THE NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OY SOUTH-CAROINA. (CortcUitiJrotn eufihjl.) article VIII. 3cß. 1. HPHE free exercise and enjoyment of religious protelti- J. on and worlhip, without discrimination or prefer ence, (I*ll, forever hereafter, be allowed within this (late to a I mankind ; provided that the liberty of conscience hereby declar ed (hall not be foconftrued as toexcufeafts of Itcentioulnels.or jul afv practices inconfillent with the peace and fafety ot tins (late. Sc3. 2. The rights, privileges, immunities and cftatesot both .ivil and relig'iou. ioc.etu s »nd of corporate bodies (hall u if thcconflitution state had not been altered oramended. ARTICLE IX. S t a. i. All power is originally veiled in the people; and all free governments arc founded on their authority, »nd«e initia ted for their peace, fafrty and happiness. Srt t No freemen of thi. state (hall be taken, or impnfoned, or d.tfcifed ol his freehold, liberties or privileges, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed, or deprived of his life, liber ty or property, but by the judgment of hu P«is, or by the law ot the land, nor (hall any bill of auainder, poll faßo impairing the obligation of contrasts ever be palled by the legil iature ol this ftatc. . S<3. s. Tac military (hall be subordinate to the civil power. Se:i. 4. Excessive bail (hall not be required, nor excessive hnej imposed, mr cruel punilhments iodifted. Se3 -5. Thi legiQature (hall not grant any title of oob.lity, or hereditary dulmdion, nor create any office, the appointment to which (hall be for any longer time than during good behaviour Self 6 The trial by jury as heretofore ufedin this ltate.and the liberty of th; press (hall he forever inviolably prcferved. ARTICLE X. Scfl. 1. The business of the treasury shall be in future conr-utt ed by two treasurers, one of whom lhall hold his office, and rc fcde at Columbia, the other lhall hold his office and reside in eharUlten.Thc fccrttJTy of an d f„rvevor general (hall hold their offices both in Columbia and in Charleftoii—They (hall re side at one place, and their deputies at the other. Seel, r At the conclusion of the circuits, thfc judges (hall meet and fit at Columbia, for the pnrpofe of hearing and determining all motions which may be made for new trials and in arrcft of judgments, and such points of law as may be fubrn.tted to them. f rem Columbia, they (hall proceed to Charleston, and there hear and determine all such motions for new trials, and 10 arrest ot md-ment, and such poinisoflaw, at may be submitted to them. S°a 4 The Governor (hall alw»y» reside during the fitting of the legiflatnre at the place where their session may be held and at all other times wherever in his opinion the public good may Sftf ■; The leeifl 'ture (hall, as soon as may be convenient, pass laws for the abolition of the right, of primogeniture and for giv i 10 an equitable distribution of the realeftateof mtcftates. 0 ARTICLE XI. No convention of the people (hall be called unless bv the con currence of two thirds of both branches of the whole reprefeuta- No part of this constitution (hall be altered, unlcfs a bill to al ter the rime (hall have been read three times m the hou[e of re prelentatives, and three tunes in the Senate, and agreed to by wo thirds of both branches of the whole reprefcntanon ; neither fha 11 any alteration take plac- until the bill f* agreed to, be publifoed three month, previous to a new clefc.on for member, to the house of rcprefentatives, and if the alteration proposed by the shall be agreed to in ihcir firft fefliori by two third, of the whole reprcfenuuon in both branches of the lcgiflature aftefcthe fame •hall have been read three times, on having on board her supply of men, as Ihe lay at her mooring in the harbor of Currfcoa, one of the Weft India lflands, was ftiddenly blown up ; the circumstan ces of which are as follows : the gunner ot the aforefaid ship, (to whom was committed the care of the magazine, which contributed greatly to the security of his design) was, for fonie inifde 8i can or or other, that fatal morn, to receive a OBDURACT. dozen lashes with a rope's end—but being ouily actuated by an hellilh dehre ot revenge, lie conceived the dreadful notion of conimunieating fire to the magazine ; in order wheieu procured a match, with which, in a victorious manner, he marched directly to the powder confiding of two hundred barrels ; on his wa} thither he wis met by one oi the cabbiu y , (he being the only person preserved whereby the circumstances of this horrid affair were bro t to light) whole curiosity having led him to en quire whither l)e was bound with a lighted match, received this aftonifliing anfvver, « We are all going, by a sudden roaring gale, to land very speedily in the fafe port of the infernal pit, where, it is probable, we (hall make a warm breakfaft." Whereupon the boy, miftruftiug his bad design, call himfelf out at the nearelt port-hole, and continued fwimmg under water till his breath was nearly spent, and at the time of his appearance the fliip was blown up, attend ed with thunderingdevaftation which was per ceived in part, bv the damage done to several ot the nearelt buildings—not to mention the man gled limbs ofthofo belonging to the /hip, which were afterwards picked up about the iflarnl. - Thus through the revenge and impenitencc of one bold wretch, 500 fouls were summoned be fore the dreadful bar of God, in an hour which they thought not of. From the Antigua Jou Corrtft lift tfthe Ships under imi At Plymouth. Royal Sovereign - - - too Gibraltar ------ 80 - - - 74 Eg moot - - Valiant - - - - - - 74 Melampus - - - - - $6 Winchelfea - - - Daphne ------ At Pirtfmouth. - - 3 2 Victory ------ 100 Princcfs Royal - - - - 98 Formidable ----- 98 Courageux - - - - - Canada - - - Warrior - - 74 - - - 74 - • - 74 - - 3« - - 3 8 La Prudente - Arcthufa - - - 3 6 Minerva - La Nyrophe - - - • -36 At Chatham. Robust ------ 74 Alexander ----- 74 Alfred ------ 74 * This Journal contains the proclamation mentioned in the St. K'fts Rajftenc Pafer—which turns out to be nothing more than tic Bnt jh King's mejftge received here by the Packet feme weeks jince. Last night a very hot press took place in the Road and Harbor oPs>t. John. Wc hear that up wards of* 100 Seamen were collected from the different ships. FOR THE GAZETTE OF THE. UNITED ST.fTES. THERE are many pcrfons who boast of their moral virtile, honelt principles, and heroic fortitude, that have not afingle ray of the above named prdj>erties, in their homogeneous mass, that illumes and brightens the human foul : tbofemoft deficient in virtue and the noble prin ciples which dignify the man, are the molt apt to swell the zephyrs with their own fame. This is a great mark of vanity, strong proof of want of common fenfe,and fufficiently evincive of misapplied education on an unvirtuous mind— " virtue without knowledge makes er.thufiafts ; and knowledge without virtue makes devils ; but both united, elevate to the top of human dignity and»perfe may bs furnijhed with the number) o'mpleat. 520 inal, EXTRA.* June 11. uiiati orders of equipment for Jea. At Sheerne/s. Guns. I phi gene - - - - - Spitfire Firefhip - - - - - At Woolwich. Brunfwick. - - - - - Juno ------ Tifiphone Fircfoip - - - - At Dcpford, Led a Cyclops - - - 3~ - - =8 HulTar - - - - Hind - -- -- --28 Totil. Two of * - - - - Two - - - - - One ------ Nine - - S» Two • - Three - - - - Four - - Three - - - One ------- And two Fire Ships, iNEC DOTE OF D 2. fRANKIIX, A GENTLEMAN remarkable for his aveifi on to revealed religion, some time ;ig 0) Ul a large company, among w Horn was Dr. Franklin indulged liiinTen in a number of remarks diihu norablt) to the Christian faith, and warmly o p. jiofed all who defended it : \vhen, • turning - 8 the Dodtor, he appealed to Itini for the truth of his aiiertions. That good old man made this la. conic wife reply : " IT IS SAKKST TO jj|£. LIEVE." This declaration, tonfidttred as die mature decilion of one of the nio'fl etllighctntd sages, after upwards of fourlcore years c::p;rj ence in the learned and active world, is of no little weight in the scale of human opinion, the moll important queltion in the umvcrfc. Aji eftimater of the services of the Rev. ]y r Wefley observes, that in the conflant labour of upwards of 60 years, reckoning his difcoutfo &c. at two per day, which is 730 a year, tiny' aiuount in all to 43.9°° ! What is more extra.,,. dinary, the literary labou.sof this gejnlci,, are so numerous, that for many years pad tea persons have been constantly employed hi ti. e branch of printing. Mr. Wefley's library, ac cording to a public valuation lately made by his order, was eltimated at 40001. New-York City Lottery. Guns. - 3 2 SCHEME of a LOTTERY, lor the purpose of raifmy J**nd Five Hundred Pounds, ro an ACT of tkt tare c*f the State of New-York, palled Bth February, >7&.; 74 - 3 2 1 PRIZE of 3 to 33 I 3 ißd 795° - 100 - qR . 80 - 74 Blanks, £ = Ticket., ai 40, each, £.5000, Subjed to a dedu&ion of Fifteen per Cent. THEobjeft of this LOTTERY being to raise a part oftheftiro advanced by the corporation for repairing and enlarging the CI. T Y HALL, for the accommodation ot CONGRESS, whichd<*« so much honor to the Architect, as well as credit to the city. The managers prelume their fellow Citi/.ens will con cur in promoting the falc of Ticket*, especially as the fucccfs this Lottery will relieve them from a tax, which mud otherwise be laid to reimburse the corporation. The above SCHEME is calculated in a manner very beiicfici;! to adventurers,there not being two blanks to a prize. The Lottefy is intended to cortNTienre dt -.wiag on riie T/sst i Monday in August next, or looncr if filled, of which time!/ notice will be given. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be pub lilhed at the expiration/>f the drawing. Tickets are to be fold by the fubferibers, who are appointed Managers by the Corporation. Isaac Stoutenburgh, Abraham Herring, Ps TF.R T. CURTENIUS, JOHN PINTARD. New-York, 6thMa*-ch,i 790. - 3<> - J a - - - *8 *4 By Order of the Honorable Richard Morris, EJq. Chief JuJlicc oj lie Sbite of New- York. NOTICE is herrby givtn to LewisM'Donald, of Conncflicut, an ah fen t debtor, that upou application and due proof once to the f j f BOUGHT AND SOLD, A ' DUW wu i V AT NO. 196. WAT EH-ST RUT, C $3™ A generous price will be given for Military Rights *f i y and Jersey Paper Money. • THE Creditors of Col. tLISH A SHELDON, of hereby notified, Thai the Subscribers l app o, »"* f V, ees of said Sheldon's estate, will attend tothe pimtif j ppointmenton the firft Monday of August next, at I: e , a cob us Da vis, in said Salisbury, agreeable to the A ilv.—The intcre(l of the creditors >equ'res J e " lance. IIEZF.KIAH FITCH, ( fra&c N BIRD. > JOHi. Stl'Jhry, (Cmncflicvtj, Jui.e .8, 1/83. LONDON. HEME, SC H E £. 3 OCO 1000 200 100 " 50 ao 10 4 £ 3"» 2CCO 15 69 KCO 3 : -° 85* 2400 18-0 3»aw- :