Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, September 21, 1791, Page 168, Image 4

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Tht King, or Executive Piwer.
F T" , HE King's Council of lufpeiftion is toconfilt,
JL ill, Of the Priniare, as the head of tlie
Clergy, and the President of the Commifiion ot
Education, or the firl* Biihop in Ordinc.
2d, Of five Minillers, viz. the Minilter of Po
lice, Miniller of Jultice, Minilter of War, Minis
ter of Finances, and Minilter for the Foreign
3<l, Of two Secretaries to keep t'.ie Protocols,
ope for the Council, another for the Foreign De
pairtjnent ; both, however without decisive vote,
The hereditary Prince coming of age, and ha
■vi«g taken the oath to preserve iheConilicutioi!.
may aililt' at all fellions of the Council, but fliall
Jiave no vote therein
The Marftial of the Diet being chofcn for two
rears, has also aright to lit in this Council, with
>ut taking any (hare in its resolves ; for the end
mly to call together the Diet, always exiitingin
;he following cafe ; Should he deem, from the
emergencies hereunder fpecified, the convocation
of the Diet absolutely neceflary, and. the King
refuting to do it, the Marshal is bound to iflue
his circular letters to all Nuncios and Senators,
adducing real motives forfuch meeting.
The cases demanding such convocation of the
Diet are tile following.
ift. In a prefiing necessity concerning the law
of the nation, and particularly in cafe of a neigh
bouring war.
2d. In cafe of'an internal commotion, mena
cing the revolution of the country, or of a collu
sion between magillratures.
3d. 111 an evident danger of general famine.
4th. In the orphan state of the country, by de.
mife of the King, or in cafe of the King's dan.
gerous illness.
All the resolutions of the Council of Infpeftion,
ire to be examined by the rules above mentioned.
The King's opinion, after that of every Mem
ber in the Council has be?n heard,fhall decisively
Every resolution of this Council fliall be iff'ued
tinder the King's lignature, countersigned by one
of the Minilteis fitting therein ; and thusfigned,
ftiall be obeyed by all executive departments, ex
cept in cases expressly exempted by the present
Should all the members refufe their counter
lign to any resolution.the King is obliged to fore
go his opinion ; but if he should perfilt in it, the
Marshal of the Diet may demand the convocation
of the Diet ; and if the King will not, the Mar
shal himfelf shall fend his circular letters as a
Ministers eompofing this Council cannot be
employed at the fame time in any other commii
fion or department.
If it lliouhl happen that two thirds of secret
Votes in both Houses, demand the changing of
any person, ehher in Council, or any Executive
department, the King is bound to nominate ano
Willing that the Council of Inspection (hould
be responsible to the nation for their actions, we
decree that, when these Minilters are denounced
and accused before the Diet (by the fpecia] Com
mittee appointed for examining their proceed
ings) of any tranfgreflion of positive law, they
are answerable with their persons and fortunes.
Such impeachments being determined by a Am
ple majority of votes, collected jointly from both
floufes, /hall be tried immediately by the com
mital tribunal, where the accused are to receive
their final judgment and punilhment, if found
guilty ; or to be honorably acquitted, on fuffici
cient proof of innocence.
In order to form a neceflary organization of
the Executive power, we eftabli/h hereby sepa
rate commilfions, connected with the above Coun
cil, and fubjetfted to obey its ordinations.
These com millions are, tft, of Education ; 2 d
of Police ; 3d, of War ; 4th, of Treafnry.
It is through the medium ofthefe four depart
ments that all the particular orderly conimillions,
as efiablifhed by the present Diet, in every pala
tinate and dtftricfi, (hall depend on, and receive
all orders from the Council of lnfpe<2ion,in their
reipeiitive duties and occurrences.
Georgetown, September 9, 179,.
Sa ] CS °[ ,hc Lots in lhe Fedf ral Cit\ will commence on
JL Monday the » 7th day of October next. The Commiffioncr"
finding they may enga K e material and workmen for the public
build,ngs to any def,table extent; with a view to draw ,h f J
~.">,fV»..,0 facilitate thework,
down "ih W1 r ', CC ' Ulrt l '"4 th P art ot lhe p 11, chafe money to be paid
ter ft ' e be on with fecuritv, pa ,able with i.i.
bc pubkfi.cci at.Thc Me """"' """"" lm P r °«n>c,,t will
Thomas Johnson,
Dav i u Stuar t, ( Coir.mifljoaers,
Daniel Carroll, )
Of the fit it quality—by retail,
No 19,
Third-Sirect, between Chefnut and MarketStrcet».
New.Jersey, id Class—to commcncc drawing 26th inft. ) Pofi-
Malfachufeils Semi-annual, 2d Clals, 13th October. ) lively
Mav be had above.
JF THOMAS FRANKS, lately of Little York, in Virginia,
(but originally of Scarborough, in York(hire, G r eat-Britain)
will make himlelf known, together with his prcfent place of re
fidcnce, either to his brother Joh n Franks, who is now in this
Port, or to the fubferiber, he will hear of fomethino greatly to his
Portland, (Diftri£fc of Maine) Augujl 29, 1791.
P. S. In cafe of the decease ot Mr. Franks, his legal heir cr
heirs are requeftcd to forward their names and places of abode to
Mi. Robinson, as above.
Is now opened at his School Room,
No. 28, Carter's Alley.
HE returns his sincere thanks lor the great encouragement he
has experienced these eighteen years; hopes the reputation
ot his fchoo) for decorum and good order, as well as ihe perform
ance of his scholars, will still ensure him a refpedtable (hare of the
public favor.
A number of now Cotillions and Country Dances will be taught
during the season.
Those who please to honor him with the tuition of their chil
dren, may be allured, they will be taught in the moil approved
llile, and that proper attention will be paid to their carnage and
A general pra&ifing for the improvement of the scholars, will
be held at the New Rooms, every other Wtdnrfday ; when the
employers, and ftrangcrsof genteel deportment, will he admitted.
Thefc pra&ifmgs will be attended with no expcnce.
N, B. An EVENING SCHOOL will be opened for grown
Gentlemen, as soon as a fufficient number oifeJ".
Philadelphia, September 14, 1791
A LL those persons who have an inclination to fettle on the rich
lands oi the Mtfiflippi, can have a palfage to New Orleans
about the 20th of O&obcr next. Each single man on his arrival
there, will have a grant of two hundred and forty acres of land,
in fee simple, gratis, without rents or taxes; and each married
man, a larger quantity, in proportion to the numbcrof his familv.
For further particulars, enquire of MeiTis. Stew art & Nesbi tt,
No. 15, South Water-Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. 7, 1791
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on CO M M IS S I O K by
Chrfnut-Strret, next door to tin; Bank, No q-
To be had at the fame place.
Pintard and Bleecker,
PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of
Certificates & Public Securities,
On COMMISSION, at public and private file, on the
following terms :
ON the specie amount of all isles or purchases at auflion, one
eighth per cent.
O" ditto of all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums
below 5000 nominal dollars, opc-halj per cent.; and 011 all sums
above 5000 nominal dollars, onc-fouith per cent.
For receiving interefl at the Loan-Office, one per cent.
For making transfers at ditto, onedo/lar each transfer."
83" Such persons throughout the United States, as may be
pleased to favor the Cubfcribers with their orders may rely on
their bein K executed with punauality,jdclity and diflatch, as conli
derable exoenence in the public (locks, together with extcnfive
connexions in the cuy of New-York and different parts of the
continent, enable them to conduct their operations with peculiar
advantages. PINTARD & BLEECKER,
New-York, No. 57, King-Strict.
(Q7 law 6m)
March 15, 1791
Public Notice is hereby given,
to all io whom these presents (hall come, or in any wife concern'
1 nat J'j GARDNER, ' a 'c of Wilmington, North-Carolina!
i.r'i'cn,. f ,°^ r P rom,ff '"y notes payable to SAMUEL
JACKSON, of Philadelphia, Merchant, all bearing date the iqth
July, 1785, one for three hundred and fevemy-one pounds, pay
able in fix monihs—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds
in nine months-one lor fevenhundred andforty pounds, intwelve'
momhs-ai,d one for seven hundred and forty-five pounds thir
teen (hillings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the
whole to two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight poundsthir
teen (hillings and three-pence, and payable in produce at Wil
mington Which laid notes have been afligned by the said Sa
Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time
of the .aid Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part
to the amount of two thousand and fo.ty-feven pounds fifteen ll,il
lings and lix-pence, to the said THOMAS MACKIE, and Co
in proof ol which the fubferibers have fufficient vouchers
a u rc ,h ' r f, lore all persons from purchase said
notes as thev will not be taken up. g
ROBERT SCOTT, C Executors.
» I'wrtoK. Nmth-Caroln.a, yjtl Mm, , 79 ,
THF frimmT Philadelphia, 201b July, 1701.
form the Stockholders of the id Bank that antlefH V '' n
five Direflors w ill be held at : h7c"iU. HIIH
Friday the „ft day of October next, a. ,o o'clock in
(ep. 3 m
Price current—Philadelphia,
SEPTEMBER 2\.—Dollars at 7/6.
Allum, Englilh, pr.cwt. 32* 6i
Dmo, Roch pr. lb. \cd
A foes, pot, per ton, 37/ ioj
—Pearl, 50/
Arrack, pr. gall. ICS I2s6d
Brandy, common, 75 6J
.Cogftiac 9' 6d
Braziletto, pr. ton. I*2/16/
Bricks pr. M 2*,s to 3ss
Bread, ship pr. cwt. ist
Ditto, pilot 27s 6d
Ditto, small water 40* 45/
Beer, American, in bot. ]
pr. doz. hot. incl. J ( J
pr. bbl. 35*
to (" Oak pr.M feet, 67s 4/
0 j Mcrcb. pine ioo.r
5 Sap, do. 3/
O I N. Eng. 82s
23 [.Cedar iooj
The above arc the Shallop prices ;
Jor the Yard pj ices add 15s pr M.
Brtmftone in rolls pr.cwt. £6j
Clrifn pr. bbl.
< Boston 55 r
( Country
Butter pr. lb. 141/
in kegs 10d
Cedar,rednmbcr pr.foot2J2.»6j
Chocolate pr. lb. i2</
Coal pr. buihel is 6d
Coffee pr. lb. 13d
Cinnamon ißj 20/
Cheese, Englilh is 4 J
Country gd
2 f Sppr. pr. lb. 3J 2d
~ I Wax 4 s 3 d
P Myrtle Wax 12d
{ Mould,tallow 11 d
G I Dipped 9£</
Cotton 1J 81/ ?.j
Copperas pr.cwt. 14J
Cordage 6oj 62i6</'
Cocoa 62i6d 6"js6d
Duck, RufTia, pr. pure Boj
Ravens 6ys-jn6d
Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 'j6i6d
Common, , 33J 6d
Bur middlings,beft. 31J
Middlings ' 24/
Ship-fluff pr. cwt. jj6d io*
Flax pr. lb. B^d
Fustic pr. ton, 135J 150s
Feathers pr. lb. 2J 8d
Flaxfeed pr. bulh. 4s gd
Glue, pr.cwt. 7/ ioj 8/
Ginger, ■wlnterace 65J
Ditto, common 50s
Ditto, ground pr. lb. 9d
Ginfcng, 1/6 1/10
Gunpo w der, cannon,pr. )
quarter.calk, )
('• f-)
Ditto, fine glazed 35J 6d
Gin, Holland, pr. gall. 5s $d
Do. pr. cafe, 30/
J Wheat pr. buHi 6s 8d 7s
Rye 31 6 d
I OalS ii 6d
< <{ Indian corn 3 s 3 s
I Bailey 3/
| tteft fhclled pr. lb. yd
Buckwheat 2s 6d
Hemp,for. pr. ton, 45^53^
American, pr. lb. 4d
Hogshead hoops, pr. M 5.6/
Herrings, pr. bb). ißj 20J
Hides, raw pr. lb. 91/ 10d
Hops 7S
Indigo, French, ioj
Irons, fad pr. cwt.
f Callings 22s 6d 30J
Tt, j Bar pr. ton, 29/32/
3 «< Pig 10/
m j Sheet 65/
Nail rods 36/
Junk, pr. cwt. ioj 40/
Lard, hogs qd 10d
Lead in pigs 40J $2S 6d
in bars 50s
Lead, white 75J 801
red ijoj
Leather, foal pr. lb. is 1 s6d
Lignum yitae pr. ion 42s 45J
Lot wood 7 / 5 j 8/
M>al, Indian, pr. bbl. ijs
Rye 25 s
Mackarel,beft none.
Common 2^r
Macc pr. lb. 55s
Mustard r>.s
Madder, bed 1 18d
MolafFes pr. gall. 2s6d2sgd
Marble, wrought, pr. foot, 14*
Ma'ft (pars 2J 6d js
Mahogany 8 d 10 d
Nutmegs pr. lb. 67s 6d
Nails, iod\2d&.2od—
' Linseed, pr. gall. 6d
Train u 10d 2s
Soermaccti 3J 6d
Whaie is 6d 2s
•T <j Olive 6f 6d
I Ditto pr. cafe
I Best fwcet in ) bo\, $
L--bafkcts 12 bottles37j6t/
Oak timber pr. ton 38*
Porter pr. bl. 405
London,pr. doz.i 2s 6d 15/
Published, and to be fold by the Editor, price £th of a Dollar*
On the most important SubjeOs
Refpe&ing the REVOLUTION* of AMERICA.
Written in Holland in the year 1780.
By the Vice-President of the United States.
gCT* 'The price of this Paper is 3 Doll"'' 1 t er ttnr '
Porter, American pr. doz •-'
pr . bbl. P '70
Pork, Burlington, ro,
-- -Lower county " '
Peas, Albany .' [
Pepper, p r . lb. " '
k"T P r - cwt - ti'll
Rohn pr. bbLi
Kaifins, best, pr. ke-
Ditto pr. jar °
Ditto pr. box
f Jamaica pr. g,n. 6 ,^
? I w "5 ua w
C? Windward { , ►~/ ,
< R I J 0 6'
ci ) Barbadoes 6 ,
• Country, St
tTalfia ' ,j V
SafTafras pr. , on 4 . J'"
Saltpetre, pr. cwt. Iliad
Sulphur, flour
j f German pr.cwt.
g )Engli(h, bhttered -' s
h jAmertcan pr. ton 40 / f w
«I. Crowley's pr. fag. 8o(
SnaKeroot pr. lb. „SJ 2jM
Soap .Common
• Brown
Starch , »
2J 4 i 3 ,6J
Spermaceti, refined, ,; ir »
bail Cloth, Engl.flO "
pr. yard,
Bolton, No. I
~ No. 11. 2 i.d
• Ruflia (hecting. or. p cor
f Lump, put?' P J£
j Loaf, (ingle ufined uOi
<J Ditto, double do. üßi
1 Havannah, white 12d
tsi Ditto, brown, r,I
I Mufcovada,or.ewt 67.1821
Spirits Turpentine pr. gall, 4[
( Allum pr. bull,. U
} Liverpool 2JJ j
< J Carl,,. '
1/1 (Lifton 2mJ
Ship build. W.O.frames'] 901
P- lon » j 100 X
LO. & red C. do. 6/6/5;
Shingles, ihort, p. M. 22s 11
lowg drcflcd 37-'6i
Scantling, heart, Bo> low
Sd P S os w
c Pipe pr. 13co pieiCi b;i
2 | W. O. hoglhtdd 7/ 2/ 6J
li 6 2s
9 s
R. O. do,
> J R.o.
< , Lcogan
I Heading
Otter, best pr. piece 3c
Minks u6u ji
Fox, grey o,
red 4*B).}
~ <j Jifhcr? 2s6d
Bears i*i6dzsi
Racoons 2s 41
Musk-rats gd is HA
Beaver, pr. lb. ;j6 10/
_Decj,mhair is 6d 913 d
Tar,N.Jer(ey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 7/6
• Carolina, 32 gall. ioj
Turpentine pi. bbl. 12s 6d
. j' James R. new heft 28/
2 • inferior •ios2 r, Jbd
— old ■ m
~ J Rappahannock 18/9 2-,J S
O J Colo. Maryland £0j tog
y ' Dark j8;
Long-leaf ißj
cs Ealicrn-lhore 1531716*/
P ! Carolina, new 22j 6/
old 2216^251
j Hyson pr. lb. ysS.<qiJ
co i Hyson fk.ll, 41 6i 64
<■( Souchong, 3! Cdp
h I Congo, 3.41/ 3*91
l_liohca, 2J9</
2 s I s
Tallow, refined
Tin pr. box,
Vcidigreafe pr. lb.
Vermillion, 12/
Varnish, 2 /6i
' Madeira, pr. pipe 40/751
TenerifFe 20/10J 3c f
w Fayal pr. gall. 3 jo<2 '
1 Pore pr. pipe 36/43'
r 1 1 Ditto pr. gall.
j Do. in bottlci, pr.doz. 30J
J Claret 3 0i 45 5
! Sherry pr. gall. 6*9"' 9'
L Malaga 5' 616J
Wax, Bees pr. lb. zs
Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2*3*
—fliort, pr. Ib. l f
Bills of Exchange, London,
go davs, '3
Ditto 60 days 74
Ditto 3c aays ",h
AmfUrdam, 60 days,
pr. guilder, 2s 11® 3'
30 days 3 Jia
Government bills, diawn ai
days per 11 guilders, 23 s ~
213 i
it 613 d
si l i>