Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, November 09, 1791, Page 224, Image 4

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Mb. Holch,
WELL, Mr. Printer—as of late,
Convention fat in tree debate,
In order duly to revile
And guard our rights with eagle eyes,
To mend them wheresoever torn,
And patch in places fairly worn—
1 look a feat on gallery-bench,
To hear the daily eloquence,
Nervous and strong as brais or iron,
And Iweet as comb in Sampson's iion,
Winch fljvv'd in Ciceronian ftiains,
From heads compos'd of tongue and biains.
The Bill ot Rights fir ft underwent
The chemic-force of pailiament,
Wheiein majority agreed,
That all mankind were Adam's feed,
And had an equal right by nature,
To certaingrants from God Creator;
This was the general voice—tho tome
(Who prophesy of things to come)
Contended, tiiat great Nature's God
Had plac'd the governmental rod
In fav'rite hands, with power to use it,
In whipping rebels, when they choose it,
And plead their special reason lor'r,
Tiiat they are much the better fort,
By plastic hands much more rcfin'd,
As well in body as in mind;
Therefore, by reason mathematic,
God made a few aristocratic,
Willi full prerogative to rule,
No matter whether wife, or fool—
It must be fo—for who (with cafe}
Can ftcm the current of decrees ?
Upon this easy ground 'twas urged,
That legislation might be purged
Ot every thukfculPd, muddy head,
Whose lining is compos'd of lead;
And that all pow:rol legislation
Be plac'd in men of penetration,.
Of whom ('tis afcertain'd of late)
'1 here are but Jixty in the State;
Who, if emp'iw'r'd with full commiflion,
Would legifiatc with expedition,
Make laws and things for simple sheep,
Morejuft, more gentle, and more cheap,
More fafe for any christian flocks,
Because they're always orthodox f—
And furthermore, that kind of rats
Which some folks term ariJlocratSy
Will never bite—like bugs—and fleas;
And fiily eat—the public cheese.
It may be so—but yet—peihaps,
'Tis bell to keep—a cai—and traps.
The next atchievement, worth attcnti6n,
(Which felt the hammer of Convention)
Was that heroic coup-dc-main,
Whereby the Common Pleas were flail),
Condemn'd to end their wicked dajs,
By magic force of yeas and nays ;
So vicious men, for breach of law,
Once felt the weight of Sampson's jaw,
Which, tho devoid of tooth 01 marrow,
Was certain death as gun to sparrow. .
Well, when they'd kilrd these naughty courts,
Dame Fancy led to other sports—
As, changing minim fifh to flounders,
And making two-pound shot four-pounders,
Which, elevated two degrees,
Will overshoot the murder'd pleas,
And which, when fir'd across the trench,
Will lodge inr the Superiour bench ;
Whcrf justice holds her golden balance,
And weighs all coins, from mites, to talents.
Good lack ! thought I, what horrid stashes
The Couftitution feels—what gashes
Are cut upon this great emergence,
1 o manifeft the fitill of surgeons,
Who sometimes busily are found
Creating a tremendous wound,
(The patient, dismal pain enduring)
That they may fTiow their art in curing.
Nextly, when each had done his best,
(This artem dreft)
A certain junto-cratick brother,
Dcelar'd 'twas best to make another
In some more noble tender part,
Perhaps upon the head or heart,
That when the fubjett's head is broke
By the atorcfaid random fttoke,
He must inevitably die,
Or seek for cure in chancery
Which ipjo JaElo lays the devil,
As stroking carries off king's evii,
And as by magic operation
It chancers down all inflammation,
Dispels the gout, the fplecn, and agues,
With many other pains that plague us ;
In short 'twill cure the deadly pthifis,
And bring about a sudden crisis*.
Thus while its friends laid much about it,
And swore we <?ould not do without it,
Other's decUi'd, with honest breath,
They'd rather die a nat'ral death ;
Would sooner clofc with grim disease,
1 han pay the chancellor his fees.
In fine, the code ecclcfiaftick,
Was fumbled o'er with fingers p l a ft ic k,
Which ach d and uch'd to form a fyft. m
Of new made things—but could not twift'em.
run many curious propositions
Were made by zealous politicians,
And then presented to the chair,
Defining conscience to a hair ;
Which is, that tvery man and woman,
U heiher a Hebrew, Greek, or Roman,
?? be found, and good,
Must live on Calvinlftick food ;
hich, tho a most delicious huit s
To mod— yet some it does not suit;
sco that their (Vomachs heave and work,
Like fqueam.fti Jews at fight ot po.k !
However, viU, ungodly crew,
■J our vain pretencc will never do I
Molt CCTtainly you must be cram'd r
For he that doubteth must be damn'd !
But stay our catholick committee,
Perhaps youp dismal cafe may pity •
Thus meekly—patiently l> e merry,'
And wait th' approach of February,
Are ready for Delivery to Subscribers—-who may receive their
Books on application to HAZARD & A DOOMS, at the
Corner of Chefnut and Thud Street?.
(J3* The above two volumes contain the political history of the
State, from it&ftrft fettlemciu lo the adoption of the present Con-
ItitMtion of the United States ; —the third, containing a geographi
cal delcripiion of the State, iketcbes of its natural htiiory, &c. is
in the press.
* ¥c * A few copies of the firft two volumes for sale—price 2cj".
November 5, 1791.
In the Prcfs, and speedily will he publiihtd,
Confiftins* of State Papers, and other authentic Documents,
%* The price to Subscribers will be a Dollar for each Number,
containing 160 quarto pages ; or Four Dollars and a Quarter
for each Volume in Boards ; to be paid as follows, v:z. the firft
and frcond Numbers, or Volumes, to be paid for on delivery of
the (11ft ; and each subsequent one (except the lait) at the tune oi
Subfcrintions will be received, in this city, by Thomas
Dobson. and Hazard & Addoms, (who will exhibit specimens
of the work) and in other places by the principal Bookfellcrs
ihere. Philadelphia, November 5. ,1791.
Which may be fcen every day, unlil five o'clock, p. m.
Among them are the following :
Folio. TTOMER, Xeuophon, Plato* Plutatch, Eufcbius, Sozo
in men, Theodoret, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Taciius, Pater
culus, Pliny, Concordantia Lat. Concotdantia Gr. Thcfauius Ci
ceroni?. Biblia Junii and Tremellii, Bible de Martin,WHls's Map«,
Scapulas—Phavorini—Martinii—Hoft'mani Lexica, VoHiiEtymo
logicon, Antiquit. Ecclcf. Britannicar. &c.
Qjiarto. Pmdar, Cyropasdia, Bentley's Horace, Terence and
Pha;drus, Ovid, Juvenal, Manilius, Ciceronisop. om. C«far, Su
etonius, Julius Pollux, Hederici Lexicon, Voflii Ars Grain. Ciuve
rii Geographia, Justinian Code, See,
Oflavo et infra. Homer, Anacreon, Aristophanes, I-onginus,
Theophraftus, Hcfiod, Poetae Gr. Ifocratrs. Phalaris, va
rious editions of Horace, Virgil, Terence, and Ovid, Tibullus, Plau
tus, Lucan, Martial, Claudian, Val. Flaccus. Aufonius, Buchanan,
Sallult, Curtius, Florus, Juftin, Val. Maximus, A. Gcllius, H«il.
August. Scriptores, English and French Transitions of fomc of ihe
Gaffics, a great variety ot Gre-ek and Latin Giammars, See. See.
Qdf Catalogue.® may be had of MeiTrs. Rice & Co. Bookfell rs,
Markct-ftreet, or of JOHN CAREY.
Oftobfrflt. septs.)
Funds of thej&nited States.
ALL kinds of the Public J)eioof the Unidh, bought, fold, orex
changcd ; Foreign and Inland Bills of f-Xhangt nc^oriated;
Merchandize ot all forls bought and fold on Lommitfion, and ill other
Bufnicfs in the lineot a Broker, t tat) failed by
At it: Office next door to tht Custom-House,
State-Street, BOSTON. 2m
Of the fiift quality—by retail,
No 19,
Third-Street, between Chrfnut and Market Streets
Class Second.
This Clals will positively commence drawing on Thursday
the 24th of November next, at 4 o'clock, P. M. which will
be completed with all expedition. The Managers pledge them
fclves that no consideration whatever shall induce them to postpone
the drawing a moment beyond that time.
Boston, O&ober 15, 1791.
John Pintard,
PUBLIC DEBT of every deCcription^nCoMwiJ/io/i,
at the following lates:
Q N c th « fpccie amount of all falcs at au&ion, one eighth per
On ditto at private Talc or purchase, one-half per cent
On remittances, ditto.
Receiving interest at the Loan-Office, one percent, on the
amount of the interest.
For making transfers at dittoJcvtntv-five cents per transfer.
ouch pcrlons as may incline to favor the fubferiber wilh
! r jVr ay / el , V .° n , their b "»S«ecuted with punclud/ity,
fidelity and d,/patch. His lo<ig experience and extensive dealings
in the public ftucks, together with a well eftablithed correspon
dence throughout the Untied States, enable him to conduct his
operations with peculiar benefit to his employers.
OElober 15, i7gi
Lectures on Government&Law.
T«E Honorable JAM MS WILSON, L. L. D. Profcffo, of Laws
X in the College a „d Academy of Philadelphia, proposes to
deliver, rtext : Winter, two Courses of Lcdures. One Couife ,0
t>e« n m°be l r M °»<H other on the Second Tucfday of
1 ' r»ii • Secretary to the Board of Faculty.
Philadelphia, Oflooer 12, i 7 qi. ep'D
The First and Second Volumes of the
(To which is prefixed an accurate Map of the StateJ
By the Rev. Jeremy Belknap,
tending to elucidate the History of America, and
particularly of the United States.
Nn. 26, Pear-Street,
and Valuable
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on C OMMISS I O N by
Chefnut-Street, next door to the Bank, No 07
be had at the fame place.
New-York, N0.57, Khig-Street,
Journeymen Cordwainers
Who will find conlhnt employment a..d ireiierous « a ,
P ' y rt7 *V he M " ftCr CQ,dv V" le " of th = Cu V"* Ph.Udl'l^
Otobfr n, 1-qi. |- cptt j "pnn.
Wanted, a good C~OcTk^
To whom genicel will „c allowed. Nonenrtri
Enquire ~f -h- Hr.„, ,
And p-ilfdliou given immediately,
That pleasantly situated Faxm
Wheieou the lubfciibrr now lives.
IT lies on the road trom Princeton to BrunU k ahr„>
and a half from the former. It contain. »','•» acie,' vh""f
47 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, ai..J 20
made. Also 1 young orchard of 200 applets, i.elid-s a
of peach and cherry trees, and a large garden; tl, c wi,„ .V
good knee. There are on the premies a t w „ (,„ ry a
ana kitchen, with an elegant piazz.2. the wi»nl#> » V
finilhrd. Also. a smoke-house granary "
houle ; barrack cow-houses, two stories high and no f,-i' Il' 'j
a good bain, with (tabling. From the building an re'arecf'
ing views of Princeton, the neighbouring farms, and M minom"
hills. Any per foil inclining to purchafc, may know theterm.'w
anplyingtn the fubferiber Oil the oremifcs,or to Is A AO Snow
No. 141, South Sccond-lticet, Philadelphia ' Dt,,r
[rr> 2 m 1
Princeton, O&ober 10, 1791
Is now opened at his School-Room
No. 28, Carter's Alley.
TTE returns his sincere thanks for the great encouragement he
1 I has experienced thefc eighteen years; hopes the rrpu,
ot Ins Ichool (or decorum and good order, as well as the perform
anee of his scholars, will fttll enfurc him a rtfpcaablc Cijr" ol V"
public favor.
A number of new Cotillions and Country Dances will betauirht
during the fcafou. ' ®
Thole who phase to honor him with the tuition of ihcirchi!
Irrn, ,nav be assured, they will be taught in the mod a pp fo v,'j
' and th;lt P'UP" atteiuioi. will be paid to their carriage and
manners. 0
A general prjftifmfr for the improvement of the scholars, wiil
be held at the New Rooms, every other Wedurfday ; when the
employers, and 11 rangers ot genteel deportment, will be admitted.
These pra&ifmgs will be attended with no expence.
N. B. An LVKNIN T G SCHOOL will be opened for grov.n
Gentlemen, as loon as a fufficieht number offer.
Philadelphia, September 14, 1791
Forty Dollars Reward.
LAST night was broke open the Store of the fuhferiber, at Eur.
den town, and flolen from the fame the following art icVs, viz
One hair trunk, containing womeiis' weaiinj apparel; 1 (Vnali
box, containing four clocks and oue dozen tcfiinients'; i ditto
containing one bottle giccn cloth coal, one itripid veil and
breeches, two shirts and a finall bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to
30s. Jeifcv coppers; 1 keg containing a laige bible, with other
f.n.ill books ; 1 box containing 447 real olli ich leathers, foinc of
ilicm large and elegant, and of diii'e.cnt colours; 2 barrels rye
meal, branded Stout and Inilav; 1 banc! pork, 1 ream pau'7;~arid
1 dozen paste-boards. Stolen at the fame time, a large Baitcau,
with black fide*.
A reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the fecurityof
the above property, (o that the owners may have the articles again,
or in proportion for part thereof ; also a further reward of Twenty
Dollars will be given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe
trators, so that they rtiay be brought to justice, bv
Bordentown, New-Jersey, Sept. i, 1791. [ e P I O
Thirty Dollars Reward.
RUN AWAY, some time in Augufl: 1789, a yellow NEGRO
MAN, named Abraham, laie the property of Nathaniel
Wickliff, deceased—about forty-five years of age, about five feet
eight or nine inches h ; gh, pretty well set, with a large wooll) head
and large beard, walks with his knees bent, often complains of
pains in his feet and ancles—by trade a bricklayer, ilotie mason arid
plasterer. He is a very handy fellow as a house-waiter, and is fond
of such business. He is a great diHembler, and no doubt pretend#
he is a freeman. He has been eloped so long that no description of
his prefcut clothing can be given. It is supposed that he went to
the Northern States, as he often mentioned having friends there.—
Twenty Dollars reward will be given to anv person that will se
cure laid Negro in any jail, so that the fubfenber may get him
again; and- reasonable charges will be paid—<>r Thirty Dollars
will be if he is brought to Prince William County, Virgioify
to Mr. John Kinchelor. by
CHARLES WICKLIFF, Administrator.
(ta wgw)
O&ober t2, 1791
Holy Bible.—Royal Quarto.
MR. THOMAS, of Worcester, Maflachufetts, mod rcfpc6l*-
tullv informs the public, ihat he has this day completed the
Old and New Testaments of his Royal Quarto Edition of the
HOLY BIBLE. The Apocrypha and Index, See. will be finilh
ed with all the difputch the nature of the woi k will admit.
Such Gentlemen as hold Subscription Pa per s, he begs will
return them to him at Worcefltr, or to him and Company at Bojlon,
by the last day of November next, and as much foonci as they con
veniently can.
He is happy to inform the public, that the work lias been exa
mined by many gentlemen, clergymen and others, and has met
with their highest approbation; both as to the execution of the
printing, its corrc&nefs, and iis cheapness compared with EnglilH
copies of the fame lize and quality.
As this verv laborious and exceedingly expensive undertaking,
is carried on solely at his own cost, he is led to hope that all tbofe
who with to poljefs a large Family Bible, will so far encourage this
laudaUle undertaking of their countryman, as to add their names
to the lubfcription,
fVorceJier y Sept, 29, 1791
$3"* Blank Powers to receive the IntercU," andjor the lr in sjer of the
principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules eflablijiied in ihe'lrta
fury Department : AIJo Blanks for abjlrafts of Certificates, to be Joldbf
(he Editor.
A D V li R T I b ii M £ N '1'
$3** BY late an ivals from France* the Editor has received Jrcm
A r o. to to 31, both inclufivc, of a Publication which comes ou! tune*
iveek in Paris, entitled. " Correspondance Nationale. —-
From Nc>. 1 to No. 10, have been flipped, but are not )Ct covtc to hand.
An\ pcrfon zc/10 nia\ incline to fubjcribe for this work, which appears -t
be ingenious, impartial and patriotic, 'nay beJurmjhed witLLhc /mir.kU
as they arrive by applying to the Editor of this Gazelle.