Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 30, 1791, Page 245, Image 4

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NOVEMBER 30. —Dollars at j/6.
ANCHORS yd Portei, American pr. dos. tosS
AlJum, Engiiih, pr.cwt. 30 s Pitch, pr. bbl 13J Iss
Ditto, Koch pr. lb. 10d Pork, Burlington, yoj
Allies, not, per ton, 37/io.j Lower county q2s bd
— Pearl, 50/ ——Carolina bysbd
Arrack pr. gall. icj 12s 6J p t as, Albany 5 s
Branny, common, 8j 4u Pepper, pr. lb. 3->
Cognidc Pimento ** bd
Braziletto, pr. ton. 12/15/ Rice pr.cwt. pis 6d
Bricks pr. M 305/0 37s bd Rosin pr. bbl. ißj £OJ
Bread, flup pr. cwt. 15* 'Raisins, best, pr. keg 601
Ditto, pilot 27s bd Duco pr.jai 22s 6t
Ditto, finall water 40/ 454 Ditto pr. box 3c
Beer, American, in bot J IQ /g r Jamaica pr. gall. 6s 91
pr. doz. bot. incl. j J Aruigua 6s be
pr. bbl. 35* I Windward 5/ bd 6
f Oak pr.M feet, 67J 75* Barbadoes 5* 6<
| Merch. pine 120J ! Country, N. E. 4J
Sap, do. 67/0 -^sbi
O I N.Eng. 82 j Saffafras pr. ton 45J 60
w L Cedar 10 5 s Saltpetre, pr.cwt. 4/10 J 5
The above arc the Shallop prices ; Sulphur, flour 5°
jor the Yard puces add 15spr M. Shot 52
Brimitone iu rolls pr.cwt. 35/ f German pr.cwt. 65s 7°
u* ( Irish pr. bbl. w jEnglifh, blistered '5
2 j Boston 6oy pr. ton 40/60
ca (Country 52s 6d pr. fag. 80
Butter pr. lb. Snake root pr. lb. u6d 3J21
in kegs *°d Soap, Common fid 6>
Cedar,rednmber pr.foot2J6J3J Brown 6<
Chocolate pr. lb. Castile lOfl'i
Coal pr. bulhel is yd Starch 4c/ 61
Coffee Snuff is6d 2s\d 3161
Cinnamon ißj2oj Spermaceti,refined, 3* i°
Cheese, English Sail Cloth, Enelilh, 1 c ,
isbd 2S2i
Country pr. yard, J
fSper. 3 f -id Boston, No. I. 2J'3<
A I Wax 4 J No. 11. 2J-2-
3 Myrtle Wax 12d Rullia fhecting. pr. p. 90,
j Mould,tallow 12 d rLump, is-$l
j I,Dipped 10 d & 1 Loaf, finale refined isiOi
Cotton 9.) $d < 1 Ditto, double do. 2s 6
is O *
Copperas pr.cwt. 14 s
Cordage 6oj 6256 d
Cocoa Boj
Duck, Ruflia, pr. piece Boj
Ravens 67J72J6./
Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 37^6^
Common, 35 J
Bur middlings,bed 33J
Middlings 2 4*
Ship-ftuft pr. cwt. 7*6 d ioj
Flax pr. lb. $d
Fustic pr. ton, 135J 15OJ
Feathers pr. lb- 31
Flaxfeed pr. bulh. 6s6d 7 r
Glue, pr.cwt. 7/10.58/
Ginger, whiteracc 65J
Ditto, common 50*
Ditto, ground pr. lb. 9d
Ginseng, 1/6 I^lo
Gunpowder, cannon,pr. £
quarter cask, J 3' '
Ditto, fine glazed 30.?
Girt, Holland, pr. gall. 6s
Do. pr. cafe. 32J 6d
f Wheat pr. bush 7s 7r 3 /
Rye 4/6.'/
I Oats 212 d
< <(- Indian corn 3-f 6./
I Barley . 4s f{d
| -Bed (helled pr. lb. 3d
[Buckwheat 3_f
Hemp, for. pr. ton, 4 5 / 53 /
American, pr. lb. 4d
Hogshead hoops, pr. M 516/
Herrings, pr. bbl. iSj 2or
Hides, raw pr. lb. gd 10d
Hops ss 2d
Indigo, French, io«
• Carolina 3-f 7s6d
Irons, fad pr. cwt. 50*
f Callings 2ss 6d'3os
j Bar pr. ton, 29/ 32/
O «> Pig io/
5 I sheet 65/
Nail rods 36/
Junk, pr. cwt. io.v 4OJ
Lard, hogs 9 d 10d
Lead in pigs 40J 42J 6d
-:n bars 505
Lead, white 753 80s
• red 50 J
Leather, foal pr. lb. 1 s 1 s6d
Lignum vitas pr. too 42J 45s
Logwood 7/ 5 j 8/
Meal, Indian, pr. bbl. 20s
Rye 22/ 6d
Mackarcljbeft 6oj 67J 6d
- Common 45)-
Mace pr. lb. 55J
Milliard *s \d
Madder, bell tfid 18d
Mobiles pr. gall. 3*3 s ~d
Marble, wrought, pr.foot, 141
Mart spars 2J 6d 5s
Mahogany 8 d 10d
Nutmegs pr. lb. 67s 6d
Nails, \cdi<?.d&.2.od—%<r%\dqd
f Linseed, pr. gall. 35 9d
1 Train 1 j iod' zs 2d
Spermaceti 316 d
I Whale 1 rfid 213 d Bills of Exchange, London,
O tv Ve r 6; 90 days, 71
Ditto pr. cafe ißj gd Ditto 60 days 72
B-lt Iwect m > nitto s
flalk«,pr. box, J 7&< Amftcrdam, 60 days,
I —hafcets 12 bottles37j6</ pr. guilder, ,r
Oak timber pr. ton ;jBl * oA ' 3
or er pr. bl. 4°* *" Government nills, drawn at 1®
Lb nab n y pr. dbz. iai &d 155 days per 11 guilders, 33J id.
Of the firll quality—by retail
No 19,
Hurd-Street,between Chcfnut and Market Streets.
Havannah, white 1 7'
to Ditto, brown,
Mufcovad;>,pr.c\vt, 10545
pirii sTurpentine pr. 3?
( AlJum pr. bull). 2J lu
j 2J 4d
< \ Cadiz u
Ship build. W.O. frames'] 90s
p. ton, J loco
Do. LO. Sc red C. do.
Shingles, Ihort, p. M. 22s bd
long d relied 90J 105J
Scantling, heart, 8/ 1 5^
Sap 60s
r Pipe pr. 1200 pieces 6oj
2 ; W. O. hogshead 7/ 2s 6d
> J R. O. do. 7/ 6s 34i
f*- 1 Lcogan 0/
£ Barrel 3/ isi
L Heading 8/
' Otter, bell pr. piece 351
Minks 1 j6<z 4j
Fox, grey *>
red 4.* 8)4
Martins 2.* 716 d
—< Fiftier? 2s6d $s
Bears 12s 6d 2^
Racoons 21 5J
Musk-rats gd is Btl
ft 'aver, pr. lb. $s6 9 s6d
_ Deei, in hair 1
Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 7)6
Carolina, 32 gall. io< i2ibd
Turpentine pi. bbl. 12s 15J
. C James R. new best 2&r
:£ inferior 20*2 /6</
0 • j
o old 3,5 j
** Rappahannock 1-8/9 2?/6
O J Colo. Maryland cos 60s
y Dark 19.5 (Sd j
< Long-leaf lgs 6d
cq Kaftetn-ihore iys S4
Carolina, new 22J 6'^
L .old 22*61/251
( Hyson pr. lb. 7s Bjgd
0 j Hylon (k n, 4s 6j 6d
'Souchong, 3.?6d 7 j
j Congo, 3$ 4d 3J gs
[Bohea, 2s gd
Fallow, refined B~d
Tin pr. box, iooj
Verdigreafe pr. lb.
Vermillion, 12s
Varnish, 2 s 6d
" Madeira,pr. pipe 40/75/
LHbon 36/
Teneriffe 20/10J 30/
w Fayal pr. gall.
j Port pr. pipe 36/43/
J Ditto pr. gall. 6s
Do. in bottles, pr. doz. 30*
Claret 30* 45.5
\ Sherry pr. gall. 6sod gs
Malaga $s6sbd
Wax, Bees pr. lb. 2s
Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2ssd
-short, pr. lb. is
the United States.
Bank of
Philadelphia, Afovtmbtroo f j
THHE Stockholders of the Bank of (He Ok it ed Jitate!
X are hereby informed, that according to the statute of incor
poration, a general election for t wcniy-five Di recto r s will be
held at the Bank of the United Siates, in the city of Philadelphia,
on Monday the second day of January next, at ten o'clock in the
And, pursuant to the eleventh frcfion of the Bye-Laws, the
Stockholders of the said Bank are hereby notified to aflemblc in
general meeting, at the fame place, on Tuelday the third day ot
January next, ai five o'clock in the evening.
By order of the President znd Dire&ors,
JOHN K E A N, CaJJiicr.
Second fundamental Article of Statute of lntoYporation.
" Not more ihmi three-fourths of the Directors in 6'tHce, cxclu
five of the Proficient, lhaJl be eligible for thenaxt year.
But the Director who (hall be President at the time of an election,
may always be rc-eletted." [ p P l Q
George Meade
Has for SALE, at his S;ores on Wa l n ut-St reet Wharf,
A FEW pipit nf 3 and 4 years old bills ot exchange Madeira
WINE, which he will dispose of by the pipe, hoglhead or
quarter cask.
London market Madeira WINE, 5 and 6 years old.
Old Sherry WINE of the firil quality, by the hogshead or
quarter caflc.
Three and 4 years old Lisbon WINE, of 3 superior quality to
what is generally imported, by the pipe, quarter cask, or larger
Choice old Coniac BRANDY, by the pipe, tierce, or larger
A few quarter chests of firft quality Hyson TEA.
He Jips just received by the Pigou, Loxley, master, from London,
a few quarter casks of old Madeira WINE—And
By 'he brig Mercury, Capt. Stevens, from Dublin, a few boxes
of Irilh LINENS, low priced and well adorted ; a few bales of
red and white FLANNELS, and some GLUE.
A few boxes of Spermaceti CANDLES cf the firfl. quality, and
Burlington PORK of prime quality.
He has also to dispose of, a quanlitv of dressed White Oak
He means to keep a constant supply of Firfl Quality Madeira
and Lisbon WINES, and whoever is plea fed to favor him with
their custom, may be allured of being well served.
He will, through the Winter and Spring, buy undrefled HAND
SPIKES. He is purcbafing FLAX-SEED and BEES-WAX, and
will give the highest price for them.
N.B. A few hampers of excellent London POUTER and
Taunton ALE, juit received, and to be disposed of
Philadelphia, November 16, 1791
No. 26, PEAR-Street,
and Valuable
B O O K S,
Which may be fcen rvery day, until jive o'clock, p. m.
Among them are the following :
Folio. TTOMER, Xenophon, Plato, Plutarch, Eufcbius, Sozo
i. A men, Theodoret, yirgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Pater
cuius, Pliny. Concordantiji Lat. Concordantia Gr. Thcfauius Ci
ceronis. fiiblia Junii and Tremellii, Bible de Martin,Wclls's Maps,
Scapula:—Phavoriui—Martinii— Hoffmani Lexica, Voflii Etyma-
An'jqutt. Ecclef. Britanricas, &c.
Qjiarto. Pindar, Cyropasdia, Bentley's Horacc, Terence and
Ovid» Juvenal, Manilius, Ciceronis op. om. Cafar, Su
etonius, Julius Pollux, Hedcrici Lexicon, Vofiii Ais Gram. Cluve
rii Geographia. Juftinlari Code, See.
Octavo et infra. Homer, Anacreon, Ariftophancs, Longinus,
Theophraftus, Hefiod, Poeta: minores Gr. Ifocrates, Phalaris, va
rious editiom o/Horace, Viigil, Tcrcnce,and Cvid, Tibullus, Plau
tus, Lucan, Martial, Claudian, Val. Flaccus, Aulonius, Buchanan,
Salluft, Cuit.ius, Florus, Juttin, Val. Maximum, A. Gellius, Hill.
A uyuft. Script ores, Englijk and French Trqrjlations of some of the
dafTics, a great. Variety ot Greek and latin Grammars, &c. See.
03" Catalogues may he had of McHYs. Rice & Co. Bookfell rs,
Markrt-ftreet, or of JOHN CAREY.
October 31. (ep tf.)
And pofTeflion given immediately,
That pleasantly fltuated Faiim
Whereon the fubferiber now lives.
IT lies on the road from Princeton to Brunfwick, about a mile
and a half from the former. It contains 213 acres, whereof
47 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, and 20 more maybe
made. Alio a youpg. orchard of 200 apple trees, betides a variety
of pjsch and cherry trees, and a large garden ; the, whole under
good; fence. There are on the prcmifcs a two story stone house
and kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ted and
finifhed. Also, a smoke-house, work-Slop* granary, waggon
hou-fe; barrack cow-hou-fos. two stories high and go feet long,"and
a good barn, with (tabling. From the buildings there are charm
ing views of Princeton, live neighbouring farms, and Monmouth
hills. Any pcrfon inclining to purchase, may know t'ue terms by
applying* to the fubferiber on tire prcmifcs, or to Isaac Skowden,
No. 141, South Second-fticet, Philadelphia.
Princeton, O&obcr 10, 1791
Lectures on Government e-c Law.
THE Honorable JAMES WILSON, L. L. D. ProfViTo. of Laws
in the College and of Philadelphia, proposes to
deliver, Winter, two Courn sos Le&ures. One Course to
begin on the Second Monday, the other on the Second Tuelday of
, Secretary to the Board of Faculty.
Philadelphia, Oaober 12, 1791. (cptD)
In the Press, and fpeedilv will be pnblifbrd,
ConfiHing of State Papers, and oth, r authentic Documents
tending to elucidate the History of America, and
particularly of ihf United St a tes
* The price to Snbfcribers will be a Dollar for ea h Number
containing",6c large quarto pages ;or Four Dollars and a Quarter
r J ?! urnr 10 ;to be paid as Follows, viz.,' The firft
and second Numbers, or Voluxes, to be paid for on delivery of
dcKvelV 31 " rubre q iiC '« ?"? (except the la ft) at the time of
0--', on, will be rreffcr«J,.in.thij citv, by Thomas
DoßsoN.and Hazard & Addoms, (who will exhibit fp.-imens
ihe.e and ,nothcr pl«« bv »"*.* or ■ n .1, okf.
lfcc,e " Pii.'Mphiu,
(ep 6w.)
Funds of the United States.
ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold orrx
changed ; Foreign and Inland Jiilts of Exchange m-gonaied
Merchandize ol all lons bought and folj on (omm'Jion, and j//other
Business in the line of a BroKer, tranfatted by
tht Office next door to the Cuftoni-Houfe
State-Street, BOSTON. ' 2m
John Pintard,
PUBLIC DEBTofevery defcription.onCommijpon
at the following rates: '
the specie amount of all Talcs at auction, one eighth pel
On ditto at private falc or purchase, one-halj per cent
On remittances, ditto!
Receiving intere!l at the Loan-Office, one percent, on the
amount of the intciefl.
For making transfers at ditto, fevnty-five cents pertransfer.
(j-3* Such persons as may incline to favor the fublrnber with
their orders, may rely on their being executed with panguatity
fidelity a-;ddifpatch. His long experience and extensive dealing
in the public stocks, together with a'wril rllablilhrd correfpon.
dcnce throughout the Untied States, enable him to conduit his
operations with peculiar benefit to his employers.
October 1,5, 1791
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on C O M M I S S I O N, by
Chefnut-Strect, next door to the Bank, No. 97.
To be had at the fame place.
Is now opened at his School-Room,
No. 28, Carter's Alley.
HE returns hit (iticere thanks for the great encouragement he
has experienced these eighteen years; hopes the reputation
of his school for decorum and good order, as well as the perform
ance of hisfcholars, will dill ensure him a refpeftable (hare of the
public favm.
A number of new Cotillions and Country Dances will be taught
during the season.
Those who please to honor him wilh the tuition of their chil
dren, may be allured, they will be taught 'n the most approv. d
stile, and that proper attention will be paid to their carriage and
A general praflifing for the improvement of the scholars, will
be held at the New Rooms, every other Wednesday ; when the
employers, and ll> angers ot genteel deportment, wi!! be admitted.
These pra6tifinws will be attended wiih no expcnce.
N.B. Ail EVENING SCHOOL will be opened for grown
Gentlemen, as soon as a fufficicnt number offer!
Philadelphia, September j 4, 17qi
Thirty Dollars Reward.
RUN AWAY, some time in\Auguft 1789, a yellow NEGRO
MAN, named Abraham, late the property of Nathaniel
Wicklijf, deceased—about forty-five years of age, about five feet
eight or nine inches high, oreitv well set, with a large woolly head
and large beard, walks with his knees bent, often complains of
pains in his feet and ancles—by trade a bricklayer, {tone mason and
plafie'-er. He is a very handy fellow as a house-waiter, and is fond
of ft:ch bufmefs. He is a great difT-mble'r, and no doubt pretends
he is a freeman. He has been eloped so long that no description of
his prefeut clothing can be given. It is supposed that he went to
the Northern States, as he often mentioned having friends there.—
Twenty Dollars reward will be given to any p p rfon that will se
cure said Negro in any jail, so that the fubferiber may get him
again; and reasonable charges will be paid—or Thirty Dollars
will be given if he is brought to Prince William County, Virginia,
to Mr. John Kinchelor, by
CHARLES WICKLIFF, Administrator.
October 12, 1791
Forty Dollars Reward.
LAST night was broke open the Store of the fubferiber, at Bor
dentown, and ftoien from the fame the following articles, viz.
One hair trunk, containing womens' wearing apparel; 1 small
box, containing four clocks and one dozen teftamcnts; 1 ditto
containing one bottle green cloth coat, one flriped velt and
breeches, two fiiirts and a lmall bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to
30s. Jeifey copners; 1 keg containing a large bible, with other
lmall books ; 1 box containing 447 real ostrich feathers, some of
them large and elegant, and of different colours; 2 barrels rye
meal, branded Stout and Imlay; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream paper, and
1 dozen paste-boards. Stolen at the fame time, a large Batteau,
with black fides.
A rewaid of Twenty Dollars will be given for the fccurityof
the above property, so that the owners may have the articles again,
or in proportion for part thereof ; also a further reward of Twenty
Dollars will be given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe
trators, so that they may be brought to jnftice, bv
Bordcntown, New- jcrfev, Sept. i. 1701. [ e P*U
A Young Gentleman, of American birth and education (being
a graduate) would for a liberal compensation engage as
Tutor in a family, or take charge of an Acadetnv, to teach the
Latin and English Languages. He has had r om . experience in
teaching, and trulls he can exhibit fatisfa&orv recommendations.
Any letters upon this fubjeft, pofl paid, addre{T"d to A— S—,
and the caic of the Editor hereof, prior to the 25th December, will
be puri&u?! ly attended to.
Odober 22, 1 791
The Firfl. and Second Volumes of the
(To which is prefixed an accurate Map of the StateJ
By the Rev. Jeremy Belknap,
Are ready for Delivery to Subfcri! rrs—who may rece-ive their
Books on application to HAZARD& ADDOMS, at the
Comer of Chefnut and 17hit d Streets.
The above two volumes contain the political hifto' y of the
Slate, from its firO: settlement to the adoption of the present C (,:>
ftitntion of the United States ;— the third, containing a geographi
cal description of the S:a;e, iketches of its natural history. See. is
in the press.
*** A few copies of the fiwft two volumes ror fale—z,ucc2of.
Ncvewbcr 5, 1701.
JC7 3 * The price of this i cruris 3 Dollarspir nr."'
New-York, No. 37, King-Street.
( t . f.j