PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN FENNO, No. 41, BROAD-STREET, NEAR THE EXCHANCE,NEW-YORK CNo. 47, c/Vol. ll.j COLLECTION LAW.——C A ND in order to ascertain what articles ought to be exempted ' r °ni duty, as the fca stores of a fhi por vessel, ' "further trailed, Tiiat the mailer or person having the c harge or command of such (hip or velTel, ihall particularly fpetify the laid aiticlesin the report to be by him made as aforefaid, defi"- n«mg them as the sea stores of Uie said Ihip or vtlfcl ; and in the aid oath to he taken hy such mailer or other person, he shall de clare that the articles so fpecined as sea stores are truly luch. and Vere boni tide put on board the fa.d (hip or veffci (oi the use ofthe officers, crew and passengers thereof, and were not brought and are •lot intended by way of merchandize or for sale ; whereupon the ar "cles shall be free font duty : Provided alwavj, That if it (hall appear to the colle£lor to whom such report (hall be made, toge ther with the naval-officer where there is one, or alone where there is none, that the quantities of the laid articles so reported as sea ltores arc excessive, it (hall be lawful for the said collcftor jointly with the said naval-officer, or alone as the cafe may be, in his or their discretion, to estimate the amount of the duty on such ex cess j which shall be forthwith paid by the said mailer or ptrfon nav'nethe command or charge of the said (hip or velM to the said colleaor, on pain of forfeiting the value of such excess, And il iny of the said articles (hall be landed for the purpose of being io.d, or to be otherwifc used than as the fca stores of the (hip or vclicl in which they were brought, all such as (hall be so landed lhall be forfeited, and the matter or commander of such fhipor vefTel being privy thereto, (ball moreover forfeit and pay treble the value of the articles so lartdcd. And also to ascertain what articles oiight to be exempted from duty, as the cloathes, books, lioufhold furniture, tools or implr* meutsofthe trade or piofeiliouof persons arriving within the Uui* ted States. Be itfurther enafled, That due entry thereof, as of other goods, wares and merchandize, but separate and dillinft from of ftny other goods, wares or merchandize imported from a foreign port or place, Ihall be made with the colle&or of thediftrift in •which the said articles are intended to be landed by the owner thereof, his or her agent, who shall make oath before the laid col le&or, according to the best of his or her knowledge or belief, touching the perfonto whom the laid articles ihall belong, and his calling or occupation, ihe arrival or cxpe&ed arrival of the said pcrfon wuhin the United States, and that the fjid articles are tru ly intended for the ule ot the said owner solely, or jointly with his or her family as the cafe inay be, and are not dircfclly nor in dire&ly impound or intended for l'ale ; which oath Ihall be in writing, endorsed upon the said entry, and fubferibed by the par ty making the fame. And in caTe the hid party Ihall be other than the owner of the said articles, he or she ih \W give bond with one or more furetirs to the fatisfa&ion ol the said collector, in a sum equal to what would be the amount of the duties on the said articles if imported fubjtft to dutv, with condition that in a cer tain time therein to be lpeoified not exceeding one yoar, a hk.c oath as above direclrd shall be made by tbe said owner, and if not made before the said collector, shall be produced to him duly au thenticated ; whenupon a permit Ihall and may be granted for landing the said articles. And a copy of every such entry, and of the oath endorsed thereupon, ihall be tranimiited tuthe Secrctat y of the Treasury for his information. And whereas by the letter of the a&j intituled, " An a£l for lay ing a duty on goods, wares and merchandizes imported into the United State*," articles of the growth or manufadure of the Uni ted Slates exported to foreign countries and brought back to the Uuitcd States, are fobjeft to duty on theii importationjnto thefaid States. And whereas it was not the intention of Cougrefs that tlicy lhould be so fubjeft to duty. Be it therefore furthet enacted, That in every cafe in which a du ty may have been heretofore paid on goods, wares or merchan dizes of the growth or manufallurc ot the United States, exported to a foreign country and brought back to the said states, the amount thereof shall be repaid to the person or perfous by whom the fainc (hall have been paid, or to his, her or their reprcfcritauve?, and that in e\ ei y cafe in which such duty may have accrued, but may not have been paid the fame be remitted, and that 110 such duty fnall hereafter be demanded, provided that the regulations herein after prescribed for ascertaining the identity of such goods, wares or merchandize'be obfepved and complied wiih, and that as well in refpeft to those her- lofore imported, as far as may be practica ble, as to those hereafter to be tin ported. And also to ascertain the identity of articles of the growth, pro e charge or command of such fliip or V«ffel, (hall forfeit and pay the furr. of two hundred dollars. And be it Jurther enabled, That when the delivery of goods, wares or merchandize from on board of any such (hips or vessel at any port (hall have been completed, the account! or entries which .hull have been kept or made thereof by the officer or o'ftcers who ihall have been charged with fupeiintending; the said deliveries, %hall be reported to the collector ot the d.llntt, who, together with tbe naval-officer, where there is one, or alone where there ifi none, shall com pare tbe said accounts and entries with the entry or entries which (hall have been made by the owner or owneis, consignee or conduces, his, her or their fa6tor or And it any difference shall appear, the lame (hall be noted by endorse ment on such entry or entries, fpecifying the paiticulars thereof ; and it no difference Ihall appear, it shall be noted by like en ciorlement, that ti-e deliveries have coriefponded with the entry - 4 which eudor foment or memorandum shall in each cafe be fub fenbrd by the officer or officers by whom such comparison ffiall have been made, and by thp officer or officers under whose infpec* Hon the said deliveries lhall have been execuud. And be it further entitled. That if at the expiration of fifteen working days after the time within which the report of the mas ter or person having the charge or command of any ship or vcflclj is required to be made to the collcftor of a diftrift a* aforelaid, there (hall be found on board any goods, wares or merchandize, other than shall have been reported for some other diflrift or a loreign port or pldce, the said infpeftor or infpeftors shall tako poffeffiori thereof, and delivrr the ("ante to the order of the collect tor ot the diftrift, taking his receipt therefor, and giving a certi ficate thereof to the matter or person having such charge or cora. mand of such (hip or vessel, dclcribing the packages and their marks and numbers. " And the said goods (hall be kept with du and reasonable care at the charge and risk of the owner or owners tor a term of nine months ; ami if within that time no claim be made for the fame,{the said collector lhall procure an appraisement th"reol by two or more reputable merchants to be certified under their hands and to remain with him, and shall afterwards caufo the said goods to be fold at p&b!ic auction, and rotaining the du ties and chaiges thereon, (hall pay the overplus if any there be, into the treasury of the United States, thereto remain for the use ot the owner or owners, who fliall upon due proof of hi<, her or their property, be entitled to receive the fame ; and the receipt or certificate of the collector (hall exonerate the mailer or command er from all claim ofthe owner. Provided, That where any entry (hall have been duly made of such goods,th : fame (hall not be ap-' praised ; and that where such goods arc of a perUhable nature, they lhall be fold forthwith. Provided further, That the said limi tation of fifteen days (hall not extend to (hips orveff Is laden with fait or coal ; but it the said matter or owner of any such (hip or vi (Tel requires longei tunc to discharge her cargo,the wages or con « penfationof the infpeftor for every day's attendance e/teeding tha said fifteeen days, shall be paid by the said matter or owner. And if by rcafon of the delivery of a cargo in different diftrift*. more than the said term of fifteen working days (hall in the whoTe be lpent therein, the wage* or compensation ot the infpeftor or tn» fpeftors who may be employed on board of any lhip or vessel, in refpea to which (he said term may be so exceeded, lhall lor every day of such cxcefs be paid by the laid mailer or owner. And be it further enacted, That if any package whatever, which lhall have been reported as alorefaid, shall be want and noc found on board such (hip or vessel, or if the goods on board the laid ship or vessel shall otherwise not agree with the report of the matter or other p.-rfon having the charge or command of any such (hip or vessel | in every such cafe lie (hall forfeit and pay the sum ol five hundred dollars : Provided nevertke/efs, That if , t lhall |> c made to appear to the fati.faftion of the collector, naval officer and surveyor, or the major part ofihem, where thole officers are cltabhlhcd at any port, or to the fatisfaftion of the coliettor alone where either of the laid other officers is not ellablilh d, or in caf ot trial lor the fnd penalty, to the fatisfafUon of the couit thai no partul the cargo of such (hip or vessel has been unffiipped since it was taken on board, except as (hall h ve been fpccificd in the laid report, or that the said disagreement is by accident or mis take ; in tuch cale the penalty alorefaid lhall not be infi cled And be it further tna.Vd That the following allowances {hall be made for the drafts and tare of the articles fubjcft to duty by weight, that is to fay: For draught on any quantity of one hun weight, or one hundred and twelve pounds, and under one pound ; on any quantity above one, and not exceeding two hun dred wc.ght, two pounds; on any quantity above two, a„d not exceeding three hundied weight, three pounds ; on any quantity above- three, and not exceeding ten hundred weight, four pounds ■ on any qnanttty above ten, and nut exceeding eighteen hundred" weight, seven pounds ; on any quantity above eighteen hundred weight, nine pounds : For tare, on every whole chcft of bohca tea, seventy pounds ; on every half chest, thirty.fix pounds • oa every quarter chelt, twenty pounds ; on every chcß of hyfoii or other green tea, the gross weight of which (hall be seventy pound, or upwards, twenty pounds ; on every bo* of other tea, not Icfs than fifty or more than seventy pounds gross, eighteen pounds; on all other boxes ot tea, according to the invoice thereof - ori coffee in bags, two per cent, in bales, three per cent, in calks twelve per cent.; on pepper in bales, five per cent. ca fc, twelve percent. ; on sugars, other than loaf sugar, in casks, twelve percent, in btjxes, fifteen percent. ; on all other goods, accord, ing to the invoice thereof. Provided always, That the ori ginal invoices Ai any of the said articles are produced, and the tare or tares appear therein, it lhall be lawful, with the confer or the importer or importers, consignee or conSgnees, tocftimattf Lhc said tare or tares according to such invoice And be it further enaQed, That there (hall bean allowance for takage of two per cent, on the quantity which ihall appear by the gtltge to be contained m any cafkofliquou fubj.fl to duty bf {TO Bl CONTIHOID.) The following incident lately occurred in one of the cylern Statet. A French Gentleman, totally unacquainted with our lan 'iiaer. f X ° eln S introduced to a circle of young ladies and gemTemcrt fc/ VuTPI af ' erthe usual compliments had pa (Ted, h. teJtcdh.mfelfbefide a beautiful young lady ; and, ben, n deprived oftheiatistaft.onof converftng with her, his countenance how. vc , ex.nened the fcntiinenti of his heart, he setting her hy the hand lhe requeued h.m to be »fy , which he m.Lok for the n'irth n (7 I.' bcga " kiir ' n S flcr - 'o the great that thp 1 r W company The conference however was, [Whole NO. I Si]