PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 69, IIIGH-STREET, BETWEEN SECOND -AND THIRD STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. [No. 6' 9, of Vol. lII.] PHILADELPHIA. PHILOSOPHICAI.-HALL, December 16. The following Aidrefs was presented in a full Meeting, 1791. To David Rittenhouse, Esquire, L. L. D. President of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for p.o moting ufeful Knowledge. THE^ American Philosophical Society embrace the present oc cafionpf a meeting for stated annual bulmcls, to acknow ledse the receipt of your letter, dated Nov. 15, addrclled to their treasurer • in wnich you are pleafcd to inform htm, that " You have raid'the debt of 3081. due to the late Judge Hopkinfon, and will lay the bond and moitgage before the society," expreiling .■our hope- that this benefaction, on your part, may " encourage the society to exert themfelvcs to get nd of some other heavy debts and incumbrances." j . 1 r 1 This renewed instance of your liberality, joined to the conlule ration of the illustrious part which you have taken in then labors for many vears palt, hath made such an impression npon them, that (hev are at a loss in what manner they can best cxprefs their grati tude, or their refpeft and veneration lor your name At any time, and in any country, such a " brilliant present' would indicate a mind that can feel the inseparable connexion be tween learning and human felicity. But in the present state of our finance- it is a moll important benefaflion ; and a noble Ipecimeu of literary patronage in a young empire, where many other im provements mnft Ibare with the arts and sciences, in the public attention and bounty- . We are sensible of the neceffitv of extingm(hing the other heavy debts of the Society, with all possible speed ; and have appointed a proper committee to devise ways and means for that purpose. Sioned in behalf and by order of the Society, at a meeting ° held this 16th day of December, 1791. The Yrefiient of the Society was f leafed to return this Answer Gentlemen, THE 'atisfaflion I feci in contributing fometliing towards pro motine science, the intercfts whereof are, I am perluaded, mlepa l,le from thole of humanity, is greatly mcreaied by your very po lite approbation. «• , Tsty fmcccft wishes sre, tfcrt-tirs tnltevm .ver-owf.- public encouragemtnt, aud enjoy the patronage of the generous and the good. an ordinance, FoKfccuiing the punctual Payment of the Monies due on the Subfcriplions to the " SOCIETY FOR USEFUL MANUFACTORIES." T)E it ordained, " by the Governor and D irc ® ors ]5 for < ufcful Mauufattones, and .1 ' reb y ° darned bv authority o. the (an,.,. That then , lubft:nb.d u the said Society ft,.11 be paid e,lh.. to the Calhie ofthe Bank o New-York, or to the Cathier of the Bank of the Um ed States, a Philadelphia or to John Bayard or John Neilfon, h q. at New-Jersey, wh'o (hail, thev receive tuch monies, pay the lame to t e a ~f Kew-York. r.ovidcd always, That tn all cases wlhere the tub fcriber m-v prefer to pay hi,or It.r fubfcr ' pt '° n „ tia „( the funded hock ol the United State,, stock lhaU betran terred on the books of the Tre.ft.ry 'he Un'tcd M tcs, oremth books ot the Loan-Officer at Philadelphia, liret York, in the name of the " Society for eftabl.Chmg ufefu. ''Si. And be it further ordained by the That the Hi ft payment ot the laid lubfcr.pi:ions fh.U be made, the manner aforcfa.d, on or before the thirteenth U» ui next; and that the Iha.cor (haicsot all and every pe.fon ope. tons who shall neglect to make such payments, °» day, (hall he forfeited, and vetted in the Dircdor. for the commo, benefit of the Society. , , ■ a f n rpf.»id Sec. 111. And be it further ordained by tneau h y That if any fubferiber, or his alTigns, shall neglefit omd,third or fourth payment ot his, her °r p ofth f.-ripnons, for the space ot three days after the c time limitted bv the law ot the incorporation for 'he a, ° P V men,,, that is to"fay, the second payment on the.htrtce. th d.c July, ; 792 , the third payment on the ..hrrteenth day «i^ Janue ,ry 1793- »"<* the fourth and last C and e ve,y (hare o .July, ,793, that then, and in,th.t ■ [0 make 'fuch pay fharcs oHuch person or persons. ion. D 0 n -j