PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENXO, No. 69, MARKET.STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS, PHILADELPHIA [No. 6s, of Vol. ll.] Saturd ay, December ii, 1790. PHILADELPHIA SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS. Fellow Citizens of the Senate, and House of Representatives, xN meeting you again I feel much fatisfa&ion in being able to repeat my congratulations on the favorable profpefts which continue to dillinguifh our public affairs.—The abundant fruits of another year have blefled our country with plenty, and with the means of a flourifhing commerce—The progress of public credit is witnessed by a confide rable rife of American Stock abroad as well as at home—And the revenues allotted for this and other na tional purposes, have been produttive beyond the calculations by which they were regulated—This latter circumstance ts the more pleasing, as it is not only a proof of the fertility of our resources, but as it allures us of a further increase of the national refpeftabi lity and credit ; and let me add, as it bears an honorable tefti roony to the patriotism and integrity of the mercantile and marine part of the citizens—The pun&uality of the former in discharging their engagements has been exemplary In conform ing to the powers vested in me by the a£ts of the lad feflion, a loan of three millions of florins, towards which some provisional measures had pievioufly taken place, has been com pleted in Holland, as well the celerity with which it has been filled, as the nature of the terms (considering the more than ordi nary demand for borrowing created by the situation of Europe) give a reasonable hope, that the further execution of those powers may proceed with advantage and success. The Secretary of the Treasury, has my direction to communicate such further parti culars as may be rcquifite for more precise information. Since your last fcilions, I have received communications, by which it appears, that the diftrift of Kentucky, at present a part of Virginia, has concurred in certain proportions contained in a Jaw of th at State ; in conCequence of which the diftrift is to be come a diftinft member of the union, in cafe the requisite fan£lion of Congress be added—For this fanflion application "Is now made —I shall cause the papers on this Very impoitant tranfaftion to be laid before you.—The liberality and harmony with which it has been condutted, will be found to do great honor to. both the par ties ; and the sentiments of warm attachment to the union and its present government, expressed by our fellow-citizens of Kentucky, cannot fail to add an affectionate concern for their particular wel fare, to the great national impreflions under which you will de cide on the cafe submitted to you. It has been heretofore known to Congress, that frequent incur sions have been made on our frontier settlements by certain ban ditti of Indians, from the northwest fide of the Ohio: I hefe, with some of the tribes dwelling on and near the Wabafh, have of late been particularly active in their depredations ; and being emboldened by the impunity of theif crimes, and aided by such parts of the neighboring tribes as could be seduced to join in their hostilities, or afford them a retreat for their priloners and plunder, they have, instead ©f listening to the humane invitations and overtures made on the part of the United States, renewed their violences with frefti alacrity and greater effect. The lives of a number of valuable citizens have thus been facrificed, and some of th«m under circumllances peculiarly (hocking, whilst otheis have been carried into a deplorable captivity. These aggravated provocations rendered it essential to the fafety of the Wettein Settlements, that the aggressors ihould b<* made sensible, that the government of the union is not less capable ol punifliing their crimes, than it is disposed to refpett their rights, and reward their attachments. As this objett could not be effect ed by deienfive measures, it became necefTary to put in force the ast, which empowers the President to call out the militia for the protedion of the Frontiers. And I have accordingly authonfed an expedition, in which the regular troops in that quarter are combined with such draughts of militia as were deemed The event of the measure is yet unknown to me. The Secietai) ©f War is directed to lay before you a statement of the informa tion on which it isfounded, as well as an estimate of the expcnce with which it will be attended. The disturbed lituation of Europe, and particularly the ciitical posture of the great maritime powers, whilftit ought to make us more thankful for the general peace and security enjoyed by the United States, reminds us, at the fame time of the circumspec tion with which it becomes us to preserve these bleflings. It re quires also that we should not overlook the tendency ot a war, and even of preparations for war among the nations molt, cori ecrned in a&ive commerce with this country, to aDiidg- t ie means, and thereby at least enhance the price of tranfportmg its valuable productions to their proper markets. I recommend it t® your serious reilc£hor»s how far, and in what mode, it ma r b expedient to guard againil embarrafTments from these contingen. Ie«, by fuel) encouragements to our own navigation as will ren- der Qur commerce and agriculture less dependent on foreign bot toms, which may fail us in the very moment most interesting to both of thefs great objetts. Our fifheries, and the transportation of our own produce, offer us abundant means for guarding our- Iclves against this evil. Your altcntion seems to be not less due to that particular branch of our trade which belongs to the Mediterranean. So many cir cumstances unite in rendering the present state of it dillrefsful to us, that you will not think any deliberations mifcmployed which may lead to its relief and prote&ion. The laws you have already passed for the eftablilhment of a Ju diciary system, have opened the doors of justice to all defcrip- ions of persons. You will consider in your wisdom, whether 'mprovements in that system may yet be made ; and particularly whether an uniform process of execution on (entences issuing from the Federal Courts, be not desirable through all the States. The patronage of our commerce, of our merchants and feamcn, has called tor the appointment of Consuls in foreign countries. It