MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY THE MANAGERS oi lh.» STATE-LOTTERY aflure the Public, that the fecoud Class ot the SEMI-ANXUAL LOT TERY will pofuivcly commence drawing on ihcday appointed, viz. On Thursday the 13'rt of Odober next, or Jooncr, it the 1 '.ckeis {hall be difpolcd of. As the Managers have in their tcveral monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour aiTigiicd, 10 they aie determined to be equally as pun&ual in ihis. SCHEME. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE. 25,000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars, to be paid in the following Frizes, fubjeft :□ a deduction of twelve and an ha!f per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth. Pmz ks. Dollars. Dollars 1 of 10000 is a 3000 are 2000 6 10 3» 80 90 100 12© 161 200 7585 8388 PrizM. 16612 Blanks 25000 Tickets. TICKETS in the above Class may be bad of the several Manage K& y vihowill pay the prizes on demand; of the Tr e asu r 1 R of the Commonwealth; of James White, at his Book-itore, Franklin's Head, Court-street—and at other places, as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun.") DAVID COBB, I SAMUEL COOPER. GEORGE R. MINOT, JOHN KNEELAND, BoJlon> April 14, 1791. New-Haven Wharf Lottery. THE Legislature of the State ot Conne&icut, at their fe&orf in December last, granted a Lottery for the purpose of extend ing Union Wharf, in the harbour of New-Haven, to the channel; and appointed the subscribers managers, who having given bond for the faithful dilcharge of their the public with the following SCHEME. io,ooo Dollars, is 5000 4000 are 1 1 1 2 4 5 12 3° 45 5° 6i 2 0© 140 339° Prize of 5842 Prizes. 11658 Blanks. 17500 Tickets, at Five Dollars cach, is Not two Blanks to a Prize Subje& to a deduction of twelve and a half per ccnt. The public utility of extending this wharf, is too evident to re quire any comment, to those who are acquainted with ihetown and harbour of New-Haven ; to those who arc not,fuffice it to fay, that its bcauutul fituatton is not furpafTed, if equalled by any ; be ing in the heartof a country, which may, with propriety, be said to be Ihe garden of America. The harbour lays open to tlie found but by realon of the flats, this wharf is neteffarily extended to the channel, where (hips can load and unload ; and when complet ed, will be the mod extensive and commodious wharf in America, the whole extent being about 3-4ths of a mile; and not only the mercantile interest of New-Haven and the towns adjacent, but the maritime interest of all the Slates will be benefited by it. The general wifo that prevails in the minds of all clafles of people, for thefuccefsof this enterprize, together with the very great advan tage which this scheme holds out to adventurers (there being more capital prizes for the number of tickets than any yet publilhed in Ameriea) inducethe managers to believe the tickets will meet with a fpeedv lale. The drawing will positively commence at the State-House, in New-Haven, on the 13th of September next, or foontr, if the tickets are fold. A lift of ihe fortunate numbers will be publiihed) and the prizes paid on demand, by the managers. Those prizes notcalled for in nine months after drawing, will be deemed as generously given ior the ulc ot the wharf, and appropriated accordingly. Jamejßice, Michael Todd, Jer emi ah At water, Elijah Austin, Joseph Drake, Joseph Howell. JVetc-Haven, April 14, 1791. TICKETS 111 the above Lottery may be had at the Compting-houfe of Meffts. Stephen Austin, and Co. corner ot Front and Pine-Streets. Who will pay the prizes which may be drawn by Tickets pur chased of them in said Lottery. Tickets in the Maflachuletts Lottery that have drawn prizes will be received in payment »or the abovr tickets. Public Notice is hereby given, to all whom these presents (hall come, or in any wife concern, 1 hat JAMES GARDNER, late of Wilmington, North-Carolirfa, deceased, did make lour promiflory notes payable to SAMUEL JACKSON, of Phi lad. lph.a, Merchant, all bearing date the 19th July, 1785, one tor three hundred and seventy-one pounds, pay able 111 lix months—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds, »n nine months—one tor fevenhundred and forty pounds,in twelve' months—and one for seven hundred and forty-five pounds thir teen (hillings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the •whole to two thouiand five hundred and ninety-eight poundsthir tcen (hillings and three-pence, and payable in produce at Wil mington Which said notes have been afligncd by the said Sa muel Jackson to THOMAS MACKIE and Co. and TAMES r ur' erc^ants » Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time of the laid Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part to the amount of two thoufaud and lonv-feven pounds fifteen fhil lings and fix-pence, to the said THOMAS MACKIE. and Co" in proof of which the fubferibers have fufficient vouchers. 1 hefe are th retore to caution all persons from purchasing said notes as they will not be taken up. ' THOMAS WRIGHT,) ROBERT SCOTT, C Executors, M. R. WILLKINGS.S Hilmtngttn, Nertk-Cdrcliiui, z-thMa\, 1791. (c p 3 m CLASS II 1000 S co 2CO 100 5* 4° 3° 20 1 o 9 [►Managers I j 2000 1000 $0© 200 100 5® 4° 3® 20 10 S Manager. ll : Charleftown (MaflT.) Lottery. CLASS XXII. THE MANAGERS of fiid Lottery prcfcnt to the Public Hie following SCHEME Of the Tw INT Y-StCOND Clasi, Confiding of 7000 TicKcts, at Three Dollars each,-i,oc» Dollars. 1 Prize of i >5 20 20 20 40 60 70 10000 6oco 6000 80 2008 6000 SOOC 6000 SOOO 45°° 3600 3220 20C0 60680 2335 Prizes, 4<)bs Blanks, 7000 Tickets, Amount, 21000 p!r This Class will commencedriwmg on or belore the ill of Srptember. Tickets may be had of the several Managers in Charleftown, and at the ulual places in Bolton. THOMAS HARRIS, ) MATTHEW BRIDGE, £ Managers. SAMUEL SOLEY, ) Charleston, May 15, 1791. 12£OOQ Hazard and Addoms, No. 173, Mai ket-Street, HAVE T1 ck ets >n the above, and in the Maflachufetts Second SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY, for Sale. BOOKS. Carey, Stewart, and Co. No. 22, \orTH-FrON T-St R&ET, HAVE FOR SALE, A large collection of BOOKS; Among uhich are the following AMERICAN EDITIONS. LOVF.LASS on Bills of Ex- Dallas's Reports. change. Kirby's Conne&icut Reports. Clerk's Vade Mecum. Conductor Gcneralis. Gilbert's Law of Evidence. IC.OOO 500© 4000 400© 4000 2500 2400 3000 2250 2000 1830 2000 1400 43» 12 ° New Edinburgh Difoenfatory. Cullen's First Lines of the Prac tice of Physic. Ruth's Medical Enquiries. Brown's Elements of Medicine. Ofterwald's ChriftianTheology. Jcnyn's Internal Evidence Rife and Progress ot Religion the Christian Religion. in the Soul. Beattie's Evidence of Ditto, decker on Religious Ooinions. Think Well On't. ordyce's Addreffcs to Young D »out Christian's VadeMecum Men. Edwards's History of Redemp -4 ion. Sermons to Young Women. , Poor Man's Help and Young 87500 Man's Guide.- Newton's DilTertations on the Prophecie?. Le&ures delivered by Soame Jenyn«. The Christian Rcmembrancei. Future Srate Eternal. Ruffel's Seven Sermons. Ramfav's American Revolution History of America. Morse's Geography. Siege cf Gibraliai. Shaw's Abridgement of Brace's Travels. Keate's Account of the Pelevv 1 (lands. Pike's Arithmetic. Gough's Arithmetic, altered by Workman. Clark's Introdu&iontothe mak ing of Latin. Dodflcy's Fables. P. Ovidii N fonis Metamor phofeon, 1. X. Philadelphia Latin Grammar. Ruddiman's Rudiments. Schoolmaster's Assistant. Sele6ta2 e Veteri Teftamento Hilforias. Scott's Lessons on Elocution. Sargeant's Short Hand. Wettenhall's Greek Grammar. Young Man's Companion. Catechism of Nature. Hervey's Meditations. Young's Night Thoughts. Thomfon'a Seasons. Rudiments of Taste. Klopftock's MefTiah. Lavater's Aphorisms. IMPORTED BOOKS. Rennet's Roman Antiquities. School Dialogues. Trimmer's Sacred History, Andrews's Hiftorv of the Amf -6 vols. rican War, 4 vols. Jicholfon's Navigation. New Annual {legifter. lcxandei's Experimental En- Vattel't Law of Nations. luirics. Walker's Academic Speaker. Experimental EflTays. J i-le of Robinson Crufot Huxham on Fevers. Savtllc's Mifcellanici. V'rtucs and Efficacy of a Crust School of Wisdom of Bread. Knox's Sermons, 2 Vols. Edinburgh Pharmaccpia. D fctipnon ot 300 Animal Bin ke's Speeches and Political Bovle's Voyages. Ttafts. Sterne's Sentimental Journ', ReauticN of the Brilifh Senate. The Apocrypha. Davies s Dramatic Mtfcellanics. Marmontel's Belifarius. 'Ills Mu'tav's Mentoria. ] mriiev through Sweden Stuart's View of Society. Dupatv's Travels. Richard Steele'sCorrefpnndence Stretch's Beauttes of History Man of the Moon, 2 vols. All.fort's Elfjy on the Natuir Dramatic Pteces. and IWtplcs o[ T-fte. Philadelphia, Augvfl 6 t-ai. 136- »s°° Dolls, is 2500 ioco 1000 1500 1000 800 600 »>o 6'>o 5 60 480 8032 OOU 100 are 5° 40 3° 20 10 8 6 4 17872 3:28 D:du&ion, Buchan's Domestic Medicine, latest edition. Clark on Difrafesof Horses. Gentleman's Pocket Farrier. on the Religious As- sections, — against Chauncey. Booth's Apology for the Baptists Dowav Translation of the Vul gate Bible Enfield's Family Prayers. Methodilt Hymns. Watts's Hymns and Psalm*. Pmcc's Sermons. Life of Baron Trenrk, Smith's Wealth of Nations. Paley's Mora! Philofophv. Smellie's Philofophyol Natural Hiftorv. Nicholfon's Natural Philosophy Junius's Letters. Hale's AfF, 6liona*tc Epistles to his Children. Beauties of Johnson. — of Sterne. Percival'fc Father's Inftru&ions. Lady's Advice to her Daughters, Emma Corbet. Accompiifhed Gentleman. Ela, or the Dclufions of the Heart Adventures of Maria Cecilia. Adventures of Alphonfo and Dalinda. Beattie's Poems. Conqueit of Canaan. Chefterfield's Principles of Po liteness. Economy of Human Life. Fables for the Ladies. Freneau's Poems. Mackenzie's Lounger. Morc's Sacred Dramas. Preleut for an Apprentice. Itt&fjw law 6^) PRICE CURRENT. PHILADELPHIA PER QUANTITY AUGUST 2j.—DOLLARS at 7/6. ANCHORS pr. lb. yd Alium, Englith, pr.cwt. 32J6d Ditto, Roch pr. lb. 10d Ashes, pot, per toe, 37/ioj Pearl, 50/ Arrack pr. gall. IOJ 12J 6d Brandy, common, ys 6d Cogniac 9» 6d Braziletto, pr. ton. 12/16/ Bricks pr. M 2ss to 30/ Bread, (hip pr. cwt. 1,5r Ditto, pilot 27 j bd Ditto, small water 40J 4 Beer, American, in bot. ] in fa pr. doz. bot. incl. J pr. bbl. 35^ r> f Oak pr.M feet, 6~s 4/ 0 | Merch. pine iooj •( Sap, do. 3/ O I N. Eng. B'i l. Cedar iooj The above art the Shallop prices ; for the Yard pt ices add 15JAf. Brimstone in rolls pr. cwt. 26s f Infh pr. bbl. 3 50 s 23 ( Country 50J Butier pr. lb. 14d in kegs *0d Cedar,redtimber pr.foot 2S2i6d Chocolate pr. ib. 12d Coal pr. buthel 1 s 6d Coffee pr. lb. 13d Cinnamon ißj 2cs Cheese, Englifa is 4d Country 9d 2 f Sper. pr. lb. 3 J 3 | Wax 4 s 3s 4J Madder, best 1 $d 18d Molalfe* pr. gall. Marble, wrought, pr. foor, 14/ Mast spars 2s 6d 6s Mahogany 8 d 10 d Nutmegs pr. lb. 67* 6d Nails, ioa?i2'7& 20d— 8d 8-^d9 d I" Linseed, pr. gall. 4s I Train u 10d 2s Spermaceti 31 yd I Whaie is icd ?s g Olive 6s 6d I Ditto pr. cafe 36J . Best sweet in ) I fldlks,pr. box, \ 15 s L—balkets 12 bottles37j6«/ Oak timber pr. ton 38J Porter pr. bl. 401 London,pr.doz. 15J Blank Powers to receive /A/IniereH, and for the transjtr of principal of public dent, agreeable to the Rules ejiabhjhed in the fry fury Department: Aijo Blanks Jor abjlratis oj to be jet the Editor. fae fOURNAL of the THIRD SESSION of the of the UNITED STATES, may te hti of the Editor hereof SC7* The price cf this Paper is 3 Dollars per *>■<■ Porter, American pr. do, JP«tch, p r . bbl. ' ~J l > Pork, Burlington, ( . 3j ■ Lower countv " Caroima Peas, Albany Pepper, p r . lb. Pimento R'ce pr. cwt. Rosin pr . b h| kaifius, best, pr. fc c Ditto pr. jar ° Ditto pr. box f Jamaica pr. gall. 3 jj' | Ann-ua c, ' . g Windward -,lA s. 11. 2j .n/ RuHia Ihetting. pr. p. qoj fLump, pr. lb. mi Ci j Loaf, single refined ufjj < Ditto, double do. üB4 | Havannah, white to Ditto, brown, L Mufcovada,pr.cwt 7,51821 SpiritsTurpcntme pr. gsll. ( Allum pr. bu(h. ,J ►J 2 j id < j Cadiz Q Lisbon 25 Ship build. W.O. frames"! gcj p. ton, i !CO , Do. LO. & red C. do. 6/6/51 Shingles, fliort, p. M. izj 611 long drelTcd 3-J6J Scantling, heart, Bcj iocj Sap cos f Pipe pi. 1300 pieces 60/ J3 jW. O. hoglhcad -,l i s j > J R. O. do. 5/ < 1 Leogan 6/ « Barrel 4 / , 0J L Heading jj/ I*6 2s 9 s Otter, btrft pr. piece 30/ Minks uSajr Fox, grey red 4; Su C/N » r 1 * Martins 3^ ~ <{ Filhcrs 2*6:/ 5/ cc Bears 1:^0^25/ Racoons 2/ 4/ Musk-rats 9d is 8-i ! Braver, pr. lb. ioj in hair i:6d 9ssd Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. btl. 7/6 Carolina, 32 gall. ics "urpentine pr. bbl. 12J 6d r James K. new belt 8/ inferior 20J2 J6J —old 35 Tup o O ■ Rappahannock :Bfg 2 h C J Colo. Maryland SCJ be, <-> ' Dark ißj Long-leaf ißj ca Eaftern-fhorc 15s 17s 6d p I Carolina, new 22s 6d old 22J 6d 25J ( Hyson pr. lb. 7* Biqd cr ! Hyson {k n, 4J 6j 6d Souchong, ys6djs h 1 Congo, $5*4 3*9' L Bohea, 2 • qd Tallow, refined Tin pr. box, iooj Verd'greafe pr. lb. Vermillion, 12J Varnifb, 2s 6d f Madeira, pr. pipe 40/7 • Lisbon 3^/ J TenerifFe 2c/10s 30 w I f-yal pr. gall. 3 s6i g; ) Port pr. pipe 30/43' jT Ditto pr. gall. & *"* Do. in bottles, pr.doz. 30J Claret 3 0$ 45* Sherry pr. gall. 6590 9* Wax, Bees pr. lb. 2 ' Whale-bone, long pr. lb. 2J3<* . short, pr. lb. COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Bills of .Exchange, London, 90 days, 73 Ditto 60 days Ditto 30 oays 75 Araflcrdum, 60 days, pr. guilder, 2s ii« 30 days 3 51 ' Government bills, drawn ar ig days per 11 guilders, 33M" "-I VCI 3' XI 21S