labour Palma negata macrum, doriata reducit opimum. Hor. Tofink in Jkame, orjwell with pride, , As the gay palm is granted or Ueny'd -Irancis. THE wit is condemned to pass his hours—those hours ■which return no more, in atttmpting that who. he cannot affeCt, or in colleCliug materials which he af terwards disc overs to bs unfit for use ; but themechan ic and the hujbandman know that the work which they perform will always bear the fame proportion to The time in which they are employed, and the diligence which they exert. Neither is regard of intellectual equally certain with that of corporal labor : The artificer,for the ma nufacture which he fiitifhesin a day, receives a certain sum ; but the wit frequently gains no advantage from a performance at which.he has toiled many months, either because the town is not disposed to judge of his merit, or because he has not suited the popular tajts. It has been often tbferved, that not the value of a man's income, but the proportion which it bears to his expencis, juflly denominates him rich or poor ; and that it is not so much the manner in which he lives, as the habit of life he has contracted, which renders htm happy or wretched. For this reason, the labor of the mind even when it h adequately rewarded, does not procure means of happiness in the fame proportion as that of the body : They that sing at the horn, or whijfle after the plough, w'tfh not for intellectual entertain ment !If they have plenty of wholesome food, o net repine at tht inelegance; of their table, nor are they less hapby because they are uot treated with ceremon ious refpeCi, and fervtd with silent celerity. The scholar is always confdered as becoming a gentleman by his education ; and the wit as conferring honor up on his company, however elevated by their rank or fortune ; they are, therefore, frequently admitted to scenes of life very different from their own ; they par take of pleasure which they cannot hope to purchase ; and many fuperfiuities become necessary, by the grati fication of wants, which in a lower clafsthey would ne ver have known- VIENNA, J lily io. WEDNESDAY evening last arrived here the Prince de Hesse Hombourg, Capt. in the re giment Stein, with the circumstantial relation of the affair of the 26th of June near Kalafat. Gen. Clairfait, in order to drive the Turks from the Lefler Wallachia, had fallen upon them sword in hand, and after a very obilinate 1 efiftance, in which they displayed their wouted valor, they were completely routed, leaving 1 500 men either killed on the field, or drowned in the Danube.— The loss on our fide has been comparatively tri vial- LONDON, July 29. The cause. above all others, which has render ed the navy of Great Britain always superior to the French, an-d still more superior to the Span iards is, that the profeflion of the sea has con stantly, amnngft us, been coniideredas a diftincft one. The fleets of Spain are generally led by of ficers pofleifing court interest—who from their education know something of naval as well as other tadiics—but who in many instances never made a voyage in their lives, nor ever saw a fleet in line of battle. DUBLIN, August 18 Recruiting parties are as aiTiduous and alert as ever, notwithstanding the display of the olive branch which the Englilh and Spanifli declarati ons have made. Monday evening' the brig Commerce, of Salem, in North America, arrived a: Sheep-Bay, near Sligo, with an aflorted cargo, confilling of otter, bear, racoon, deer, and many other skins, drefled in the hair, befidesa large quantity of the choi cest Canadian furs in packages and boxes,of three hundred weight each. This vefTel is bound to Liverpool, on a voyage of speculation—but there can be 110 doubt of meeting a good market, as the articles of lading are in great demand, and inuft turn out very profitable to the adventurers, who are said to be so connected with the Indian tribes, as to be able to export a large quantity of the fame species, excellent in their refpetftive kinds, in the fuinmerof every year. CHARLESTON, Odtober 28. The federal court for South-Carolina cliftriifl, under the authority of the United States, met at M'Crady's long room on Monday the 25th inffc. Present the Hon. John Rutledge and James Ire dell, Efqrs. allociate justices ot the supreme court and the Hon. Thomas Bee, Esq. judge of the di ftrid: court: And after regulating proceedings, process and pleadings, in laid court, adjourned to meet at Columbia on the twelfth day of May next N E W-B RUNSWICK, Nov. 9 . On the second inft. theDiftrift Court of New- Jersey, was held in this place, when on motion, Robert Boggs, Walter K.Cole and Joseph Sc:iJd:r, Efq'rs, were admitted as attornies of said court : >Jo business appearing, the court was adjourned until the second Tuesday of Feb. next, then to be holden at Burlington. NEW-YORK, November 9. a i. SS r,"ml"'o!,"!hc"lrft day of January »«*, compofecl only °fperfons \v ar , after be engaged or ' nte,e^.7 hr 'r in the tuted by Britifli creditors, 01 their ag , federal courts against ««»"»«£ the sole object of this F?P of ! tlon 'f ,he several ial to the welfare of a COMMON CAUSE, that those who cannot attend personally, may do so by Qs T Q Q a. 28. dutch quills. A correfpopdeut oblcrves, with much fatisfaft.on the encrealc mg considerable lams of money to foreign parts h' «« l => e - Vour correspondent would further remark, that he hnds, by repeated trials, that the quills manufaQured here, area:, well clear ed from oleaginous substance, contained mthem when new from that his ou,lis would appearT S rea J "er advantage, if he would fort them before he put thL in bundles; and that he would clarify on y•three quills ma wing. viz. the second, th.rd and feu* ; for all betides are not fit for use. '—.JjiSm'''' r — MASSACHUSETTS HPHE Managers as the STATE LOTTERY, present the Public X wiih the Fir ft CUt's of the UajfachufiUs fcm-annual Stute Lot tery, which will commence drawing in the Rcprefentatives Ca/im»cr, in Boflon, oo the Seventeenth of March next, or porter, it the Tickets fliall be disposed of. SCHEME. NOT TWO BLANKS TO A PRIZE 2£>ooo Tickcts, at Five Dollars eaclij arc 125,000 Dollars, to be paid in the following Prizes, tuojeft to a deduction of twelve and an half per cent, for the use of the Com monwealth, Prizes. x 3 6 10 3° 80 90 100 120 161 200 7 5 8 5 8388 Prizes. 16612 Blank: 25000. £3* TICKETS may be had of the fevcral Managers, who will pay the Prices on demand*—of the TREASURER of the Common wealth—of JAMES WHITE, at his Book-Store, Frankiin's-lhad, Court-Street, and at other places as usual. BENJAMIN AUSTIN, jun."| DAVID COBB, I SAMUEL COOPER, Managers. GEORGE R. MINOT, \ JOHN KNEELAND, J Bojlon, July '2.8, 8790. PURSUANT to a Resolve or ast of Congress of the 10th day of May, 1780, relative to the deftru&ion of Loan-Office Cer tificates by accident ; notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that on the 2d day of January 1780, the house occupied by the fubferiber in Market-Street, Philadelphia, took, fire and wasconfumed, in which was lodged a number of Loan-Officc certificates as pr. lift below, all which were destroyed by the said fire : Therefore if any person, hath any objetlion why the Taid Certificates should not be renewed, agreeable to the rcfolves of Congress, they must make them before the expiration oi three months, from the date hereof. Invoice of Loan-Office Certificates deflroyed in the house of John Holker on the 2d day of January 1780. 1778. March 13, No. 1636 1 1673 1 In teftimany whereof I have figncd the present for pub. lication. New-York, July 26th, t7go. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Ottober 14, 1790. J NOTICE is hereby given, That Profiofals will be received at the Office of the Secretary ps the Treafurv, to the 30th day of November next, inclusive, for the supply of all Rations which may be required for the use of the United States, from the firft day of January to the thirty-firft day of December 1791, both days in clusive, at Springfield, in the State of Massachusetts, and the Poftof Weft-Point, in the State of New-York. The Rations to be fupplied,are to consist of the following Arti cles, viz. One pound of Bread or Flour, One pound of Beef, or of a pound of Pork, Half a jill of Rum, Brandy, or Whisky, One quart of Salt, } Two quarts of Vinegar, f Two pounds of Soap, P r * 100 ratlons - One pound of Candles, J Separate Proposals may be made for each place, fpecifying the low ell price pr. ration. -No credit is required. Imprtvcmenti and Additions to Mr. Bo wen's Exhibition of Wax-Work, Viz. HIS Excellency Benjamin Franklin, Esq. A Philadelphia Beauty. react, (an elegant figure) with her Olive Branch. Plenty, with wreaths of Flowers, basket of Fruit, &c. G"' TICKETS, at one quarter dollar, mav be had at Mr Jam is Bryson'i, Third, below Market Street-, where the exhibition i < open from to o'clock in the Mominr, until q every F.veninr N. B. MINIATURE and PORTRAIT PAINTING done at the fame place, on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Oil. 30, 1790. 640 ' r 4TE LOTTERT. Dollars. 10000 3000 a r e 2000 auuo 1000 5° o 2CO 100 5° 40 3° 20 10 8 Samuel Cooke, jun. New-York, 600 ditto. do. 600 Dollars, 1200. HOLKER. treasury department,! Sept. 28, I 790. J XTOTICE is hereby given, that be received ai tW N ol the Secretary of the Treafurv until,te da,- of December next include, for the budding of a UGH T hOL S. nearly of the dimenf.ons proposed by the late Common.,* ; .f Virginia and Maryland, upon the lot of land on Henrj, n» the County of Prineels Ann, and State of Virginia, lately ced.d fu that purpofeto the United States. It is desired, that the prfcpoUs may leave theelcftion, whet, er the building above the found, turn [hall be ol brick or Hone, and as the co.l and charges of those ma terials vary, it is expected, that a coirelpondinj diffcicnce will he made in the'terms offered. „ . r . The foundation of the LighuHoufe is to be of stone, and runt to the depth of thirteen feet below the water table, ove! 'he lop which the pavement is to be laid. The diameter thereof is to he twenty seven feet fix inches, with a vacancy of about nine feet in The diameter ofthe base isto be twenty fix feet, at which place the thicknefa of the walls is to be fix feet. Ihe height from t«e nottom of the water tabic to the top or the stone work is to he sty ventv two feet,wherethe diameter is to hcfixteen feet h\ inchcs,and ilie thickness of the walls three feet. The form is to be a., ofbgon, having three windows in the tall, and four in the weft If it be built of brick, it is to be faced with the glassy kind, if of ltoue, it is tobe faced with hewn or hammer-dressed stone. On the top ofthe stone work is to be a floor of joufs, bedded therein, planked over and covered with copper, extending about two feet eight inches beyond the wall, thereby forming an eve, which isto be finilKd with a cornice, the whole having a dc.ceni from the centre fufficient to throw off the water. The lanthorn is to be supported by eight posts ot wrought Iron of three inches square and twenty feet in length, ten feet ot which aie to be wrought into the stone wall on the inner part 3 t each corner. The diameter of it is to be ten feet, leavings platform on* the oufide thereof of about fix feet in width. All the work above? this is to be of iron and copper. The lanthotn is to be ten rect high, having a semicircular roof of five feet more, with iron rak ers covered with copper. The whole space between the polls sup porting the lanthorn, is to be occupied by the sashes* which arr to be made of iron, each sash is to have twenty-eight panes ot -rlafs, twelve by fourteen inches. One of the sashes on the fouih weft fide is to be hung with hinges for a door to go out upon the p!atf<>im, from the outer part of which to the roof of the lanthorn is to be a frame of iron covered with a net work of strong brass wire, to prefcrve the gla(s from injuries by hail and flights of birds in the night. The rafters of the lanthorn are to be well fattened to an iron, hoop, ovei which is a copper funnel, through which the smoke may pass into a large copper ventilator in the form of a man's head, capable of containing one hundred gallons. 1 his head is to be so placed as to be turned by a large vane on the spire above it, that the hole for venting the smoke may always be to the leeward. Eight dormant ventilators of fix inches diameter are to be fixed. Dollars, 10000 6000 6000 6coo s ooz 6000 8000 45°° 4,000 3600 3220 2000 60680 in the roof of the 1 author a. A close stove is to be provided and fixed in the lanthorn, which is to be f,urnifhed with eight lamps, each capaKle of containing fix quarts, hung in two tiers over each other transversely. I here are to be fix flights of flairs to ascend to the lanthorn, the entrance to which is to be by a door covered with copper. The building is to be furnifhed with two condu&ors, to secure it from the ctfe6ls of lightning. A frame house is to be built for the keeper, twenty feet square, two stories high, with a frame kitchen ; the whole to be fimfhed with lath and plaifle'r. A vault for the storage and fafe keeping of the oil is to be built of stone at a convenient distance, twelve feet wide, and twenty in length. It is to be arched, and covered with earth faud, over which a (bed is to We built, and it is to be turnifhed with e.ght (trong cedar cisterns with covers, each capable of containing two hundred gallons of oil. The entrance isto be fccurcd by a Itrong door. ■ -v. Good security for the faithful performance of the contrafl will be expected. Payments on account will be made at proper sta ges ot the work, and the balance will be paid on its completion : or, if a suitable difference fhoukl be made in the terms, cafli wil* be advanced for the purchase of materials and provisions* 125CC0 TREASURY DEPARTMENT,! Sept. 20, 1790. J IT is hereby made known, that the following arrangement has been adopted towards carrying into execution the A6l, mak ing provision for the debt of the United States, viz. Loan-Office Certificates, andthofe iftued by the Commiflion ers for the adjustment of accounts in the fcvcral States, will beTe ceivable only at the Treasury and by the refpettive Commiflionera of Loans within the States in which they were refpeftively illued. The Certificates issued by the Register of theTreafury, by the Pay Mailer General and Commiflioncr of Army Accounts, by the Commiflioners for the adjustment of the Accounts of the Quarter" Mailer's, Commiflai y's, Hospital, Cloath'ng, and Marine Depart partments, Indents of Interest, and Bills of Old Emission, will be receivable mdifcriminately at the Treasury and by the Com miflioners of all the States. The situation of the Checks has dicta ted this arrangement for the greater security of the public agatnfi impositions by forged or counterfeit paper, and which theslaideta have been adopted from the fame consideration for the execution, ot the business are such, that it will give facility and dispatch, it applications from the Holders of Certificates of the Register of the Treasury and of the Paymaster General, and Commiflioner of Army Accounts, and of the Commiflioners of the five Depart ments above mentioned, are made in the firfl instance at the Trea ftjry ; and if applications from the Holders of Loan Office Certi ficates, and Certificates issued by the Commiflioners for the adjust ment of Accounts in the refpeaivc States, ara made in like man ner to the Commiflioners of Loans within the States in which they were iflued. Transfers can afterwards be made to any Oific® tkafi the Proprietors of these Certificates may desire. Dols. INTELLIGENCE-OFFICE, No. 208, in Market, above 6th Street, SouthJide, WILL be negociated-all kinds of PAPER MONEY and BUSINESS tranfa&ed in public offices in the city, and such Paper-Money and Certificates furnifbcd, as will make payment at the Land Office equal to Gold and Silver. MONEY borrowed or loaned, and BILLS, BONDS, and NOTES of HAND discounted. HOUSES, Farms, Lands, and Lots, bought and fold, let or leafed, and Houses, Rooms, Boardiog and Lodg ing procured for Strangers, or others. BOOK-KEEPERS, Clerks, School-Matters, Waiters, Nurses, Seamftrefies, Chamber and other Maids, and those of other profeflions, who comc well recommended, may hear of employ ; and Employers be supplied, bv applying to FRANCIS WHITE. Dealer in Paper Monty, and Public Securities. The price of this paper is 3 dolls, pr. avn. and sd. Jingle number. At the Public Securities, 4