Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 30, 1791, Page 107, Image 3

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    PORTLAND, (Mass.) July 15
In palling 9. very high bridge within this allf
trid: the lalt week, one of the Hon. Judges of the
Supreme Judicial Court was in the utmost dan
ger of losing his life—His horse starting a little,
and there being no kind of railing or guard on
the fides of the bridge, the wheels of his carriage
■were carried over, and nothing but a very Hidden
exertion faxed him from absolute deltrucftion.
It is hoped that this accident will lead Surveyors
and Grandjuryinen to attend strictly to their
Much has been faicl concerning the building
of bridges, and cutting canals, &c. but little feetns
to be said concerning the opening a Canal from
Lake Sebago, into Prefumfcot River, and thereby
effetft an inland navigation of more than 50 miles
into the heart ot the country—which may be
done by digging the small distance of 16 or 20
rods. It can scarcely be conceived whatafource
of traffic this would open betwegn the inhabitants
of this town and the inland country. Fonrtown-
Ihips alrnolt filled with inhabitants compose the
shores of this lake, lmmenfe forefts of Oak and
Pine Timber are planted by the foltering hand
of nature around the extensive (hores of Sebago
—add to this, many towns hrvve considerable
quantities ot the various articles produced 011
their farms to transport to this market, and front
thence such commodities as they fliould need in
exchange back again, which might be done with
one quarter the expence by water.
During the severe thunder florin, 011 Wednes
day lall, the lightning (truck in the yard of Cap
tain John Bryant, of this town, and took its
direction to the cellar window, which it entered,
and lighting on a calk of rum, forced out <>nc of
the heads, and set the rum on fire, which raged
in such a manner, as to fire every thing of 0
combustible nature, almofl in an inflant; but by
the (eafonable exertions of the family, and othc's
who went to their afiiftance, the fire was happily
Lad Saturday afternoon, Captain Mott of this
place, being on his return with his sloop fron
New-York, was overtaken by a thunder squall
about 20 miles this fide the city.—The lightning
forfome time was very severe, with a heavy rain,
during which, the vefl'el was (truck by the light
ning, and so damaged, as to oblige his return to
Mew-York to repair. It is said it firft flruck the
lop-mafi, and descended till it came to the jib
ftay, where it divided, one part running down
the mad, and the other down the jib-stay to the
end of the bowsprit, and from that to the (Vein,
which it split iu several places to the water's edge,
— and to prevent the water running into her, was
obliged to (tick in oakum, &c. The jib-stay was
so burnt, that it broke near the middle. The
lightning is supposed to have gone off the veflel
by the anchor, which was so burnt, as to take
the rust entirely oft, and appeared like a new one
just out of the forge.
The rapidity with which the subscription to
the Bank of the United States was filled, proves
that the wealth of this country is much bevond
what has been generally supposed, and that the
fame enlightened and magnanimous policy that
established the present happy constitution of the
government of our country, which has so highly
railed our national reputation, in the efteern of
the world at large,now continues to beautify and
strengthen the magnificent fabric, and to render
all its numerous apartments, as commodious as
pottiblefor the great people, resident under
its wide extended canopy.
As the heart, the arteries and the veins cive
life and motion, by the circulation of the blood
through every part and limb of the human sys
tem, so the Bank, by means of the regular and
iyftematical arrangements under which it will
be governed, will circulate through the most re
mote as well as all the intermediate parts of the
Union, an active, vivifying, confidential and ea
sy commerce, extremely salutary to the health,
■vigour and comfort of the political body. One
of its firft and most indispensable laws, is the ut
most punctuality in dealing, another to circulate
its specie, or its representative, the Bank Bills,
which are equally as good, to as great an extent,
if possible, as its conltitution will allow, and a
third, as a consequence of the two former, to
dilcountenance or extirpate all unlawful or ufu
r:otis oppressive interest. Thus punctuality in
dealing, a plenty of ready cash, and a 1 eduction
of exorbitant antl unreasonable interest, are its
immediate confeqnences. It is true that it cre
ates a great, active monied interest : But we
have a great landed interest to balance it, and it
is the monied inrereft that pays and will conti
nue to pay all the federal Revenue of our coun
ty- } his wife and prudent policy will render
the discharge of the national debt light and easy
to the peopie, and will promote industry, enter
prize and commerce, at the fame time that it will
i aife the value ot rents, and all landed estate,
which had funk greatly below its iuft and proper
level, And when agriculture and commerce are
thus benefitted, the manufacturing interest can
not but participate in the common good. How
pleasing to Mr. Hamilton mnft it be, that these
things are justly laid of a ineafure which he pa
tronized and recommended.
On Saturday morning last, was launched from
one of the {hip-yards in this town, the beautiful
(hip Kami i.tov, of 200 tons burthen, belonging
to Meflrs. Brown and Benfon. She is an excel
lent veflel, and we learn, designed for the Euro
pean trade.
Canterbury, July I, 1761.
Died lately in Canterbury, the ailuined right
of Hopkintonian priests to turn other priests out
of the pulpit.—The fame aflumed right is said to
be It ruck with death in the town of Plainfield,
and in many other towns in the county of Wind
ham. The ecclesiastical constitution begins to
iook pallid and sickly. Thanks be to God that
;lie empire of reason is afluming its proper au
rhoritv, and the delusions of superstition vanifli
ing fact away.
Philadelphia, July 50.
A correspondent informs, that the treaty, late
ly held under commifiion from the President of
the United States, by Timothy Pickering, Esq.
of Wilkefbarre, with those Indian tribes com
monly called the Six Nations, at Newtown-Point,
on the north-weft branch of the Sufquehanna, in
the (laie of New-York, was concluded on the
rSth in ft. to the fatisfa<slion of all parties, by a
recapitulatory speech from the Commissioner.
The principal obje>ft of this treaty was, to con
firm the peace that has subsisted between us, ever
lince Ihe treaty of Fort Stanwix, in 1784, and
prevent the Five Nations from joining the Weft
em Indians, now at war. This desirable purpose
has been fully answered for the present, though
it is ivnpoffible to answer for the neutrality of
he Five Nations, in cafe they fliould still meet
with repeated injuries from those unprincipled
inhabitants of the frontiers, who have never yet
learned to diftinguifti friends from foes, under
rhe undiftinguiftiing appellation of Indians, or
Savages. The Five Nations, and f'ome other
tribes, came down armed to the number of ten
or eleven hundred, men, women, and children,
as their manner is ; but so slowly that the trea
ty, appointed for the x sth ult. was not opened
until the 2d inft. On the 27th, P. M. the cuf
toniary prefen*, confiding of a large quantity of
substantial cloathing, some of husbandry, and a
little powder and (hot, was diltributed to the
different tribes ; and the next day the commissi
oner, and the main body of Indians left the
ground. A few days before, letters had been
received from the Seneca warriors at Buffaloe
Creek, complaining of hostilities committed by
the Western Indians, and pressing the Chiefs in
Council to join the army of the United States in
reducing them to terms ; but little credit was
given to the accounts, and no answer returned
as they had determined to preserve a ftriift neu
trality. Amer: Dai. Adv.
Zxtratt of a letter from an officer at Fort Wajhhigton,
dated June I J, i 791
" I have lately made a tour toPoft St. Vincennes,
and returned the Bth instant, without having no
ticed an Indian, although they are seen commit
ting depredations in all places. They have killed
one man in the rear of Fort Washington, and ta
ken several horses, amongst which were General
Harmar's. lam in great hopes they will soon be
routed from all quarters of the Western Terri
tory. There is every exertion made for a vigo
rous campaign. Troops are arriving daily.
Captains Arniftrong and Kirkwood's companies
arrived the 13th instant."
A writer in the George-Town Weekly Ledger
proposes that the Federal City Jhould be named
By the Hoop Friendship, Capt. Beecks, we have
accounts from Cape-Francois, so late as the 7th
inliant, which confirm what was formerly pub
lished rcfpeL r ting the disturbances there, as Capt.
Beecks heard the drums beat to collect the white
inhabitants who had resolved to wear black cock
ades the day following. Capt. Beeck's departure
on the 7th, prevented his feeing the ifi'ue of this
We are informed that William Smith, Esq.
has declined the appointment of Auditor of the
Treasury of the United States.
It has been asserted, that Governmen* depends
on opinion ; if there is any truth in the plirafe,
it makes Government the most capricious idea in
nature. For what is more unftendy than the
ebb and flow of-the general sentiment on almost
every lubject submitted to public investigation ?
Such random, indefinite compliments may answer
temporary perfoiial purpoles, but their tendency
is to compliment the people out of their liberties,
peace and happiness.
The success which has attended the admini
stration of the genpral government, exceeds the
molt sanguine expectatitions of the warmest
friends to the Union of these free States.
Every anticipation has been more than realized ;
arid hitherto not one gloomy prediction has been
verified.—So great is the peace and tranquility
that universally prevail, that some eagle-eyed
politicians, who are never happy while their
neighbours are lb wife as to think themselves so,
affect to be astonished—and because the people
find 110 fault with their rulers, conclude that
either a stupid apathy hath seized the public
mind, or that a free investigation of publicmea-*
fures is fupprefled !
While every thing was afloat m these States ;
and civil discord was hovering over our tieads
while public and private confidence was deftroy
ed—ourCommerce was expiring, and our Credit
" a hilling and a bye-word among the nations,"
—our situation was, according to forge restless
scribblers, truly eligible—but when, awaking as
from a dream, v/e affertedour claim to freedom,
and to an honorable rank among the nations of
the earth—by ellablifhing the molt perfect Re
publican system of Government the world hath
ever seen—and under its blefled influences re
trieved our Credit, restored our Commerce, and
effectually succored and eftabliflied our agricul
ture, and mechanic Arts, strange to tell, we were
guilty of a dereliction of republican principles!
—Happy the People, whose rulers thus conduct;
and happy the Administration, who can only be
impeached for saving their Country !
" °.f Ffccdom" a paper which has bren published
\nßo(ton about three years, is now transformed into " The Argus,"
the firft number of which we received this weelc.—ln the acjdrefs
to the public the Editor informs us, that " conneEled with no
par t y , controuled by no government, we are differently situ
ated from most other Newspapers. Local attachments, or local in
fluence federalattachments orfederal influence cannot affect us !!"
In the fpecch of a celebrated Oratpr of the United States, the
following query occurs : —Is there a fmgle blade of grass, is there
any property in exigence in the United States, which is not fub
jeft to the Legiflatio/i, either of the individual States, or of the
United States ?
Ccnfus of the City of Savannah, in Georgia, January 1, 1791.
White males above 16 years of age, 657, under, 310 ' 967
Ditto females, 474, under, 271 ~
Free negroes, mulattoes, and meftizocs, of all ages and sexes 'j 16
Negro and other (laves, of all ages and sexes 1104
Among the white inhabitants are 5 i persons above 6c years of
age, now alive, (nearly i in
Number of dwelling and irparate store-houses, exclusive of pub
lie buildings, 437.
Bill of Mortality, from ,fl July, 1790, to if! July, 1791.
White inhabitants above the age ot 50 years, ' 1 <l)
under 50, and above 14, 25 > 55
under 14 years ol age, jg\
Strangers or transient persons, „ c {
Seamen, 53
A'.B Among the strangers there was one accidentally killed,
and lix seamen drowned.
Brig £°r PC i Lee ' „ Jamaica.
Miss Anna, Marrenar, turracoa
Sloop Betsey, Atkinfon, Cape-Francois'
Experiment, Crawford, St. Thomas."
Schooner Recovery, Miller, Curracoa
6 pr. Cents zof pr. /
3 pr. Cents 12 /
Dcfered 6 pr. Cents 12f
Final Settl. and other Certificates igf
indents , 2 y g 0 do '_
N. and S. Carolina dtbts, T4/ 15/6.
Bank Subfcriptioas, 50 Dollars
New-York, July 28. Six per cent, {lock fold yesterday at 20/ i
and 3 per cents, and deferred at 12/3. J6 '
G3- The.e can be little doubt ot the 6 per cents, beinsr verv
shortly above par-the holders of public paper would do well
therefore to deliberate leifurcly before they part with their stork
(See Gazette of the United States, }une 8.)
The VolunUer Company of Artillery is desired to meet
on Monday next, the firft: of August, at ten o'clock in the morn
ing, at the State-House, in complete uniform.
And to be fold by ANDREW BROWN, and the principal Book
sellers in the City of Philadelphia, price one dollar and
Collated with, and corrected by, the original Rolls in the office
Of the Secretary of State, agreeably to a resolve of Congress,
pafled the iß'.h February, 1791.
Volume I.
Coir.pnfing the Feder a l Constitution, the Acts of the
Three Sessions of the First Congress, and theTßi*nt.
To zihickis added, an APPENDIX,
Containing the Declaration of Independence, and sundry
Acts of Conor ess, under the Confederation.
r iST Tt" s ' :d,tion of the laws of the States is also to be
« 7 Mc ""- Thomas and Andrews, Boston ; John Carter, esq.
Providcnce, Rhode-Island ; McflVs. Hudfonand Goodwin, Hart
ford; Mr. Robert Hodge, NaVr-York; Mr. lfaac Collins, Tien
ton; Mefirs. Goddard and Anjcll, Baltimore; Augulline Davi<
esq. Richmond, and Mr.W. P. Koung, Cliarlefton, South-Carolina.
%• The Printers of Ne-xfpapers in the United State! are reqveliei
to inferi l/<n advert fctnent.
60 pr. cent.
60 do.