PROM A LONDON PAPER Thejollowing extraElsJrcm a Poem, which we underjland is to make its appearance theJirfl parliament fejfion, mayJkow Jome of our nobility, that if they are determined to be ridiculous through wantonnejs oj wealthy their Jollies will not escape the cenjure of genius. what is family? fee C funk Beneath contempt, and delicately drunk : Not drunk like manhoood in his generous mood, When bright'ning humour o'er the quicken'd blood Springs into life, and honcftly declares The glowing sentiments his bosom bears; But drunk with show, ridiculously vain, And pleas'd with all things that the wife disdain. In muslin trowfers tied with silken firings, Shoes with rosettes, and fingers deck'd with rings; With glitt'ring chains that from the waistcoat (liow, How much the man is buried in the beau ! The mighty Lord of And mimics woman even in her fears : Of frame so delicate, that on his breast The ribband's pinn'd, tp give the nosegay reft The flow'r, alas! too heavily might lie, And load the murmur of a gentle sigh ; So vast a burthen on a heart so foft, Would furc be fatal, if his lordfliip cough'd. In this all-fruitful commutative age, When even ministers pursue the rage, And honest toil is bountiiully given-— If dearly bought —the circling air of heav'n, Is there no mode, since manhood must perplex, To suit his nature by the change of sex ? Or, must the thing indefinite remain, A modern Abetard, without his pain ! Fie ! fie ! my lord ! give back the painted fa», Aflert your freedom, and aflume the man : Show, by the deeds humanity reveres, That kings at least have honorable heirs : Snatch, from the lips of propagating fame, A tale, whose whisper's everlasting (hame. FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. [Conclusion of a speculation began in theift pa s e of our last paper.] SHOULD we have reason to regret our relapse into errors, which we have heretofore deter mined with ourselves to correct, and hoped to subdue—let us carefully examine whether we have not chosen a wrong method to effedi such refolutions—ihe passions of men, as well as their reason, are the gift of nature, and intended to make complete the moral character of man : it is our natural access to vice, which enhances the charms of virtue ; and " he that conquers hiin felf is the greatest of conquerors"—and in no si tuation do we derive equal fatisfatfion to our ielves, or appear with greater advantage to those around us, as after a fair competition with our passions, vre can boast the ascendancy of reason but our failure in acquiring this supremacy, is oftener to be attributed to a want of ikill in con ducing the conflict, than from real depravity— as when under the conviction of error we feel an ingenious wish of amendment ; we are apt to forget the strength and intimate connexion of our natural propensities, still confirmed by habit, and by too sudden an attack on anyone of them' we give the alarm to the reft and rouse the whole phalanx of our passions to resistance, which are found too strong for the feeble barrier of reason and collefling power from success, impose a hea vier bondage whereas, if we would endeavor their gradual and adroit fubjugarion, calling in occasionally by reflexion the pieafure we deriv ed from one conquest to our aid in the pursuit of another—we should soon find reason smiling in the feat of empire, and by her rays be led to the region of truth. MENTOR LONDON, Oiftober 10. Tlie decrees of the National Aflembly are al ready very voluminous, consisting of thirteen ottavo volumes, in a small character ! a vast compilation ! HPHE annual elcftion of Officers of the American Ph,. X losoph ic al Society, will be held at their Hall between the hours of 2 and 5 , r. m. on Friday the 6th of lanuary rcxr. ' J December -31 American Lead Manufa&ory. STEPHEN A U S T I N, & Co. HAVE jufl now opened their Lead-Warehouse, two doors font h of Walnut-It reel Wharf, adjoining their New Factory where they have now made, and ready for fair, 3 neneral adort ment oISHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD the production of the in Virginia. As they have employed a number of experienced English workmen, they wa.rant it to be equal i» quality to any manufafturcd ill Europe, and at a reduced pice from the colt of imported. They also continue to manufacture all the above articles at Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addrefled to either of the above Factories, will be thankfully received, and execnted on the shortest notice. N. B. Wanted, indubious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and other encourage ments will be given, means of convcyance being provided, and house* for their reception. For further particulars enquire of Meflrs. Moses Austin & Co. at their Fattory in Richmond, or as above. Phi(ade/phia y December 3, 1791 appears, JONATHAN WILLIAMS, Sec'ry Bank of the United States. December 22, 1791. RESOLVED, That the Di(counts in future be made upon Tuesday and Friday, and that the Notes or Bills offered for Dilcount, be presented al the Bank on Monday and Thurfdav. (41) JOHN KF.AN, Cajhicr. Bank of the United States. December 3, 1791. NOTICE is hereby given that the Bank of the United States will be opened on Monday the sth inltant. Transfers of the fubferiptions to the stock of said Bank may then be made. On Monday the 12th instant, deposits will be received, and on Tuesday the 20th instant, discounts maybe made. By order of the Prefidentmnd Directors* JOHN KEAN, Cajhier. All Bills or Notes efFered for Discount (hall be delivered into the B-tnk on Mondays 01 Wednesdays, the Discount shall be fet tled on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and shall be made known the next succeeding days. At a MEETING of the DIREC TORS of the BANK of the UNITED STATES, Dechmbxr 5, 1791. RESOLVED, THAT ihc payment of the portion of the Capital Stock of the Bank of the United States, consisting of Specie which will be due on the several Shares on the firft Monday of January next, may be made at the refpcttive Banks of Majfachufetts and New-York. Provided, That any Stockholder claiming the benefit of such payment, shall, on or before the firft Monday in January next, exhibit to the Cashier of the Bank of the United States, a Certifi cate signed by the Cashier of the Bank into which such payment (hall have been made—anything in the regulations' heretofore eftablilhed to the contrary notwithstanding By order of the President and Directors, JOHN KEAN, Ca/kier. Bank of the United States. Phi lade l phi a, November 22,1791. THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United States are herebv informed, that accotding to the statute of incor poration, a general election for twenty-five Di recto r s will be held at the Bank of the United States, in the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the second day of January next, at t£n o'clock in the forenoon. And, pursuant to the eleventh feftion of the Bye-Laws, the Stockholders of the said Bank are hereby notified to assemble in general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuesday the third day of January next, at five o'clock ih the evening. By order of the President and Dire&ors, JOHN KEAN, Oijhier. Second fundamental Article of Statute of Incorporation. " Not more than three-fourths of the Dire&ors in office, exclu sive of the President, (hall be eligible for the next succeeding year. But the Director who (hall be President at the time of an eleflioii, mav alwavs be re-elected." ("po'fj IMPERIAL HYSON, SOUCHONG, and BOHEA REFINED SUGARS,COFFEE, &SPICES,&c.&rc Of the firft quality—by retail, No 19, Third-Street,between Chefnut and Market Streets A few TICKETS in 3d and last Class of the NEW-JERSEY LOTTERY. TO BE SOLD, Oil the Waters of Tye River, a Branch of James River, in the County of Amherfl, and State of Virginia, About 7,000 acres of rich Land, Well adapted to produce every kind of grain and grass a farmer can wifti to cultivate, distant from navigation twenty miles.—— For terms apply to JAMES ROSE, reHding on the Land. Amherft County, Virginia, Dec. I®, 1791. (^t) TO BE SOLD, BY JOHN CAREY, No. 26, Pear.Street, A COLLECTION OF Scarce and Valuable BOOKS, Which may be seen every day, until Jive o'clock, ?. m. Among them are the following : Folio. TTOMER, Xeuophon, Plato, Plutarch, Etifebius, Sozo- I A men, Theodoret, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Pater culus, Pliny, Concordantia Lat. Concordantia Gr. Thesaurus Ci ceronis. Biblia Junii and Tremellii, Bible de Martin,Wells's Maps, Scapula:— Phavoriui—Martinii—Hoffmani Lexica, Vollii Etymo logicon, Antiquit. Ecclef. Sritannieae, &c. Quarto. Pindar, Cyropjedia, Bentley's Horace, Terence and Phaedrus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Ciceronis op. om. Csefar, Su etonius, Julius Pollux, Hederici Lexicon, Voffii Ars Gram, ciuve rii Geographia, Justinian Code, &c. Octavo et injra. Homer, Anacreon, Aristophanes, Longinus, Thcophraftus, Hefiod, Poetce minores Gr. Ifocrates, Phalans, va rious editions of Horace, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibullus, Plau tus, Lucan, Martial, Claitdian, Val. Flaccus, Aufonius, Buchanan, Salluft, Curtius, Flotus, Juftin, Val. Maximus, A. Gellius, Hilt. August. Scriptores, English and French Translations of some of the Claflics, a great variety of Greek and Latin Grammars, &c. &c. G3" Catalogues may be had of MefTrs. Rice & Co. Booksellers, Market-llreet, or of JOHN CAREY. Oaober 31. (eptf.) John Pintard, SWORN BROKER & AUCTIONEER, PURCHASES and SF.LLS PUBLIC DEBT of every <\e£cv\\->t\nn,onCommijpon, at the following ratts: ON the specie amount of all sales at auflion, one eighth pej cent. d K On ditto at private falc or purchase, one-kalj per cent. On remittances, ditto. Receiving interefl at the Loan-Office, one prr cent, on the amount of the interest. For making transfers at ditto, Jcvcntr-Jive cents transfer. (yjT Such persons as may incline to tavor the fubferiber with their orders may relv on their being executed with punffua/ily, fidelity and dispatch. His long experience and extenlive dealings in the public (Wks, together with a well eftablirtied correlpon dence throughout the United States, enable hipi to conduit his "perations with peculiar benefit to his employers. JOHN PINTARD, Ntw-Ymk, No. 57, King-Street. Oftobcr 15, 1731 288 At No. 263, South Front-Street, This flight, John Macph erson will LcSureon MECHANICS, and begin precisely at Eight o'Clock. Tickets arc fold by Mr. Pou/fon, at the Library ; Mr. Pclcft, at the Merchant's Coffcehoufe; and by said Macpherjim, at one hail' a doMar each. George Meade Has for SALE, at his Stores on Walnut-Street Wharf, A FEW pipes of 3 and 4 years old bills of exchange Madeira WINE, which he will dispose of by the pipe, hogshead or quarter cask. London market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old. Old Sherry WINE of the Rrft quality, by the hogflicad of quarter cask. Three and 4 vears old Lisbon WINE, of a superior quality to what is generally imported, by the pipe, quarter cask, or larger quantity. Choice old Coniac BRANDY, by the pipe, tierce, or larger quantity. A few quarter cbefts of firft quality Hyson TEA. He has just received by the Pigou, Loxley, matter, from London, a few quarter calks of old Madeira WINE—And By the brig Mercury, Capt. Stevens, from Dublin, a few boxes of Irish LINENS, low priced and well aflorted ; a few bales of red and white FLANNELS, and fomc GLUE. A few boxes of Spcrmaceti CA NDLES of the firft quality, and Burlington PORK of prime quality. He has also to dispose of, a quantitv of dre/Ted White Oak STAVES. He means to keep a constant supply of First Quality Madeira and Lisbon WINES, and whoever is pleased to favor him with their custom, may be assured of being well served. He will, through the Winte» and Spring, buy undrefTed HAND SPIKES. He is purchasing FLAX-SEED and BEES-WAX, and will give the highest price for them. N.B. A few hampers of excellent London PORTER and Taunton ALE, just received, and lo be difpoled of. Philadelphia, November 16, 1791 Public Securities, Bought and Sold, od COMMISSION by SAMUEL ANDERSON,'' Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97, TO BE SOLD, THAT beautiful and elegant situation on the banks of the Po tomack, adjoining the town of Alexandria, whereon the fub fenber now resides; about 25 or 30 acres will be fold with the improvements, which area /leat and commodious two story house, compleatly finifhed from the cellar 10 the garret, a kitchen, launl dry, meat-house, dairy, two story barn, and ice house, al 1 finifhed in the best manner, together with fcveral 01 her necefTarv outhouses. the yard and garden neatly paled, and a fidllful gardner now em ployed inputtiag it in fine order; the land well enclosed with a post and rail fence; a well, and springs of excellent water the profpeft is equalled by few, and excelled by none in America its contiguity to Alexandria, the Federal town, and George. Town, having a fine < nd full view of each place, mud render it in a few years of great value, being direftlfrina line of communica tion from Alexandria to the other two towns. Should a purchaser offer befoie the 15th of February next, a cheap bargain may be had. An indilputablr title, clear of i