Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, May 25, 1791, Page 32, Image 4

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    An historical View of the COD-FISHERIES of France, England
— Ton- So- v . , Value
fcs Kcntals. ~
~Z nage. rnen Dollars,
1577 >5°
»73 l
1744 5 6 4
17 8 5
27>d°° ■>44 I >s°o
259 2 4i4 a0 9»7 28 200,000 861,723
264 24,996 10,128
HAVING completed the fecoud volume of this Ga
zette, its patrons, and the public at large, are inform
ed that it •will be prosecuted on its original plan, "with
every improvement that friendfhip and ingenuity may
The price of this Gazette, (publijbed Wednesdays
and Saturdays,) is Three Dollars per annum —one
half to be paid at the time of fubfcriiiug.
The utmofl putiCluality is observed in transmitting
the papers to fubfcribtrs : The Editor thinks is
the faireft profpeß that Information frotn the feat of
government, to the extremes of the Union, will in fu
ture circulate with greater facility and certainty, than
through the pajl winter.—Additional subscriptions
from all parts of the Union are therefore foliated.
An index to the second volume is preparing for the
This volume contains the laws of the two lafl feflions
ef Congress—the journal and debates of the house of
Reprcfentatives—reports of the heads of departments
besides a greater variety of original communications
immediately contießed with the intere/h of the United
'States, than any other periodical publication.
Editor acknowledges with gratitude tht punc
tuahftayments received from a great proportion ef his
fubffribers —fame arrearages remain—which he is con
fident will very fpeed'tly be discharged.
Payments may be made to the several persons of
whom the papers are received.
Advertisements »f one square, or less, •mill be tn
ferted in this Gazette, three times, for on: dollar—
subsequent insertions, twenty-five cents each; larger ad
vertisements in proportion ; No vehicle in the United
States gives so immediate a circulation —and the num
ber of each impression is at present fourteen hundred.
Lottery Tickets,
Class Second, fold at the Office of SAMUEL ANDERSON,
May 18. 1791
Joseph Wheaton
PRESENTS his compliments to his old Military Friends, the
Gentlemen of the Civil Lift, and the Public—withes they may
be informed that he has received a very handsome Assortment
ef the best chosen
By the Pi cou, and other ISte arrivals, which are now opening at
his KNOWN CHEAP STORE, No. 38, Third-Street, North.
which he is determined to dispose of (at wholesale or retail)
d low terms as must maka it an objctt to cujlomers. Orders
\ his friends will be attended to with punctuality and dispatch,
.iiiu the lime of pa) ment made convenient.
Philad. May 2, 1791
Matthew M'Connell,
In Chesnut-Street, No. 66,
THE UNION ; has frequently occasion to NEGOCIATE
INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE—and will reccive Orders
for making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of the UNITED
Philadelphia, March 30, 1791
THE Subscriber, who served a regular apprcDticefhip to the
business of VENDUE-M ASTER, under Mr. George
Kelly, has just opened an OFFICE in the Borough of Noa
rolk, Virginia, in a good and convenient House, situated near
the County Wharf, where he is in hopes of giving general fatisfac
tion to all those that may be pleased to favor him with their com-
Norfolk, Virginia, April 21. 17Q1
H lank Powers to receive the lncercit, a ndjor the transfer of the
principal of public debt, agreeable to the Rules eflabhjhed in the Trea-
Jury Department: Also Blanksfor abjlrafts oj to be fold by
he Editor.
On ihc fubje£t of the
7>ooo 426,000
6,000 128,000
or THE
No. I.
u nsgc.
> .
Sea- v . , Value
Kentali. _~
men. Dollar*.
200,000 540, ®00
400 36,000 20,000 600,000 2,250,000
14,000 732,000
New-Haven Wharf Lottery.
THE Legiflalure of the State of Conne&icut, at their session in
December last, granted a Lottery for the purpose of extend
ing Union Wharf, in the harbour of New-Haven, to the channel;
and appointed the fiibfcribers managers, who having given bond
for the faithful discharge of their trull, present the public with the
S C ]
5842 Prizes.
11658 Blanks.
Tickets* at Fit? Dollars each, is
Subject to a dedu&ion of twelve and a half per cent.
The public utility of extending this wharf, is too evident to re
quire any comment, to those who are acquainted with the town
and harbour of New-Haven ; to those who are not, fuffice it to fay,
that its beautiful situation is not surpassed, if equalled by any ; be
ing in the heart of a country, which may, with propriety, be said
to be the garden of America. The harbour lays open to the lound
but by reaion of the flats, this wharf is necessarily extended to the
channel, where ships can load and unload ; and when com pleat
ed, will be the moil extensive and commodious wharf in America,
the whole extent being about 3~4ths of a inile; and not only the
mercantile interest of New-Haven and the towils adjacent, but the
maritime interest of all the States will be benefited by it. The
general with that prevails in the minds of all classes of people, for
thefuccefsof this enterprise, together with the very great advan
tage which this scheme holds out to adventurers (there being more
capital prizes for the number of tickets than any yet published in
America) induce the managers to believe the tickets wi-11 meet with
a speedy sale.
The drawing will positively commence at the State-House, in
New-Haven, on the 13th of September next, or sooner, if the
tickets are fold.
A lift of the fortnnate numbers will be publiflied, and the prizes
paid on demand, by the managers. Those prizes not called for in
nine months after drawing, will be deemed as given
for the ufc of the wharf, and appropriated accordingly.
James Rice, Michael Todd,
Jeremiah Atwater, Elijah Austin,
Joseph Drake, Joseph Howell.
New-Haven, April 14, 1791
(£3T TICKETS in the above Lottery may be had at the
Compting-houfe of Meflrs. Stephen Austin, and Co. corner'ot
Front and Pine-Streets.
Tickets in the Massachusetts Lottery that have drawn prizes,
will be received in payment for the above tickets.
In various Lang ua^es—being part of a private Library \
Among 'chich are the following :
FOLIO. Euripides, i.omer, Demoithenes, Xenophon, Plato.
Lucian, Plutarch, Paufanias, Procopius, Eufebius, Nicepho
rus, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Tacitus, Seneca, Pliny, &c.
(96 to
Quarto. Pindar, Aristotle, Terence, Ovid, Csefar, Suetonius,
Juvenal, Manilius, &c.
Octavo & infra. Septuagint, Aristophanes, Longinus, Theo
phraftus, Epidetus, Hefiod, Orpheus, M. Antoninus, Phalaris,
liberates, Polyienus, Lucretius, Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius,
Pdterculus, Florus, Luc m, Statius, Gellius, Aufonius, V»da, Bu
chanan, Boethius, Poets minorea Latini, Callrpcedia, Stiada, L.
Valla, &c.
(jdr Catabgves may le had, and further particulars learned, at the
Book-Store of MeJJrs. Rice and Co. Market-Street. Catalogues are
aljoJUtched up with the AMERICAN MUSEUM, for April.
(1 ep 7w.)
copies of the CONSTITUTION of thi
United States, prini/d -with Notes, may bj had of the
T E,
and the United States.
| Ton- Sea- KcnljJl Value
cage, men Dollars.
665 2.5,000 4,40.5 350,500 1,#71,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4.405 350,500 1,071,000
66.5 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
665 25,000 4,405 350,500 1,071,000
539 1 9>*®5 3>? 8 7 250,650 609,900
539 »9> 18 5 3> 2 ®7 250,650 609,900
539 >9> ,8 5 3,287 250,650 609,900
539 '9> 18 5 3> 2 ®7 250,650 609,900
539 »9>'Bs 3.287 354> 2 ? 6 865,207
io,o©o Dollars, is
2000 arc
Prize of
5 °
Not two Blanks to a Prtze
To be diipolcd of,
BY P I V A T E S A I. E,
and Valuable
March jj, , 79 ,
OTICE is hereby given, that PropoLls will tcrrr.-.
IN office of the Sccrnary oi the Tr- furv, until t!ie hrf; y '
in September next inclusive, forthefupply or all ratio s "!
may be required ior theufe o! the United S rt, from the !ii(l u
of January to the thiny-Brft day of December, i~oi, hoti ■
clufive, at the places, and within the diUridls hereinafter in
oned, viz.
At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the fate of P,p
fylvama and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Put.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lotofh
on the River Ohio, and at Foit M'lutofh.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort Mlntofh and the mouth of
ihe River ivlufkingum, and at the mouth of the River Mulk •
At aoy place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River M
kingum, and up the said River to the Tufcarowas, and at iheTd.
carowas, and thencc over to the Cayoga River, and down the L a
River to its mouth.
230,000 6:1,000
43' 120
K S,
'5-' All perrons concern.- will be pWedtotike noiicr v. .
fol.ow.n-, jidverii na s Men varied from that publuVd,"
our paper of the 3U of March.] 0
Treasury Department.
At any place or places, betwi xt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of
the said River Scioto.
At any place or plaees, betwixt the mouth of Scio'.o River and
the mooih of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great M am
and from thence to the Rapids, on the Falls of the Ohio, *nd at the
id Rapids.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami,
up the said Miami, to and at Piquetown, and thcnce over to the
Miami Village, on the river ofthe fame name which emptier into
Lake Erie.
At any place or places from the rapids ofthe Ohio, to the mouth
of the Wabafh, thence up the said Wabaih to Post Sr. Viuceoors,
at Post St. Vincennes, and thencc up the said riv«r Wabaih, to the
Miami village, before described.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh riven®
the mouth of the river Ohio.
At any place or places, on theeaftfideof the river MilTnippi,
from the mouth of the Ohio river,to the mouth of thelljinois river.
At any place or placcs, froro the mouth of the Miami iiver to
he Miami Village.
At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sanduiky,
and at Sandufky, and from Sandulkv to the mouth of Cayog* nvci
At any place or placcs, betwixt Fort Pitt and Venango, and it
At any place or places, betwixt Venango a/id Le Beuf, and at
Le Beuf, betwixt Le Beuf and Prefq'lfle, at Prefq'lfle, aud be
twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river
At the mouth of Cavoga river, and at any pla e or places, on
the route from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Cayoga river, by the
way of Big Beaver creek.
At any place or places, on the east fide of the Miflifippi, between
the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclusively.
At any place or placet, from the said river Margot, totheri-er
Yazous inclusively.
At any place or places, from the mouth- of the river Tenefee, to
Ocochappo or Bear creek, on the said river inclusively.
Should any rations be requited at anv places, or within other
diftri£b, not foecified in these proposals, the price of thefaroeto
be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to confillof the following ariidcs.
viz. One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or of a pound of perk,
Half a jill of rum, brandy or whisky,
One quart of fait, }
Two quarts of vinegar/ IOQ ra(ions _
Iwo pounds or toap, C 1
One pound of candles, }
ALSO, That Proposals will be received atthefaid office until
the firft Monday in September next, inclufivc, for the supply of alt
rations which may be required for the use of the United States,
from the fir ft day of January to the thirty-firft day of December,
1 792, both days inclusive, at Springfield, in the state of MaiTachu
fetts. and the Post of Weft-Point, in the state of New-York,
Yhe rations to be fuppllcd, arc to consist of the fame articles as
are above mentioned.
AI.SO, That proposals will be received at the fnid office, until
the lft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapply of all
rations, which may be required for the use of the United States,
from the lft day of January to the 31ft day of De-camber, 1792,
both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftri£U hereiu
after mentioned.
At the post on the river Saint Mary, at present commanded by
Capt. Henry Burbcck.
At the poll on the river Altamaha, at present commanded by
Capt. John Smith.
At t he post on the river Oconee, at present commanded by Capt.
Joseph Savage.
At the post on the river Apalachee, at present commanded by
Capt. Michael Rudolph.
At any place or places from the Rock Landing on the Oconee,
up to the mouth of the main south branch of the said river, from
the said mouth up to the source of the said main south branch, and
from thenac to the Currahee mountain.
At any other place or places within the ftnte of Georgia which
may hereafter be occupied as permanent posts by any troops ot the
United States.
And for rations deliverable on the march to fueh future pons.
The ration* to be furnifhed in such quantities as that there
shall at all times, during the said term, be fufficient for the con
sumption of the troops at each of the said poifs, for the fpaceofat
least two months in advance, in good and wholesome provifious.
The rations to befupplied are to consist of the fame articles, is
are abovementioned.
It is to be undcrftood in each cafe, that all lofTes bv
depredations of the enemy, orby means of the troops of the U nut
States, shall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or des
troyed, on the depositions of two or more creditable characler.%
and the certificate of a commifQoncd officer, ascertaining the cir
cumstances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for whic<
corripenfation is claimed.
The contracts for the above supplies will be made either or one
yearj or for two years, as may appear eligible. Perlons <i< \>o e
to coutra£l will therefore confine their offers to one year, or t
may make their propositions so as to admit an eiettion 0 1•£
term of two years. ,
The piopofals may be made for the whole of the 2r>ovr po 1 c 0
gether, or separately for Soringfield, tor Weft-Point, for \or lown '
and the seventeen places following it, and for the ports in corgia,
and they must fpecify the lowest price per ration, for pioropt pa)
tnenr. —* , .. , ,
The Printers who have publifhedtkc above adverttjemer.,
re que fled tt reprint it with the alterations.
. »
Philadelphia, Ai.iv 3.
WE, the Cotrmiflioners, appointed to receive:
to the Bank ot the United States, do hereby give P a
notice,lhat the Books will be opened by us for tnst P 1,,p0
the Bank of North-America, on Monday ilie 4th day ot jut,
Thomas Willing, Samuel Howell,
Real e Bordiey, Lambert Cadwala
All the Punters w the United States are rejvepi to fub.t/i.' -