CONGRESS. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, TUESDAY. February 7. In committee bf the whole, on the Fijhery Bill. (Condujion of Mr. Pacj'j Speech.) THE framers of the conflitution guarded so much against a possibility of such partial preferences as might be given if Congress had the right to grant them, that even to encourage learning and ufeful arts, the granting of patent; is the extent of their power : and surely nothing could be less dangerous to'the sovereignty or in tereft of the individual dates than the encourage ment which might be given to ingenious invent ors or promoter* of valuable inventions in th< arts and sciences—the encouragement which the general government might give to the fine arts to commerce, to manufa "nlefs the constitution was intended to eltablifh a consolidated government on the ruin ol the State legiflaftures : but this I conceive can not be the cafe, because the constitution guaran tees to the states their relpedtive republican go vernments. The general powers ofCongref* no doubt ought to be (as they are) adequate to the pnrpofe of forming n moreperfett union than fub hlled under the confederation, to establish jus tice, &c. &c. but as they are bound to guarantee to the states, their refpedtive republican forms or government, I cannot conceive how any of tjiele powers can be employed (confiftentl v with the ends for which they were given) in diminish ing the power and sovereignty of the state legis latures. How Congress can interfere in the 're gulations refpeoting the merchants and their sai lors at Marblehead. with more propriety than with thofeat Philadelphia, Norfolk or Charles ton, I cannot conceive : nor how this interfer ence could take place without alarming thele Hates, I know not. Viewing the bill before us in this light, Mr. Chairman, I fliall vote against it, and, as I said before, to get rid of it, ffiafi vote to strike out the firft fedtion according to the motion now before the committee. (TO BE COXTIKUIO.) J BF * r * R,ON « Secretary °f State, in his Report on th 366 SATURDAY, March IO An engrolTed « bill declaring the consent f Congress to a certain ad* „f the ft* * > ° f land, and to continue for a longer rim* declaring the aflent of Cn« f? t,mc > an act "f the states of M»r,£„d<£«? " aC " ■ Hand and 111 e tefpeds the flares of Geo: ckf n concluded his allegations place without a decifiou. ff-r In «h- Av-, ana N«« on pafiing -he MiH«i«. Gop, iv>n's n.jim- ilioiild liavc sppcareo » mon *j "; e _)rfr. Mr. SruKf.Es' w..» oroiiud m the lift 0 L" en _|,,i B»i"n i.. Ebr H.n,fe <*\><» u* qucO.on «»«•*« , ... , , tt i>ear