enclosing good bills, will be attended to, and Tickets for warded on receipt of such letters. 8 Bank of the United States, A LOTTERY, 1 Prize of 2000 1 2 ,5 10 3° 9° ■675 200 j 00 5° 20 4 1814 Prizes. 3520 Bla-nks, New-Brunfwick, April 20, 1792, THIS DAY arc pub/i/hed by Andrew Brown, and fold by the principal Boukjel/ers in the city oj Philadelphia, T H E L A UN I TED STATES OF AMERICA, PASSED AT THE LAST SESSION OF CONGRESS: COLLATED WITH, AND CORRECTED BY THE ORIGINAL ROLLS IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Price One Quaitcr of a Dollar. THE ACTS of this fellion, agreeably to the plan of this edi tion of the laws of the United States, will be confidcrcd as the FIRST FART of the second volume; so that the a£ts of each Congress (the duration of which is limited by the conflitution to the term of two years) will be comprised in one volume. To the acts of this fcflion will be annexed the ratifications of the amendments to the Constitution ; the confederation between the United States and the Delaware nation of Indians ; the trealy between the United States and the Wyandot, Delaware, Ottawa, Chippewa, I'attawatimi and Sac Nations; the treaty between the United States and the Cherokee Nation; and the armistice, declaring a celfation of hoftilitie» between the United Slates and Great-Britain: These, with those in the firft volume of the laws are all the existing treaties. A copious index will accompany the second volume when completed, at ihe end of the next feflion ol Congress. " As it is desirable that copies of the laws (hould be so multi plied throughout the States, and in such cheap forms,as that every citizen ofthe United States may be able to procure them," it has been thought advifeahle, in this addition, 10 omit the ftgnatures of the Prelident of the United States, the f'rclident of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Rcprefentatives. Their signa tures would have increased thefizeof the volume, and co ecurc. and the interest pundually paid, will not be demanded toi many years. 'c. a Any peifon desirous of viewing the premises, may e £ ratt on application to Samuel W. Stockton, Eq. o renton*. or Mr. Inallman, who at present occupies the tarm-hou e and part of the land—and may know the price on app ica.ion o fubferiber, at No. 213, South Second-street, oppo itc to t.c.fw Market, in Philadelohia. » Uh ' v . PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, lii ihc Commonwealth of Mafftchvfelts, A SYSTEM for the DISCIPLINE of the ARTILL„IU in Me UNITED STATES AMERICA; THE YOUNG ARTILLERISTS POCKET COMPANION. IN THRU fARTS. Part the duty and pra&icc of light hnd Part 2. Containing the theory and practice of heavy artillery : to which will be added, an extract of a Treaufeonihe ° | principle of CourisJUartial, wrote by an experienced Olbcer m the line, and who did duty as judge-Advocate in Port laboratory duty -.containing , var ey of for compofitiori, and the method of '' Q ( or dl ond Ihc formation of ammunition for the di e nance. By WILLIAM STEf'EHS, Efj. Officer .n the American Artillery ~ hr° u whole ° f tht late revolution, and face ,n the M.luia. This woik to be printed'on good paper wit ha hand fometyp,, eatlv bound and lettered, in three pocket volumes conta.mng pwards of one thousand pages; illustrated with a gre.t var.cty ►{ explanatory plates, executed bv a c ar.i s. The price to fubfenhers, Out Dollar earh volume- o non- üb cribers, One Frtnch Crovn each volume : and those who fubfcr.be for fix feus, lhall have a feventhgratis. This wo-k shall be gublifhed as ioon as five hundred copies are fubf'cribed for. . , , . . Subfcrintion papers will be lodged with the principal Ptiirtfts and Bookfcllcrs in the United States of America. THE COMMISSIONERS. fufßcierit to ac- - } > commodate3oo j theferooinj THE COMMISSIONERS.