Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 26, 1791, Page 796, Image 4

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A Proclamation.
WHEREAS it hath been reprefcnted to me, that James O'
Fallon is levying an armed force in that part of the
State of Virginia which is called Kentucky, diftorbs the public
and lets at defiance the Treaties of the United States with
the Indian Tribes* the A£t of Congreft, intituled, 41 An Ast to
regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian Tribes,'" and my
Proclamations of the fourteenth and twfoty-fixth dajis ot August
last, founded thereon : And it is my earned desire that those who
have incautiously aflbciated themselves with the said James O'
Fallon, mev be warned of their danger, I havethereforethonght
fh to publifti this Proclamation, hereby declaring, that all persons
violating the Treaiies nnd A6t aforefaid, shall be prosecuted with
the utmost rigor of the law.
Ana I do moreqver require all officers of the United States,
whom it may concern, to use their best exertions to bring to jus
tice any persons offending in the premises.
In teflimony whereof I have caused the Seal of the Uni*ed States to
be affixed to these the fame with my Hand.
Don-tf/ the City of Philadelphia, the Nineteenth Day of March,
in the Year of our Lord one thousand fevtn hundred and nine
ty-one, and of the Independence of the United States the fifteenth.
By the President,
A CO-PARTNERSHIP having commenced between Joseph
Anthony, and his Son, Thomas P. Anthony, under the
firm of
Joseph Anthony and Son,
They have for Sale, at their Stores, (lately improved by Hewes
and Anthony,) North fide Chefnut-Street Wharf,
Muscovado Sugars,
Jamaica & Martinique Coffee,
Old Batavia Arrack,
Spermaceti & Wax Candles,
Spermaceti, Right Whale,
and Tanner's Oil,
Best pick'd Mackarel,
India Sales, at Salem.
At the STORE of
On TUESDAY the sth of April next, at to o'clock, A. M.
will commence the sale, by AUCTION, of the
Cargo of the Brig Henry,
Lately arrived from Bengal, Madras, and Isle of France ;
r* r . . r . i .. . « « >» «•
Consisting of a large and valuable affbrtment of
As follows—viz,
BAFTAS, White Clotfis, proper for
Sanrias, and > c ,. . ci
Caifas, ) Shlrtm g» or Sheeting.
Dun as—or striped Muslins.
Durea Chintz, or painted ftriptd do.
Chintz, a great variety.
Striped Cottons,
Jagienant Muslins.
Ditto Ditto Handkerchiefs.
Biue Cott n Handkerchiefs.
Long Cloths, of a superior quality, suitable for shirting."
Madras Patchcs, beautifully figured.
Cami'oys, or blue and white itripGd Cottons. j;
Morcas, or plain white Cloths. 1 S
Madras Cambricks.
D"to Duto Handkerchiefs, with borders.
ii' ok Mu(l;ns.
Duto Ditto Handkerchiefs, a great variety.
A quantity of China Silk Handkerchiefs.
A quantity of Ostrich Feathers.
Sural Cotton, 23 bales.
Indigo, of the Ule ot France, of a superior quality.
An allortment of fine Winesof the Cape of Good Hope.
Kaifins of do.
A quaniity of India Shirts and Trowfers, for Sailors* wear.
To the above will be added, a great variety of other Goods, which ar
not enumerated. d/Jbf
100 Casks Raifms, )
" D,tto S Hyh" TCa 'f ° f th£ best lualnics
-30 ditto Souchong, )
The Goods may be viewed a few days previous to the sale.
W. P BARTLETT and CO. Auctioneers.
Salem, Feb. 21,1791
THE Subscriber hereby gives public notice, that he has obtain
ed a patent for a fliyering wheel and table, a movement for ioet
tingthe thread,by conical doth coated thrumblers, and another for the fame
furpoje, by a cloth coated 7 oiler, a leathern belt moved by rollers.for the
purpose of the preparatory drawing of the jlivers, and another leathern
belt moved in like manner t by r oiler sjor the purpose of drawing the rov
edjlax, hemp and wool., being improvements upon the mill or ma
chinery ofKendrew and Porthoufe of the town of Darlington in
Great Britain.
This machinery,-with the original mechanism on which it is
grafted,being of the utmost value to the United States, the fubferi
ber hereby offers to make and eredt a complete mill or mills, in
cluding both the original works, and his above improvements
thereon, for any individual or company, on terms to be by them
agreed on ; and to condutl the Manufaftovy cither for a rfiareof
the profits, or ilipulated wages. GEORGE PARKINSON,
Philad, No. 65> Chejnut-Street, March tj, 1791. [93 6f.]
Hyson, "> TEAS of the
i"tZSS *»""•
Boston Sail
No, 1, 2,3, 4, and 7,
6 by 8 Window Glass,
Boston Prime Beef,
A quantity of choice Carrot
N. England Tow Linen.
Phi/adel. March 18.
Treasury Department,
PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Secretary of
the Tieafury, until the 28ih instant, inclusively, to furnifh by
contra#, the following articles of cloathing, to be delivered at the
city of Philadelphia, in seven weekly parcels, so as to compleatc
the whole delivery on or before the 15th day of May nex, viz.
2000 round hats, 4 irts »
zobo short coats, 4°44 pair of shoes
2000 vcfts 22 pair of buckles,
2000 pair of overalls, of drilling, 2009 Stocks,
40 pair of wollen overalls, 2002 Clasps,
2650 blankets.
The articles mud beagrceable to such pattrrns as shall be airefK
ed by the Secretary for the Department of War. Payment will
be made as soon as ihc whole oFjhe articles shall have becß del:-
Treasury Department.
March 22, 1791.
NOTICE is hereby given, that l*ropolals will be received at the
office of the Secretary of the Tre .fury, until the firfl Monday
in September next inclusive, for the supply of all rations, which
may be required for the use ot the United States, from the firft day
of January to the thirty-firft day of December, 1792, both clays in
clusive, at the places, and within the diftri&s herein after menti
oned, viz.
At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in the state of penn
lylyania and Fort Pitt, and at Fort Pitt.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofh,
on the River Ohio, and at Fort M'lntofh.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort M'lntofh and the mouth of
the River Mufkingum, and at the mouth of the River Mufkingum.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and up the said River to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tuf-
Carowas* 2nd thence over to the Cayoga River, and down the said
River to its mouth.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of the River Muf
kingum, and the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth of
the said River Scioto.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth of Scioto River, and
the mouih of the great Miami, at the mouth of the great Miami,
and from thence to the Rapids, on the Falls of the Ohio, and at the
said Rapids.
At any place dr places, betwixt the mouth of the great Miami,
up the said Miami, to and at Piquctown, and thence over to the
Miami Village, on the river of the fame name which empties into
Lake Erie.
At any place or places from the rapids ofthe Ohio, to the mouth
of the Wabafti, thence up the said Wabafh to Post St. Vincenncs,
at Post St. Vincennes, and thence up the said river Wabalh, to the
Miami village, before described.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Wabafh river to
the mouth of the river Ohio.
Atany placeor places, on the east fide of the river MifTifippi,
from the mouth of the Ohio river,to the mouth of thelllinois river.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the Miami river to
the Miami Village.
At any place or places, from the Miami Village to Sandufk\,
and at Sandufky, and from Sandufky to the mouth of Cayoga river.
At any place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Venango, and at
At any place or places, betwixt Venango and Lc Beuf, and at
Le BcUf, betwixt Le Beuf and Prefq'lfle, at Prefq'lflc, and be
twixt Prefq'lfle and the mouth of Cayoga river
At the mouth of Cavogl river, and at any place or places, on
the route from FoTt Pitr, to the|mouth of Cayoga river, by the
way of Big Beaver creek.
At any place or places, on the east fide of the Miffifippi, between
the mouth of the Ohio and the river Margot inclusively.
At any place or places, from the said river Margot, to the ri'»er
Yazous inclusively.
At any place or places, from the mouth ©f the river Tenefee, to
Ocochappo or Bear creek, on the said river inclusively.
Should any rations be required at any places, or within other
diftritts, not fpecified in these proposals, the price of the fame to
be hereafter agreed on, betwixt the public and the contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to consist of the following articles,
viz. One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or of a pound of pork,
Half a jill of rum, branoy or Whisky,
One quart of fait, }
Two quarts of vinegar, f
~ 1 , c c > per. 100 rations.
Iwo pounds or loap, C r
One pound of candles, )
ALSO, That Proposals will be received at t'ne said office until
the fir ft Monday in September next, inclusive, for the supply of all
rations which may be required for the use of the United States,
from the fi'ft day of January to the thirty-firft day of December,
1792, both days inclusive, at Springfield, in the (late of Mafiachu
fetts, and the P ft of W> ft-Point, in the state of New-York,
The rations to be supplied, are to consist of the fame articles a
are above mentioned.
ALSO, That proposals will be received at the said office, until
the lft Monday in September next inclusive, for the fapplv of all
rations, which may he required lor the life of the United States,
from the lft day of January to the 31ft day of December, 1792,
both days inclusive, at the places, and within the diftn&s herein
after mentioned.
At the post on the river Saint Mary, at pTcfent commanded by
Capt. Henry Burbf-ck.
At the pott on the river Altamaha, at prcfent commanded by
Capt. John Smith.
At the post on the river Oconee, at prcfent commanded by Capt,
Joseph Savage.
At:he post on the river Apalachee, at prcfent commanded by
Capt. Michael Rudolph.
At any other place or places within the state ot Georgia which
may hereafter be occupied as permanent posts by any troops ot the
United States.
And ior rations deliverable on the march to such future posts.
The rations are so be furnifhed in such quantities as that there
shall at all times, during the said term, be fufficient for the con
sumption ot the troops at each of the said posts, for the fpareofat
leafl two months in advance, in good and whdiefo.'ne provisions.
The rations to be supplied are to consist or the fame articles, as
are abovementioncd.
It is to be understood in each cafe, that all loflVs fuftainrd bv the
depredations ofthe enemy, orhy means of the troops ot the United
States, shall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or des
troyed, on the depbfitions of two or more creditable chara&ers,
and the certificate of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the cir
cumflances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for which
compensation is claimed.
The ptopofals may be made for the whole of the above posts to
gether, or separately for Springfteld, for Weft-Point, for Yorktown,
and the seventeen places following it, and for the posts in Georgia ;
aud they mull fpeciiy the lowcft price per ration, for prompt pay
JC7* AfeiD copies of the CONSTITUTION of the
United States, printed with Notes, may be had of the
March i, 1791
Captain Armstrong,
JNFORMS his fellow-foldicrsandothers.whomavwifh to eniio
that he has commenced recruiting in the city of Philadelphia'
where a generous bounty, and other encouragement will be given
Young men, who wifli to become Adventurers in a new
country, by joining this command, may acquire a knowledge of
the Western World, fubjeft to no ; and after fervir.~ a
(hort period, set down on their own farms, and enjoy all tk-
Weffingsof peace and plenty. JOHN ARMSTRONG.
Philadelphia, March 14, 1791.
MARCH 25. —Dollars at 7/6,
Allum, Englilh, pr. cwt. 35;
Diuo, Rich pr. !b. 10d
Afhrs, pot, per tOD, 37/ tor 40/
Peari, 50/52/ io.<
Arrack pr. gall. ICS 12s 6d
Brandy, common, 5J
Cogniac 8 ( 4^
Brazilctto, ■pr. ton. lil a 161
Bricks pr. M gos
Bread, (hip pr. cwt. 1956
Ditto, pilot 35!
Ditto, final I wat<* 45/ 481
Beer, Ami rican, in bot. / .g
pr. doz. >
pr. bbl. 36*
<n f Oak pr.M feet, 4/1O!
® | Merch. pine 4/101 4/15J
Sap, do. z/-.ys6d 3/
O I N. Eng. 2/5/ 2/101
a (.Cedar 4/ 4/ 5*
The above are the Shallop prices ;
for the Yard pi ices add 151 pr M.
Brimstone in rolls pr. cwt. 285
(■» f Irish pr. bbl. 55/ 6oj
S } Hofton 55 s
23 ( Country 45J
Butier pr. lb. 10d 12d
in kegs 9d
Cedar,red timber pr.foot 2s2s6d
Chocolate pr. lb. 11 d
Coal pr. bushel is Sd
Coffee is id
Cinnamon ißi 20s
Caflia 5i
Cheese, Englifli is 3d
Country 6d y^d
2 f Sper. pr. lb. 3 s &d
| Wax S s
Q Myrtle Wax \sid
| tallow nd 12d
U I Dipped sod
Cotton is i» B*/
Cuirants is 6 is
Cloves iOf
Copperas pr.cwt. 15J \ys6d
Cordage 6oj 6256 d
Cocoa 6256 d 6ys6d
Duck, Ru<Tia, pr. piece Bos
Ravens 67 s 72 s 6d
Flour, Superfine, pr. bbl. 381
Common, 36/
Bur middlings, best 33J
Middlings 2
Ship-ftuff pr. cwt. Bs6d 10/
Flax pr. lb. %d<sd
Fullic pr. ton, 135* 150J
Feathers pr. lb. 2J 8d
Flaxfeed pr. bulh. 5/
Glue, pr.cwt. 7/10.58/
Ginger, white race 52 s 6d
Ditto, common 50s
Ditto, ground pr. lb. gd
Ginseng, is id
Gunpowder, cannon,pr. )
quarter caflc, £ 3° S
Ditto, fine glazed 37 s 6d
Gin, Holland, pr. gall. 5J 9d
Do. pr. cafe, 30J 331
" Wheat pr. buih 7s 10d
Rye 4 s6d
5 Oats isftdisGd
< Indian corn sj 6d 3 s
Barlev 4J gd
Best (helled 2or
Buckwheat 2 s6
Hemp, pr.ton, 50/56/
Hog (head hoops, pr. M 5/ 61
Herrings, pr. bbl. 22s 6d
Hid< s, raw pr. lb. 9 d 10d
Hops is%d?s6d
Indigo, French, ys 6d 1 <?s
Carolina 4J 7s 6d
Irons, fad pr. cwt. 56s
("Catlings 2256 d 30s
55 j Bar pr. ton, 29/30/
5 io^
£ | Sheet 60/65/
j Nail rods 36/
J J nk, pr. cwt. 27s 35J
Lard, hogs 9d 10i
Lead in pigs 401 42J 6d
in bars 45 s 50*
Lead, white Boj 851
red 4j j
Leather, foal pr. lb. Isidl s\d
Lignum viue pr. ton 42s 4§s
Logwood 7/55 81
M al, Indian, pr. bbl. 17s
Rvc 2 6s
karri,bed 63/
■Common 30J 6d
pr. lb. 70 j
Madder, bed
M*olafles pr. gall
9 J 4d
tsd 18 d
Marblr. wrought, pr. foot, 13/
fact spars 2s 6d 6s
12 d
67 s 6d
pr. lb.
Nails, iodi?.d&L iod— 8d S! 2 d^d
"Linitred, pr. gall. 3 s 6d
Train is iod 2s
Spermaceti 3J 7d
j Whaie u 10d 2s
<{ Olive 6s 6d
Diito pr. cafe 28s 30J
L —baskets 12 bottles
°ak timber pr. ton 40/
Porter in casks. pr. gall. 2.r
London,pr.doz. 12J 6d 15s
Portcr,American pr. doz. j 2 j
Pitch, pr. bbl. 2oj
Pork, Burlington, 7736 c/
Lower county 701851
P as, Albany * s 6d &4^
Pepper, pr. lb. 2/ gj
Pimento Jf
Rjcc pr. cwt. 21s
Rosin pr. bbl. 2C /
Raisins, best, pr. keg
Ditto pr. jar
Ditto pr. box
f Jamaica pr. gall. s s6d
| An'igua &f
g J Windward
Barbadoes 4 i
■ Country, N. E. " 3 j 3 rf
ITaffia 2Sid is6i
Sadjlras pr. ton 45 , 6ot
Saltpetre, pr. cwf. 4 /, of
Sulphur, flour 40*41.
Sh °t 48.
J C German pr. cwt. 60170/
W )Engli(h, blifteied %zs6i
P pr. ton 40/45/
<*> ( Crowley's pr. fag.
Snake root pr. lb. u 6d 2ssd
Soap, Common 6d
■ Brown ' 6i
Snuff is6d 316J
Spermaccti, refined, 3/
Sail Cloth, English, ) c ,
pr. yard, '( »" ««'
■ Boston, No. I. 2*3^
No. 11. 2J .'d
Ruflia sheeting. pr. p. qo*
C Lump, pr. Ib. I(4d
I Loaf, fijjgle rcfijicd is $d
j Ditto, double do.
| Havannah, white gi
J Ditto, brown, yd
L Mufcovada,pr.cwt, 60sj$f
Spirits Turpentine pr. gall. 4,
f Allum pr. bush. ?.
2s ?i
< ) Cadiz isiofe
00 QLifbon 'is 2i
Ship build. W.O. frames ) 90
p. ton, $ 100.
Do. LO. & red C. do. 6/6/5
Shingles, fhnrt, p. M. 15* 20
■ -long drefled 90; 100.
Scantling, heart, $03150.
Sap 42 s 45.
C Pipe pr. 1300 pieces 12
J W.- O. hogshead 7/ 5
> j R. O. do. 5/ jj
< I Lcogan gl'tgi
V 3 { Barrel 4/ icj
L Heading 8/ioj
' Otter, be ft pr. piece 301
Minks isSd
Fox, grey 2s 6d 6s
red 4 s 8j
Martins 3J
<J F;fhers 2s6d 51
Bears 12s 6d 25s
Racoons 2s 4s
Musk-rats $d 1/64
Braver, pr. lb. 5* ioj
_Deei, in hair is6d9s%d
Tar,N. Jersey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 9c
Carolina, 32 gall. iss 6d
Turpentine 2.0s 22s 6d
. C James R. new bell 305
£ inferior 231251
o — old 35J 3& f
Rappahannock 22s 6d
C Colo. Maryland 40; 60s
y Dark 20s
<j Long-leaf 20/
Eaftorn-fhore 15i 16r
P Carolina, new 23/25/
l_ old 3 os
Hyson pr. lb. fsfydd
co Hyson lltm, 4M f
i Souchong, best *,s6d%s
f-, | Congo, 3*4^3*9^
I, Bohea, 2.* 6</
Tallow, refined
fin pr. box, iooj
/eidigrcafe pr. lb.
/■ rniillion, 11-f 3^
7 arnifh, 2i
r Madeira, pr. pipe 40/80/
1 Lisbon 3^/
Tcncriffe 22/lOi 30 1
w F-iya) pr. gall. 3 siJ3>3 J
1 Port pr. pipe 39/ 4 2 *
r j Ditto pr. gall. V
Do. in bottles, pr.doz. 30s
o~- -IW
ihciry pr. gall. 6> gd 9 s
daljgi 4 s bs
Bees pr. lb. 22 "
le-bone, long pr. lb. 2J3d
fliort, pr. lb. lS
Bills of Exchange, London*
go days, 7 2 §
Ditto 60 Hays 73i
Ditto 30 days 74
Amsterdam, 60 days,
pr. guilder, 2s 11 d 3*
30 days 3 s
France, 60 days,pr.s liv. 6s 8 j
30 days 6s 10a
Hi oj
6 4
3 0S 45