Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 09, 1792, Page 432, Image 4

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TO comprize m the present volume of thi, Gazette all the
Laws which are and may be er.acled by Congress in the prefentJeffion,
:t will be necejftry to extend the numbers to the lajl of May. Thef mi ih
volume, therefore, will commence with the beginning of June-and mil
be printed on paper of larger dimenfons than the present, provided the
Editor'j receipts of arrearages fkall enable him to do it—the price to con
tinue at Three Dollars per annum.
Three years arc Marly expired since this publication frjl nude lis ap.
pearance; during which, scarcely a Jingle inflance has occwrcd of re
riijjnef in punHually dijpatching the papers from the Printing-VJice
their falluies in reaching the fubferibers, have been owing to causes
w'r. h were er.tirely beyond the contreul of the pubhfher. Under the
new regulations of the Pofl-OJiee Department, the Subscribers for the
GazlT t l of the Un i T i o St at *» may therefore prouiife themfclves
the advantage of the ftnilefl punSuality on the part of the Editor—
which, aided by that energy we have the greatejl reason to expetl will
dijlmguifh thefuptrintevdance of the Gentleman now at the head of the
Pofl-Ojjicc Department, will ensure ajleady tranfmiffon of Newspapers
to all parts of the Union.
LieutenANT's-OFFICI, April *79 2,
To th* Militia of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia and
Northern Liberties, «od the Diftrifls of Moyamenfing and
P?ffvu«k, j 1. •
THAT ihey are to meet and exercise in Battalion, under their
refpeflive Otficers, on the following days, commencing the
firft Monday in May :
The Artillery, and Fiift Battalion, on the 7th dayot May,
Second Ba.talion, 00 the Bvh do.
Third Battalion, on the 9th do.
Fourth Battalion, on the 10th do.
fifth Battalion, on the 1 ith do. '
Sixth Battalion, on the 14th do.
Seventh Battalion, on the 15th do.
Lieutenant of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia.
£3=" The present Officers commanding Battalions, and the
Officeis of the fcveral Companies, are to perform their duties re
fpettivelv on the above field days.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 45, Great Dock-street, New-York,
THE Sobfcriber intending to confine himfelf entirely lo the
Begs leave to offer his services to his friends and others, in the
line of a Stock Broker. Those who may pleafeto favor him with
their business, may depend upon having it tranfaded with ilie ut
most fidelity and dispatch.
Oiders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the
United States will be ftriflly attended so.
May 2.
At any time between this date and the firft day of July ensuing,
A very valuable FARM,
PLEASANTLY fituatcd, and bounded on the East by the river
Delaware, 17 miles above Philadelphia; containing 203
acres, 40 whereof is firft rate Timothy Meadow, which may be
-watered in a dry time ; 15 acres, a rich low bottom, may be made
very good meadow at an easy expence. The upland lays in the
Jap of about 50 acres of rich out marlh, from which [b< an easy
ascent to the cleared fields) 130 acres of excellent upland meadow
may be made, at a moderate txpence; 30 acres of woodland. A
never failing stream of water runs through this tract, on which is
a feat for a mill, and in which is good fpoit with the net and
hook ; plenty of rabbits and small game ; and on the flats, abun
dance of wild ducks in the season. A good mansion-house, gar
den, and necffl'ary out-buildings ; an orchard of the be ft kinds of
apple, pear, peach and cherry trees, bearing; a crop of wheat and
rye in the ground, and a spring crop putting in. Apply to Dr.
|ohn Gibbons, in Arch-ftrect, Philadelphia; Mi. Henry
Waterman, at the Waflvingion, on theßiiftol road; or to
Mr. Joseph Baldwin, at Nelhainany Ferry, or Mr. Barxet
Du ree n, fame place, Bucks County. The purchafcr, paying one
third of the price down, may have a term of years to pay the re-
Adue, paying iniereft. May ,5. (
BY VIRTUE of an order from John Holmes, Edmund
Weatherby and Benjamin Holmes, Efqrs. Judgesof
the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Salem, directing
us to make Sale of so much of the Lands of Benj ami n Cripps,
in the Township of Maningtoti, in the County of Salem aforefaid,
as will defray the expences attending the diviiion or paitition of
Lands held in common between Abraham He*wlinc and the
aforefaid Benjamin Cripps, agreeably to an aSi of Aflembly, See.
In pui fuance of the above order, will be Sold by public Vendue,
a trad or piece of Land (or as much thereof as will defray
above cxpence-) being part of the above, situate and bounded by-
Lands of Job Shieeve, the aforefaid Abraham Hevlings, and
others, on fevenih day 26th of May next, 1792 —A: the t.ouf.
of Henry Sparks, Inn-keeper in Salem aforefaid—by
JOHN VVISTAR and C Commiflioners
20th April, 1792
That large, elegant and convenient HOUSE, in which the
fubferiber now livis. (iiuate in Elizabeth-Town, in the ilate
ot New-Jeriey, within 16 milci of the city of New-York. It is
finifhed in the very heft manner, and peculiarly convenient for a
gentleman with a large l-mily, The Lot contains about tour
acres ot land —the Gjiden is large, well laid out, and flocked
with a good afTuiment of ttuit. For further particulars, enquire
of Wi 1 it AM BRADFOnn.Efc). in Philadelphia, John Pintakd
Esq. in New-York, or the SuKcnber, on the Prennf s. '
Mav 2, 1792.
NOTICE is hereby given, That the inierdl for the quarter,
ending this day,on the FUN'DED DEBT ot the United Slates,
Handing on the books of the Trcafury, and of the Commiflioner of
Loans for this State, will be paid at the Bank of the Unired Stares
Certificate Loft.
WAS I.oft, on the i 7 th i..«, a CERTIFICATE, Numbered
59,49°, granted to Lewis Nichols, for the sum of
307 24-901!) Dollars, dated the jft of May, 1784, and limned by
John Pi.rce, Esq. marked with the letter /.—Whoever has
Jouna the fame, and will return it to Clement Biddie F.fq
Notary Public, at No. 62, tit Front-street, louth of Ma.ket-ftteet
or to the Printer of this paper, shall be generously rewarded.
April i&, 1792.
• (<■'•)
Apri L 27, 1792
tkisdav xs ruBLISHED,
(price 6/0.) %
A'j. 118, Market-Street, near Fourth-Street,
The Ladies' Library;
t. Mrs. More's E flays 5- Swlfl ' s Letter lo a new mar "
2. Gregory'* Legacy f ' c<i Lady
3 . Lady Pennington's Advice 6. Mifc Chapone on command
.4. Marchioness of Lambert's ot Temper ...
Advice 7* More's Fables for the Ladies
THE editor of this publication hopes, from the eftabhftied re.
putatton oi the fcveral tracts of which it is composed, that
it will be found a more complete Tynem for the infttuaion of the
female world, than perhaps any other extant.
A volume* Hnder the present title, was lately puMilhed in Eng.
land and Ireland, and had a most rapid sale, having been puichafed
hv almost every lady "f taftf in 'hose kingdoms. To this volume
the editor has added Miss More's Essays—Mrs. Chapone's letters
on the government of the tamper—and Swift's letter to a young
lady newly married. These have confideiably enhanced its value,
and he doubts not, the ladies on this Tide of the Atlantic will be as
generous in their encouragement of a work intended for their ad
vantage as those in England and Ireland have been.
AS fcveral gentlemen in afferent parts of the United States, hi re
been heretofore difappointei in then applications for complete Jets oj the
American Museum, the printer informs the public, that he is en
gaged in reprinting the deficient numbers of the work, and ha< now and
will henceforward have a conjlant fupph offets on hand\—fuch gentle
men. therefore, as please, may be jurnifhed withfets neatly bound, in ton
volumes at jtxteen dollars.
This work will be found to contain at leajl as great a variety of poli
tical, agricultural, and mijcellantous ejfa*s t as any ever puhlijked in
Said Carey has lately publijhed,
1. fteauties of Poetry, Britifn and American, 6<.
2. Beatfe's Elements of Moral Science, ss. 75*
3. M'Fingal, an epic poem, 2/9.2
4. Blair's Sermons, complete in 2 vols. 15s.
5. Nccker's Treatise on Religious Opinions, 6<.
6. Examination of Sheffield's Oofcrvations, 4/18
7. American Constitutions, 4/8
8. Doway Bible —near, 6 dolls.—elegant, 50/2
9. Vade Mecum, 1/IOJ
10. Charles Grandik>ii, abridged, 1
xi. Humphrey's Poems, bound 2f6> in blue paper t/ioj
12. American Jest Book, in two parts, bound, 4/6
13. Sfleft Poems, i/*3
14. Think well on't, i/io£
15. The Christian Economy, \£
16 Smith's History of New-York, 9^45.
17 Garden of the Soul, plain 3/9— elegantly bound 5/7 J.
OJ said Carey nay be had, Bibles, Tejiaments, Spelling-Books,
Pri-ncri, Quills, Ink-Powder, Writing-Paper 0} various kinds, Bonnet-
Piper, Pocket-Books, Scales and Dividers, Ink-Stands, Message and
Playing Cards, &c.£sc.
THAT elegant SEAT at the Falls of Delaware, in the vicinity
of Trenton, in New-Jersey, occupied for many years pail by
the fubferiber; containing upwards of 200 acres of land, besides
a tra£l of wood-land of about 185 acres, at the distance of two
miles. The farm is divided by the main ftrect leading from
Trenton to Lamberton, and Philadelphia, into two parts, nearly
equal in quantity ; the eaftwardly part being arable land, is laid
off in convenient fields, and in good farming order. The other
part, bounded by the said ftrect on the east, and by the river on
the weft, forms a fquaie; which, from the combined ctfe£t of situ
ation and improvement, is generally allowed to be one of the mcft
beautiful and desirable feats in the state. The mansion-house is a
handsome, weli-fmiihcd brick building, 50 by 40, containing four
rooms on each floor, with excellent cellars, and a two story brick
kitchen ; and commanding a very cxtenfive and pleaiing view of
the river, both above and below, as well as including the falls, and
also of Trenton and the neighbouring feats and improvements on
both fides of the river. Among the out-buildings are a new ftont
coach-house and stables, fufficient to contain fix carriages and ten
horses, accommodated with a cutting and feeding room, and a ca
pacious loft for hay ; adjoining theft is a very complete granary,
rat proofs and a stone cow-houle, upwards of igo feel in length,
containing thirty-one paved stalls, over which is a roomy loft for
hay, See. Adjoining the court-yard of the mansion-house, is a gar
den of about two acres, extending towards the river, in the highest
state of culture, and abounding with a rich colle&ion of the
choicest fruits of almost every kind, and several large asparagus
beds, highly manured. At a convenient distance from the man
sion-house, and nearly in the centre of the square, is a new, well
built, stone farm-houfe, accommodated with a large cheese-room,
spring-house, garden, See. a complete stone fmokc-houfe, corn
cribs, waggon-house, a rapacious ice-house, and every, other ne
ceflfary out-building. The ground is properly divided into small
helds, all well watered, highly improved, and chieflv under the
moil approved grass. This square has produced annuallv, for se
veral years past, upwards of lixty tons of the best hay, besides
supporting through the futnmer season twenty to thirty horned
cattle, and eight or ten horses. It contains also two bearing or
chards of good fruit. The river abounds, in the proper fcafons
with great plenty of all kinds of fifh usually found in trcfti water
in this climate, and with a variety of wild-fowl; both of which
may afford a pleasing amusement to the sportsman, as well as a
convenient addition to the elegance and variety of his table. The
whol of the land, except the wood-land, is inclosed and divided
by good fences, great part of which is formed of red cedar posts,
and rails of ch fnut and white cedar. The purchaser may have
the improved square separately, or the whole together, as may
best suit him. There is an inexhauftiblc quantity of good build
ing stone on the river shore. The purchase money, if well secured,
and the interest pundually paid, will not be demandtd for many
Any pei son desirous of viewing the piemifes, may be gratifi d
on application to Samuel W. Stockton, Esq. of Trenton,
or Mr. Inallman, who at prcfent occupies the farm-houleand
part of the lano—and may know the price on application to the
fubfenber, a? No. 213, South Second-sir ect, oppofiteto the New-
Market, in Philadelphia. JOHN COX.
At a meeting of the Directors of the Bank of
the United States, March 30, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the Offices of Discount and Deposit br
authorised to receivc of Stockholder? the 3d and 4th Specie
Payments on their Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank, and
that the Cafhieis of the said offices g'-ve duplicate Teceijjts for such
payments, one ot which receipts, accompanied with evidence of a
transfer of public debt fufficient to complete said (hares, upon be
ing produced at the Bank, shall entitle such Stockholders to cer
tificates for full shares, and to all the benefits of the Resolution
of the Board of Directors patted the 21 ft instant, relative to com
pleting shares by paymentat any time before the periods required
by the law of incorporation.
By order of the President and Dirrftors.
JOHN KEAN, Cajkitr.
Bank of the United States.
March 21, 1792.
RESOLVED, That the Stockholders br, and hereby art, au
thor ifed to compleat their Shares by pavmeut at any time
before the periods required by the law ot inrorpo»at»on.
Resolved, That each Share io completed, ftiall be entitled to
draw a dividend of the profits ot the BanK, fiom and after the firft
dav of the month next lucceeding the day of such
Resolved, That so much of the quarter's interest upon the Pub
lie Debt tiansferred to compleat any Share as afcitfaid, as (hall
nave accrued before the firft day of the month next fucteeditigihe
completion of such Share, (ball be received by the Bank, and paid
to the persons who fmll have transferred the fame.
By order of the Prifident and Dire&ors,
frptiftj) JOHN KEAN, father.
Publtlfced th's day, and 10 be (old by
Bookseller, No. 54, Srcond-ftreet, South—aud by ali the principal
Bookfellets in Philadelphia— Price -|ths of a Dollar,
Refpefting the
For the Eastern Diftrtft of the Siate of
CONTAINING the petition of General James faci/on.apaiuft
the ei«ftion of General Anthony H'aync, and the proceedings
relative to the Resolutions directing the mode of conducing the
Trial ; with s sketch of the debates from the commencement to
the end of the business ; including the speeches of the parties, a
(ketch of Mr. Lewis's defence, council for Gcnei3l Wayne, and
the concluding speech of General Jackson, for which he received
the aDplaufe of the auditors: also, the subsequent proceedings of
the House rcfpefling his rigkt to a feat after the elc&ion ot ihc fit.
ting member had been declared illegal.
Together wi'.h a SUPPLEMENT,
Containing a summary of the proceedings of the Leciflature of
Georgia, relative to the Impeachment of Judge o [borne; taken
from the papers sent under the seal of the State, and produced in
Congress bv Mr. Baldwin, which were rejt&ed.
THOMAS DOBSON, Bookfelter,
At the Stone House in Second-Street,
Thr Fiift Volume of
Confiding of state papers, and other authentic documents,
intended as materials for an Hi (lory of the United States
OF America,
Member of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadel
phia for promoting ufeful knowledge ; and Fellow of the Ame
rican Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The design of this compilation being to preserve and exhibit a
regular series of the mod important and authentic documents re
lating to the history of America, from its difgovery by Columbus
to the present time, it must be peculiary interesting to all who with
10 acquire a thorough knowledge of this fubjeft.
April 4,
Farms & Mills for Sale &Lease.
A VALUABLE FARM, situate on the Turnpike Road lead
ing from Baltimore-Town to Rifter's-Town, about 6§
from the tormer ; containing about 430 or 440 acres oi good
farming land, 70 or 8j acres of which are excellent grass ground ;
about 170 acres are cleared, upwards of twenty whereof arc made
meadow; the residue abounding in good timber, and other trees
for enclosure and fuel: There are two apple-orchards ihereon,
and buildings tiiat inay do, for the present, for an Overleer and
his family.
Also, a Tract of LAND, containing about 600 acre , within
two miles of the fame road, and about 18 or 20 miles distant from
Baltimore-Town; about 700 acres whereof are cleared, welleii
clofed and improved by culture and with valuable buildings, some
excellent meadow, near 20 acres, made.
Also, a small FARM, on a public road leading to fai<l town,
about the fame distance theretrom as the laftdeftribed land ; con
taining 103 acres, whereon is an excellent apple-orchard, but no
other improvements of much value.
The two firft above-mentioned Farms are furnifhed with (lave«,
stock of each kind, and all necelTary implements of hafbandry,
v hich may be had with them ; they are sown with wheat, which
promises an abundant crop the business of the last of the two
has b en, for nine years, and js now, conduced by a fkilful in
dustrious Manager, who may be cooiinued iu the management,
on terms.
A FARM, on the said Turnpike Road, leading from Rifter's-
Town to Wtnchefter, Taney-Town, Frederick, and HageiM own;
whereon is eredled a large commodious brick house, that has been
used for some yea» s past as a tavern, and, by a tenant qualified tor
that business, could be made an excellent stage ; within a tewr
rods of which, and on the main Falls of Petapfco, is also ereCU
a GRIST-MILL, now in good order for Merchant-Work, with a
new SAW-MILL, and Land therewith.
For the title and terms of sale, and the lease, of ad or any part
of the above valuable property, apply to
Baltimore County, March 7. 1793
American Lead Manufactory.
HAVE just now opened their Lead-War ehouse, two
south of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoining their New Jfaeioiy
where they have now made, and ready for sale, a °u
mcnt of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LiAU. "
production of the Mines in Virginia. As they have e,D ? l
number of experienced Englilh woikmen, they vrairaot 1 ,
equal in quality to any manufactured in Europe, an at -
price from the cost of imported. - 1 a .
They also continue to manufacture all the above ar
Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrefled to eit er
above Factories, will be thankfully received, and cxe*.n
fhortcft notice. s i,_ f,;<l
N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouring Men,
Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and ot tr en . . au( j
ments will be given, means of conveyance being piov.u ,
houses foi their reception. a„ cTIN &Co.
For further particulars enquire of MeflVs. Moses A
at their Factory in Richmond, or as above.
Philadelphia. Dccrmber 3. ITQi
03" Blu*i Powers to receive the\n\ctei\,anaJoith<tr av 'J y r . a _
principal of public debt, * JJ'' '
ury Department: Also Blanks for oJCert,ficates, lotljo
rhe Editor. ____
fcj* WANTED, the First Volume nt <he G *" TT ' " d by
U.NITID Siatis-for -which Six Dollars will
ihe Eoitoh.