As Toon as thisdefenfive decree had pafled, M. Mirabeau, and M. Alexander Lameth, produced two plans of Decrees, the objeifl of which were, torepref'ent the apparent dispositions of the pow ers of Europe towards France, and the measures to be taken for the fecuriry of the frontier, To press the King to organize the army imme diately, and fill up the regiments. For this lat ter purpose, orders are given, that a hundred thousand recruits fball be levied in the following manner : The recruits which are to be levied in the different departments of free citizens, are to be enlisted for three years only, and to receive three iols per day, under the condition of hold ingthemfelves in readiness tojoin their regiments when called upon, when they lhall receive the fame pay as the regulars, and be furnifhed with fifty livres for their equipment. By this means the AUembly proposes, by a mo derate expence, to provide for the defence of the kingdom, in cafe of any attempts from a neighbouring power, in conjunction with the in numerable malcontents. The King is also desired to com pleat the thir ty regiments of infantry, and twenty regiments ofhorfe, destined for the departments of the Lower and Upper P«.hine, the Ardennes, the High Soan, Mount Jura, the Var, and the Higher and Lower Alps. FORT-WILLIAM, (E. 1.) Aug. 14. The war goes on with vigor and success. Tip poo has retreated within the pafl'es, and left the whole of the Coimbetour and Dingigut country at our mercy. PONDICHERRY Letters received in Paris, mention with much confidence, that general Meadowshas been com pleatly defeated by the forces of Tippoo Saib, commanded by that Prince in person They state particularly, that the detachment of colo nel Floyd was entirely cut to pieces. General Meadows, it is said, quitted his heavy artillery, endeavoring to join and lave the colonel's de tachment. The cavalry of the tyrant Tippoo, however,, harrafled the British forces so pertina ciously, that at length, notwithstanding the ut xnoft efforts of the commanders, a complete rout ensued. The forces of Tippoo are said to have been entirely under the disposal of French officers, to wliofe military (kill and condu(ft the victory is principally attributable. The above is given but as a report. We can not pledge ourselves for the perfecft truth of it, as the channel by which it comes makes it to us liable to some doubt. further advices by the Ship Hope, arrived at New-York y in fix weeks from London. The charter of the Dutch East-India company having expired, it is expc&cd that if renewed, it will be on a different footing from the old one. TheEmprcfsof Ruifia desirous of attaching to her interest a ■warlike ally, has made the most tempting offers to the King of Sweden. Alarming commotions have recently taken place in Paris, but were suppressed by the interposition of the Mayor. The Right Honorable Alleyne Fitz Herbert, AmbafTador to the King of Spain, is created a Baron of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the title of Baron of St. Helens. Accounts from France state that the English forces have been checked in their operations by Tippoo Saib. General Meadows, an experienced officer, commands the army, ordered against that Prince. Other accounts fay that the English have gained great advanta ges over Tippoo. Time alone will ascertain the truth. Great-Britain insists on mediating between the Empress of Rus sia and the Porte ; but the terms do not appear to be palatable to the former ; in consequence of this the English are equipping a fleet to be sent to the Baltic ; the old idea of the balance of pow er will probably interest Great-Britain to give effe&ual aid to the Turks. The Emperor of Germany, notwithstanding the interposition of Prussia, to the contrary, is proceeding in the restoration of the Prince Bishop of Liege and the affairs of that principality to their former situation. The malcontents in Paris appear to enjoy the most unbounded licence in printing and publiftiing their opinions—they write and ipeak what they please ; the press is open to all parties. The great storm in December was felt on the continent as well as in England, a vessel called the Amphitrite was wrecked on the •oaftof France—and out of 108 persons 3 only escaped. The revolution of Fiance is daily producing the most benefi cial confequcnces in meliorating the condition of other countries • fomeoppofition being made to an increase of the taxes in Spain by the Bishop of Orenfe, who addressed the King in a firm but ref peftful manner on the fubjeft, the augmentation ot the taxes in Gallicia was abandoned. The Ruflian fleet arrived before Warna on the black, sea, the *4th December, and immediately began to bombard the fame should the Ruflians succeed in their enterprize, they may attempt the surprize of Conilantinople with a probability ol success. The Turkifti garrison of Ifmail consisted of 18000 men the Ruflian army of 28000—the latter loft 2000 men, and had a great number wounded—the prisoners taken amounted to 5000 —the remainder of the garrison periftied : The aflault commenced at 5 o'clock in the morning, and the place was carried by the Ruf iians about one in the afternoon ; other fucceflcs have attended the arms of Ruflia, the particulars of which are not publiflied Great confufion and tumult arc laid to prevail in Conflantino ple, occasioned by a great scarcity of proviflons. PORTSMOUTH, (N. H.) March 16. As the wealth and prosperity of individuals eonftitute the riches of the whole, afford pleasure to every genei ous mind to be informed, that one of onr own citizens has lately recovered in England a debt of t-wenty thou/and dollars, which, from (he supposed insolvency of the deb tor, had for many years been deemed desperate. A correspondent authorises us to aflure the public, that notwithstanding suggestions to the contrary, Col. Langdon, in his last letters, po iitively declines being considered as a candidate for either of the offices of President, Senator, or Representative. BOSTON, The Maflaehufetts semi-annual State Lottery (of which not one ticket was returned into the State Treasury) commenced drawing on Thurs day lad (17th March) at four o'clock, P. M. the time afiigned.—The following are among the prizes drawn : No. 500 dollars. No. 22229, 1000 dollars. No. 129)8, 500d0. No. 1565, 1000 dollars. FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, TO B I R TH A. POOR, and unknown, a stranger to the great, While now, withiioly veneration deep infpir'd, To Him, whose virtue glads the extendingjlate, Wak'd by the voice of Truth, my foul to song is fir'd. And now, while Friendship, trembling o'er the firings, Breathes on the lyre unutterable things, And steals its ancient, and negltfted store : Hark ! o'er the wild-resounding air, What muJic floats, in varied numbers near, And winds, in wildering echoes, down the daftiing (bore ! Again, in full, deep founds, it loads the swelling gale; And now, it foftly undulates the breeze ; And now, a fmall,Jlill voice, the notes my foul aflaiJ, With calm delight responsive; now they seize, In bolder swellings, on the impaflion'd mind, That feels itr different powers refin'd, As now, with many a flowly-folcmn pause, they faiL O Thou, whose fingers from the answering lyre Draw founds so flattering to the Youth of Song, Deep from my foul the grateful sighs aspire, That hail the enjoyment which they would prolong. Life hath trifling joys to give; Not in Lift doth pleasure live ; Tomb of pleasure, tomb of joy, Ever anxious to deitroy : Shrouding in thy narrow space Every virtue, every grace. Tyrant! soon thy reign is o'er, Radiant glory bursts thy door. Love, who all thy power defies, Rising, mingles with the skies. Now, even now, I scorn thy wrath— Glory brightens round my path. Now thy yawning gates unfold, While the powerful charm is told. See, my foul, in fancy rife— BIRTHA, seraph, opes the skies. FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES. DISINTERESTEDNESS. THE floods that deluge all tht plain, Enrich the hills with loads of grain ; While funs that parch the rijing Joil, But make the fertile vallies smile. My farm, this blooming meadow fills, And drinks the rains from yonder hills- Still, O ye gods, in fhow'rs bestow Just rain enough to make it grow. But neighbors balance such kind wishes; Your farm may be a pond for fifties— Provided the propitious skies, With copious (hour's, yon hill supplies. Thus fares it with the Banking scheme (Perhaps 'tis but the author's whim) Protest the Interest of a State, And leave the UNION to its fate. Philadelphia, April 2. His Excellency the Governor of this Commonwealth has ilTued a PROCLAMATION, offering a reward of one thousand dollars to any person or persons, who ihall apprehend and secure, so that they may be brought to juflice, the men, or any of them, who were guilty of murdering three men and one woman, belonging to a party of friendly Indians, at a Block-House on the Weft fide of Beaver Creek, in the county of Alleghany, the gth inft. It is a Angular circumstance that none of the oppofers of the Bank of the United States, either in Congrefe or out of it, ever have attempted to refute the arguments of the Secretary of the Treasury in his report on which the system is founded. We are requested to contradict an account published in some of the papers, of the Death of General Glover—that gentleman being alive. A letter from Fort-Pitt of 21 ft March, mentions that the Indians have recently murdered sundry persons within a Ihort distance ofthat place. On Saturday the 26th inflr. was launched from the {hip-yard of Mr. Ebenezer Young, New-York, the Revenue Cutter Vigilant. ' The report of the death of M. D'Orleans by the populace of Paris, appears to be a story from the fame budget that produced the pretended flight of M. de la Fayette—and is therefore very improbable. PRICE CURRENT.— PUBLIC SECURITIES. FUNDED DEBT. 6 pr. Cents 16/io. 17/2. pr. £. 3 pr. Cents 8/ioJ gif. Defered 6 pr. Cents 8/10 of UNFUNDED DEBT, Final Settl. and other Certificates 1 g/q Indents N. and S. Carolina debts, w/a isf. 803 March 21. ODE. ELLA, 88 pr. cent. 45