Discourses on davjla.— Xo. x (CONTJNTFD; Wife if a MinifLr; but ii a Ki;r, Metre wife, more just, more leant'd, moievevery thing. ' " the great seem infcnlihleof the easy price, -L/ "ac wlneh they may acquire rlie public 41 admiration; or do they seem to imagine, thar '■ to them, as to other men, ir must. be the pur chase either of sweat or ot' blood ? By what " important accomplishments is the young no •' bleman inftrutifced to lu'pport the dignity of his " rank, and to render himfelf worthy of that Ju " periority over his fellow citizens, to which the " virtue of his ancestors, had railed them ? Is it <( by knowledge, by mduftrv, by patience, by " felf denial, or by virtue of any kind? As all " his words, as all his motions are attended to, " he learns an habitual regard to every circum " stance of ordinary behaviour, and.itudies to " perform all those finall duties, with the most " exact pi epriety. As he is conscious how much he is observed, and how much mankind are dif " posed to favor all his inclinations, lie atfts, up " on the moil indifferent occasions, with that " i< e?dom and elegance, which the thought of " I his naturally inspires. His air, his manner, " his deportment, all mark that elegant and " graceful fenle of his own fupsriority, which " those who are born to infciior stations, can " hardly ever arrive at : thete are the arts by " which he proposes to make mankind fubinit to t{ his authority, and to govern their inclinations " accordingto his ownpleafurc ; and in this he 4C is seldom dif.ippointed. These arts, supported 4< by rank and preliemineuce, arc, upon ordina " ry occasions, fufficient to govern the world. " But it is not by accomplifliments of this " kind, that the man of inferiour rank muiUiope " to diftinguiih himfelf. Politenels is so much *' the virtue of the great, that ic will do little " honor to any body but tliemfelves. The cox " comb, who imitates their manner, and affetfts " to be eminent by the superior propriety of his " ordinary behaviour, is rewarded with a double " lhare of contempt for his folly and fprefumpti " on. Why lhould the man whom nobody " thinks it worth while to look at, be very anx -4< ious about the manner in which he holds up " his head, or disposes of his arms, while he " walks through a room .' He is occupied surely with a very luperfluous attention, and with " an attention too that marks a sense of his own ■" importance, which no other mortal can go *' along with. The mod perfect modesty and <( plainness, joined to as much negligence, as is " confident with the refpedt due to the company, " ought to be the chief tharaifterifticks of the " behaviour of a private man ; if ever he hopes " to diftinguilh himfelf, it mult be by more im " portant virtues. lie must acquire dependants " to balance the dependants of the grear, and " he has no other fund to pay them from, but " the labor of his body and the activity of his fij this paper bavin? been Jtracv off jrom ths commencttntnt of the fecorid no/ ; —Tvofevho htfiine to b -jcome fubfurther] from that period, m«y be jurnijhed with the numbers conip/eat. 496 New-York City Lottery, SCHEME of .1 LOTTERY, for the purpose of raiGne Seven T," Jund five Handled Pounds, agreahle to an ACT of the Lt'gift,*. turf of the State of N'ew-York, pafled Bth February, 1790. SCHEME. 1 PRIZE of £ 3000 £ 3000 2 1000 toco 3 s"° J530 10 200 20go 30 30:0 £0 50 2JOO 1-0 8 0 :49> . 180 10 iir o 7y.5° i 3>Sj>" 8').16 Ptirrs, ) t- 1 . / :66i 4 filaiik J 55000 Tickets at 4 0'.eaeh, £ , s s ?M Subject to a dcdu&ion of Fifttcn per C (i so much honor to the Architect, as wrll as credit 10 thd city, y: „ managers prefuine that their fellow Citizens will cheerfi Jy c .. cur in promoting the fa!e of Tickets, eloecially as tiic fuccc/i --'' this Lottery will relieve them from a tax, which .r Uii . be laid to reimburse the corporation. The above SCHEME is calculated in a manner very benelki 1 to adventurers,there not being two blanks to a priafe. The Lottery is intended to commence drawing on the First Monday in August next, or (boner if filled, of which time,'; notice will be given. A lift of the fortunate numbers will be pub lilhed at the expiration of the drawing. Tickets arc to be fold by the subscribers, who arc appointed Managers by the Corporation. Isaac Stoutenburgh, Abraham Herring, Peter T. Curtexius, J oh n Pikiard. New-York, 6thMwch,iygo. Bethlehem Stages. | THE great number of Miffrs, who from the banks ofiht i ware East ward, even to Boston, are now at the'younglirfjgt Academy at.Bethlehem, renders some regular, ciieap mode of conveyance between that town and New ceflary. To accommodate parents who hove daughters atthdtS^aJ' - rifhing Academy, and others who may wilh tovifit that plttfe,; ;? romantic hill, the ftibfcjibers are now running Ibgcs, * continue during the fummrr, between Elizabeth Town R>iw Bethlehem. Al each of these places a (lage will start f day and Thurlday morning at 5 o'clock, meet at avern the fame evening, exchange pafTengers, and the no# irf return Fare of each pafTenger from Elizabeth Town Point lo Bcthl - hem 3 dollars—way passengers 4 the fjid chii:f jufticc, has ditcficd a I the laid Lewis M'Donalds estate, within this Hate, to befaz e , and that Mnlefs he fhal] discharge his debts within twelve months after the publication of this notice, the fame will be fold tor the payment of his creditors. Dated the -id May, 17Q0. New-York, 7 , , 7go . 3 (iw-tyf § CONTINENTAL j § STATE SECURITIES, & p BOUCHT AND SOLD, AT NO. 196. WATU-STRIIT. S C A S'nerous priceiuill be givenfor Military Ri t gits of Lad'r J ani Jcfiy Paper Money. May 4. J t * gr> ton ASH, and a generous price given for Conti nental, New-Hampshire, Maflachufctts, and Rhode-Iflaiia of every denomination, by at xr THAYER, jun. No. 59, Wattr~StrctL New-Yoik, April 17, 1790. J ™ "VX7ANTED Immediately, a Man as an Ostler, one that u Vr lober and can be- well recommended, will'meM witli'eit- - couragement, and find Ready employment, by applying to the ' m n ARCHER GIFFORD, N. B. None but a sober person, and one well recommended need apply. Newark, May 19, 1790. T,,_ *-ET, andpo/fefion given immediately, H. .. No. 87, Front Street.- A part of the FURNi- ' 1 ***■ wl " be f°ld) on reasonable terms, to accommodate the Tenant, if required. Apply on the premifcs. June 12, 1790. | O be SoJd, an elegant dwelling house, in every circumstance X fitted for a gentleman with a large family, situated in a very pleasant part ot Elizabeth Town, New- Jersey. The lot con tains abont four acres, on which is a very good garden, and a variety of the best fiuit trees. The terms of payment can be made o easy as to suit the purchaser. Enquire of the Subscriber at No. 12, Wall-Street. 4 ELI AS BOUDINOT. Junes, 1790. WILLIAM CRANE. FREDERICK BEUTEL.