Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, December 10, 1791, Page 260, Image 4

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Resolved, That the form of the power for vot
ing by proxy at any elecftion, be:
Know all Men by these Presents, That
of do hereby appoint to be
fubjiitute and proxy for and in name
and behalf, to vote at any election of a DireClor or
Directors of the Bank of the United States, as fully
as might or could were personally present.
In witness whereof, have hereunto set hand
and seal, thii day of in the year
Sealed and delivered £
in the prefeuce of )
That the form of the power for voting by proxy
refpe<fling the enadlinr/, repealing or amending
Bye-Laws, OrcUnanc„s"and Regulations, be:
Know all Mb'n by these" Presents, That
of r!o hereby appoint fubjiitute
or proxy, to represent at all meetings of the
Stockholders, of the Bank of the United States, and
in ncr me a ,id behalf, to vote refpetting the en
a cling, 'repealing or amending such Bye-Laws, Or
dinartces or Regulations, as may be deemed necef
far.*y and convenient for the government of the said
I/i witness whereof, have hereunto set hand
and seal, this day of in the year
Scaled and delivered )
in the presence of £
That the form of the power for felling, assign
ing and transferring Bank Stock, be:
Know all Men by these Presents, That
of do hereby constitute and appoint
of true and lawful attorney, for and in
name and behalf) to fell, assign and transfer unto
any person orperfons, the whole or any part of
J"bare unto belonging in the capital or
joint flock of the President, Direßors and Company
of the Bank of the United States, and for that pur
pose to make and execute all necessary ails of align
ments and transfer, and furthermore one or more
persons under to fubjlitute with like full power.
In witness whereof, have hereunto set hand
andfeal, this day of in the year
Sealed and delivered )
in the presence of {
That the form of the power to receive Divi
dends be:
Know all Men by these Prfsents, 7'hat
of do hereby constitute and appoint
lawful attorney jor and in name an d behalf,
to receive and give receipts for all dividends now
due, or which may grow due on share
to belonging, in the capital or joint flock of the
President, DireElors and Company of the Bank of
the United States.
hi witness whereof, have hereunto fit hand
and fcal, this day oj in the year
Sealed and delivered )
In the prefcnce of {
American Lead Manufactory.
HAVE just now Opened their Lead-Wa rehouse, two doors
fouih of Walnut-street Wharf, adjoining their New Factory—
where they have now made, and ready for sale, a general assort
ment of SHOT of all sizes, with SHEET and BAR LEAD, the
production of the in Virginia. As they have employed a
number of experienced Englifti workmen, they warrant it to be
equal in quality to any manufactured in Europe, and at a reduced
price from the prime cost of imported.
They also continue to manufa&ure all the above articles at
Richmond, in Virginia. All orders addressed to either of the
above Fa&ories, will be thankfully received, and execnted on the
• fhortcft notice.
N. B. Wanted, industrious, sober, Labouring Men, at the said
Mines, where constant employ, good wages, and other encourage
ments will be given, means of conveyance being provided, and
houses for their reception.
For further particulars enquire ofMeffrs. Moses Austin & Co.
at their fa£iory in Richmond, or as above.
Philadelphia, December 3, 1791. tf
George Meade
Has for SALE, at his Stoics on '.Valnut-Street Wharf,
A ° f 3 and 4 ye3rs old bills of exchange Madeira
IN , E > whlch he Wll ' dispose of by ihe pipe, hogthead or
quarter calk. 0
London market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old.
WINE ° f tJUality ' b y the or
Three and 4 yeari old Lilbon WINE, of a superior quality to
what is generally imported, by the pipe, quarter call;, or larecr
quantity. o
quantity! OIdC ° aiaCBRANDY ' by ' he P'P C ' tier «. ° r '"S"
A few quarter cliefts of firft quality Hyson TEA
He hasjuft received by the Pigoo, Loxley, mailer,'from London,
a few quarter calks of old Madeira WINE—And
KNsT 7 ' Ca P t ' Stev J cns ' from Dublin, a few boxes
Of Inlh LINENS, low prtccd and well assorted : a few bales of
.reo and white FLANNELS, and some GLUE.
A few boxes of Spermaceti CANDLES of the firft quality, and
Burlington PORK of prime quality.
STAVES. a ' fot ° aifpofe ° f ' 3 C l uanlit y of White Oak
an"Lw * fupp 'y ° f First Q»ality Madeira
and Liibon \\ INKS, and whoever is pleased to favor him with
their custom, may be assured of being well ferveri
SPIKES 'H ro ." gl ' th< ; Winter and Sp. ,ng, buy undrefled HAND
iRSSSg«if«» - ««•««, ..d
N.B. A few hampers of excellent London PORtpo . j
T TZ A^ E '^ ,ccnvcd ' * n
Philadelphia, November 16, 1791.
Bank of the United States.
December 3, 1791.
NOTICE i*hereby given that the Bank of the United States
will he opened on Monday the sth indent.
Transfers of the (übfcriptioot to the itock of said Bank may
then be made.
On Monday the 12th indent, deposits will be received, and on
Tuesday the 20th instant, difcouiits maybe made.
By order of the President and Dire&ois,
JOHN KF.AN, Cafnicr.
All Bills or Notes ©ffered for Discount shall be delivered into
the Bank on M<*idayi or Wednesdays, the Discount (hall be fet
tled on Tucfdays and Thursdays, and (hall be made known the
next succeeding days.
At a MEETING of the DIRECTORS of the
THAT the payment of the portion of the Capital Stock of the
Bank of the United States, confiding of Specie whicfli will b<?
due on the several Shares on the firft Monday of January next,
may be made at the refpe&ive Banks of MaJJachn setts and New-Yoi k.
Provided, That any Stockholder claiming the benefit of such
payment, (hall, on or before the firft Monday in January next,
exhibit to the Caftiicr of the Bank of the United States, a Certifi
cate signed by the Cashier of the Bank into which such payment
(hall have been made—any thing in the regulations heretofore
eftablilhed to the contrary notwiihflandirig
Bank of the United States.
Phi lad el phi a, November 22,1791.
THE Stockholders of the Bank, of the United States
are hereby informed, that according to the statute ot incor
poration, a general election for twenty-five Directors will be
held at the Batik of the United States, in the city of Philadelphia,
on Monday the second day of January next, at ten o'clock in the
And, pursuant to the eleventh feftion of the Bye-Laws, jthe
Stockholders of the said Bank are hereby notified to afifemble in
genera! meeting, at the fame place, on Tuesday the third day ot
January next, ai five o'clock in the evening.
By order of the President and Directors,
JOHN KEAN, Cajhicr.
f Secondfundamental Articlc of Statute of Incorporation.
" Not more than three-fourths of the Directors in office, exclu
' five of the President, shall be eligible for the next succeeding year.
But the Director who {hall be Piefidcnt at the time of an election,
may always be re-ele6ted." r^pttj
Of the fiift quality—by retail,
No. 19,
Third-Street, between Chefnut and Market Streets
Public Securities,
Bought and So ld, on COMMISSION, by
fchcfnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No. 97.
To be had at the fame place.
Funds of the United States.
ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex.
changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negotiated;
Merchandize of all forts bought and fold on Commission, and all other
Buftncfs in the line of a BroKer, tranfaftcd by
At tht Office next door to the Custom-House,
State-Street, BOSTON. 2m
John Pintard,
PUBLIC DEBT of everydefcription,onCo»zOTjj{7o»,
at the following rates:
ON the specie amount of all falcs at auction, one eighth pei
On ditto at private sale or porchafe, one-kalj per cent.
Ou remittances, ditto.
Receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one per cent, on the
amount of the interest.
For making transfers at &\Uo,fevinty-Jivc cents per transfer.
0-3T Such persons as may incline to tavor the fubferiber with
their orders, may rely on their being executed with punauatity,
fidelity and difyatck. His long experience and extensive dealings
in the public stocks, together with a well eftablilhed correfpon.
dence throughout the Unued States, enable him to coudufl his
operations with peculiar beuefit to his employers.
New-York, No. 57, King-Street.
OBobcr 15, 1791
Is now opened at his School-Room,
No. 28, Carter's Alley.
TTE returns his finccre thanks for the great encouragement he
ru- ru c *P erlence< i ,hc f e eighteen years; hopes the reputat ion
of his school for decorum and good order, as well as the perform
public favor W h ' m 3 ref P caable Ihare of the
A number of new Cotillions and Country Dances will be taught
during the season. b
Those who please to honor him with the tuition of their chil
dren, may be assured, they will be taught in the most approved
and that P'°P cr a 'tention w>ll be paid to the.r carriage and
be held at the M I improvement of the scholars, will
be held at'he New Rooms, every other Wednefriay ; when th-
These orlftT llran ,f ™ ot K ent «l deportment, will be admitted.
n P \ /'f w,!l bc a,t ™<icd with no
NB. An EVENING SCHOOL w ill be opened for ? row„
Gentlemen, as loon as a fuffictem number offer.
Philadelphia, September 14, 179,
Wanted, a good COOK,
cannot be well recommended. Enqui, cos the Prints.
(ep 6w.)
By order of the Piefidcnt and Dire&ors,
JOHN KEAN, Cajhicr.
December 5, 1791
(To which is prefixed an accurate Map of the State)
By the Rev. Jeremy Belknap,
Are ready for Delivery to Subfctibers—who may receive their
Books 011 application to HAZARD & ADDOMS, at the
Comer of Chefnut and Thiid Street?.
The above two volumes contain the political history of the
State, from its firft fcttlement to the adoption of the present Ccin
ftitwtion of the United States;—the third, containing a geographi
cal defcrtption of the State, fetches of its natural history, &c. it
in the ptefs.
*»* A few copies of the fitft two volumes for sale—price acf.
November 5,1791.
In the Fiefs, and speedily will be publidir-d,
Confiding of State Papers, and other authentic Documents,
tending to elucidate the Hi story of Amer ic a, and
particularly of the United States.
* . P r 'ce to Subscribers will be a Dollar for each Number,
containing 160 large quarto pages ; or Four Dollars and a Quarter
tor each Volume in Boards ; to be paid as follows, viz. the firft
and second Numbers, or Volumes, to be paid for on delivery of
the firft ; and each subsequent one (except the last) at the time of
Subscriptions will be recefved, in this city, by Thomas
Dob son, and Hazard & Addoms, (who will exhibit specimens
of the work) and in other places by the principal Bookfdlers
re - Philadelphia, November g, 1791.
Thirty Dollars Reward.
"Q UN AWAY, some rime in August 1789, a yellow NEGRO
, MAN", named Abkakam, late the property of Nathtmcl
deceased—about torty-five years of age, about five feet
eight or nine inches high, pretty welt set, with a large Wooll) head
and large beard, walks with his knees bent, often complains of
pains in his fretand ancles—by tradea bricklayer, stone mason and
plasterer. He is a very handy fellow as a houle-waiter, and is fond
o! filch business. He is a great dissembler, and no doubt pretends
h.*° is a freeman. He has been eloped so long that no description of
his prefeut clothing can be given. It is supposed that he went t®
the Northern States, as he often mentioned having friends there.—
Twenty Dollars reward will be given to any person that will se
cure said Negro in any jail, so that the fubferiber may get him
-jiiiin; and l'eafonabjc. charges will be paid—or Thirty Dollars
!) be piven if he is brought to Prince William County, Virginia,
to Mr. John KiNCH£LOR,by
ft. f.)
No. 26, Pea r -St r cet,
Scarce and Valuable
Which may be seen every day, vnttl five o'clock, p. m.
Among them are the following :
Folio. TTOMER, Xenophon, Plato, Plutarch, Eufebius, Soio
-11 men, Theodoret, Virgil, Horacc, Livy, Tacitus, Paterl
cuius, Pliny, Concordantia Lai. Concordantia Gr. Thefaui'ui Ci~
ceronis. Biblia Junii and Tremellii, Bible dc Martin,Wells's Mips"
Scapulae— Phavorini —Martinii—Hofl'mani Lexica, Voilit iuyinol
logicon, Antiquit. Ecclef. Sritannicae, &c.
Qtiarto. Pindar, Cyropsdia, Bentley's Horace, Terence and
Phsdrus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Ciiccronis op. om. Csefar Sn
ctonius, Julius Pollux, Hedcrici Lexicon, Voliii Ais Grain, Cluvtl
rii Jufltnian Code,&c.
Octavo ct infra. Homer, Anacrcon, Ariftnphanes, I.onginus
Theophraftus, Hefiod, Poetae minorcs Gr. Ifocratcs, Phalaris Va
rioui editions tf Horace, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibullus, Plau.
lus, Lucan, Martial, Claudian, Val. Flaccus, Aufonius, Buchanan
Sailuft, CurtiuSjFlorus, [uftin, Val. Maximus, A. Gellius Hill*
Aiigutt. Scriptores, Engiifh and French Tranjlations of sonic of the
Claflics, a great variety or Greek and Latin Grammars, &c. &c.
Catalogues may be had of Messrs. Rice & Co. Bonkfellers.
Market-street, or of JOHN CAREY.
October 31. (ep tf.)
Lectures on Government & Law.
THE Honorable JAMES WILSON, L. L. D. Profeffoi of Lswi
in the College and Academy of Philadelphia, proposes to
deliver, next Winter, two Courfcs of Leflures. One Course to
begin on the Second Monday, the other on the Second Tuesday of
Secretary to the Board of Faculty.
Philadelphia, OOober is, 1791. (eptD)
Arid polTeflion immediately,
That pleasantly situated Farm
Whereon the fubferiber now lives.
IT lies on the road trom Princeton to Brunfwick, about a mile
and a half from the former. It contains 213 acres, whereof
47 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, and 20 more maybe
made. Also a young orchard of 200 apple trees, besides a variety
of peach and cherry trees, and a large garden ; the whoie under
good fence. There are on the premises a two (lory (lone house
and kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ted and
finifhed. Also, a smoke-house, work-Hiop, granary, waggon
houfe; harnck cow-houses, two ftorieshigh and go feet long, aud
a good barn, with stabling. From the buildings there arecharm
ing views of Princeton, the neighbouring farms, and Monmouth
hills. Any peifon inclining to purchase, may know the terms by
applying to the fubferiber on the premises, or to Isaac Snows in,
No. 141, South Second-lli eet, Philadelphia.
Princeton, Otfcober to, x 793. [cpgrnj
Forty Dollars Reward.
LAST night was broke open the Store of the subscriber, at Bor.
dentown, and flolen from the fame the followingarticles, viz.
One hair trunk, containing womcns' wearing apparel; 1 small
box, containing four clocks and one dozen teftamenti; 1 ditto
containing one bottle green cloth coat, one striped veil and
breeches, two shirts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 20s. i»
30s. Jet fey coppers; 1 keg containing a large bible, with other
small books; 1 box containing 447 real ostrich feathers, some of
them large and elegant, and of different colours; 2 barrels rye
meal, branded Stout and Imlav; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream paper,and
1 dozen paile-boatds. Stolen at the fame time, a large Batteau,
with black fides.
A reward of 1 wentv Dollars will be given for the fecurityof
the above property, so that the owners may have the articles again,
or in proportion for part thereof; also a further reward of Twenty
Dollars will be given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe
trators, so that they may be brought to justice, by
Bordentown, New-Jersey, Sept. i, lygi. [ep'fj
The First and Second Volumes of the
CHARLES WICKLIFF, Administrator.
Oftobcr i 2