Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, March 26, 1791, Page 795, Image 3

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    Ithe plant. This oil he returned into the worts
[in their fermenting Hate, and the result exceed
ed his mod sanguine expeditions—the liquor ac
quired an infinitely more delicate flavor, and what
is of equal importance, became beyond all coin
parifon less susceptible of passing into the four
state ; while, at the fame time, asone fourth less
hops was requisite in boiling the worts, their
nauseous bitter quality was imparted in apropor
. tionably smaller degree.
National Atfembly, December 27
Fifty eccleliaftical members took the Civic Oath
agreeable to a form prepared : On this occasion
the Abbe Gregoire pronounced adifcourfe to the
Aflembly, which was ordered to be printed.
Dicevtber 28 29
An address from a society at Clermont Ferrard,
informed the Ailembly, that the reports of a coun
ter-revolution, tho so often vague and unfound
ed, are real in regard to the commotions in Au
vergne where plotsagainft the government are
actually forming : This address prelfesthe a (Tern
bly to erecT; a High Court of Treason. It was or
dered to be published.
In the town of Paniiers, another bloody tu
mult has happened —in which many lives were
The Aflembly decreed that every discovery of a
new invention, in any kind of industry, is the
property of its author.
No new President is yet declared : M. de Mi
rabeau wanted but four votes in the last scrutiny
to get in the chair.
Jan. 4. The usual compliments on the renew
al of the year were paid on Saturday last, by the
President, at the head of a deputation, to the
King, Queen and the Dauphin.
These addrefles anticipate the moment as fact
approaching, which in terminating the labors of
the Aflembly, will invariably fix the public wel
ware : It recognizes the harmony and concord
which exist between the King and the Aflembly—
■which they fay rauft destroy the frivolous hopes
ofthofe who are equally the enemies of the King
and the Aflembly.
The answer of the King exprefles his sense of
the attachment of the Aflembly to his person—-
and recurs to that confidence which now subsists
between him and them, as that, which aloite will
perfect and consolidate the great wort—the con
flitution of the kingdom.
BOSTO N, March 12
Extra ft of a letter from Marietta f dated Nov. 25,
" Between Fort Pitt and this place, we were
hailed by people on an island, in the utmost dis
tress: They had funk their boat, and were obli
ged to swim to the island—men, women and chil
dren. They informed us that two of their chil
dren, a girl of iJ, and a boy of 5 years old, not
being able to reach the ihore, were gone down
the current on part of the wreck ; I immediately
got into a Ikiff we happened to have with us, and
two good men with me, and overtook the wreck
in three quarters of an hour, 8 miles from the
island, and fotind the girl with her little brother
fitting ofi a few boards which fell together in the
■wreck.—There were in all about 20 people on
the ifland—(Their boat funk about day-light of
a cold morning)—they were wet, and chilled al
310ft to death—they had been there almost: an
hour, and some of their children were almost
gone. The diftrefled mother would take nonou
rifliinent until they came down to us, and we
were able to make them hear from the wreck,
that all was well. They came on with us to this
place, and;-, continued in our boat to the Miami,
•where they were bound—The parents of the two
children were from New-Jersey, by the name of
Ludlow—they loft almost all they had, cloathing
money, cattle and horses."
" Ycfterday, being the Anniversary of the im
mortal St. PATRICK, the tutelar St. of Hibernia,
the day was celebrated here in ail unusual style
of taste and splendour. Agreeably to a recent
communication, the Saint made his personal ap
pearance, and honored his sons with his presence
in a procellion through the town. He was dres
sed in his primitive robes, and read, as he palled
along, the Holy Scriptures, with great apparent
devotion ; an example, it is hoped, his children
will follow in their pallage through life. After
the procellion was over, and the company had pai
taken of a repast, suitable to the day and occali
on, (at Mr. Brett's on Fell's-Point) the venera
ble Saint gave them the most interesting advice
for the regulation of their future conduct in the
pilgrimage of life, which appeared to have a ve
ry happy effecft—when, giving them his inoft af
fectionate and fervent Benediction, he disap
A gentleman's family, on a plantation in Ann-
Arundel county, have furnifhed the following
remarkable instance of industry ?
From the ift of April, 1791, totheiftof March,
1791, there were manufactured in this family,
J2f> yards of flieeting, 292 of other linen, 767 of
brown rolls, 5:0 of bagging, 30 of Cotton, 18 of
Jeanet, 136 of Lin fey, 110 of ICerfey, in the whole
1529 yards ; 6r pair of fine, and 87 pair of
stockings—besides a number of leading-lines,
bed-cords, clothes-lines, and otherarticles for the
use of the plantation.—Though there are on this
plantation only 3 white Women, some small chil
dren, and about 12 working Negroes, they have
made and raised for sale, in addition to the arti
cles above mentioned, 20 hogsheads of Tobacco,
and 1000 buihelsof Wheat, yearly.
M. L'Abbe Vella, a very learned profeflor of
the Oriental Languages, in Sicily, has announced
that he saw at Girgentia, a volume of cotton pa
per, written in the Wetlern Moorish character,
that contains a translation into Arabic of seven
teen books of that part of Livy's History which
is wanting. It goes from the 6otli to the 77th.
This lail is not complete, and there are foine
chasms in the others, occasioned by being in some
places worm eaten. The 60th begins at the epoch
when the Consul Aurelius fubduced the rebels of
Sardinia, after a very considerable {laughter ;
and went afterwards into Corlica to punilli
who had bidden defiance to him.
The 61ft book opens with the foundation of
Aix, in Provence, by the Pro-Consul L. Sextius,
ft otn whom that city took the name of Aquse
The Abbe has already translated some of this
valuable work, and promises to present the Re
public of Letters with an edition in the Arabian
language on one fide, and the Latin or Italian on
the other.
Sent to Miss,
NOW o'er the world hath sober Evening fpreacl
Her ebon-tin&ured veil—the stars appear—
smiling Moon in mildest beauty clear,
As on my hand I press mypenfive head.
While not on earth is heard one echoing tread,
Look thro' the Southern uprais'd window near.
Down on my cheek tear courses after tear—
I think onabfent friends, on pleasures fled.
Now all their a&ions living in my fight
Awake new, mournful, pleasures in my foul,
And each memento gives a frefh delight.
Do not such joys my fair one's mind controul ?
They do—l fee th' aflenting tear descend—•
And {he will love this trifle for the friend.
Wc feldommcet with any thing m t hi* lin coequal to th£ following
Elegiac Lines on the death of Mr. Moses Brown, jun.
DAPHNIS the young, the lov'd, is dead, —
And hence this universal gloom !
To-day the fable Hearse was led,
Inflow Proceflion, to the tomb.
That bosom senseless lies, and cold
Where Science ever lov'd to dwell,
Speechless that Tongue—which never told
Whatfpotlefs Virtue dar'd not tell.
That face which every fight could plcale,
That form in Symmetry so just,
Where dignity, combin'd with ease,
Are mouldering to their primal dust.
Departed Youth ! oft to thy grave
Shall science from her feat repair,
And there with tears the green turt lave,
Her bosom to the rude Winds bare.
There too (hall Virtue oft be seen,
When o'er the Vale spreads twilight grey—
With tearful eye, and sorrowing Mcin,
Bent o'er the Earth that ftir6uds thy clay.
Adieu, dear shade ! —accept thefelays,
From one to whom thy Memory's dear,
Who knew thy Virtues—and whose praise,
Although unequal, is sincere.
Philadelphia, March 26.
How much preferable to a (late of inquietude,
uncertainty and insecurity, it is, to be favored
with a government, that not only inspires confi
dence in its wisdom, by its judicious admini
llration, but produces the moll solid benefits to
the people :—Benefits—that like the kindly in
fluences of benignant Ikies, aflail our senses, and
demand our gratitude from every quarter.——
What art, pursuit, or profeflion, with which the
good of society is connec'ted, that, under the au
spices of the general government, has not imme
diately or remotely been encouraged :—Agri
culture, the moll noble of all arts, in a particu
lar manner, is emerging into consequence, and
afluming itsjuft rank in the eflimation of the peo
ple :—This will lay the foundation of Empire,
freedom and independence, broad deep.
Mr. Ellicot and Major L'Enfam, are now en
gaged in laying out the ground on the I atowmac,
011 which the federal buildings are to beereded.
Thomas Washington, alias Walfirigham, alias
Welsh, was tried at Charleston the 28th ult. for
counterfeiting and uttering counterfeit Indents
of that ltate, and found guilty.
Letters from Cape Francois of the 27th ult.
inform, that Oje and Crevin, 2 Mulattoes, the
nioft active in the disturbances at Sx. Domingo,
were broke alive on the wheel.
E L L A,
John Hamilton, Esq. His Britannic Majesty's
Consul for the state of Virginia, lately arrived
at Norfolk in that Hate.
The President of the United States, pnrfuant
to the powers veiled in him for that purpose, has
been pleal'ed toappoint the following gentlemen
to receive subscriptions to the Bank of the Uni
ted States.
Thomas Willing, p
David Rittenhouse, > Pennsylvania.
Samuel Howell, j
John Beale Borbley, 'Maryland.
Lambert Cadwallader, New-Jersey.
On the 4.'/) in ft ant—the President of the United
States, by and with the advice and consent of the-Se
nate, tva< f leafed to make the following
Arthur St. Clair,to be Major-General.
Samuel Ho dgd on , Quarter-Master.
John Hurt, Chaplain.
First Regiment.
Major—David vice Wyllys, killetj.
Major—Richard Call, vice Parker, (Vir.) decl.
Thomas Doyle, vice Zeigler promoted.
John Armstrong, vice Mercer refigued.
JohmPratt, vice Heart, promoted.
Cornelius Sedam, vice Doyle, promoted.
John Jeffers, vice Erothingham killed.
Abner Pryor, vice Armstrong promoted.
Asa Hartlhorne, vice Heart promoted.
Thomas Seayres, vice Steele declined.
Daniel Brier, Pennsylvania.
Hamilton Armstrong, do.
Bartholomew Shorn burg, promoted-
Bernard Gaines, Virginia.
John Wade, Pennsylvania.
Rofs Bird, do.
Second Regiment.
Lieut. Col. Command't, John Doughty, N.Jersey
1. Major Lemuel Trel'cott, Majfachufetti.'
2. Major John Burnham, Ditto.
3. Major Jonathan Heaft, Connecticut.
1. Robert Kirkwood, Delaware. 2. Thomas
Hunt—3. John Mills— 4. John Pray, Ma[fachufctts.
5. Richard Brook Roberts, South-Carolina. 6. John
H. Buell, Connecticut. 7. David Sayles, Rhode
lfland. 8. Jonathan Cafs, Neia-Hampjhire. 9. Con
stant Freeman—lo. Patrick Phelon—ll. Thomas
H. Cufliing, Majfachufettj. 12. Joseph Shaylor,
I.Samuel Newman, Majfachufttts. 2. Bezaleel
Howe, New-HampJhire. 3. Henry Sherman, jun.
Rhode-Iflaud. 4. Daniel Bradley, Connetficut.
5. John Platr, Delaware, 6. William RickarH
7. Richard S. Howe—B. Richard H. Greaton
9. John Higginfon—lo. Winflow Warren, Mas
sachusetts. 11. Ruflell Biflell, Connetl'tcut. 12.
Francis Huger, South-Carolina.
x. Martin B. Sohier—2. Richard Edwards,
Majfachufetts. 3. Edward Miller— 4. John Thomp
son, ConneQicut. 5. George Tillinghaft, Rhode
lfland. 6. Joseph S. Gilman— 7. Joseph Peirce,
jun. Majfachufetts. 8. David Cobb, jun. Maf
fachufctts. 9. Joseph Dickinfon, South-Carolina,
10. Thomas Duff, Delaware, n. Edward Tur
ler—l2. Theodore Sedgwick, 3d. Majfachufetts.
Surgeon—William Euftis, Majfachufetts.
Surgeon's Mate—Joshua Sumner, Connetficvt.
John F.Carmichael, Neiu-Jerfsy.
Major Commandant, William Fergufon vice
Doughty, promoted.
Mahlon Ford, vice Fergufon, promoted.
Daniel M'Lane, vice Moore, dead.
Abiinael Youngs Nicholl, vice Fowle, dead.
George Ingerfoll, vice Ford promoted.
Brig Fair Hebe, Fcinour, Cadiz.
Schooner Aurora, Noble, St. Martins.
Sloop N.Y. & Phil. Packet, Bird, New-York,
Union, Toulfon, Norfolk.
Bcifey, Brooks, New-York,
6 pr. Cents inf. iyfi
3 pr. Cents of
Defered 6 pr. Cents 8/io of
Final Settl.and other Certificates *5^9
Indents gf.
N. and S. Carolina debts, 12J6
A PAMPHLET, containing fomc remarks on the firft volume o£
the '* Defence of the AmericanConftitutions," written by the
Vice-President of the United States, has been circulated in France,
as a production of the late Governor Livingston. Any per
son who will furnifli the Editor hereof with a copy of said pam
phlet, fliall be paid a double price for the fame.
Just publilhed, and to be fold by the Editor,
In 1784.
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