- 7 / 7 . wiltlout '«» dangeis. Nevertheless, lam far from thinking that cirtumftjnc.es are favorable for producing a change in 111s refpetl of the decreed Constitution, and lam very glad to deliver my opinion strongly upon this fubjeft. The obilacks, I admit, are no longer the fame ; but have they therefore all dis appeared and have not foinenew ones arisen ? Would an interior aivihon bean indifferent tranfaftion, at the yra in which we are P acc . 1 lie National Assembly is f( cure of the union of all parts 0 prance for the Constitution, as already known. n universal wilh appears for the completion and the confirm ation of it throughout with uniformity, and with a force capable ° g ,v,n g empire to the law. Would it bereafonable to take this roomeni tor throwing an apple of discord in the midst of the de partments, and hazarding incongruities in the decrees, to which "might be hereafter so difficult to place limits? If the nation will ex P^ a ' n "frlf by a Constituent Aflembly as to the place of e t onarch, whether it (hall become elective, or remain here "ai y» may not, on that account, lose monarchy, since there xl' i) 3 wa ) s rcma ' n what is its eflcnce, an individual decision, as 1 C f^° n r t 3rt a^'n g Monarchs, as the Monarch elector. n ort, I hope, that as the public opinion is fimplifyjng more n more in political matters, the triangle monarchy will be ge era y perceived to be more suitable than the republicanism plat °7" l ° that division of powers which is the Hue bulwark ot P u ic iberty. [To 6e concluded in our next.] EXTRACT of an ADDRESS to farmers. [From the All/any Gazette. y"OU wil] probably arrive at the dignity of re prefentative —this is your field of battle, eath or glory here await you—money mult not now be f 0 much your objedt, or at least it must "or appear to be, as fame—though there are roes frequently to be made worth hazarding a ittle character for—let the rights of the people ant of vour constituents in particular be continu a In y° u r mouth—no matter what the fubjec r t o i e is, never consider it worth a moment's lought, speak to it or from it with earnestness and volubility ; dafli, like Wilkin lon, through 1 J' ou have attained your great Hp f i ° which will be either to be confi fli Pe d R oVer "J"ent as a troublesome man, and . (" c s' *' th an office, in which you may fit down yOl life—or be placed in the chair of state, (CONTI NUED.) t..y> Wednesday, November 3, 1791. by those whose right:-, and liberties you have so nobly contended for. Should the latter ofthefe events take place, and I lee nothing to hinder you will have arrived to the zenith—and your only care now ought t > be to preserve yourfelf there-fill the country with judges, justices and officers of every delcri; : ion—no matter for cha racter or abilities, it ;< their votes and interest only which yon are to look to—but it is needless to give you further ad-ice—when you are once in the chair, if you have a little sense and a great rteal of cunning, it wiil be impoflible to get you out - TIMON. t'K.-JNCE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, AUGUST 29. Monday evening an extraordinary fitting Vv was held on the intsreftinglituation ofthe M and of St. Domingo, which lalted to the unusual hour of n, and in which some warm personalties were employed, that vill probably have fatal consequences. A coalition seems to be formed in the Colonial Committee, at the head of which is M. Barnave, who iii.YTts upon the revocation of the decree of the ijth of May. M. De Tracy, Broftaret, Perifle da Luc, and Rochefoucault, gave notice, that they should re sign their places in the committee ; and in align ing theirreafons for their resignation, these gen tlemen successively displayed such a fceue of des potism exercised in the committee, as to render it impossible for any members ou: of the party to be heard.' August jr. The order of the day was, the further consi deration of the belt mode of fixing a national convention for altering any part of" the present conllitution. The principal speech on this occasion, and up on which the principalipart of the ensuing decree was founded, was matfe by M. Frocheau, the friend of the celebrate,4 Mirabeau. After having demonttrated the principles of the national sovereignty and the neceflity of not departing from those on which representative go vernments are founded ; he concluded, with pro posing, that two forts of aflemblies lhould be ap pointed, one of which, under the title of a na tional convention, ftiouldjbe authorised to revise retouch, and modify any parts of the conflitu tion ; and the other, under the denomination of the condiment aflembly, should be charged with the funtftion of new modelling the conditution entirely, if neceflary. The legislative body should have the sole right of convoking one or other of these aflemblies ; to have an authorita tive efFe the Prefitl ent, then intimated,thae a waited on the King, and announced their intentions ; and that bis Majesty was ready to receive them. J On this the deputation moved on towards the Palace of the Thuilleries, between a double row of National Guards, flambeaux preceding, sol- Jowin| and accompanying them, and martial procession ° P ' continuin S during the Having arrived at the Palace, the Deputation was immediately ufliered into the Grand Council Chamber, and introduced to the King, who wag Jeated on a throne, furrouiided by his Ministers, an »j a^i. eat nun:^er other people of dift indtion. JM-houret then advanced, and spoke as sol- i he Representatives of the Nation who pre ient to your Majelty the Conrtitutional a der their command would do theirduty. lmiile diately after this they attacked the Ruffians, be tween Galacz and Maczyn, and a bloody contest ensued, the certain iflue of which is not known ; some fay the Ruffians had the advantage, whilst others aflert that the Muscovites were beat and had 12,000 men killed upon the spot. LONDON, September 9, How strangely are the French altered ! It was lately represented as a degradation in the As sembly to exclude a member of the Royal Family from the rights of a citizen. How infinite for merly was the diftinc r tion between Prince and Ci- tizen ! The French Elections do not seem to meet with so many difficulties in general as in Paris At Chaitres, the Electoral Aflembly chose nine De puties to the new Legislature in one day. An authentic lift has been publiflied, contain ing the names of no less than eighty-nine per. foiis, proposed as candidates for the officc of Go vernor to the Dauphin. fstopo [Whole No. 363.1