This day is publijhed, for the Proprietors, By WILLIAM YOUNG, Bookseller, Mo. 52, Second-Street, the cor ner oj Chef nut-Street. The Universal Aiylum, for APRIL, 1791 CONTAINING. BESIDES the usual variety of interesting and enertaining matter, original thoughts on common fewfe, by Dr. Rush ; and a number of txtra&s from Mr. Paint's celebrated tnfwtr /d Mr. Burke, arranged under the following heads, viz. —Revolatioii- prmciples defended—on religious toleration—on the connexion of a church establishment with the civil power—sundry causes which produced in Fiance, sentiments favorable to liberty—on the abfurdiry of an hereditary fucceflion — thoughts on the various forms of government, the downfal of hereditary power, and the progress of Tcvolution-principles. This number also contains the whole of the Excise-Bill, and a continuation of the hijlorical Jketch of the proceedings oj Congress, which was begun in the Asylum f®r March. Philadelphia. May 2, Funds of the United States. ALL kinds of the Public Debt ot the Union, bought, fold, or ex changed ; Foreign and inland Bills oj Exchange, negociated ; Merchandize of all forts Bought and Sold on CommiJ/ion, and all other Bufincfs in the line of a Broker, tranfa&ed by WILLIAM CLELAND, At the Office, next door to the Cujlum-Houfe, State-Street, BOSTON. Pintard and Bleecker, PURCHASE and SELL all kinds of Certificates & Public Securities, On COMMISSION, at public and private falc, on the following terms : ON the specie amount of all Tales or purchases at au£fcion, one eighth per cent. On ditto of all sales or purchases at private sale, on all sums below 5000 nominal dollars, one-halj per cent.; and on all sums above 5000 nominal dollars, one-fourth per cent. For receiving interelt at the Loan-Office, one per cent. For making transfers ac ditto, one dollar each transfer. (Jdf* Such persons throughout the United States, as may be pltafed to favor the subscribers with their order.*, may rely on their being executed with pun duality^fidelity and dijpatch, as consi derable experience in the public flocks, together with extensive connections in the city of New-York and different parts of the continent, enable them to condnft their operations with peculiar advantages. PIN TAR D & BLEECKER, New-York, No. 57, King-Street. (97 law 6m) March 15, 1791 MASSACHUSETS SEMI-ANNUAL LOTTERY THE MANAGERS ot the STATE-LOTTERY afiure the Public, that the second Class of the SEMI-ANNUAL LOT TERY will positively commence drawing on the day appointed, viz. On Thursday the 13th of Oflobei next, or /ooncr, if the Tickets shall be disposed of. As the Managers have in their fcveral monthly Lotteries commenced drawing at the hour afligned, so they are determined to be equally as pun&ual in this. S C H E M E. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE 85.000 Tickets, at Five Dollars each, are 125,000 Dollars, to be paid in the following Prizes, fubjett to a dedu&ion of twelve and an half per cent, for the use of the Commonwealth. Prizes. v Dollars. Dollars. 1 of 10000 is 10000 2 3000 are 6000 q 2000 6000 *5 6 10 30 80 9° 100 120 161 200 ■58s 8388 Prizes. 16612 Blanks 25000 Tickets, GdT TICKETS in the above Class may be had of the fevcral Managers,!nkouiill pay the prizes on demand-, of the Tr £ asu r er of the Commonwealth; oi James White, at his Book-store, Franklin's Head, Court-(lreet—and at other places, as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun."! DAVID COBB, | •SAMUEL COOPER, GEORGE R. MINOT, I JOHN KNEELAND, J Bojlon, April 14, 1791. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Subscriber, who fcrved a regular apprenticeship to the bufmefs of VENDUE-MASTER, under Mr. Gsorge Kelly, has just opened an OFFICE in the Borough of Nor folk, Virginia, in a good and convenient Houle, situated near the County Wharf, where he is in hopes of giving general fatisfac tion to all those that may be pleased to favor him with their com mands. JOHN H. HALL. Norfolk, Vtrgima, April 21, 1791. (1 ep jw) PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A COLLECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS, Partly original, and partly already pub/iflicd, Written by Mathew Carey. CONDITIONS. I. Work shall contain 200 pages ; be printed on the J. fined writing paper ; and be elegantly bound, edge rolled and lettered. 11. Price to fubferibers two thirds oja dollar, to be paid on the delivery of the book. 111. The work shall be put to the press as Coon as 250 copies are fubferibed for. IV. The subscribers names (hall be prefixed 83"SUBSCRIPTIONS are received by Carey, Stewawt, and Co. and all the other Booksellers in Philadelphia ; also, by (Sie different gentlemen throughout the United States, who suppLy sub scribers with the AmericanMufeum. Philadelphia, Ftb. 23, 1791. CLASS II 1000 6000 s°° 5000 200 6000 100 Boco 5° 4500 40 4000 3° 3600 20 3220 1 10 2000 8 60680 i Matthew M'Connell, In Chesnut-Street, No. 66, TJUYS and SELLS all kinds of THE PUBLIC DEBT OF lJ THE UNION; lias frequently occasion io NEGOCIATE INI.AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE —and will receivc Orders f<,r making SUBSCRIPTIONS to the BANK of die UNITED STATES. Philadelphia. March 30, 1791 Gallaudet and Ewing, No. 54, South Second Street, HAVE imported in the Lady Walterjlorf, from London, Man chejler and Adriana from Liverpool, and the Birmingham Packet from Bristol, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of SEASONABLE GOODS, which they will fell on reasonable terms. On hand for sale, a few hogsheads of OLD JAMES'S RIVER TOBACCO. Philadelphia, April 9, 1791. 100 cv \ m For ere&ing BRIDGES over the Hackinsack and Passat ack Rivers, between Powlas-Hook and Newark, in the State of New- Jersey. THE Commiflioners appointed by an adl of the legislature of the state of New-Jerfcv, to erect bridges over the Hackinfack and PafTaiack rivers, having obtained the neceflary surveys, are no ma,< a P r - g»u. rfu Antigua §<1 Kdo« 4 ' 4^" Sulphur, flour 4 Shot J f German pr. cwt. 6y- 5 ! W )En g li(h, bliftercd f- /American pr. ton 401'.,( « (Crowley's pr. fag. B>,6i root pr. lb. ,j 6i 2 ,8 i ooap, Common Brown ° r, Castile Jf, Starch i" uii nSdi Si d 3 ,64 .Spermaceti, refined, , Sail Cloth, English, > " pr. vard, $u6J V tf Bolton, No. I. 2 —tr ° . - WO, 11. 2J B^j Ruflia (hccting, pr. p. g OJ f Lump, pr. lb. Si [ Loaf, (ingle refined urU < Ditto, double do. P Havamiab, white isU « Ditto, brown, 8^ L Mufcovada,pr.cwt. 6oj;B<' SpmisTurpentin'c pr. gall. 4J j_, f Allum pr. bush. 2 , j J Liverpool SJ w < jCadiz ~'j /. n 'UOd 2J 2 j Ship build. W.O. frames) go* P- 10,, I { 1001 -O. &redc. do. 6161jt. o les, (Kort, p. M. lytos long drelied gosiaot itling, heart, gojijoj Do. Shin. Scanl 71 P 501 55' r l ipe pr. 1300 pieccs 12/ £:w. o. hogfhcad 7 / j; > ,) R. O. do. 5/ a < Leogan 6/ « Barrel 4/ 10 , L Heading 8/10/ Otter, best pr. piece 3c; Minks is6d yt Fox, grey 2S6J y -red 4/ Bjß Martins 3* ~ < Fibers 2s6dtjs Bears I2s6dz^s Racoons 2s 4/ r Mufk-rals yd is6d Braver, pr. lb. ,5 s 104 L I>eer f in hair Tar,N.Jerfey, 24 gal. p. bbl. m J& Carolina, 32 gall. 9; %d Turpentine i?.s6diss . James R. new bed 301 p ~ inferior 23s 25/ g old 35; 38; Rappahannock 22s 6d O J Colo. Maryland 405601 y Dark ?.c; Long-leaf 20; W Eastern-shore 15J 16* 3 s 7 * 5 0s P I Carolina, new . old 22J 6d 2§S Hyson pr. lb. ysft'qd Hyson fk" Do. in bottles, pr. doz. 30; Claret 3 0J 45-' Sherry pr. gall. 9* _ Malaga 6j6 pr. guilder, 2s lid 3* 3© days & t France, 60 Hv. 6s U 30 days 6.f 9* 2S 7d B\d