plaint with him, and some others is, that they think themselves injured because their institution was not made the Bank of the United States ; and an appeal is made to the finer feelings of the human heart to decide on their merits and services.— Thisaddrefs to the passions is offered as a fubfti tute for reafoii and argument in a queltion of national policy ! The author however has but fol lowed theexampleof "The Observer," whose performances are a play upon the fancy, rather than an appeal to the judgment of his readers. It is not contended that the Bank of North- America did not render eflisntial services to the United States in the mod: critical periods of the •war ; but was not this their duty—was it not the end and design of their creation, on being paid for it ; and does it appear that they have 101 l any thing by the bargain—orthatthey have been disabled in the service ? If they have fuffered in their property, they fliould be reimbursed with intereft —if their corporation has been ellentially injured, they are intitled to a gratuity. But fay the friends of the State Bank, " we had a continental charter."—The Secretary of theTreafnry observes in his report, " That they " liavefince accepted and acted under anew char " ter from the State of Pennsylvania, materially « variant from the original one ; and -whichfo " narrows the foundation of the injlitrtfion, as to ren " der it 'an imcompetent basis for the extcnfive pur " poses of a national bank." Hence he recommends an eftablifliment upon different principles—and the former is left toftand as it was. But the Se cretary at the fame time, gives it as his opinion, that every reasonable facility fhonld be given to a consolidation of the Bank of North-America, •with the Bank of the United States, upon terms not injurious to the parties concerned, provided the former would come forward with proposi tions. We are told the proposed Bank " did not want for refpeiXable authorities opposed to it at its birth, and that it is believed, their reasonings are such as will bear the teftof time." If obser vations of this kind are to have any weight, it might perhaps be answered with equal truth, that many of the friends and advocates of the Bank of the United States are also entitled at lead to refpetfl ; and what is of more consequence, the refutation of the arguments of some of them has not yet been even attempted. Some of the jjentlemen are diflatisfied because their inilitution was not made the foundation to build upon ; but a broader basis was thought ne cellarv ; and a quefrion might arise who was to accommodate, the general government, or the Bank of this State. This much however is cer tain, that if it had been proposed to ingraft up on the old according to the principles of the new, or in any other way, but such as might be dila ted by theprefent Bank, the clamor would have been much louder than it is at present : So diffi cult—nay (o impossible is it to please all parties. LONDON, February IS—24. THE meeting of Parliament opens a new field for political disquisition. It now becolhes our province to mark the progress of National business : to animadvert upon the condutfiofour Legillators; and to weigh with minute regard the measures to be pursued by our Miiiifters in the present position of affairs. The high and consequential (late which Bri tain has retained in the scale ofEurope, together with the profpei'ous and flourifhing situation of our domellic concerns, are circumltances so ob vious, that he who laboursto disprove them mufl willingly err againlt Reason and Truth. These are themes which, when touched upon, must a waken the mod torpid feelings of patriotic re gard, and which in all his reflections, conclusions and anticipations mult strongly influence the mind of the candid Politician : The great progress made in the reduction of the National Debt mud afford to every per Jon in terested in the support of public credit, the moil sincere gratification. For the fatisfaftion of our readers, we (hall particularize the amount of the whole capital sum redeemed by the commiflioners for the li quidation of the National Debt, on the last day of January I 79 1 3 per Cent. Consols 3 per Cent. Reduced Old Sourh Sea New South Sea South Sea i 757 This ftim with the Interefl. of the capital sum redeemed, is regularly added to the annual million. How rapid, by this system, nuift be the dimi nution of the National Debt, may be easily cal culated ; bow much it has already tended to the eftablifhmentof i'ublic Credit, is universally felt, and joyfully acknowledged. Since the edabliihtnent of this ftfM, *>il)ion, it mulV be admitted, has been borrow- Ed by the Minister; but when that is deduced from the above fnm, the furplns isftill great. The expences of the late Armament, it will readily be recolleifled, are provided for diilincl from the great niaf 23 33 4' 5' 2115 2333 Priaes drawn 4367 Blanks do. 6700 Tickets drawn. 78 J do. 44 LOST,