- .t. Secretary of state. No returns bei*g yet received from lh«fe Free whi.e males Flee white Free white fe- A1 !"' h " *»f id vears & r.u« male uti- ma»c>i includ- • DISTRICTS, wards, including da fixiecn ing heads of per uos. *" headsof families, years. families. * Vermont New-Hampfhirc < Maine J Mdfiachuretts Rhode-Island Conn 6licut New-Yoi k New-Jcr 'cy Pcnnfylvania Delavs- are Maryland ( Virginia ( Kentucky North-Carolina ♦South-Carolina Georgia ♦South Wcftern Territory *North Wtftern Territory A PERIODICAL PUBLICATION, TO BE ENTITLED, The Annual Register, POLITICAL REPOSITORY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Will fpcedily be commenced by the Subscriber, in the city o. Philadelphia. This work will contain a hiftorv of the PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of CONGRESS, from the beginning of the (effion which will commence in O&ober next. Secondly —ST ATE PAPERS. Under this head, will becotnprifed the RepCTtsand Statements of the executive officers of government, including those which have already been made, official correspondence with foreign powers, &.c. Thirdly—THE STATE OF THE UNION, This important article will (how out situation with regard to foreign nation?, by adverting to treaties, whether concluded or pending, hostilities, and commeicial intercourse. It will alio give a comprehensive view of the internal system ; to w*t, population, the national defence, by militia, regular troops, armed velTcls, and fortifications; national finance, as to loans, debts, revenue, oank, See. national morals, as to prevailing virtues and vices; number and quality of crimes and punifbments, bankruptcies, &c. general progress of the arts and fcienccs; general laws and civil regula tions, whether ot the federal government or state legislatures; ge neral manners and customs ; and finally, th complexion of poli tical fcntinieuts, as it may be seen in public prints, proceedings of the fcvcral governments, popular tranquility? or difcoutent. Fourthly— IMPROVEMENTS, In everv profefTion, art, and Icien^e. Fifthly— MEDICAL OBSERVATIONS, On the increase and decrease of riifr-afes, &c. SixthIy—NATURAL HISTORY, Particularly that of America. Seventhly—C HARACTERS. Eighthly— MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS, Which may'be thought worthy of being preserved from obli vion, on philosophical, historical, biogiaphi7 4 ® 8 ,289 '5-799 5-!>4°3 78 122 41,416 106,948 12 » 1 43 5«>339 116,135 17.057 77-5° 6 36,086 24-384 95-153 16,019 61,523 83.700 45.'5 l 110,788 n.7 5 3 55 9'5 1 10,936 69.988 1 4»°44 1 3» :0 3 AND OF THE 630 5.38 5>4 6 3 3>5°7 2,808 4- 6 54 2,762 6 5=7 3,899 8013 12,866 114 70.160 46,870 jg», 582 3 2 > 6 5 2 1 1 7,448 152.320 83.287 206 363 25.384 101,295 215,046 £8,922 140,710 4-9/5 3S B 25,739 New-Haven Wharf Lottery. THE Legislature of the State of Conne&'cut, at then fefllon in D. remhei lalf, granted a Lottery for the purpose ol extend ing Union Wharf, in the harbour of New-Haven, to the channiJ; and appointed the subscribers manageis, who having given bond for f he faithful discharge of their trull, present the public with tht following 1S C I Prize of 1 1 1 2 4 5 12 3° 45 5® 6i 100 140 539° 5842 Prizes. 11658 Blanks. 17500 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, is Not two Blanks to a Prize Subject to a dedu&ion of twelve and a halt per cent. The public utility of extending this whart, is too evident to re quire any comment, to those who are acquainted with the town and harbour or New-Haven; to those who are not, fuffice it to fay, that its beautiful situation is not furpafied, if equalled by any ; br ing in the heart of a country, which may, with propriet\, be said to be the garden of America. The harbour lays open to the found but by reaion of the flats, this wharf is net_elTarily extended to the channel, where ships can load and unload ; and when compleat ed, will be the most extensive and commodious wharf in Amcrica, the whole extent being about 3~4ths of a mile; and not only the mercantile interest of New-Haven and the towns adjacent, but the maritime intertft of all the States will be benefited by it. The general wish that prevails in the minds of all clafTes of peopl •, for the fucrefs of this enterprize, together with the very great advan tage which this scheme holds out to adventurers (there being more capital prizes for the number of ticketsthan any yet published in Ameriea) induce the managers to believe the tickets will meet wit 1 a speedy sal?. The drawing will pofitivcly commence at the State-Houfo, in New-Haven, on the 13th of September next, or sooner, if the tickets are fold. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be publiflied, and the prizes paid on demand, by ihe managers. Thofc prizes not called for in nine months after drawing, will be deemed as generously given for the ufc ot the wharf, and appropriated accordingly. Managers: James RICE, Jeremiah At water, Joseph Dr ake, Nciv-H vtn, April 14. i7Qi Public Notice is hereby given, to al! whom these presents shall come, or in any wife concern . That JAMES GARDNER, late ot Wilmington, North-Carolina, deceafcd, did make four promiflory notes payable to SAMUEL JACKSON, of P'nilad lphia, Merchant, all bearing date the 19th July, 1785, one tor three hundred and seventy-one pounds, pay able in fix months—one for seven hundred and torty two pounds, in nine months—one tor seven hundred and forty pounds,in twelve months—and one for seven hundred and forty-five pounds thir teen (hillings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the whole 10 two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight poundsthir teen (hillings and three-pence, and payable in produce at Wil mington : —Which laid notes have been afiigned by the said Sa muel Jack (on to THOMAS MACK IE and Co. and JAMES HOOD, Merchants, Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time of the !atd Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part to the amount of two thousand and fortv - seven pounds fifteen {hil lings and fix-pence, to the said THOM AS MACKIE, and Co. in proof of which the fubferibers have fufficieitt vouchers. i hete arc therefore to caution all persons from purchaftng said notes as thev will not be taken up. THOMAS WRIGHT.) ROBERT SCOTT, (Executors, M. R. WILLKINGS,) Wilmington. NnTth-Cn-rfilirtfi. 9 -/A A'f-r., 1701 i*HILADtLfHIA, 20,1 i Jul)', 1791. THE Commiflioners appointed to receive Subscriptions to the Bank ot the United States, do hereby, agreeable to law, in form thi Stockholders of the fa id Bank, th.it an election for tweniy five Dircftors will he held a: the Citv-Hall in Philadelphia, on Priday the sill day of Oflober next, at to o'clock in the mornin^. v,ADVI-RT I S E M E N T. ar Rivals from France, the Editor his rcceivccl from 1 , 10 101 ' >of a Publication which comes cut twice a week in Pans, entitled. " Cor r, f.spon dan cf. Nationals."— from Ao. 1 to i\o. 1,.. hare been flipped, but are not yet come to 'Hand. An, p , jo n Who mas incline to fukjcrwe for this work, which appears t, he facetious, t-npurtial and fiitriotic, may be {unified with the numbers as then arrive by **flyiag to the Editor oj this Gazette. 152 c Members of .2 Total. Congress. £ 85000 2 14 : ®°5 4 3«S ' 5 268,8!, 5 2 *37-946 ' 340,120 11 i«4>'39 5 4,74-373 *4 59>°94 : 3"jr" "8 _ 9 20 1 1 6 2 112 948 ■2,764 21,324 "<453 3-"37 8.887 103.036 292.627 12,43° 747.610 ) 73 677 S 393-75 1 *240,000 82,548 100^572 29,264 *30.000 * 5.000 3,919.023 heme. 10,000 Dollars, is 5000 4000 are 2000 1000 s°° 2CO 100 5° 4° 20 10 8 Michael Todd, Elijah Austin, Joseph Howel i . THOMAS WILLING, DAVID Kirt l-N'HOI SE, SAMUEL HOWELL PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA! SEPTEMBER 7.—Dollars at jf6. ANCHORS pr. lb. 7 d 1 Alium, Luj;lilh, pr.cwt. 32 s 6J Ditto, Roch pr. lb. tcd Ashes, pot, per tor, 37/ioj Pear), 501 Arrack, pr. gall. icj 12s 6d Brandy, common, 7-» 6d Cogrnac 9 f 6d Brazilctto, pr. ton. 12/16/ Bricks pr. M 23J to 35J Bread, fhii> pr. cwt. 1 ,5 f Duio, pilot 27J 6d Ditto, small water 4°-* 45* Beer, American, in bot. ] pr. doz. bot. incl. j pr. bbl. 35' co f Oak pr.M feet, 67 s 4/ 0 | Merch. pine 100s <-i Sj P. <|0 - 0 3 ' o I N.£ng. 82J a LCedar *° os The above are the Shallop prices ; Jor the Yard prices add issprM. Bnmftonc in rolls pr. cwt. 26s u* ( Irish pr. bbl. j < Boflon 55' M ( Country Butter pr. lb. l i d in kegs xod Cedar,rednmber pr.foot 2S2s6d Chocolate pr. lb. 12d Coal pr. b-ufael is 6d C.ffee pr. I'd. •3 d Cinnamon *8* 20s Cheese, Englilh »•> 4<* Country 9 d \ Sper. pr. lb. $s 2d | Wax 4 J 3 d 3 «( Myrtle Wax 12^ J | Mould,tallow 11 d 5 LDipped 9i d Cotton 1S Cui rants 1162/ Cloves 9 s Copperas pr.cwt. 14 s Cordage 6oi 6216/ Cocoa 62j6d 6ys6d Duck, Rulia, pr. piere 80s Ravens 6ysyis6d Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 3.5 J 6^ Common, 3' zs Bur middlings,beft 31.J ——-Middlings 2 4' —Ship-llutf pr. cwt. ys 8j Flax pr. lb. 8 ] 2 d Fustic pr. ton, 135* I5 0i Feathers pr. lb. 2J 8i Flaxiccd pr. bu(h. 4J Glue, pr.cwt. 7/ ioj 8/ Ginger, whiterace 65J Ditto, common 50 s Ditto; ground pr. lb. 9d Ginseng, V 6 'f l ° Gunpowder, cannon,pr. f quaitcrcafk, $ Ditto, fine glaud 35s (id Gin, Holland, pr. g 5 s 9 d Do. pr. cafe, 30* I Wheat pr. bush 6s 8d ys Rye 3' <>d 2 I Oats < Indian corn 2J yd z* I Bailey 31 U I Best (helled pr. lb. 3d (_ Buckwheat 2s 6d Heinp, for. pi. ton, 45^53'' American, pr. lb. 4 J Hogthead hoops, pr. M 516/ Herrings, pr. bbl. ißj 20.r Hides, raw pr. lb. gd 10d Hops " Indigo, Frcnch, ioj Carolina 3s 7s Irons, fad pr. cwt. 50 s f Catlings 22J 6d 30s Z | Bar pr. ton, 29/ 32/ O J pig 10/ 2 | Sheet 65' 21,822 25.3 S 7 8,477 27.393 l 's9° «9-5A 6 12,879 25-54° 8,514 9. 26 3 1 3-5 2 3 10,842 IC.OOO s°°5 °° o 4000 4000 4000 2500 2 400 3000 2250 2000 j 830 2000 1400 43» l2 ° 8750 c Nail rods Junk, pr. cwt, Lard, hogs Lead in pigs in bars Lead, white 75J Boj red 50 s Leather, foal pr. lb. is \d is6d Lignum vita; pr. ton 42 s 45J Logwood 7/ 5J 81 i\l al, Indian, pr. bbl. 17/ Rye 25* Mackarel,beft none. Common 251- Mace pr. lb. 55J Mustard °s 4 d Madder, bed 1 fid iSJ Molafles pr. gall, isylisbd Marblr. wrought, pr. foot, 14 s Mast (pars 2s 6d 5* Mahogany Bt/ 10 J Nutmegs pr. lb. 67* 6d Nails, iodi?.di Spirits Turpentine pr. gall. ( Allum pr. bulh. jj J 2 j Liverpool 2J ,j < iCadiz 2 / "" (Liftion 2/ Ship build. W.O. frames') 90/ p. lon, j 100/ Do. IX). & red C. do. 6/6/5/ Shingles, thort, p. M. 22J U -long dressed 37/6J Scantling, heart, 80/100/ ■ Sap 50/55/ ("Pipe pi. 1200 piecci 60/ 2 IW. O. hoglhcad 7/ 15/ > J R. O. do. 51 ,5/ < I Leogan 61 Barrel Heading Otter, best pr. piece 30* 5 i Minks Fox, grey red Martins •— < Filhcrs Bears Racoons Musk-rats Beaver, pr. lb. in hair Tai 24 gal. p. bbl. 7/6 Carolina, 32 gall. 10/ Turpentine pi. bbl. 12s 6d r James R. new bed 281 £ 1 inferior 20J2 |/6i o ' o uu. I Rappahannock 18/9 2?Jo q 1 Colo. Maryland 50J be; U 1 Dark ißj Long-leaf 18/ eQ Eaftetn-Ihore 15317)61/ O i Carolina,new 22j6i L old 22s 6di^ [ Hyson pr. lb. 7J 1 Hyson Ik n, 4; 6j Souchong, 3s6d~ s S | Congo, 3* 3 J 9' L Bohca, 2J 9« Tallow, refined 3 6/ joj 40* c f d 10 a 40 J42 s 6J 50s Tin pr. box, Vefdigreafe pr. lb. 3*6*4' Vermillion, Varnish, Madeira, pr. pipe Li (ton t 3 6 ' Teneriffe 2c/iOJ 3- , Fayal pr. gall. Z Ai . y 1 Port pr. pipe 3^'43* Ditto pr. K MI. 6i ? D>. in boitlek. pr.doz.3w Claret 3°'W Sherry pr. gall. 61 9'%', (.Malaga Wax, Bees pr. lb. ' Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2'3 _ short, pr. lb. 1 COURSE OF LXCHASCZ- Bills of Exchange, London, go days, "3 Ditto 60 days 7* Ditto 30 "»)'» H Amftcidsni, 6oday«i . pr. guilder, 2s ni 3< * p day* 3 n Government bills, drawn all per 11 guilde"; 33 4 * 4' io/ 8/ ij6J 3f 3' 4'&4 3 1 zs6d c,s 1 is 6 d 2 2$ 4 J 9d is id p6 lOJ old 12/ 2 i 6d