LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES : AT THI SECOND SESSION. Begun and held at the City of New-York, on Monday the fouith o January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. AN ACT to continue in force for a limited time, an A6i, intituled " An A an ast of the present feflion, for defraying the contingent charges of government. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG Speaker ofthe House oj Representatives. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President ofthe United States, and Prejident of the Senate. Approved, August th e second, 1790. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prejident ojthe United States. (Tiue copy.J THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State, RESOLVED, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States 0/ America in Congress ajfembled, That the clerks in the office of the commiflioiier ot army accounts, are intitled to receive for their services, a sum not exceeding five hundred dol lars, to be paid in the fame manner and at the fame rateas the sala ry allowed to the clerks in the department of treasury : And that the auditor and comptroller be authorized to adjust the accounts of the clerks in the (aid offi e, upon the fame principles as those of the Treasury department, agreeably to the appropriation by law. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the House of Refirefentatives. JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United States. and President of the Senate. Approved August the second, 1790. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President (f the United States. (True Copy.) THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State- CHANCE OF THE SPANISH MINISTRY Extract of a letter from a house in Cadiz to a merchant J J J in Philadelphia, dated June IJ, 1790. I have the pleasure to inform you of a verj fa vorable change taken place in the miniftiy at our court, which is as follows : His Excellency the Count de Florida Blanca, firft Secretary of State. His excellency Don Antonio Porlier, Minister of grants, and justice for the home and Ameri can department. His Excellency the Count del Canipode Alanxe, Minister of war, for the home and American de partment. His Excellency Don Antonio Valdes, Minister of Marine, and in the absence or sickness of Count Florida Blanca, to a Dr. Franklin died imnienfely rich, and bts left the bulk of his fort une to his daughter, Mri.Btche, with a large legacy to her husband. WESTMINSTER 'ABBEY. The Musical Feast closed on Thursday with a repetition of the Mefliah, which was performed before a very numerous audience, not left than 2600. His Majesty and three of the Princefl'es were present. The Queen was absent, and, it was said, through indifpofitiori. Hints to Americans who own lands or other realefiatc in England. Persons born in the United States of America fincetheir independence, are incapable of hold, ing lands in Great-Britain, as they are not natur al born fubje