TO BE SOLD, And poffcflioo given immediately, That pleasantly situated Farm Whereon the iubferiber now lives. IT lies on the road Irom Princeton to Bninfwick, about a mile and a half from the former. It contains 213 acres, whereof 47 are woodland, upwards of 30 meadow, and 20 more maybe made. Also a young orchard of 200 apple trees, besides a variety of peach and cherry trees, and a large garden ; the whole under good fence. There are on the premifcs » two story stone lioufe ana kitchen, with an elegant piazza, the whole pair.ted and finifhed. Also, a fmoke-hou'fe, work-shop, granary, waggon fioufe; barrack cow-houfcs, two (lories high and go feet long, and a good barn, with flabling. From the buildings there are charm ing views of Princeton, the neighbouring farms, and Monmouth hills. Any person inclining to purchafc, may know the terms by applying to thefubferiber on the premifas, or to Isaac Snov.'d sn, No. 141, South Sccond-ibeet, Philadelphia. ISAAC SNOWDEN, Junior. Princeton, Oflober 10, 1791 Holy Bible. —Royal Quarto. MR. THOMAS, of Wortefter, Mallachufetu, moll refpeft fully informs the public, thai he ha 3 this day completed the Old and New Testaments of his Royal Otiarto Edition of the HOLY BIBLE. The Apocrypha and Index, See. will he finifh e-d with all the dispatch the nature of the work will admit. Such Gentlemen as hold Sunsc r i ft ion Papers, he beg* will return them to him at lVayccflcr y or to him and Company at BcJlon y by the lad day of November next, and as much sooner as they con veniently can. He is happy to inform the public, that the work, has been exa mined by many gentlemen, clergymen and others, and has met with their higWeft approbation; both as to the execution of the printing, its corre&nefs, and its cheapness compared with English copics of the fame size and quality. As this verv laborious and exceedingly expensive undertaking, is carried on folelv at his own cost, he is led to hope that all those who wi(h to p'olTefs a large Family Bible, will so far encourage this laudable undertaking of their countryman, as to add their names to the fubfeription. IVorcfJicryStpt, 29, 1791 Lectures on Government& Law. THE Honorable JAMES WILSON., L. L. D. Profcffoi of Laws in the College and Academy of Pniladtlpbh, proposes to deliver, next Winter, two Courses of Le&urrs. One Courfc to begin on the Second Monday, the other on the Second Tutfday of December. WILLIAM ROGERS, Secretary to the Board of Faculty. Philadelphia, O&ober 12, 1791. ( c P r^) IMPERIAL HYSON,SOUCHONG, and BOHEA REFINED SUGARS, COFFEE, &SPICES,&c.&c. Of the firlt quality—by re tail, No 19, Third-Street, between Chefnut and Market Streets. LOTTERY TICKETS. New-Jcrfey, 2d Class—to commence drawing 26th inft. ) Pofi- Mairachuieitf Semi-annual, 2d Class, 131b O&ober. $ lively Mav be had as abovr. Hazard and Addoms, BROKERS, HAVE removed their Office to the corner of Chcfnut and Third Streets—where they mirchafe and fell CERTIFICATES, BANK STOCK, «scr. &r. Buiincfs of all kinds, in their line, tranfa£led on CoirrmiQion, They have for sale, TICKETS in the Second Class of the Maf fachulcus Semi-annual Lottery (the drawing of which will com mence on the 13th inft.) and in the Twenty-Second Ciafs of the Charlcfto vn Lottery, at the Managers prices. To be let, on moderate Ground Rrnf, forever, A Lot of Ground, eligibly situated, in Kcnfington, fronting on 'btec streets. Tliere are improvements on th.s lot, ■which, added to its situation, make it wortfrv of particular aiten t'on* Philadelphia, 08. 1, 1701. Public Securities, Bought ami Sold, cin C O M M I S 3 I O N, by SAMUEL ANDERSON, Clicfnnt-Strret, next door to the Bank, No 07 MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL, and NEW-HAVEN LOTTERY TICKETS, To be had at the fame place. IV. M'DOUG A L L'S DANCING SCHOOL, Isnow opened it his School ■ Room, No. 28, Carter's Alley, HE returns his ftneere thanks for the great encouragement he has experienced these eighteen years; hopes the reputation of his fehool for decorum and good order, as well as the perform ance of his fchoiars, will Hill ensure him a refpc&ablc (hare of the public favor. A number of new Cotillions and Country Dawes will be tauoht during the season. Those who please to honor him with the tuition of their chil dren, may be allured, they will be taught in the mod approved ft:le, and that proper attention w/ill be paid to their carriage and manners. A general prattifm<* for the improvement of the scholars, will be held at the New Rooms, every other Wednesday ; when ihe employers, and ftrangcr«ot genteel deportment, will be admitted. These pra&ifings will be attended with no expence. N.B. An EVEN ING SCHOOL will be opened for grown Gentlemen, as soon as a fufficiervt number offer. Philadelphia, September 14, 1791 New-Haven Wharf Lottery. f T , HE Man ace us of NEW-HAVEN WHARF LOTTERY, A have uncxpeßcdfy received information from abroad, of a con siderable number of tickets vet unfold. This renders it ntcejfan for them (in order to answer the design of the Lottery) to adjourn the drawing to Monday the 17th of Ottober next, at which time the drawing wifi'pofitively re-comtnencc, and continue without in terruption until finilhed. New-Haven, Sept. 28, 1791. N. B. The numbers already drawn, both prizes and blank* will be Dublifhed immediately, in hand-bill*, and in the Connecti cut Journal, for the information of thofc who w;ih to putchafe now undrawn. [ep ztnj ISAIAH THOMAS. Certificates & Public Securities, On COMMISSION, at public and private sale, on the following terms : ON the specie amount of all falcs or purchases at auction, one eighth per cent. On ditto of all sales or purchafcn at private sale, on all sums below 5000 nominal dollars, one-half per cenr. ; and on rjl sums above 5000 nominal dollars, one-fourth per cent. For receiving interefl at the Loan-Office, one per cent. For making transfers ac ditto, one dollar each transfer. Pr Such per Tons throughout the United States, as may be pleated to favor the fubferibers with their orders, may rely on jl, ««uted with punßuaHty, fidelity and di[batch, as consi derable experience in the public (locks, together with connections in the city of New-York and different parts of the continent, enable them to condufi their operations with peculiar advantages. FINTARD & BI.EECKER, hcw-York t No. 57, King-Streel. (t.f.) Wanted, a good COOK To whom sentetl wages will be allowed. None need aoply Iho cannot be well recommended. Enquire of the Punter. Funds of the v United States. ALL kinds of the Public Delt of the Uni, n, bought, fold, or ex changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills of Exchange negotiated; bierchtiiriizc ot all lons bought and fold on Commij/ion, and all other Buimcfs in the line of a, tranfafled by WILLIAM CLELAND, At the Office ntxt door to the Custom-House, State-Street, BOSTON. 2 m Thirty Dollars Reward. RUN AWAY, Come lime in Augufl 1789, a yellow NEGRO . MAN, named Abraham, late the pioperty of Xalhtniel Wickliff, deceased —about forty-five years of age, about five feet eight or nine inchesh'gh, preity well set, with a large woolly head and large beard, walks with his knees bent, often complains ol pains in his Iceland ancles—by trade a bricklayer, lionc mason and plallerer. He is a very handy fellow as a house-waiter, arid is lon l of fuel) business. He is a great dilTembler, and no doubt pretends he is a freeman. lie has been eloped so long thai no delcrtption ol his prefeul clothing can be given. It is supposed lhat he went to the Northern States, as he often mentioned having friends there.— Twenty Dollars reward will be given to any person that will se cure laid Negro in any jail, so that the fubferiber may get him again; and reasonable charges will be paid—or Thirty Dollar* will be given if he is brought to Prtncc William County, Virginia, to .Mr. John Kinchelor, bv CHARLES WICKLIFF, Adminifirator. OftoWl!!, 1791. ' (1 a W9W; Forty Dollars Reward. LAST night was broke open the Store of the fubferiber, at Bor a dentown, and ftolcn from the fame the following articles, viz. One hair trunk, containing womens' wearing apparel; i tmal! box, containing four clocks and one dozen testaments; i ditto containing one bottle green cloth coat, on? striped veil and brreches, two shirts and a small bag with 36 dollars and 20s. to 30s. Jet fey coppers; 1 keg containing a large bible, with other fmal'l book* ; 1 box containing 447 real oltrich leathers, some of them large and elegant, and of different colours; 2 barrels ryr meal, branded Stout and Imlay; 1 barrel pork, 1 ream pnoer, and 1 dozen pafle-boards. Stolen at the fame time, a large Batteau, with black fides. A reward of Twenty Dollars will be given for the security of the above property, so that the owners may have the articles again, or in proportion for part thereof ; also a further reward of Twenty Dollars will he given for the security of the perpetrator or perpe trators, so that they may be brought to juftiee, by JOHN VAN EMBU&GH. Bordrntown, New-Jcrfey, Sept. 1, 1791. [ c P l 0 Philadelphia, 201 si July. 1 791. r Commissioners appointed to receive Subscriptions to the A Hank of the United States, do hereby, agreeable to law, in form the Stockholders o! the f*id Bank, that an elcftionfortwenty five Directors will be held at the City-Hall in Philadelphia, on Friday the aid day of O&ober next, at 10 o'clock in thr morning. THOMAS WILLING, MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY CLASS II THE MANAGERS of the STATE-LOTTERY affurc the Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT TERY will positively commence drawing 00 the day appointed, viz. On Thar [day the 13th of Oftobrr next, or Jooncr, if the Tickets flia!l be disposed of. As the Managers have in their feverol monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour afligned, so they are determined to be eqnally as pun&ual in this. S C II £ M E. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE. 25,000 Tickets, at /Yrc Dollars each, arc 125,000 Dollars, to he paid in the following Prizes, fubjr& to a dedu6tion of twelve and an half tier cent, for the ule ot the Commonwealth. Prizes. x of 2 3 6 10 SO 8o 90 100 120 161 200 75®5 8388 Prize*. 16612 Blanks, *5000 Tickets. fi-T nCKETS in the above Class may be hnd of the several M a n ace r s, mho mill pay the prizes on demand \ of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth*; of James White, at his Book-store, Franklin s Head, Court-street—and at other places, as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun."l DAVID COBB, | SAMUEL COOPER. GEORGE R. MI NOT, | JOHN KNEELAND, J 80/ ion, April 14, 1791. Pintard and Bleecker, PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of March 1 200 DAVID RITTENHOUSE, SAMUEL HOWELL. Do L L A RS. 10000 is 3000 are 2000 1000 5 °P 200 j 00 5° 4° 3* 20 1 o S PRICE CURRENT. PHIL ANCHORS pr. lb. yd Allum, Engliih, pr.cwt. 30/ Ditto, Roch pr. lb. ict/ Ashes, pot, per ton, 37/ioj Pearl, 50/ Arrack pr. gall. icj 1 zs6d Brandy, common, 8j 4d Cogniac lor Braziletto, pr. ton. 12/15/ Bricks pr. M 30J to 37 s 6d Bread, ftiip pr. cwt. *.5«" Ditto, pilot 27* bd Ditto, finall water 40* 4/jf Beer, American, in bot. ] xo re pr. doz. bot. incl. J pr. hbl. 35 s 00 (* Oak pr.M feet, 67s \< <3 j Merch. pine ioot Sap, do. 3^ O I N. £ng. BiJ 23 t Cedar The above dre the Shallop prices ; jor the Yard p> ices add 15* pr M. Brimstone in rolls pr. cwt. 26/ C Irilh pi", bbl. £ < Boston for as ( Country s'2i Butier pr. lb. 16J in kegs ,0^ Cedar,rednmber pr.foot zs2s6d Chocolate pr. ib. 13d Coal pr. bulhel J*6i Coflfce pr. lb. 14d Cinnamon ißj 20j Cheese, F.nglifti i-f 5^ Country 9^ :r) f Spcr. pr. ib. 3 f Li | Wax 4 s o'l Myrtle Wax I '^d J | Mould,tallow ltd •J t Dipped 9 Cotton ?- J 4^ Currants l * Cloves 9 s Copperas pr.cwt. 14 s Cordage 6oj 62i6i Cocoa B°-* Duck, Ruflia, pr. picre Bc.r Ravens Sysyisbd Flour, Superflr.e» pr. bbl. 'tfsbd Common* 35 x Bur middlings,beft 33; 24' Snip-ttutf pr. cwt. ;s6d io.r Flax pr. lb 9d Fustic pr. ton, 135/ 15OJ 'Feathers pr. lb. 3/ Flaxfecd pr. bufli. $s bd Glue, pr. cwt. 7/10.(8/ Ginger, whiterace 65s Ditto, common $o.t Dittos ground pr. lb. qd Ginfcng, IJ6 1/10 Gunpowder, cannon,pr. ? a t u?iter cask, ) " Ditto, line glazed 3c s Gin, Holland, pr. gall. 6s Do. pr.* cafe. 32* 6d f Wheat pr. bush 7J 7s 6d Rye 3t gJ | Oats 156>d < «J Indian corn 3^6^ Barley 4* &/ Befl (helled pr. 10. yd L Buckwheat Hemp, for. pr. ton. DOLLARS American, pr. lb. 4d Hogfnead hoops, pr. M 5*6/ Herrings, pr. bb!. ißj aoj Hides, raw pr. lb. yd 10d Mops 9S Indigo, French, 10s —5 Carolina Irons, lad pr. cwt, 10000 6000 6000 6000 500 c 600© 8000 45°° 4000 360© 322® f Codings 22J 6d 30s I Bar pr. ton, 29/ 32/ 2 P'g lC^ I Sheet 65/ Nail rods 30/ J;mk, pr. cwt. ins 4os Ls.rd, hogs yd tod Lead in pigs 40J 421 6d in bars 50s Lead, white Bo.f red 50 r Leather, foal pr. lb. 1/\d u6d Lignum vitse pr. ton 42 s Logwood yl. 51 8/ M al, Indian, pr. bbl. 19/ Rye 20 s M3ckarel,befl -Common Mace pr. lb. 55J Mustard «j 4d Madder, bed 18d Molaffcs pr. gall. $sid§s§d Marble, wrought, pr. loot, 14* Mast spars 2s 6d 5 s Mahogany 8 d 10 d Nutmegs pr. lb. 67s 6d Nails, Xodi2d&t2o(l—ftd%±dgd 'Lmfeedj pr. gall. 3 s gd Train 1 s tod is Spermaceti 3_r Whaie 1 s 6d 2s •r Olive 6s 6d ® I Ditto pr. cafe 18s yd ■ Heft; fwect in ) I fld(ks,pr. box, 75 s l_ —baskets 12 bottles37.f6bl. ,8, y Uo pr. jar )itto pr. box « r . C Jamaica pr. gall, si, ; j Ant-.gua fit b ' - j W,ndw 2 rd s ,6J 6 t S Bjrbjdocs 6 1 Country, N.E. ~ LTaffia iSid I!ba pr. ton 4jj6;j anltpetre, pr. cwt. 4/101.-/ Sulphur, tlour ... Shot j ( German pr.rwt. 65/70; y }Englilh, bliftrred p American pr. ton 40/60/ (.Crowley's pr. fag. " ft.. Snake root pr. lb. uSi 3 s qi t Soap, Common ad bd Brown ' c i Caftilc IC(i , Starch 4a - fi J Snuff i J 6i gj grf Spermaceti,refined, l;a ' Sail Cloth, Knghlh,""! pr. yard, J "®* ' * **"• *i. zj '.a Ruflia pr. p. qoj f Lutrp, pr. lb. tiyj & ; Loaf, finale refined 1-9/ < J Ditto, double do. 2J 6d 1 Havannah, white 1 Z Ditto, brown, lii I Mufcovada,pr.cwt, 105* Spirits Turpentine pr.'gall. 3/ { Allurn pr. bush. 2J id h , Liverpool is < i Cadiz u lo d w Ship build. W.O. 905 p. .ton, l 1001 Do. LO. & rc(j C. do. 6/6/55 Shingles, lhort, p. M. 22 j bd -longdrelTcd 37/6^ Scantling, heart, Boj 100/ , Sa P . 5<".55 J r Pipr pi- uoo pieces 6tw 2 ] W. O. hogfticad ;/ s> C-d > j R. O. do. 7/ 6j3i < I Leogan 61 CO GO | —i < F'.lherF % Heart Racoons Miifk-rats gd is id Beaver, pr. lb. fs6 io* L Deei, in hair isbdvsyl Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 7/6 Carolina, 32 gall. lay Turpentine pr. bbl. 12s 15s Cjatnes R. new best &6/ £ inferior 20J2p/6»f o ,1 J o okl 35«f Rappahannock 18/9 22jff> O Colo. Maryland 50/60.0 Dark i 9 j64 Long-leaf ig;6i cq Eaflern-fhore 15s 17s 6d I Carolina, new 22s 6d oJd 22/6^251 ( Hyson pr. lb. ysßjqd 00 | Hyson (kin, 4J 6s 6d Souchong, 3s6d" t s H ! Congo, 3Ssdp9f 2s g4 Tallow, refined B%d Tin pr. box, iooj Verdigreafe pr. lb. Vermillion, 12 s Varnil'n, zs 6d " Madeira, pr. pipe 40/75' I.ifbon 36/ TenerifFe 20/10J 30/ w Fayal pr. Rail. 3'Si Port pr. pipe 36/ 43' Ditto pr. gall. Do. in bottles, pr.doz. 30X Claret 30J 45* Sherry pr. gall. 6sgd qs $s6s6d Wax, Bees pr. lb. 25 Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2Ssd -lliort, pr. lb. ** 2 f 6(1 45 / S3' 3 s 7 s 50s 6OJ 675 6d 2 6f COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of Exchange, London, go days, 71* Ditto 60 days 7 2 i Ditto 30 oays 73 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 2/ Z T 30 days 2> ix Government bills, drawn at 1® days per 11 guilders, 33 ( 4" adklphia. it 7/6. •Boston, N T o. I 2 j 3 i Barrel Heading 3' W 81 Otter, bed pr. piece gjj Minks Fox, grey y red 4/ BJ4 Martins 2j;j6j 116J ft 12 j6d s,s< " 5 '