Eftunate of the present value ofthellaves in »he Britifli Iflauds in the Weft-Indies, diftingruifb ing each island. The slaves in as] the islands are estimated at 401. each, except in Bermudas, where they are estimated at 451. Jamaica) Antigua, Montlerrat, N cv i s, St. Christopher's, Virgin Islands, Barbadocs, Grenada, St. Vincent, Dominico, Bjhamas, Bermudas, InTEW-YORK, July 15. On Saturday last a boat belonging to a Portu guese vellel in this harbour, lately from P'ayal, having been to Long Island to fill several calks with water ; on her return, the people feeing unacquainted with the set of the current ill the East River, were drifted below Governor's Is land ; a heavy squall arising about the fame time at south-west, and meeting the ebb tide, railed so ihort and hollow a sea, as to founder the boat, and leave the people adrift. Mellis. William Colles, butcher, and Peter Van Nof trand, fail-maker, perceiving their distress arid imminenr danger, at the risque of their own lives, generously put off at this critical moment in a small boat, from the Whitehall, and were fortunate enough to save the people, who nttift I'oon have perilhed, had not this timely alfiltance arrived to their relief. OF JURIES. Extract from a fpach oj judge Wilson IT may seem, at fiift view, to be foniewhat ex traordinary, that twelve men, untutored in the study of juri fp. uclence, should be the ultimate interpreters of the law, with a power to over rule the directions of the judges, who have made it the lubjedt of their long and elaborate re searches, and have been raised to ilie feat of judgment, for their profeflional abilities ati-cl Jkill. But a deeper examination of the subject, will reconcile us to what, at fiift, may appear incongruous. In criminal cases, the design is, as iias been already intimated, closely interwo ven wjth the tranfatftion ; and the elucidation of both depends 011 a collected view of particulars, arising not only from the testimony, but also from the character and conduct of the wit-nefies, and sometimes likewise from the character and conduct of the ptifoner. Of all thcfe the jury are fittelt to make the 1 proper comparison and estimate; and, therefore, it is molt eligible to leave it to them, after receiving the direction of the court in legal questions, to take into their confiderarion all the circumstances of the cafe, the intention, as well as the facts, and determine upon the Whole, whether the conduct of the prisoner has or has not been within the meaning of the law. Juries undoubtedly may make mistakes—they niav commit errors—they may commit grols ones —bur, changed as tliey conltantly are,' their er rois and miltakes can never grow into a dange- system : The native uprightness of their sentiments will not be bent under tlie weight with a large body of Indians 600 of thorn arrived there on the 29th ulr. On tire dinftant the business was opened by a concilia ory speech from Col. Pickering.. The treaty ap >ears so far to be strongly marked with traits of leace and friendfliip, which Jeads to a hope that c will terminate very favorably on both fides.— he following judicious remarks occur in a [jeech of one of the Sachems " In the last war, when we heai d that bro- thers were going to fight againfi: brothers, we thought it ftrange—wecould hardly believe that people of the fame blood would rife up arid de stroy one another—we saw that they could not fetch a clear stroke, because Lhey could scarce ly diftmguifh between friends and enemies.—lf we had had our senses about us, we fliould not have taken up the tomahawk on either fide—we Might to have let you alone, until yon became irothers again, and then joined you as friends." In the debate on the Canada Bill, in the BritiCh House of Commons, several of the speakers on bo«h fides of the question alludetf to the Consti tution of the United States. Mr, J'ox, in parti cular, "recommended (in framing a tbnftitution for Canada) an imitation df thegnvernment of the United States of America, wlVich he declared to be THE Bi- S T GOVERNMENT SOW EXISTING. He suggested this modification not as an enemy to ariUocracy, but as a friend. When the seve ral parts of the constitution are happily blended, fajd he, there is less danger of corruption." is to the honor of the kngli/h'tJovernment, pat every fubjetft with which the rights of men EJio the intererts of humanity are> connected, 'meera with the moll: ample and independent dif cnllion—and tho it is to be regretred that their decisions are not always agreeable to the fenti inents of (onie of their belt characters, yer thf happiest confequencesmutt eventually rei'ult from such a free ill veUigation as almost every topic undergoes in the deliberations of both branches .of their government. A proposal for re-publi&ing by fttbfcription rhe Pobms of Ph'tllu Wheatky, an African, is if. sued by Thomas <7 Andrews', of Bolton : To which w ill be added (never before publillied) her Pos thumous Work s, confiding of Poems on various 1 übjects, and Letters to eminent persons in Great- Britain and America, with their Answers—Price One Dollar. riie book to contain 300 paces demy duodecimo. Among the Letters is an elegant Epillle from the /rcjident of the United States, several Letters from the celebrated Gilbert Sharpe, L. L. D.&c.&c. and Original Thoughts on Poetry, by Henry Hul tou, Lfq. Comptroller of the Cuftoins at Antigua. 95 - ■ •. -commuiCAZi&m. , THRRE is an independency of foul which some men poftefs, that the generality of their cotetn poraries can form 110 idea of., I It has been aliened thatwifdom is always with jthe majority—the alfertion, if capable of demou- Y''aiion, would save mankind an infinity of Ja ipur in their refearch.es to find out the residence as the goddess. T his opinion is however fotind jd on a (Vippolttion of constancy, couliftency and /inifonnity, which cannot be predicated of any (man or body of men for any series of years. " rhe fnccefs of certain events in thiscoun try (fays an extract in a late New-York paper) has been ascribed io individuals; events, which in reality were either accomplished by the fpiric of the people, or the blunders and mistakes of enemies." 1 he disappointed envy ant! malice of some characters in tile world, have been discovered ou in anv occasions,- but it was hardly to have been expected, that they would have blundered oil lo palpable a misrepresentation as the above, This' is truly a modern discovery. There is Hot an in dividual, in the United States, nor in any part of the civilized world, who does not know, that knows any thing, that the salvation of America was efFeified thro the wjfdom of those plans which were formed by " individuals." 7he people railed to power those whom they considered as their bell friends and wisest patriots ; the people were not difap'pointed—thofe " individuali" sketched the outlines of freedom, empire, and' happiness for the (Jnited States—the people being properly enlightened in their duty, executed the plans that were designed by these " hi dividual!— and while, a free, an independent, grateful fehti ment, shall glow In she brealt of a free citizen of these ftates,tliat iTliillrious roll of worthies which they have been.in the habit of honoring foleng, shall contjiiue to receive their grateful applauses. Another modern discovery is, that the hbn. Continental Convention, which aflembled in this city in the. year 1787, did not 1 form that consti tution which they proposed to the people; and to which the members, with ilie Pi efident at rheir head, affixed their fignarures. " Almolt all im portant hims (it seems) were taken from com munications, the authors of which may never be mentioned; aud the plan was adopted, not in vented, by thoje who will have the hidorical fame thereof"—it is easy for some men to fay any thing—truth and fallltood form no differing ideas in their minds. '1 he above infintiations are a bai efaced attack on the doctrine of reprefenta tion—for if this illustrious convention of the ge nius and patriotism of A merica, was incompetent to the objeif* of/A.'/r appointment, we may aban don all liqpes of ever beholdjjiga representation of the people, which shall be adequate to any good purpose wharever. APPOjNTMEN I"S.—BY AUTHORITY. Uilliam Smith, Esq. ot Baltimore, Auditor of the Trea " C " ™co», Es q . appointed Esq. of this City. Judge of the Diftrift ourt for I , of Pmnfylvania—vice Francis Hopkinfo.i, ilq. dectaled, 1 ' From PELOSI's MARINE LIST. ARRIVALS at the PORT of PHILADELPHIA. Ship Alexander, Brig Hclly, Davis, Barque IlDpc, Makins, Sl'iop Defiance, M'Cann, — Clara, M'Williams, Industry, Green, PRICE ,C\JRRENT. —PUBLIC SECURITIES FUNDED DEBT. 6 pr. Cents ,8/9 , 9 / pr .£. gs pr . cem . 3P/-Certts ?°/9 * 53} on Defeied 6 pr. Ccnt> ,o/q j' UNFUNDED DISS.. . \ ' > Final Setll. and othei Certificates 884 * do.** r Indent s rolina debts, 13'/ 1 i/g. j Bank Subfciiptions, - DolltrJ> A PRINTING APPARATUS compleat, AND a. NEWS-PAPER ESTABLISHMENT. ANY youoj Man, of rcfpeftablc charafler, cap.ibleof condaS. ing the PRINTING BUSINESS in its different branches may have an opportunity of engaging as a PART*®*, in a laree commercial town, where the present. income and profpefls are l"ghly flattering to those ot an induflrious turn. A small fom r' recjutfted in hand, and furH„r particulars explained in perfcn, by addressing a line to Z. at .the Bar of the Merchants and Exchange Coffee-Houfe.* Philad. July 20, 1791. " gray l ! gar dln's. A of y° cal and Inftru mcntl Music will begin on TH . b . RSI ? AY the siftofjuly.at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon, and conclude at 9 at right, Ihould (he day be fair. Tickets delivered at one quarter of a dollar, at the Bar. Song s with harmony and martial music, will be performed The (tup Union, JreflVd with the colours of the different nati ons m alliance with the Unit, d States, and elegantly lighted at nifiht. The mill Icene on a plan entiicly new. The goddess Indcpendency, an emblematical transparent piece of painting, tery large, will be exhibited in the day, and illiimi minated at night. Three paintings transparent, one of the iiluflriooj Prrfident of the United States, one of the immortal Franklin, the other, the patriotic General de la Fayette, a> large as the lile; together with several other tianfparent figures and landscapes. T he illuminations will be moic extensive than any heretofore. Ciay's Ferry, July 18. G. & R GRAY. Newry. Cape-Francois. Sligo. New-Providence. Virginia. Frenchman's Bay, ; M