Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, August 04, 1790, Page 548, Image 4

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    Dover, (Ne w-Hamphire.)
Among the numerous writs which came before the Inferior Court, which
teas opened at the Court-lUufe in this town on Tuesday lafl, there was
one with the following return on the back: —
BY virtue hereof I've taken poor Hill,
Who to pay the demand has both flomachand will;
But fails in ability—Cash lie has none,
And cursedly plagu'd with the gravel and itonc .
If to goal he must go, his joints, nerves and marrow
Must move flowlv on, in a coach or w'neeloarrow ;
For on a Car-horse he can't poffibl) ride,
So feeble his limbs, such a flitch in hisfidc—
Your Sheriff thus his return, and he thinks
'Tistrue,every tittle, witness Sim Jenxs.
Ifhould be gratified by the ixftrtim of the following, if feme of your plii
lofophic readers would furnifh a solution of the phenomenon.
\ D lOINING Soutli 1 iver( which empties inio theßar' tonjthere
XV is a spring of water from which a family is plentifully suppli
ed for conflant°ufe atall fcafons of the year ; even in thedriefttimes
a (mall stream issues from the fpring,'excepting when the wind
continues to blow from the North-Weft, for more than two days
lucceflively, when the water (lops running—and if laded out, the
spring (or rather the calk lufcrted -1 the ground) will remain
emptv until the wind chartgcs fiom that dioe£lion—when it again
becomes jail and flows out as before, although the weather con
tinu-s fair all ihe time. It is lituated not more than t& or « 00
yards from the river, and is very Utile elevated above the furiace
of the water in the river, perhaps four or five feet (by estimation.)
It is in a frnall valley or gully, vet not in the lowest part ; the
ground to the Weft and North-Weft rises gradually to J conftder
able height. From some reservoir in the adjacent hiu* it
iuppof-d the Tprinc; receives its supply ; that the North-Weft
winds Ihould have such an effect as to (lop that supply alter two
days continuance and not until then, appears to me extraordina
ry • many springs are known to ebb and flow regularly, but I dt»
not recolfeft any account of one similarly affe£led ; 1 hope , t will
ari eft some attention from those who have accuflomed thrmfelves
to contemplate the works of nature, and examine with*
inj attention, when any thing occurs different (rom what we are
generally accustomed to meet with. A. S.
New- Jersey, July "4> 'TP 0 '
AS I live near 300 miles from the feat of government, in this
part of the country we depend upon your Gazette, for in
formation refpefling our national government.
The Funding Bill, as reported in committee of the Senate, ap
pears to everyone in this quarter to be, in one particular at lead,
extremely wrong, viz.—rating interrji below principal. We think
it violates all the%ftablilhcd principlesof equity, and the common
fenfc of mankind.
id. It has ever been eonfidered that intered was at lead as good
as principal, in all pablic and private contrasts and ncgociations ;
and in cases where the intered was not duly paid, v as in the pre
sent cale), justice required compensation for fucli delay of pay
ment. 2d. Going upon the universal principle of mankind, ina-
Tiy foldierr, and others, being under the neceflity of felling fom
of their securities, they fold principal ; supposing, if government
made any provision for payment, it would firflbe for the inter, ft ;
and they were confirmed in this belief, by the t&xcj whith Con
crefs required to be paid in Indents. 3d. Foreign purchases, have
been of the principal, therefore the bill is calculated to •enrich fo
reigners by injnrin r our people —and in violation of all the fit '-
biifhed maxims of juftice—confequeii'.ly the government would be
eonfidered as capricious, and must fink in the ejlimation of wife
men, at home and abroad, 4th. If the revenue is not equal to the
wants of government, let equal justice be done, and the wife and
good through the world, will juftify our mcafurcs —but such par.
iiality mult inevitably destroy our national charaft<-r. s th. The
rrnort of the Secretary met with the approbation of the people,
as'it was calculated to do equal justice, pnd conformable to the
date of our country—(and it is th- general opinion through eight
of the dates, where I have travelled within two months pall, that
if the Secretary's report had been adopted five months ago, the
advantages to the United State* by this time, would have been
million", as thereby the fecuritics would have risen, and the vast
sums Burchafcd by foreigner , would have brought so much more
money into the country). 6.h. Eveiy debt, due in money, whe
tbn for I'upplies, pel foual Cervices, for intend, or tor any thing
else, where the faith of government has been pi dged, or juflice
and honor requires payment, is eonfidered by all impartial men
as equal -and whenever government fund or pay their debts,
(here can be no diftinaion. These arc the prevailing sentiments
of the people of eery class, and thev are undoubtedly founded
in the reason of things, consequently ought never to be departed
from. .
We thitfk, Mr. Printer, it is neceffjry that the opinion ot com-
Tnon people, tar from the feat of govcrnmrn!, Oiould be pub'.ifoed
as well as the feotinunts of the learned in the great cities ; for
good rulers with to know the Centiments of the people and when
government proceeds upon r»ne plain and eqoal feale, the people
can ke the line of jail lcc, and wiiHove au/t support the govern
ment. But ifone man's certiorate for money dueto him from the
public, is made more valuable than another man's, tor ?.b equal
sum, wh.o can think, it right ? A SOLDIER.
Extra fr of a /filer from, Feb. 20.
"The discouragement afidsjloom folately pre
valent here, has now given way to the spirit of j
a<ffive preparation and bustle. The cause is the
new alliance formed by the Porte with Pruflia.
The iniidiiltrwn now entertain the most fatignine
lopes that the aTiftance of Pruflia will enable
them to repair the lodes fuffered in the late cam
paign with Ruflia a.d Auftrja. The thirst of
battle fully pofiefles the Mahometans : Abun
dance of recruits flock in everyday, and are im
mediately drafted off to some particular deflina
tion. The Minifby do not fail t<- profit by this
appearance of zeal and ardour among the peo
pie : Nor are the common people only eager to
teflify their zeal ; fcvcral opulent individuals
have made offer: ot logrcat presents to the Sultan,
as to enable him to defray the expenccs of the
•war. These, however, the Sultan refnfed ; al
ledpiifg that he does not want tor them, and that
his refourtfes are fhfficient for the war ; a third
campaign, therefore, is inevitable.
The ?mnd Swedi.'h fleet is at fca, and was fpo-
ken with by several Ihips off Bornholm, an die 3d
instant. It consists of 25 fail of the line, 15 fri
gates, and a prodigious number of other armed
Dr. Franklin recommends, in one of his let |
ters, what he calls " Air Bathing," or riling ear
ly in the morning and fitting without clothes,
half an hour, or an hour, accordingto the iealon.
In confirmation of the Dr's idea, is daily exper
ience, for no disadvantage Icarcely ever follows
from leaving off a thick garment and putting on
a thin one, provided it is done in the morning.
A correspondent who has pradt'.fecl on the Dr s
plan recommends it to thole invalids who have
found the shock from fea-batbing too severe for
them. ___
BELONGING to the Elhtei of lAMBS HUNTER, deccafed
pjeafanily situated on tha River, with
in two miles of the town of Frcderickiburg, and one of Falmouth
and Tide-Water Confiding of a Forge, 130 feet by 54, eight
fires, and four hammers—a Coal Hont«, 80 teet by 40 a Slitting
and Rolling Mill,. G8 tcet by 30, for Sheet, Rolled and Slit Iron.
A Merchant Mill, 70 feet by 36, with two pair of stones ; one
whereof French Burr, and every other necessary apparatus for
manufacturing Flour in the bed method.—A Sjw Mill adjoining
rhe fame, 60 feet by 10. The walls of all these butldidgs arc ot
ftorte, extremely strong and neat, of the bed workmanship. The
running geers, machinery and fixturcsQt ihe whole, commodiouf
ly and judiciously and performed in the most masterly
and advantageous manner, on large and improved plans. The
.different departments are conveniently difpnlcd and arranged at
proper distances, on a deep and capacious canal, calculated to
supply more large and extensive works, and future improvements ;
cautiously fecurcd and guarded againd casualties from frefliets, or
nigh floods ; has its source in the main body of the riv:r ; a co
pious proportion whereof, to any reafonablc degree of quantity,
is at pleasure collected and turned in by a compleat set ot well
condru&ed strong dams, which have wit broke, or given way,
lince their formation, near nineteen years pad.—The head and
fall of the water operating on the wheels, is about twenty feet :
the greatest part of the works are in good repair, and the whole |
may be rendered so at a small expence. In the appendages there
to, are a convenient Tanvard, variety of (hops and utensils for
mechanical business of different kinds, houses for the Managers,
Workmen, And about 4 to 8000 acre* of land contiguous,
modly wooded, including some Farms and meadow land. A!fo.
will be offered for sale, a number of valuable Slaves, such as Ham
mermen, Refiners, Colliers, Forge Carpenters, Wheelwrights,
Smiths, Millers, Waggoners, &c. These works have advantages
over any in America, particularly in refpeft to the sale of their
produce, as there is none of the kind to the southward thereof, to
mod of which extensive, rich and fertile country, there is easy
conveyance by water ; nor is there any Forge within 90 miles,
nor a Slitting mill at all in this State, which might (hare the cus
tom, or vie with its manufactory—fome other peculiar advantag
es that can bed be pointed out on the prrtnifes, which on applica
ion will betbewn, and the terms of Sale made known, and very
easy for the purchaser, by
(3 W -)
Virginia, Xlay 28, 1790.
Treasury Department,
July 13, 1790.
NOTICE is hcrebigiven, that Propofah will be received at the office
of the Secretary of the Treasury, to the firjl day cf Oflober next in
c/ufive, for the supply of all rations, which maybe requiredfor the use of
the United States, from the frjl dayaf January to the thirty firJl day of
December 179 , both days inclujive, at the.places, and within the difirids
herein after mentioned, viz.
At any place or places, betwixt Yorktown in theJl&te of Pennjylvania,
and Fo r t Pitt and at Fort Pitt.
At ar.\ place or places, betwixt Fort Pitt and Fort M'lntofh, on the
River Ohio. and at Fort M % lntojh.
At ai\place or places, betwixt Fort Wlntofh and the mouth ojthe Ri
ver Mujk'ngum, and at the mouth oj the River Mujkinginn.
At any place or places, betwixt the mouth oj4he River Mujkingum, and
np the said River to the Tvfcarowas, and nt the Tufcarowas, and thente
over to theCayog.i River, and down the said River to its mouth.
At anyplace or place*, betwixt the muuth of the river Mvfiingurr, and
the mouth of the Scioto River, and at the mouth ojthe (hid River Scioto.
At any place Of placet, betwixt the month of Scioto River, and the mouth
of the oreal Miami at the mouth of the great Miami, and from thence to
the Rapids, 'on the Falls oj the Ohio and at the/aid Rapids.
At any place or placs, betwixt the mouth of th; great Miami, up the
hid Miami, to and at Piquetozvn, and thence over to the Miami Village,
on the river of the fame name which empties into Lake Erie.
At any place or places from the rapids of the Ohio, to the mouth of the
JValtaJh, thence up the fuii Wakafh to Pofl St. Vincennrt, at Pofl St. Vin
ccnKcs, and thence up t!i said river Hafafh, to the Miami Village, be
fore defer xhtd.
At any place or places, from the mouth of the W'abafh river to the mouth
of the y iver Ohio.
At any place orplae's, on the eaflfie of the river Mifjifippi,from the
mouth of the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinois river.
At anyplace or places, from the mouthtfthe Miami river to the Miami
| Village.
At any place or place', from the .Mijni -Village to Sandijiy, and at
andufky, and Jr en Sandufky to the monthof Cv\oga river.
At anyplace or places, betwixt Fort Pit£mdVena*ga.and at V,
At any place or places, betwixt t'enanjumid l.e Beuf, and at Le Keuf
bet-vixt Le Beuf and and Prefij'lfle, a: rrefj' Isle, and betwixt Press
JJle and the mouth 0} Cayoga river.
At the mouth of Cayoga river, and at any place or places, on the rout
from Fort Pitt, to the mouth of Caysga river, by the way of Big Beaver
At any place orplaces, on eajl fide of the Mijjifippi, between the
mouth of the Ohio anithe rhi-r Margot triclufrely.
At any Mace or pieces, from the fiidrrpr fiUrgot, to the river Yazous
inclusively •
.At any place or places from the mouth )f,the rivet Tennefee, toOcockap
io DT Bear creek, on thefaid river inclufaly.
Should any rations be required at any places, or within other dijtrids,
not/pee',' din these propo fait,thefricc ojiie fame toie hereafter agreed
onjletuiixt the public aid the contraßor. • '
The rations to be f applied are to cavjijl of the following articles, on.
One pound oj biend or flour, (
One pou*4 of beef, of-iff a ptn&ofpork,
HalfajiUof rum, handy or tukijkt, ■..
Qne ftitt fffrh, ). {
Two quarts of vinegar, f per- 100 rations, ,
Two pounds ojfiiap, [
One pound of Candles, ) 9
Stcutary cf thc Trfafurw
Ik M AIC A Spi r its, 5/6.
Antigua Rum, 4/9. a 5/ ■
i*t. Croix, do. 4JB,
Country, do.
MolafTes, if\.
Brandy* ?/.
Geneva, 5/3.
Do. in cases, 28f.
MuscoVado Sof. a 72J.
Loaf, do. 1/4.
Lump, do. IAJ.
, Pepper, 2/9.
Pi menu), 1 1/6.
Coffee, 1/3.1 si-
Indigo, (Carolina) 3J. 6/.
Do. French, 18/. 10/
Rice, 25/.
Superfine Flour, 56f.
Common do. szf.
Rye do. 3cf. a 2sf.
Indian Meal, 18f. 20f.
Rve, 5 A pr. bufii.
Wheat, &/*. a qJ.
Corn, (Southern) 3/6.
Do. (Northern,) 4/
Beef, fuft quality, 54 A
Pork, firft quality, Boy]
Oats, 2/2. '
Ship bread per cwt. aiyi
Country refined > a ,
bar-iron, ) 0
Do. bloomery, 251. a 26!.
Swedes do. 451.
Ruflia do. 301.
Pi/;-iron, 81 10f. a 91.
German Reel, 9^.per lb.
Nails American, by cask. ) 14d.
per. lb. 4d. )
Do. do. do. 6d. 12d.
Do. do. do. Bd. q£d.
Do. do. do.
» Do. do. do* i2d.( Ij, 01 j
1 Do. do. do. 20d> 7^*8^-
Do. do. do, 24d.)
I Pot ash, per ton, 42!. 10f.
Pearl ash, 551.
Bees-wax per lb. 2f.
Mackarel per barr. 26/. a 30f.
Herrings, 18[. 16<f.
Mahogany, Jamaica, {
per foot, 5
Dominico, do. 9^.
Honduras, do. *jd.
Logwood uncliipped,pr.ton. 81. 1
Do. chipped. 14!.
2 inch white oak ) .
, . > tOi. \OJ.
plank., perm. J
1 inch do. s],
2 inch white pine plan*:, 81.
it> inch do. 61 10f
-1 inch do. 31. *of.
2 inch pitch pine do. 101.
Do. 22 inch do. il. &J~.
Cedar 2 it»ch do. xK los
inch do. 61. tqf.
1 inch do. 41.
; Pitch pine scantling, 31. B<f.
Cyprus 2 fret Ihingles, il. 1 of.
Final Settlements 12/6.
By Order of the Honorable Rickeid Morris, Efj. Chief J*ftice of the
State tf fievi-York. 4
NOTICE is hereby given to Lewis M'Donald.of Conifcfticut,
an absent debtor, that upon application and doe proof made
to the said chief justice by a creditor of the fai(l tew.iiWlkwld,
purfuontto an ast of the Lepiflature of the said State, ewitled,
" An aO for relief against abfeonding and ahfrttf debtors," pa(-
fed thp4th April, 1.785; he, the said chief justice.' hai direflert
all the fciid Lewis M'Donalds ellate, within this State, to be feir- -
ed, and that unless he {hall discharge his debts within
months after the publication of this notice, the fame will bf tola
for the payment of his creditor* Dated the jdMay, tyjo.
New-Yori, May 7, 1790. v 1 w. ly.>
PURSUANT to a Rcfolve 01 a£l of Congrcfi of the loih day
of May, 1780, relative to the deftru£cion of Loan-Offiq£ Cer
tificates by accident ; notice is hereby given to all whom it may
concern, that on the 2d day of January 1780, the house occupied
by the fublcribei in Market-Street, Philadelphia, took, fire and
was consumed, in which wai lodged a number of Loan-Otficot
certificates as pr. lift below, all which were destroyed by the said
fire : Therefore if any pcrfon, hath any obic£lion why the said
Certificates (hould not be renewed, agreeable to the resolves of
Congrefa, they must make them before the expiration of three
months, from the date hereof.
Invoice oJLoan-Cjjfice Certificates deflroyed in the houfc of John Ilo'kc
on the 2d day ofJanuary 1780.
1778. No / Dols.
/larch 13. Samut/l Cockc, jun. New-Yoik, 60c
ditto. do. 600
In testimony whereof I have frgned the present for pub
lication. HOLKER
K(W-York, July 26th, 1790.
THE Creditors of Col. ELISHA SHELDON, of Salifoury, arc
hereby notified, That the Subscribers V»eing appointed Truf
tees'f said She loon's estate. will attend to the business of thei**
lppointment on the firft Monday of Augufl next, at the house of
J a cob us Da v is, in said Satffbury, agreeable to the A6l of AfTerr,-
>ly.-—The intcrell of tht creditors requires tbeir qeneral atten
lance. HEZEKIAH FITCH, ) ~ „
OHN BIRD, $Trust«»
Jvurt -
Salijbury % (Conne&ieuijt June 2&, 1789
And to be fold by THOMAS ALLEN, Queen-Street, corner ofi
On various fubjetts.
By Noah Webster, Jun.
James F. Sebor, and Co.
Have removed from No. 59, to No. 187, Water-Street, near the
WHERE they negociate all kind? ofPUBLICK
Ntic-York, April 8, 1 -if.
'ST 4. Dollars at
Do. inch do. i'.' (J-
Do. »8. uich do. 18/
Butt white ofk ilaves, 30y
Pipe <io. do. 91.
Hogshead do. do. 6!. I°/
Do. do. heading, 81-
Irilh barrel do. staves, 3 • ,<;/•
Hoglhead red oak do, 51.
Do. French do. 5!.
Hojthea-d hoops, 4'-
Whiteoak fqiiare timber J in/ f_
per square foot, >
Red wood, per ton, 161.
Fufttck, 101.
Beaver, per lb. 1y- ' '«/■
O'.t r per flyji, 9f 33/
Grey fox, 4/7.
Martin, 4J'°-
Raco;>n, 3/6/27/6.,
Mufkrar, lod. a \
Reaver hats, 64 f
| Castor do. 48\f
I Chocolate, 14d.
Cocoa, ytojf. a Bos.
Cotton, ?f.
Tar, pr. bar. n/6.
Pitch, 12/ n 13 C
Turpentine, 22/. a 23f
Tobacco, James River, 4d.
Do. York, 4d. a 3£</.
Do. Rappahanock, 2d a
Do. Maryland, coloured, 5 - 77 '-
Do. Weftcrn-fhore, 2df a
Lead in pigs, of cwt. 6of
Do. bars, 68/1
Do. Shot, 68f.
Red lead, 68f.
White do. dry,
White do. in oil, 5/. 12/ i
Salt-petre hams, l\d.
Spermaceti candles, yf-
Mould do. nd. a lj.
Tallow dipt, qkd.
Soap, f)d. a Bd.
C a (tile soap. 9d. a 10d.
English cheese, pr. lb. 1 $d.
Country do. §d. 6d.
Butter, Bd.
Hyson tea, qf.
Sequin do. 6/6.
Bohea do. 2^.
of. a
Staich Poland, *d.
Snuff. 9J 2-
r\llum fait, water mcc- ? r
fure, pr. bulh. > J V
Liverpool do. ?j.
Madeira wine, £ ,c„ r :
pr. pipe, S
Port, 46/.
Lifhon, pr. {J
TcneiiiF, ,\f.
;vall, 3/3.
• permaceti do, 6..
i'iake r down hh('>. 3JO
>«tch gur-;)owder,pr.cvvt,r ,f~>j
'. rods, pr. ton, 34/. 36/.
intfeed oil, pr. gal. 4J.
Vhale do. 50 a 59/"
Indents yf.
This day pubhfhed,
Dollars, 1400.