Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, July 23, 1791, Page 100, Image 4

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    •A PRINTING APPARATUS compleat, and a
ANY young Man, ot re fpeftable charadcr, capable ot conduct-
the PRINTING BUSINESS in its ditferent branches,
may have an opportunity ot engaging as a PAR TN fc-R, in a aigc
commercial town, where ihc present incomc and prolpccts are
highly flattering to those ot an industrious turn. A fmalJlum
will be requcitcd in hand, and further particulars explained in
person, by addrefling a line to Z. lownly, at ihc 13ar o e
Merchant* and Lxchangc Cotfcc-Houlc.
Pnilad. July 20, 1791
THE Managers of the Newark Bridce Lottery will
begin paying ihe Prizes drawn in the tuft Class on Monday
the 11 ih of Jul) ,bv which time the Tickets in the Secon a.s
will be ready to deliver 10 applicant* agreeable
To accommodate holders of Tickets undrawn in the ir as.
the fame numbers in the Second Oafs will be lodged, i co "^'J l
ent, in the fame places where the fiift were fold, as loon as polhble,
and it not, such holders mufl apply to the Manager who l.gned
their Tickets. Such pel sons will plcafe to rake notice, that appli
cation for renewal in the Second Class mull be made belore the
i ith of August next.
J - C **
Newark, June 27, 1791
Public Notice is hereby given,
to all whom thcfe prefcn s (hall come, or in any wife concern,
Thai TAMES GARDNER, late o( Wilmington, Norih-Carolina,
deceaied, did make four promilTory notes ayable to SAMI EL
JACKSON, of Philad- lphia, all bearing date the 19th
lulv, 1785, one for three hundred and seventy-one pounds, pay
able in fix months—one for seven hundred and forty two pounds,
in nine months —one lor seven hundred and forty pounds,in twelve
months—and >ne for seven hundred and forty-five pounds ihir
teeu (hillings and threepence, in fifteen months,amounting 111 the
whole to two thousand five hupdeed and ninety-eight pounds thir
teen fhilling> and three-pencr, and payable in uroduce at W'l
minnon Which laid notes have been aOigned by the said Sa
muel ]acklon to THOMAS MACKIE and Co. and JAMES
HOOD, Merchants, Philadelphia, and have since, in the life-um<
ef the said Gardner, by him been accounted for and paid in part
to the amount of two thousand and forty-feven pounds fifteen (lul
ling, and fix-pence, 10 the said THOMAS MACKIE, and Co.
in proof of which the fubferibers have fufficieni vouchers.
These are therefore to caution all persons from purchasing said
notes as thev will not be taken up.
ROBERT SCOTT, > Executors.
Wilmington, North-Carolina, iythMa , 1791
Ctonct-TowN, June 30, 1791.
THF. PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES having approv
ed Ihe Cues For the Public Buildings, to be erefled in purlo
ance of the a& of C for eftabliOiing the temporary and
permanent feat of g' vernment of the United States, the Com
m'fli'")neis, appointed in virtue of that ast, will meet at George-
Town, on Monday the seventeenth day ofO&ober next, and pro
ceed m iell, at Vendue, a number ot lots in the b<"it situations in
the Federal City A deposit of 8 per cent, will be required ; the
residue t> be secured on Bonds, with ft curity, payable in thrtc
equal vearly payments.—The farther terms will be made known
at the sale.
DAVID STEWART, > Commiflioners.
War Department,
MAY 1,0, i 791-
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the military Invalids
of the United States, that the sums to which thev are entitled
for fix months ot their annual pension, from the 4th day of Mareh,
17.91, and which will become due on the 4th day of September
ensuing, will be paid on the laid day by the Commiflioners of the
Lo ms within the States refpe£lively,undL j r the usual regulations,viz.
Every application for payment must be accompanied by the fol
lowing vouchers.
lft. The certificate given by the state, fpecifyiivg that the oerfon
poffefling the fame is in fa£l an invalid, and ascertaining the sum
to which as such he is annually entitled.
2d. An affidavit, agreeably to the following form :
A. B came before vie. one of the Juflices of the connty of in
the slate of and made oath that he is the fame A. B. to whom the
original certificate in his pojjeffion was given, of which the following is a
copy (the certificate given by the slate to be recited) That he served (re
gime /, cor pi or vejfe!) at the time he was djabled, and that he now re
sides in the and county of and has resided there for the lafl
years, previous to which he resided in
In cafe in invalid should apply for payment by an attorney, the
said attorney, rrfidcs the certificate and Oath before recited, must
produce a special letter of attorney agreeably to thefollowing form:
I, A. B. of county of flqte of do hereby conflitute and
appoint C. D. of my lawful attorney, to receive in my behalf of
m) frenfion for fix months, as an inv.'/id of the United States, from the
fourth dv of March, one thoufind seven hundred and and
ending the fourth, day of September of the fame year.
Signed and s ealed
in the presence of
Acknowledged before me,
Applications of executors and administrators must be accompa
nied with legal evidence of their refpedlive offices, and also of the
time the invalids died, whose pension they may claim.
By command of the Prrfident of the United States,
H. KNOX, Secretary of IVar,
Funds of the United States.
ALL kinds of the Public Debt of the Union, bought, fold, or ex
changed ; Foreign and Inland Bills oj Exchange negociated ;
Merchandize of all forts bought and fold on and all other
Bulinefs in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ed by
At the Office, next door to die CuJlom-HouJe, S:ate-Street, BOSTON.
Publrfhrd. ;<nd c be fold bv the Editor, prire £rh of a Dollar,
On the most important Subje&s,
Refpefting the REVOLUTION of AMERICA.
Written in Holland in the year 1780,
By the Vi e e-Pr estoe nt of the United States.
|Cl* <4 few copies of the CONSTITUTION of the
United States, printed -with Notes, May hi hud of .the
of Ncw-Bruiifwick
(law 1m)
(e p. 3 m
A Printing Press and Types,
together with the righfof pub„(h,ng a PAPER, in -pute,
the fubforibers to which are hundred. 9 The
number ot its patrons is between fafficent quantity of lar
typesconfill of Bu RGtoiSy 1 ' ' idvantare. The situation
ger letter to display .dvert. e.nent. to a.g of a
,s in the interior part ot M aCHU 7 mi]es o( an cx .
populous and thriving commum y> Quality and size may
cellenr Paper-Mill, where eve y' 1 >, ron the
always be had on than the one offered
STST A?ery accues fromthet fa,e ot
Blanks of all tindswhich are much used ,n the p
t rut^ dn,g bu
t,.,efs might be earned on in p ai ° his
For further particulars, enquire 0 J Third Streets Phi-
No. 69, High-Sireet, between Second and Ph.
For ere&ing BRIDGES over the Hack, nsaok and P^ S * ,CK .
Rivers, between Powles-Hook and Newark, in the State ot
THE Commissioners appointed by an att of 'he legi ature o
I the state of New-Jerky, to erefl bridges over the Hackinuck
and Pa" rivers, hiving obtained the neeeflary ffurveys, ,rc
no ,v readv to receive proposals for performing < he < a ™ e - and
offrr the following conditions for the consideration oi such as may
t>c inclined to contrail
The situation of the bridge across <he Hackinfack river, will b
at one of,l he following stations, as (hall be hereafter determmec
"°rt. Cl At'the place where the present ferry is c(Ubli(lied, where
the width of the river is i44^f cct : . ,
Depth at the eastern (hore, 8 feet 8 inches.
Do. western {hore, 8 11
Greatcft depth, 2 5 4
2d. At a place more northerly, called DouwsFeir),
the width of the river is 846 feet.
Depth at the eastern Ihore 19 feet 10 inches.
Do. western fhorc 12
Greatest depth 35 ° ,
The situation of t! e bridgeacrofs the Paffaick river, will be a
one of the three following stations, as (hall be hereafter determin
ed most eligible. . _ . ,
ift. At the place where the present feny is eftaolifhcd, when
the width of the river is 676 feet.
Depth at the eastern (hore 8 feet 6 inches,
Do. western shore 9
Greatest depth 1 7
2d. At a place more westerly, callcd Beef-Point, where th<
breadth of the river is 799 feet.
Depth at the eastern ihore 11 feet,
Do. western Ihorc 4 finches,
Greatest depth 13 4 , .
3d. At a place still more northerly, called Hedden's dock, lr
the town of Newark, where the width of the river is 526 feet.
Depth at the eastern Ihore 4 tcet 5 inches,
Do. western (hore 10 8
Greatcft depth 15 H
The bridges are to be conftru&ed on the principlesof those erect
ed over Charles, Myftick, and Beverly Rivers in the State of Mas
sachusetts, with a draw to admit a free paftage for vcftels with fix
t d standing masts, not less than twenty-four feet wide, to be pla
ced in such part of the bridges as lhall be determined most con
venient for the navigation of the river, with piles or biocks on
each fide of the entrance of such araiv, as shall be judged fufficient
to aid vefTels in pafling through. Also, one lamp on cach fide of
the draw, to be lighted every night from sunset to lunnte, during
■he continuance of the lease.
The bridges ate to be built with such piles, timber, scantling,
and plank, as (hall render them perfeaiy substantial and secure in
.he opinion of the commiflioners, and are to be of a fufficient
height to prote£t them aga'.nft the tides, which rife at ordinary
tides from 5 to 6 feet, and at spring tides from 8 to 10 feet. They
are to be 31 feet in breadth, viz.
Allowance for carnage way, 20 feet.
Do. for foot walks, railed off on each fide, 4 feet each, 8 feet.
Do. for ballufti ades, 1 foot each, 2 feet.
Do. for hand-rails for do. 6 inches each, 1 foot.—Total, 31 feet.
The fides of the bridges to be secured with strong balluttrades,
after the manner of the bridge between Boston and Charleftown.
The bridges and draws are to be kept n constant repair, and at
the expiration of the lease are to be surrendered in good order,
agreeably to the a6t.
The following are the terms which the commiflioners are au
thorrfed to offer to contra&ors :
A lcafe of the excJufive privilege of the bridges for a period not
exceeding 99 years, with a toll equal to three-fourths ot the pre
sent rates of ferriage.
From as accurate an estimate as could pofliMy be obtained, the
attual receipts of the ferries for a medium of five years last part,
amount to twelve hundred pounds, New-Jersey currency, per
annum, three-fourths of that sum will confequeittly produce an
immediate income of 900 pounds per ann. This may fairly be
estimated as the smallest profit that can be calculated upon. The
advancing population of the United Slates, the increasing inter
course between the two cities of New-York, and Philadelphia, the
facility which the conftru&ion of these bridges will give to travel
ling, the easy communication thereby offered with the state of
New-York, on the western fide of the Hudson, are all important
circumstances, which must necessarily tend rapidly to accumulate
the profits of the bridges. The commiflioners are moreover au
thorized by law to raise four thousand pounds to be applied to
wards making causeways and laying out proper roads connected
with the bridges, and have a lottery now on foot for that purpose.
As soon as the places (hail be determined on where the bridges
are to be fixed, and ihecontra&s for erecting them are executed,
the roads and causeways will be immediately undertaken.
Such persons therefore as may be inclined to contra# on the
above principles, will be pleased to fend in their terms sealed,
within three months from this date, to William Maxwell
Esq. in New-York, fpecifying the shortest period of lease for
which thev will undertake to erett the said bridges,together with
proper security for performing the fame.
ROBERT KEMBLE, Commi{Tioncrs
Newark, Stale of New-Jet fey, April it, 1791
ftST Blank Power, to rrceiye the Intcrrft, and for the transfer 0) tl■
principal of iuhlic debt, apeeaMe to the Rules efiMCei in the Trea
t!,?Edinr tm "" '' A!f ° Sla * h S° ral 'J {r, ' as to be fold bs
|Q- Tie price of this Paper is 3 Dollars per an,,
Public Securities,
Bought and Sold, on COMMISSION, bv
Chefnut-Strcet, next door to the Bank, No. 97.
May 28, 1791
[Q3" All perlons concerned will be pleased to lake notice that the
following advertifcment has been varied from that publiihed in
our paper of the 23d of March.]
Treasury Department.
March 22, 1791.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Propohls will be received at the
otfkeofthe Secretary of the Tre. fury, until the fit ft Monday
in September next inclusive, for the supply ot all rations, which
may be required tor the u(e ot the United States, from the firft day
of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both days in.
eluftve, at the places, and within the diftri£ls herein after menti
oned, viz.
At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the ftateof Pcnn.
fylvania and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt.
At anv place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntolh
on the River Ohio, and at Foit M'lntolh.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort M'lntofh and the mouth of
the River Mufkingum, and at the mouth ot the River Mutkingum.
Ar any placcor places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and up the said River to the Tufcarowas, and attheTuf
earowas, and thencc over to the Cayoga River, and down the said
River to its mouth.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of
the said River Scioto.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Scioto River, and
the mouih of the great Miami, «t the mouth of the great Miami,
and from thence to the Rapids, on the Falls of the Ohio,and at the
said Rapids.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami,
up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the
Miami Village, on the river oi the fame name which empties into
Lake Erie.
At anv place or places from the rapids ofthe 0hi0,40 the mouth
ot the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabath to Post St. Vincennes,
at Post Sr. Vincennes, and thence up the said river Wabalh, to the
Miami village, before described.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh river to
the mouth of the river Ohio.
At any placeor places, on the eafl fide of the river Miflifippi,
from the mouth of the Ohio river,to the mouth of thelllinois river.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Miami river to
the Miami Village.
At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sandufky,
and at Sandufky/and from Sandulky to the mouth of Cayoga river.
At any placeor places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Venango, and at
At any place or places, betwixt Venango and Le Beuf, and at
Le Beuf, betwixt Le Beuf and Prefq'lfle, at Prelq'lfle, and be
twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river.
At the mouth of Cavoga river, and at any place or places,
the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, by the
way of Big Beaver creek.
At anv placeor places, on the east fide of the Miflifippi, between
the mouth of the Ohio and the river Mai got incluGvely.
At any place or places, from the said river Margot, totheri-er
Yazous inclusively.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the river Tenefee, to
Ocochappo or Bear creek, on thefaid river inclusively.
Should any rations be requited at any places, or within other
diftri&s, not fpecified in these proposals, the price of the fame to
be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contra&or.
The rations to be supplied are to consist of the following articles,
viz. One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beet, or of a pound of pork,
Half a jill of rum, brandy or whilVy,
One quart of fait, }
Two quarts of 10 0 rations.
Two pounds or (oap, f
One pound of candles, }
ALSO, That Proposals will be received at the said office until
the firft Monday in September next, inclusive, for the supply of all
rations which may be required for the use of the United States,
f om the firft day ot January to the thirty-firft day of December,
1792, both davs inclusive. at Springfield, in the state of Massachu
setts, and the Poftof Weft-Point, in the state of New-York,
The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the fame articles as
ire above mentioned.
ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office, until
the Ift Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapply of all
rations, which may he required for the use of the United States,
from the Ift dav of January to the 3ift day of December, 1792,
both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftrifts herein
after mentioned.
At the post on the river Saint Mary, at present commanded by
Capt. Henry Burbeck.
At the post on the river Altamaha, at present commanded by
Capt. ]ohn Smith.
At the Dost on the river Oconee, at prefentcommanded by Capt.
Jofcph Savage.
At the post on the river Apalachee, at present commanded by
Capt. Michael Rudolph.
At any place or places from the Rock Landing on the Oconee,
up to the mouth of the main south branch of the said river, from
the said mouth up to the source of thefaid main south branch, and
from thence to the Currahee mountain.
At ?ny other place or places within the state ot Georgia which
mav hereafter be occupied as permanent posts by any troops ot the
United States.
And for rations deliverable on the march to such future polrs.
The rations are to be furniftied in such quantities as that there
shall at all times, during the said term, be fufficient for the con
fu mot ion of the troops at each of the said posts, for the fpaceofat
least two months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions.
The rations to befupplied are to consist of the fame articles, as
are abovementioned. . ,
It i« to be understood in each cafe, that all lofles sustained by t ic
depredations of the enem), orbv means of the troops of the I nite
States, shall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or e -
troved, on the depohtions of two or more creditable chara ers,
and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the cir
cumstances of the loss, ard the amount of the articles for w ic
ompenfation is claimed. .
The contra&s for the above supplies will be made cith c * oT( t n {
year, or fov two vears, as may appear eligible. Perlons 01 po c
to contrail will therefore confine their offers to one year, or t
may make their propositions so as to admit an elettion o t ie
term of two years. -
The ptopofals may be made for the whole of the above po s
aether, or feparatelv for Springfield, tor Weft-Point, lor 01 town?
and the feven'een places following it, and for the posts in Georgia*
;ind they mud fpecify the lowcft price per ration, for prompt \ *)
1 w. 3m
Lottery Tickets,
To be had at the fame place.