CONGRESS. PH ILA D E L P H I A. HOJJSE OF R E PRESENTATIVES, MONDAY, February 13. IN COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. On the neiu Reprcfcntation Bill. SMITH (S. C.) in ihe Chair.—The bill -LVA was read through by the Clerk. The firft section being repeated by the Chair man—Mr. Seney mowed that the blank in the 16th line should be filled with the word thirty— which would determine that the ratio of repre sentation should be 30,000. This motion was opposed by Mr. Hillhoufe,on the old groupd of its unequal operation. ■ Mr. Gerry replied to Mr. Hillhoufe—He ob served that this apportionment 011 the aggregate federal number, would be more equal than by the ratio of 33,000 —but this had been rejected by the Senate j and as the ratio of 33,000 would not perfe Beer, Ale and Porter, 8 Steel per cwt. 100 Cocoa and Chocolate, 2 Playing Cards, 2J Shoes and Slippers, of silk and ftuff, per pair, 20 Do. of leather, 10 Glass* (except bottles) guns, pistols, starch, &c. ad. val. 15 percent. ' Veflels of tin, copper, &c. 10 do. Oils, Cosmetics, Dentrifice Pow ders, printed Books, &c. xo do', and all goods now rated at per cent, toberaif ed to 7J per cent. Salt to be raised 1-6 of the present duty—from all which it is proposed to draw an additional revenue, viz. from Madeira Wine, of which the average imported is 300,00® gallons. 36,000 Dots. Other Wines, 700,000 gallons, 31,000 Distilled Spi its, 73, 000 Salt, 40,000 Malt Liquors, Cocoa, Playing Cards, other articles, ad. val. 93,500 2 per cent, addition on those at 5i Total, 523)500 Which, with the surplus in theTieafuryofthe preceding vear, will make up the mm wanted. Ordered, that this report be taken up ill com mittee of the whole on tiiday next. A motion laid on the table by Mr.Williamfon, on the 6th inft. being called up and agreed to, a c iinmittee was pursuant thereto appointed, to bring in a bill to amend the import law, so far as to permit the landing of fait at certain ware hous es belonging to the fiflieries, and to provide for an allowance of a drawback of the duties on tlie fait used on provisions exported. The House then, took up for consideration tlie amendments proposed by the Senate to the repre sentation bill. The firft amendment, by which the Senate pro pose, without any fixed ratio applicable t" the refpedive number of inhabitants in each ot the several dates, to increase the representation from 112 members (the number fettled by the Hou e, at the ratio of one for every thirty thoulandj to 120, by the addition of one member to each 01 ihe following (tales, viz. N. Hampfhite, Maßa chufetts, Vermont, Connecticut, N. Jeriey, iaware, N. Carolina, and S. Carolina, -was pro ductive of a warm debate, in which a dilWut of the government was talked of as an even no verv diltant perfpetftive, in cafe the <> (hould, in compliance with the views ot tne: nate, adopt a mode of apportionment, o irarv, and so directly tending to deltroy dividuality of the dates, and to swallow them up in a genetal eonfolidation. „ t ,- r i n r The q tieltion being finally taken on con with the Senate, it palled in the negative 5 0 —nays 31. YEA S, n„„rnf. Me (Irs. Ames, Benfon, Boudinot, • . B. Bourne, Clarke, Fitzfimons, Ger '7» hfl | Goodhue, Gordon, Hartley, J ;icobs ' Nj)es Kittera, Lawrance, Learned, Livermo , * . Schoonmaker, Sedgwick,J.Smith, i, Sylveder, Thatcher, Treadwell, Vin"' 0 . worth, Ward.— 30. NAYS. ... MefT-s. A (lie, Baldwin, Barn'well, Hi l|. ley, Giles, Gregg, Griffin,. Groves H«fte , . house, Huger, Key, Lee".Macon. cer, Moore, Muhlenbutg, . > Tucks, W. Smith, Sterrett, St urges, il,nl P te J_ Venable, White, Williamson, W'lH • ■ , t0 The other amendments being 2 ; ntnl ent ci _Mr. W. Smith moved for - a committee, to cpnfer witli ja„,e,id the Senate might appoint, tpconli. ■ dl""*- nients. The motion being <•?['£' .j. all d W- Madison, Findley, Baldwin, , rnQ fe. Smith, were appointed for that P l - 1 TOO 2 SO, 000