Intelligence-Office, In Four th-St ret, *et, second Door below Market-Street. Francis White Buys and Sells on Coininiflion all kinds of Public Securities and Paper Monin. Tr an fads business for those who have claims on the United Slat's, or against either of the States, particularly lor the Officers, Soldiers ?nd, and others who have served in or about the late American Army, or for their legal Heirs, Ad ministrators, Attornies. &c. _ Certificates and such Paper Monies furnilhed for country people and others, who have to make payments to the Pennsylvania Loan or Land Offices, as will pass equal to fpccie, and their warrants, patents, &c. palled through the different Money borrowed or loaned, and discounts procured lor bills, bonds, and notes of hand, with or without de- P °Houfes, Farms, Lands, Lots, bought-and fold, and Houfcs, Rooms, Boarding and Lodging, icnted or set, or pro cured for S'rangers or others. Reputable Characters of either sex, and of any proftflion, out of Place, may hear ol Employ—and Families, Merchants, Travellers and others, be supplied with (uitable do mestics. Those at a distance who may addrtfs on either the above lub ie£b, their letters being post paid, will be duly attended to, by WHITE. (ep tf ) Philad. Tunc 22, 1 7QI Matthew M'Connell, In Chukut-Stkiit, No. 66, BUYS and SELLS all kinds of THE PUBLIC DEBT O! THF UNION ; has occalion 10 NEGOCIA7 INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will receive Oic> for making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITE i STATES. Philadelphia, March 30, 1791 A FINE CHANCE FOR A YOUNG PRINTER FOR SALE, A Printing Press and Types. together with the right of publilhing a PAPER, in good repi: the subscribers to which are continually incrraCing - The prefei number ot its patrons is between seven and eight hundred. T types confifk ot Butctois, Pica, and i fufficient quantity of I. get letter to display advert ifements to advantage. The fituatini is in the interior part of Massachusetts, in the centre of populous and tbrivng community, and within ly miles ot an ex cellent Paper-M'll, where paper of every quality and size mai always be had on short notice. Perhaps no country paper on th continent has a larger fhareof Advertisements than the one offer for April 22, 1791 Blank Powers to receive the Interest, andfor the transfer of // principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules eflabliflied in the Trea fury Department: Afo Blanks for abflrafts of Certificates, to be fold by the Ed iter. 92 SAMUEL TUTHILL, JOHN NEILSON, ROBERT KEMBLE, WILLIAM MAXWELL, | JOHN PINTARD J All persons concerned wiil be pleaftd to take notice that t • following advertisement has been varied from that publi(bed i'.i our paper of the 23d of March.] Treasury Department. March 22, 1791. NOTICE is hereby given, that Propoijls will l»e received at the office of the Secretary of the Tre furv, until the firft Monday in September next inclusive, forthefupply of all rations, which may be required tor the use ot the United States, from the fiift (J 3 y of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both days , n _ clufive, at the places, aud wuhio the diftri£ts herein after menti oned, viz. At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the ftateof Penn. fylvama and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt. At anv place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofh 011 the River Ohio, and at Foit M'lntofh. At anv placeor places, betwixt Fort M latofti and the mouth of the Riv r at the mouth of the River Mufkingum. At any placeor places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf kingum, and up the said River to theTufcarowas, and at theTuf carowas, and thence over to the Cayoga River, and down the fa id River to its mouth. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf- and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of the said River Scioto. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Sciolo River, and the mouth of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami, and from thence to the Rap'.ds, on the Falls of the Ohio, and at the said Raoids. At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami, up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thence over to the Miami Village, on the river of the fame name whichrmpties inta Lake Erie. At any place or places from the rapids ofthe 0hi0,40 the mouth of the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabafti to Post St. Vincenn