advertisement HAVING completed the second volume of tkii Cd zette, its patrons, and the public at large, are inform tdthat it will be profecutsd on its original plan, with tvery improvement that f riendjhip and ingenuity may fuggefl. The price of this Gazette, (publijhed Wednesdays and Saturdays,) is Three Dollars per annum—one half to be paid at the time offubfcriiing. The utmojl punttnahty is observed in transmitting the papers to subscribers : The Editor thinks there is the fairefl profpetl that Information from the fiat of government, to the extremes of the Union, ■will in fu ture circulate withgreater facility aud certainty, than through the past winter.—Additional subscriptions from all parts of the Union are therefore fulicited. This volume contains the laws of the two laji sessions of Congress—the journal and debates of the houj'e of Repr'efentatives—reports of the-heads of departments —,be fides a greater variety of original communications immediately connected with the interefis of the United States, than any other periodical publication. The Editor acknowledges with gratitude the punc tual payments received from a great proportion of his subscribers—some arrearages remain—which he is con fident will very speedily be discharged. Payments may be Made t'j the several persons of •uhom the papers are received. Advertisements of one square, or less, will be in serted in this Gazette, three times, for one dollar— fubfeifuent tuferiions, twenty-five cents each; larger ad vertisements in proportion : No vehicle in the United States gives so immediate a circulation —and the num ber of each impression is at present fourteen hundred. Funds of the United States. ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex changed; Foreign and Inland Bills oj Exchange negocuted ; Merchandize of all forts bought and fold on Commission, and all other Business in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ud by WILLIAM CLELAND, At the Office, next door to the Cujlom-Houfe, State-Street, BOSTON. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by AN DREW BROWN, and the principal Book sellers in the City of Philadelphia, price one dollar and THREE QUARTERS, the LAWS OF T H F OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; Collated with, and corrected by, the original Rolls in the office of the Secretary of State, agreeably to a resolve of Congress, passed the h February, 1791. With a COPIOUS INDEX. VOLUME I. Compr sing the Federal Constitution, the Acts of the Three Sessions of the First Congress, and the Treaties. To which is added, an APPESDIX, Containing the Declaration oj Independence, and sundry AcTsof Congr ess, under the Confederation This edition of the Laws of the United States is also to be fold by MtfTrs. Thomas and Andrews, 801 l n; ]ohn Carter, esq. Providence, Rhode-Island ; M Ifrs. Hudson and Goodwin, Hari ford ; Mr. Robert Hodg?, New-York; Mr. lfaac Collins, Tien ton ; Messrs. Goddard and Angell, Baltimore; Augustine Davis, esq. Richmond, and Mr.W. P.Koung, Charleston, South-Carolina. *** The Printers of Ncwfpapers in the United States are requejled to infer: this advert ifernent. War Department, May 30, 1 79T. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are entitled for fix months ot their annual pension, from the 4th day of Mareh, 1791, and which will become due on the 4th day of September ensuing, w 11 be paid on the said dav by the Cotnmiflionersof the Loans within the States refpeftively,under the usual regulations,viz. Every application lor payment must be accompanied by thefo]- lowing vouchers. lft. The certificate given by the (late, fpecifying that the person poflVfling the fame is in fact an invalid, and ascertaining the sum to which as such he is annually entitled. 2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form : A. B came before me. one of the fuflices of the county of in the Jlate of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the original certificate in his pofjeffion was given, of which the following is a copy (the certificate given by theft ate to be recited) That he served ° (re giment, corps or vejfel) at the time he was disabled, and that he now re sides in the and county of and has resided there for the lafi years, previous to which he resided in In cafe an invalid (hould apply for payment by an attorney, the said attorney, besides the certificate and oath before recited, must produce a special letter of attorney agreeably to thefollowing foim : I, A. B. of county of Jlate of do hereby constitute and appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of rny pension Jorfix months, as an invalid of the United States,from the fourth di\ of March, one thoifindfevsn hundred and and ending the Jauith day oj September of the fame year. Signed and r ealed in llie presence of JVitncffcs. Acknowledged before me, Applications of executors and adminiflrators must be accompa nied with legal evidence of their refpeftive offices, and alfp of the time the invalids died, whose pension they may claim. By command of the Prefid-nt of the United States, H. KNOX, Secretary of War. Philadelphia, 20th July, j791 THE Commiflioners appointed to receive Subscriptions to the Bank of the United States, do hereby, agreeable to law, in form the Stockholders of the said Bank, that an eleftiorifor twenty five Dire&ors will he held at the Citv-Hall in Philadelphia, on Friday the 21ft day of O£tober next, at 10 o'clock in the morning THOMAS WILLING, DAVID RITTENHOUSE, SAMUEL HOWELL. Charleftown (MafT. CLASS XXII THE MANAGERS of said Lottery present to the Public the following s CHE M E Of the Twenty-Second Class, Confifling of 7000 Tickets, at 1 hrz £ Dol laks each, 21 ,cco 1 Prize of t '5 20 20 20 40 60 70 80 2008 2335 P"zes, 4665 Blanks, 7000 Tickets, Amount, 21000 ps This Class will commence drawing on or before the id of September. Tickets may be had of the several Managers in Charleftown, and at the ulual places in Boston. THOMAS HARRIS, ~) MATTHEW BRIDGE, £ Managers. SAMUEL SOLEY, ) Charleflon, May 25, 1791. Hazard and Addoms, No. 173, Market-Street, HAVE Tickets in the above, and in the MaflTachufetts Second SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY, for Sale. MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY CLASS II THE MANAGERS of the STATE-LOTTERY afTure the Public, thjt the second Class of the SEM I-ANNUAL LOT TERY will positively commence drawing on the day appointed, viz. On Tkurfday the 13th of October next, or Jooner, if theTtckets shall be disposed of. As the Managers have in their several monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour afligntd, so they are determined to be equally as pun&ual in this. SCHEME. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE 25,000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, arc 125,000 Dollars, to be paid in the following Prizes, fubjeft to a dedu&ion of twelve and an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth. Prizes. Dollars. Dollars. 1 of 2 3 6 10 30 80 90 100 120 161 200 7585 8388 Prizes. 16612 Blanks. 25000 Tickcu. (J3f" TICKETS in the above Class may be had of the several Ma nag e rs, mho will pay the frizes on demand; of the Treasurer of the Commonwealth; of James White, at his Book-store, Franklin's Head, Court-street—and at other places, as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun. - ) DAVID COBB, | SAMUEL COOPER, GEORGE R. MINOT, | JOHN KNEELAND, J Bojltn, April 14, 1791- Public Notice is hereby given, to all whom these presents (hall come, or in any wile concern, That JAMES GARDNER, late of Wilmington, North-Carolina, deceased, did make four promissory noies payable to SAMUEL JACKSON, of Philadelphia, Merchant, all bearing date the 19th July, 1785, one for three hundred and seventy-one pounds, pay able in fix months—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds, in nine months—one tor fevenhundred and forty pounds,in twelve months—and one for seven hundred and forty-five pounds thir teen (hillings and three-pence, in fifteen months, amounting in the whole to two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight poundsthir teen (hillings and three-pence, and payable in produce at Wil mington : —Which laid notes have been afligned by the said Sa muel Jackson to THOMAS MACKIE and Co. and JAMES HOOD, Merchants, Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-time of the said Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part to the amount ot two thousand and forty-feven pounds fifteen (hil lings and fix-pence, to the said THOMAS MACKIE, and Co. in proof of which the Cubfcribers have fufficiem vouchers. These are therefore to caution all persons from purchasing said notes as they will not be taken up. THOMAS WRIGHT,) ROBERT SCOTT, C Executors. M. R. WILJLKINGS,) U Umington, North-Carolina, 2jth Afay, 1791 A FINE CHANCE FOR A YOUNG PRINTER. FOR SALE, A Printing Press and Types, together with Oie right of publifoing a PAPER, in good repute, the fubferibers to which are continually increafins-The present number of its patronsis between seven and eight hundred. The types confifl; of Bu rgeois, Pica, and a fufficient quantity of lar ger letter to display advertifem;nts to advantage. The Puliation is in the interior part-ol Massachusetts, in the centre of a populous and thriving community, and within 17 miles of an ex cellent Paper-Mill, where paper of every quality and size may always be had on ihort notice. Perhaps no country paper 011 the continent has a larger Ihare of Advcrtifcments than the one offered for sale. A very considerable profit also accrues from the faie of Blanks of all kinds, which are much used in the place—from the publication of Hand-BilU, &c. See. It is a good situation, also, for a small Book-Store—and it is supposed the Book-Bindin» bu nefs might be carried on in the fane place to advantage. ° For further particulars, enquire o r John Fen no, at his Office, No. 69, High-Street, between Second and Third-Streets, phi. !a(kl P hla - (taw Bw] 116 Lottery. Dollars. 250° 1000 1500 1000 800 600 800 600 560 480 Bo 3 i 2500 Dolls, is 1000 100 are 5° 1 40 3° 20 10 8 6 4 17872 Dcdu£tion, 3:28 10000 is 3000 are 2000 1000 500 200 100 .5° 40 3® 20 10 8 Public Securities, Bought and Sold, n COMMISSION bv SAMUEL ANDERSON, ' Chefnut-Street, next door to ;he Bank N,> Q MASSACHUSETTS SEMI-ANNUAL, [$T All perlons concerned will be pltaltd to uke notice ihatThi foHowra; advertisement has been varied from that pi.blilhed in our paper of the 23d of March.] Treasury Department. March 2?., 1701. NOTICE is hereby given, that Propolals will be received at the office of the Secretary of the Trr. furv, until ti, c fi r ft Mondtiv in September next inclusive, for thefupply ot all rations, which mav be required tor the life o» the United S-ates, from the ft,ft d av of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1795, both days in', clufive, at the places, and within the diltnfls herein after memil oned, viz. At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the (late of Pcnn. fylvania and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt. At anv place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofli 011 the PJver Ohio, and at Foil M'lntolh. At any placeor places, betwixt Fort M'lntofh and the mouth cf the River Mufkingum, and at the mouth of the River Mufkingum. At any placeor places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf kingum, and up the said River to the Tufcarowas, end at the Tuf carowas, and thence over to the Cayoga River, and down the said River to its mouth. At any place or places, betwixf the mouth of the River Muf kingum, and the mouth of tbe Scioto River, and at the mouth of the said River Scioto. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Scioto River, and the mouth of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami and fromthenceto the Rapids, on the Fallsof tneOhio,and at the said Rapids. At anv place or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami ud the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the Miami Village, on the river of the fame name wfiicn empties into Lake Erie. At anv place or places from the rapids ofthe Ohio, to the mouth of the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabafli to Post Sr. Vmcenncs, at Post Sr. Vincennes, and thence up the said river Wabafh, to the Miami village, * At any place or places, fronf the.mouth of the Wabafh rivci to the mouth of the river Ohio. • At any placeor places, 01Y the eafl fide of the river Miflifipsi, from the mouth of the Ohio river,to the mouth of thelllinois river. At any place or places, ffom the mouth of the Miami iiver to the Miami Village. At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sandufkv, and at Sandufky, and from Sandufky to the mouth of Cayoga rivei. At any place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Venango, and at Venango. lOQOO 6000 6000 6000 500 c 6000 80C0 45°° 400 c 3600 3220 20&O 60680 12500© At any placeor places,betwixt Venango and Le Beuf, and 3t Le Beuf, betwixt Le Beuf and Prefq'lfle, at Prefq'lfle, and be twixt Prefq'lflc and the mouth of Cayoga river At the mouth of Cayoga river, and at any place or places, on the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, by tbe way of Big Beaver creek. At any placeor places, on the eafl fide of the Miflifippi, between the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclusively. At any place or places, from the said river Margot, totheii"er Yazous inclusively. At any place or places, from the mouth of the river Tenefee, to Ocochappo or Bear creck, on the said river inclusively. Should any rations be requited at any places, or wiihin other diftri&s, not fpecified in these proposals, the price of the fame iv be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contra&or. The rations to be supplied are to consist of the following article*, viz. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or of a pound of pork, Half a jill of rum, brandy or whisky, One quart of fait, } Two quartsof vinegar,( rr 1 , r r > P er - ico rations. Iwo pounds 01 toap, ( r One pound of candles, 1 ALSO, That Proposals will be received at the said office un?il th»firft Monday in September next, inclusive, for ihefupply of all rations which may be required for the use of the United States, f»om the fitft day of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both days inclusive, at Springfield, in the state of Maflachu fetts, and the Poftof Weft-Point, in the state of New-York, The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the fame articles as are above mentioned. ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office, until the lft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapply of all rations, which may be required for the use of the United States, from the Ift day of January to the 31ft day of December, 1792, both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftri&s herein after mentioned. At the post onthe river Saint Mary, at present commanded by Capt. Henry Burbeck. At the post on the river Altama'na, at present commanded by Capt. John Smith. At thepoft on the river Oconee, at prefentcommandcd by Capt. Joseph Savage. Atthe poll on the river Apalachee, at present commanded by Capt. Michael Rudolph. At any place or places from the Rock Landing on the Oconee, up to the mouth of the main south branch of the said river, from the said mouth up to the source of theTaid main south branch, and from thence to the Currahee mountain. At any other place or places-within the state of Georgia which may hereafter be occupicd as permanent posts by any troops of United States. And for rations deliverable on the march to such future pofls. (e p. 3 m The rations are to be furnifhed in such quantities as tbat there shall at all times, during the said term, be fufEcient for the con sumption of the troops at each of the said potts, for the fpaceofat least two months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions. The rations to be supplied are to consist of the lame articles, as are abovementioned. It is to be understood in each cafe, that all lofles sustained by the depredations ofthe enem\, orbymeans of the troops ofthe United States' shall be paid for at the prices of thearticlescaptured or de:- troyed, on the depositions of two or more creditable characters, and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the cir cumstances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for whicn compensation is claimed. The contra&s for the above supplies will be made either for one year, or for two years, as may appear eligible. Persons difpo e^ to contract will therefore confine their offers to one year, or t ey may make their proportions so as to admit an election or t..- term of two vears. The ptopofals may be madr for the whole of theabove poi s w gether,or separately for Sorinofield, for Weft-Point, for \ orktown, and the seventeen places following it, and for the poftsin Georgtaj and they must fpecify the lowefl price per ration, for prompt pa} ment. - £T The JOURNAL of the THIRD SESSION oj the SENATi tftheUNir£& STATES, may be had of the Edittr hereof. and NEW-HAVEN LOTT E RT TICKETS, To be had at the fame nlace.