'L AN ST AT fcD "Z:UI Ct THE L'.yj! I D STATES. nr. j in. FROM THE LE2 DEN GAZETTE Pubiiihcd hv Stephen I • / ac FR ANK''OUT, February 1 7. "JV/TAJOR Knobeliihiiif, who whs added by tlie J.VJL Court cf Berlin, to Mr. tic Dietz, as minis ter to the Porie mflsd through Augiburg the 3d Inft.on his way to Constantinople. It is imagin ed that this miniitsr intends to follow the Gl and signior to the army, ihould he p'eriift in the de iigli of heading his troops in person, the ensuing campaign. A project which more recent ac counts from Turkey mention to be laid aside, least the übfence ot the l'overeign from the capi tal ihould occaiion any troubles. F. .trail oj a litter from Jafy,in Moldavia, of the 21th of January. Yelterday a courier arrived from Petertburgh, who belides the important dispatches with wliich he was charged, brought a crown and garland in form of a laurel enriched with brilliants, a pre- Jent from tlie Empress to Prince Potemkin, for his eminent lei-vices. We understand that the preparation? for war, which had in i'ome measure abated, have been relumed "with frefli vigor, and continue day and nighr. It is fuid that general Sxjltikow who commanded in the Cuban, from whence he returned to Petei fburg, is detlined to replace general Mufcliin Pulchkin, in the com mand of the army in Finland. Parts accounts of the 18th of feb. The civic ceremony which took place on Sun day the 14th, has made the livclieft im'preflions on all who assisted at it. The representatives of the Commons, accompanied by 60 liandards ot the National Guard, arrived at the church from the Hotel de Ville, about the fame time with the .National Aflembly, which was received at the principal door by the Mayor of Paris, the depu ties of the Commons and those of the chapter. All the members were placed on teats raised in the form of an amphitheatre. The Municipality occupied the opposite fide. Low mass having been celebrated on an altar, prepared in front of the grates of the choir, the Abbe Mulot pro nounced an oration suitable to the occalion, which was very much applauded, after which the civic oath was repeated. Die civic oath continues to be taken with fur >rifing promptitude and good will, in the capital irid towns of the province. The Duke of Cliar tres, aged 16 years, the Duke de Montpenfier, and the Count de Beaujolois his brothers, sons of the Duke of Orleans, came the 9th inlt. in a pa triotic uniform, to the Afleinbly of thedirtritft of St. Roch,and took the oath. The Duke of Char ties, on taking the pen in his hand to sign his name, obfervecl that all his titles were mentioned in the reseller, dallied them out, and wrote in their place, citizen of Paris. The Royal fill (ft i oti to the different decrees of the National Aliem bly is fucceflively published, either in forin of leiters patent, or by proclamation. The letters patents palled in the month of January, in con sequence of the decree of the 30th of November, " That the Iflaml of Corlica makes a part of the empire of France," together with several other decrees, have appeared with this fanc r tion. Let ters from a great number of cities announce,that the step of the King in corning to the National Aflenibly, and his Majesty's Ipeech on that occa llon, have produced thelivelielljoy. The speech has been 1 ead over and ov£r, and applauded with franfports ; and patriotism is anxiously en gaged in expreiling its gratitude, by public acts of tl'.anks and rejoicings. Troubled minds,llnce this period are infenflbly reconciled ; and it is hoped this event will be the means of re-elta blifhing tranquility in the provinces which are Itill dilturbed. It is more particularly in Quercy, Perigotd and Lenioulin, where the peaf'ants have committed the molt reprehenlible excellesagainlt the Lords and proprietors of lands. In order to put a flop to these disorders, the National Allem bly palled the following decree, the 10th inlt. " 1 he National Afl'embly being informed of tlie " troubles in Quercy, Perigord and Lenioufm, " have decreed, and do decree, lit. 1 hat the " King fliall be requested to give immediately " the neceflary orders to execute tlie decree of " the 4th of Augult lalt, as far as it refpetfts the " maintaining of public tranquility : sdly. That << the President (hall be charged to write to the " municipalities where the troubles exilt, to tef " tify I.ow much the Afl'embly is affedied with •' these disorders, the continuance of which will " oblige the executive power to employ the " force which is at its command." Extri.B of a letter from Paris, of Fek 19. During the fefllon of tlie National Aliembly the :6tli, when the definitive decree was palled for the division of the kingdom into depart ments, with an older to print the plan of it, a memorial was sent from the King concerning the violences committed by the people against the commissioners of the farms at Beziers, without the municipalities concurring with the comman der of the ' troops to Yupprefs thel'e disorders. The fame urcUmftanceJ having taken place in fume other parts of the province, the Marquis tie la Fayette, who came that ie<, wherein lie complains of the tardiness of the present government, in securing the liberties of the Belgians, and of ihe despotism exercised in its n» ne, particularly of the power arrogated by the Aflembly, known by the name of the pa triotic committee, and which, notwithstanding the name, traverses every convention and confer ence of the people, opposed to its opinion. A third, which places at its head neither too fa ft no'r too flow, or an anfvier to the pretended patriotic ques tions ; maintains, " That the present form of " government cannot be permanent, because it " has not been consecrated by any law, nor any " tribunal, much lei's by the citizens afltmbled " in a national capacity ; that neverthelels the " fovercigniy belonging to the nation, the nati " on ought to fix the mode of its government." The system of this author has the advantage of being supported by two of the mdft considerable noblemen of the nation, Dukes d'Ahremberg and d'Urfel. The firft ofthefe has openly avowed its principles, by refufing, as chief of the fermens and volunteer companies, to take the oath, un less it is " to the nation, or the pover legally con fiituted by it." A refufal wliofe example follow ed by others, mult create great embarrassment to the ncu fovcrcigns of Brabant. The province of Flanders, without having altered the forms of their conflitution, have taken the oath in the name of the nation ; and to avoid the reproach that has been cad on the Brabanters of conduct ingtheir business with mystery, they have resolv ed to communicate to the public, "by means of the press, the result of their deliberations. In the midfl of this diversity of opinions, which involves our situation in great uncertainty, it is matter of co-nfolation that the confederation will be soon strengthened by theaccellion of the pro vince of timbourg. The states of this Durchy have been assembled at Kenri Chapelle for three days together, the 9th, loth and nth inft. and have decided to acknowledge that the Emperor's sovereignty is at an end ; they have not hitherto published the Brabantine vianifeflo in their pro vince ; but in consequence of the above refblu tion, they have appointed deputies to make fur ther arrangements with the states of Brabant. These deputies are the Abbe de Rolduc, Count Hoen Neuf Chateau, formerly envoy from the committee of Breda to the Court of Berlin, and M. de l'Aflanlt. The justiciary order has been re-eltablilhed in the pi ovince, "as it existed before the month of April 1757. Consequently the new sovereign council of Linibourg ceases. I The Bruflels Gazette of this day assures, that two camps of French troops are about being formed, one in Flanders, the other at Givet ; and that four regiments of cavalry have orders' to rendezvous at Lillo. (7 3 b; continued.) 504 riIOPOSALS, Fo: pnn:iit s ; '>>\i Sl-FhCK I P {"lON, on a fine v-'ith s. new and fk-cant American inter, cad by John Baini, and Co T RAVE iS Tiiroug'.i North "i To be LET, and pojfejion given immediately, THE HOUSE No. 27, Front Street. A part of the fURN' " TURE will be fold, on reafonatole terms, to acconimo the Tenant, if required. Apply on the premises. June 12, 1790. CASH, and a generous price given for ncntal, New-Hamplhire, MalTachufeus, and Rhode fecuritics, of every denomination, by EBENEZER THAYER, jun. No. 59, " aier " New-Yotk, April 17, 1790. . (tT WANTED No. 73 and 83 of this fafer-SixftM <« A "" b * paid for them by the Editor. H E M E. 1.3000 1000 500 200 ICO 50 20 to 4 £ 3"°o 2000 1,500 2000 3 c °o 2,500 ' P4CO 1800 31800