a j PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY JOHN- FEK.\'O, No. 41, BROAD-STREET, NEAR THE JEA'CH^JVGf.NEW-YORK [No. 38, (/Vol. ll.j FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE UNITE!) STATES. DISCOURSES ON No.XVlll. CONTINUSD. , I/uu et I'autre parti cruel egaicmeut, Auift que dafrU Id crime, eft- tLfti Vavcuglement.' IT was fo'refeen, however, that the success would not be happy. The King of Navarre, intimidated by.the difficulty of lie enterprize, ,i the course of conversations which they had together, (he insinuated, that the pailions of the King were easily irritable i that hemuftnotbe vexed with demands and com plaints out of season ; that it was neceftary to wait for opportunities more favorable ; that the Xing having palled his fourteenth year, might govern by hinifelf, and without taking counsel •of any one ; that when he (hould find an oppor tunity to 111 anifell his benevolence for the Princes of Bourbon, lis would fulfil all that was required of him, by the relations of blood, and would prove to all the world the esteem and consider ation, which he entertained of their merit and fidelity : that to change, all at once, in the be ginning ofa reign, the older established in the government, would be to gi v e ilie King among his own fubjec r ts,' the reputation of an incon stant .Prince, without prudence and without ftrnincfs : that if atiy employment worthy of them ihould be vacant, he would have a regard to the judice of their pretensions : that in her own particular, (he offered lierfelf voluntarily to manage their interests with lief (on, to engage him to grant them, as soon as (hould be po'lible, SATURDAY, AUGUST, 21, 1790 the fatisfaiflion they desired : that it was not de cent that the King of Navarre, who had always evinced his wifdoniand moderation, Ihould now fuffer himfelf to be guided by counsels, and drawn into rash meafqres which were neither consistent with- his age nor chara