Gazette of the United-States. (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789-1793, June 16, 1790, Page 491, Image 3

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    The House then took up the amendments pro
pofed-and agreed to the fame-Other amend-
which imposes a duty on stills was
obiefted to by several gentlemen, and after some
on thefubjedt, it was agreed that the
Bill should lie on the table.
Mr Fitzlimons laid the following refolutionon
the table, viz. " Resolved, that from and after
« the last day of next, the dunes hereto
" fore laid on Teas and Coffee, shall cease, and
" that the following be laid in their stead, viz.
" On Bohca Tea, 12 Cents pr. lb.
<1 Souchong and other Black 1 eas, 20 Cents,
« Hyson Tea, 40 Cents,
« Other Green leas, 24Cents,
" C offee, 5 Cents."
In committee of the whole on the Bill for ef
tablilhing the Post Office and Poll Roads.
Mr. Boudinot in the Chair.
The committee made lome progress in the dif
cuflion of this bill—but not having time to finilh
it, asked leave to fit again
A meflage was received from the Senate, miot m
ing the House that they have palftd the act for
extending the Judicial Law of the United States
u.t he State ol Rhode Island, with one amendment,
-which was to reduce the firiary of the Diltrift
Judge from one thousand, to eight hundred dol
lars. This amendment was agreed to.
A meflage was received from the President, in
forming that he had approved and signed an Act
for extending sundry acTis therein mentioned, to
the State of Rhode Island—an a£l for the relief of
Thomas Jenkins and company—and also a rel'o
lution so. annexing to the code of laws, the sever
al treaties now mack, and that may be made be
tween the United States and foreigu nations.
The bill for the relief of Nathaniel Twining,
having been engrofled was read the third time
and palled.
In committee of the whole on the bill to elta
blHh the poll office and post roads in the United
States. Mr. Boudinot in the chair.
The fedtion which prohibits paflengers from
carrying letters, under a penalty of three times
the postage, was objerted to, as impracticable in
itfelf—it was moved that it should be expunged.
Mr. Livermore, who was one of the committee,
observed that this feftion was introduced to pre
vent the diminution of the revenue from the poft
office—the mail is now carried in llage coaches,
in which there arc generally jeveral paflengers,
fometimesas many as fix, and it is supposed that
many more letters go by the paflengers, than by
the mail ; it is to be supposed that moll persons
would wifti to be excused from the trouble of car
rying theCe fetters, and if tkis lection passes, they
will be furnifhed with an excuse for not taking
tliem ; and it appears very unreasonable and ab
surd that the public should pay the proprietors of
/he stages for transporting the mail, and in this
way be^defrauded out of that revenue which they
are undoubtedly ejititled to receive.
Mr. White and Mr. Gerry were in favour of
flrikingout the clause. Mr. Sedgwick and Mr.
Sherman in favor of it as in the bill.
The motion for striking out was negatived.
The committee proceeded as far as the 21ft
fe&ion and then rose.
Mr. Lawrance of the committee appointed for
the purpose brought in a bill authorising and
empowering the 1 reiident of the United States,
to pmchafc such a part of the tract of land at
Weft-Point, as the public service may render ne
ceflary—read the firit time. Adjourned.
Monday last, beingthe anniversary elecfiion of
BLE ARTILLERY of this commonwealth—the
Corps paraded at 10 o'clock, in the Old South
Mating-Houfe—At 12 o'clock, it marched to the
Council-Chamber, from whence it escorted His
Honor HhsLt. Governor ( His Excellency the Go
vernor being indisposed) the Hon Council, and
several military characters, to([lie Old Brick. Meet-
; where an elegant and peculiarly well
adapted Sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr.
Ho m Eli, of Newtown. After the religious cere
monies of the day were over, the following pro
cession was formed, viz.
jut. Gov. Adams—Hon. Mr. Bowdoin.
Hon. Council, and Senators.
Speaker, and Members of the House.
President of the Univerfny.
Amongst whom were Abbe Rousselet and Mr
Consuls ofFrance, Holland and Sweden
Seledmen ofßofton, Gentlemen, and ftrangersof
' diftintftion.
Adjutant-General—Officers of Cadets, Castle-
William, Artillery and Fusiliers, in uniform.
Honorary Members, &c.
Whijli wasefcorted by the Company to Faneu
il Hall ; where a funiptuous dinner was provided
After which the following toasts were drank :
i. 'thePRSSTtrNT of the United States (three
cheers) —2. The Vice-President, andCongrefsof
America. 3. The Governor, and Commonwealth
of Maflachufetts. 4. The Powers ps Europe, in
Alliance with the United Stales. S- Agriculture
Manufactures, Fisheries and Commerce. j_^' s
Honor the Lieutenant Governor then gave the
following toast—Prosperity to the Ancient and Ho
norable Artillery Company.] 6. The King'of France
(clapping of hands) 7. The Marquis de la Payette.
8. The National Afl'embly of France^—may
they rightly diftinguifli between the evils of li
centioufnels, and the bleifings of good govern
ment. 9. Chief Jullice Jay. 10. Gen. Knox. ii.
Mr. Hamilton. 12. Mr. Jbf>erson. 13. May
the inhabitants of Ameriea exercise the fame wis
dom in preserving as they have in eredting the
The Hall was beautifully decorated. The en
trance formed an Arch, supporting the Orchejlra
wherethe Band performed during the entertain
ment —The front exhibited Plenty with her cor
nucopia—under which were I? circles iuclifing
as many stars ; and on each fide were displayed
the ftaridards of the Company, and of the Artille
ry. They key ftoneof the ArCh bore this inscrip
tion—" Incorporated 1638." The back part was
ornamented with the whole deco
raced with evergreen and flowers. From three
parts of the wall, in quadrangular directions,
[ liung wreaths of flowers of every tint, with clus
ters hanging from thecentre of each. The upp»r
wreath lupported thirteen pendant circles of
evergreen and flowers, in the centre of each of
which was a ltar. At the head of the Hall was
one grand Arch, from the key-ltone ot which
hung a golden fieur de lis In the rear ot this, in
the front window, was placed an obelisk [finely
executed by Johnson]- —thebafe was formed by a
Bust of the PRESIDENT of the United States,
encircled with a glory—the inscription, " The
luflre of his aflions Jhirlcs with triumphant bright ness,
and spreads a glory round hint Over this, at the
top of the obelisk, was the all pervading Ey£ dit
fufing its emanations on our Kabius, with an in
scription, " Fidites Protego," over it. In the cen
tre a winged Cherub crowning the PRESIDEN I
with a chaplet of Laurel, encircling the words,
" Premium Virtutis"—and a garter extending on
eacfilide the Cherub, bearing the motto, "Sicitur
ad sljira." T w <>' a, 'K e American colours were dis
played on each fide the obelisk, with good effect.
I he elegance and neatness of thejdecorations did
much credit to the gentlemen who executed them;
and received the tribute ot approbation from the
houfands who visited the Hall to fee them.
Begun and held at the City of New-York, on Monday the fourth
of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.
RESOI VED by the Senate and Hoije of Refrefentatives of the U~
mtcd States ojAmerica inCongrefsaJJembled,That allTreanes made*
or which (hall be made, and promuiged under the' authority of the
United Slates, (hall, from time to time, be publiftied, and annex
ed to their Code of Laws by the Secretary of St ate.
Speaker of the House oj Representatives.
JOHN ADAMS, Vice-Prefidat oj the United States.
avd Trefident of the Senate.
Approved, June the fourteenth, 1790.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Prefidentof the United States.
(True Copy)
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Seen tary of State
AN ACT for the relief of THOMAS JENKINS
and Company.
BE it enaßedby the Senate and Hoilf: oj Representatives of the United
States of America in Congref, the duties amounting
to one hundred and sixty seven dollan and fifty remitted,on
a parcel of hemp, duck, ticklenburgh and molasses, the property of
Thomas Jenkins and Company^merchants of the city of Hud
son in the State of New-York, which were loft by fire in the brig
Minerva, on her passage from New-York to the city of Hudson,
her pott of delivery : And the Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States is hereby authorized and dire&ed to allow a credit
011 the Bond or Bonds executed by the said Thomas Jsnkins
and Company, for payment of the duties on the said goods.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
JOHN ADAMS, I'ice-Prefident of the United States,
and President of the Senate.
1 Aitroveo, Juni the fourteenth, 1790
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Ptejident of the United States,
(Tkue corY.)
THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State.
On Tuesday the inhabitants of this town very
generally and cordially united in celebrating the
adoption of the Conilitution, which has comple
ted the Thirteenth Arch of the " rais'd Empire,''
uniting all the States under a free and efficient go-
-vemmcnt, after a liberal and intelligent mveft.l
At sunrise the united company of the train of
artillery > commanded by Col. rillinghatl, ap
peared in uniform, and discharged 1 hineen Can
non. A similar difcliarge was repeated at noon
—after which the company, with a number of
other Gentlemen, repaired to the Colonel s house,
where a handsome entertainment had been pre
pared for them. After dinner the following
toasts were drank, viz.
i. The President of the United States.—2.
The Senate and Representatives ot the United
States —3. The Governor and Company. —-4-
Theßhode-lfland Convention, thai completed the
Union of America.— May flie Union lalt till
Years lhall cease to r011.—6. Peace at Home, and
Reputation abroad.— 7. May the Groans of the
diltred'ed be no more heard.—B. May America
forever honor the Men who have led her to hei
present happy situation.— 9. Agriculture, Manu
factures and Commerce. —10. The encouragers
of ufeful Arts.—ll. The abolition of Party .—l2
May the good of the whole be the grand object.
13. May private virtue be the road to public
At three o'clock a discharge of thirteeu Cati
non was repeajfd. A Proceflion of respectable
citizens, like a Band of Brothers, then marched
with great older and regularity, through the
streets, accompanied by martial Mnlic, and dil
playing the banners of Union, freedom and inde
pendence. In the evening the Ship Warren va*
molt ingenioudy illuminated, and made a very
splendid appearance ; and a variety of handsome
fire-works, prepared by the company of Artillery,
closed the public exhibitions on this truly me
morable occasion.
The next evening a Ball Was given to the fair
Daughters of freedom.
It the Stat! of South-Cat olina.
Thomas Be e, Judge of South Carolina Diltrift, in the p'.acc of
William. Drayton, deceased.
In the Stale oj RhMe-Ijlani and Providence Plantations.
Wuliam Ei.i.ery, Collector, }
Robert Crooke, Naval-Officer, >• of Newport.
Daniel Lyman, Surveyor, )
JfREMIAH Olnev, Colle&nr, 1
Theodore Foster, Naval-Olficer, of Providence.
| William Barton, Surveyor, )
The Senate of the United States on Monday
last, poftptoned the consideration of the Resolu
tion of the House of Representatives, for hold-
ing the next session of Congress at Baltimore, to
that day fortnight.
Monday the Artillery oftliis City commanded
by Col. Bauman was reviewed according to Law.
T he regiment made a fine appearance, and re
ceived the full approbation of numerous spec-
tators. —
A melancholy accident happened last Sunday-
Evening—a promising boy of 9 years of" age, ne'
phew of Sir John Temple, fell overboard from a
bloop in the North River, and was drowned—
his body was found the next day.—
Thelateft intelligence from Europe is that an
Alliance is formed ,between the Turks and the
Pruflians—the treaty is also said to be signed by
the English Polish and Swedilh Ambafladors
at Constantinople That the King of Pruifia
in consequence of this is making great prepara
tions for war—That «he determination of the
Divan to continue the war was received withap
plaufe by the people—The campaign between
Sweden and Rulfia is opened by an attack 011 a RuU
fian Fortress which was taken—That affairs in the
low Countries present a most alarming picture,
jealousy, treachery and ambition having destroy
ed the confidence of the people in their leaders,
and interrupted that Union on which the hopes of
freedom are suspended—That Gen. Vaftder
Merfch has been arrelted—The following-is a
copy of a letter from him addrefled to the States,
My Lords,
" 1 am cotne here in pursuance of your com
" mands : Crimes of the blacked: kind are impu
" ted to me—lf I am guilty let my head fall—
" If I am innocent, as my conscience teftifies, I
" ought to be exculpated—Death or reparation
" of my honor is then what I demand."—
Some accounts from France fay that the Clergy
are l'o diflatisfied with being stripped of their reve
nues, that they jireachup the most seditious doc
trines against the National Aflembly, but in the
most artful and covert manner, tho calculated to
inflame the minds of the populace—
The National Aflembly have immortalized
their proceedings by eftabliihing the tri,al by
jury—and by solemnly declaring that con
quest and extending the limits of the Kingdom
shall disgrace their public Councils no more.—
Ship Olive Blanch, Barnwell, Dublin, 45 days.
Brig Peru, Baddock, Port-au-Prince, 24.
Mary, Findlatter, Martha Bray, 36 days.
Sloop Sally, Carey, Philadelphia, 9 days.
Ann, Leyburn, Grenada, 19 days.
Grace, Whiting, Cape Francois, 17 days.
Schooner Hannah, Yatts, St, Auftatia, 28 days
NEW-YORK, JUNE 16, 179°