'ti l!i »n Extratlsjrom a Paris Prim, entitled, « . „ journal de la Lilerte." After informing the Deputies of the Braban tine states of the death of the Emperor Joleph ,rcu Cob:nZl > on Feb ruary 28th, „,Se them the following proposals . 1. To withdraw the remainder of the trooDs now in the callle of Baurain and its neighbour hood, into the territory of Luxembourg • as also those at Limbourg and Guelderland. .2" To c . he e S e °f -Antwerp, and furnifh the garrison with a fufliciency for their subsist ence. Y* rei. S ' f '»>i lher t,4, onv trfr ter >»»n-' a Prude 81 , »«r Qci J ''7 attend ü blidj„ en « <4 s ; aalu • morn or of i uheg retail *ever>:l futurm. | to It! JH. nformit legem id/"rani 1 the ft Jutchei; brongh but tin >lWui| r, altho . Alto, bead up ani Jul ined so: atioD.- . The deputies of the people of Paris, headed by •M. Bailli, the Mayor, have made report upon the Jtateof such ecclesiastical hoofes as are to be put up for sale. T wenty seven of them are reckoned extremely valuable ; and at the nearcft and molt probable eftimarion, about 200 millions oflivres. it is generally thought that the proceeds of these sales will coirtribute greatly towards re-establish ing national credit. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, MONDAY, April 26. On motion of Mr. T'itjtfimons, fecondedby Mr. Burke, the committee of the whole was dischar ged from further proceedings 011 the Report of the Secretary at War, relative to a plan for the organization and government ofthe militia of the United States. The report was then referred to a fele Tucker, Vining, Wadi worth ifcj So the queition was carried in the affirmative. norr„Vlr? went into committee on the re port of the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Livermore in the chair. liiMnnc con J. 111ut " hav >ng agreed to certain reso lutions, rose and reported the fame. inn OUfe to ? k thefaid report into confidera- * * ilr at ade 9' jate P' ovifion ought to be I '"g of the Unitec states, in refpeeft to thejr foreign debt. Resolved, That permanent funds ought to b< impropriated for the payment ofintereft on, ant he gradual d.fcharge of the domestic debt of th< United States. > Rcfolvcd, That the arrears of interest, inclod ng indents issued in payment thereof, ou c ht ti ae provided for on the fame terms with the prin npal of the faiddebt. That it it advifeable to endeavor t, .'ffeftanew modification of the domestic debt with the voluntary conf.nt of the creditors by • loan, upon term* mutually beneficial to them an, :o the United States. Refohed That for thepurpofe expreffbd in thi jaft preceding resolution, subscriptions towards : loan ought to be opened, to the amount of th< aid domestic debt, upon the terms following viz That for every hundred dollars fubfcribedpav »We in the faiddebt (as well interest as principal he subscriber be entitled at his option, either ' Toliaye two thirds funded at an annuity'ol nearly interest offix percent, redeemable at the ileafure of the government by payment of the snncipal, and to receive the other third in land n the Western Territory, at the rate of twenty :ents pr. acre—or, To have the wholefum funded at an annuity 01 yearly interest of four pr. cent, irredeemable b> iny payment exceeding fix dollars per annum on iccount both of principal and interest—and tc eceive as a compensation for the reduction ol ntereft, fifteen dollars and eighty cents, payable n lands as in the preceding cafe or To have sixty-six dollars and two thirds of a dol ar funded immediately at an annuity or yearU ntereft of fix percent, irredeemable by any pay nent exceeding fix dollars-per annum,on accouni joth of principal and^ntereft—and to have atthe ?nd of seven years, thirty-three dollars and one hird of a dollar, funded at the like interest and •ate of redemption. Resolved, 1 hat the funds which (hall .be ap. >ropriated according to the second of the forego ng resolutions, be applied in the firll place to the jay went of interest 011 the funis fiibfcribed toward, he proposed loan—and that if any part of the aid domestic debt ftiall remain unfublcribed, the urplusof the said funds be applied, by a tem'por iry appropriation to the payment of interest or :he unfubferibed part, so as not to exceed for the present four per cent. pr. annum, but this limita lion shall not be underiloodto impair the right ol the non-fubferibing creditors totherefidue of the interest on their refpettive debts : And in cafe the aforefaid f'urplus should prove inefficient to pay the non-fubferbing creditors * the aforefaid rate of four pr. cent that the faith of government b< pledged to make good such deficiency. Mr. Stone, Mr. White, Mr. Sherman, Mr.Cly mer, and Mr. Gilntan, were appointed a commit tee to prepare and bring in a bill confen-ipable to these Resolutions. Mr. Gerry proposed a resolution, that a coin mittee to confiftofa member from each State, and an equal number, for, and against theaflumption. be appointed to ronfider of and report a plan oi accommodation on this fubje«ft. This motion was laid on the table for furthe consideration. TUESDAY, APRIL 27. Mr. Boudinot of the committee appointed to bring in a hill providing for the mitigation of forfeitures accruing under the re venue laws, brought in a report which was read. A report from the Pod Master General, pursuant to orders of the house, was read, relative to the eltabliffiment of Pnft-Offices on the cross roads, transportation of the Mails, &c. alij a report from the fame officer, on the memorial of Christopher Colles ref pedting a fui-ey of the roads of the Uni ted States. A mellage from the Senate, by thcirSecretary, was received, in forming the House that thev have palled a bill 10 continue the ast, palled the lad lcffion for regulating the Proceffei in the Judicial Courts of the United States. Mr. Cilman of the committee of enrolment, reported that the | joint committee had examined the enrolled bill, entitled an ast to regulate the military eftablilhmenl of the United States. The Speaker signed this act. In committee ot the whole on the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the support of the public credit. Mr. Fitziimons observed, that the bouse having determined the rate of interest on, and the mode of funding the domestic debt of the United States—it remains to devise the ways and means. In order to bring the fubjeft before the committee, he proposed re solutions, containing extracts from the Report, of the Duties pro posed by the Secretary of the Trc;ifun . Theferefolutions were read by the Clerk, as follows, viz. Refolvtd, That from and after the day of next, thedutie# heretofore laid upon wines, distilled spirits, teas and coffee, Ihall cease, and that instead of them the fallowing duties be vjz. Jirjolvcd, That 435 ~££ SMS&Eysssf - — Upon evay gallon of other Wine, twentv cents Upon every gallon of dillillcd Spmts, more than ten per «nt below proof, according to Dicas', hydrometer, twenty cent, Upon every gallon of those Spirits under five, and not more than twXr^tl 0 " PrOQf ' —^ Upon every gallon of those Spirits of proof, and not more than PPot'r ° ot ' accordln S to the fame hydrom'e" Upon every gallon of those spirits above proof, but not exceed five ce W nts my P " ( ° thC hydrometer, twenty- Upon every gallon of those Spirits more than twenty, and not drZIS ab ° VC Pr °° f ' aCC ° rd,ng t0 thC fa " lC h V" Upon every gallon of those Spirits more than forty per cent a bove proof, according to the hydrometer forty cents. Upon everypounu of Hyson Tea,forty cents. Upon everypound of other Green Tea, twenty four cents Upon every pound of Souchong and othdr black Teas, except Bohea, twenty cents. "ccpc Upon every pound of Bohea Tea, twelve centS. Upon every pound of C"fFee, five cents. That upon Spirits distilled within the United States, from Mo laffet,Sugar, or other foreign matcrhh, there be paid-L I pon every gallon of those Spirits, more than ten per cent, be low proof, according to Dicm's hydrometer, eleven c-nts Upon every gallon of thrift- Spirits under five, and not morj than tvvelve centi!' ' iCCOIAia S 10 thc fa,ne hydrometer, ' Upon every gallon of those Sp.rits of proof, and not more than \ thirteencents. **« hydro,--, Upon every gallon of those Spirits, above proof, but not ex ' fifteen ce'nT y P " aCC ° rdmg '° fame ll >' drom «" I Upon every gallon of those Spirits, more than twenty, and no moie than forty per cent. ,bove proof, according to the fame hy drometer, twenty cents. • I pen every gallon of those Spirits more than forty per cent above proof according to the fame hydrometer, th.rty cent,. ' That upon Spirits distilled within the United States Hnrt- Y ° r ? lUgC ' from material. of 'he growth or pro auction of the United States, there be paid— P Upon every gallon of those Spirit, more than ten per cent be low proof, accord,ng to Dicas>, hydrometer, nine cVnts Upon every gallon of those Spirits under five, and not mor t "n'cents"' proof, according to the fame hydrom Upon every gallon of those Spirit, of proof, and not more th„ eleven cents'. Pr °° f ' * lhe hydromeL, eeeH?„ on 7' :ry . gallor,of those S P lri " above P r oof, but not ex thirteen cen'ts" P " ,0 famc M'ometer Upon every gallon of thoCe Spirits more than twenty, and no Upon every gallon of those Spirit,, more than forty per cent c «r "" ,lt " me h ' d ~' • i rha , t L P ° n a ". Stllls employed in dillilling Spirits from mate Zr S ll hr r Wthor of'he Umtcd States,™ an vo 1,1 S c,y. town or village, there be paid the yclrl fum of (my cents, for every gallon, Englilh wine measure of th. paatv of each Still, including its head. ' the hnnf ref °' ut ' ons wcre agreed to in committee,and reported U i„„ ?'a Tt ,m "«d'atelv took the fame into conf.dera! on, and adopted the report with an amendment to the duty o, rem propo^ d b X Mr - Parker in the following words '• Or cent, p Cr gallon on Spirit, dialled trom grain-and pr gal.on on Spirits distilled from fruit, in such Stills. A committee- wasthen appointed, confiding of Mr Fitzfimom Mr. Huntington Mr Jackson, Mr. Contee, and Mr. Bloodworth to bring in a biU conformable to the said resolutions ' in. COl " m ' ttec ot thc whole on the bill providing the means of Bv C r Vn tWCCn thC United S 'at« and foreign nations ° f for thin r" V P r °P oCrd 'hat 50000 doJJais be app,opriated lor the purposes therein mentioned. F ' Plenipotentiary be allowed the sum of „„«> tKXte 10 3 poten-^ 4 douccur ' ;t was m °- d tim^^tMr'b^infre'c 8 .,^ ff ° m ">e The committee then rose, and reported the bill with amend. Mr. Oilman moved that an addition of seven member* hr Post Master General were referred to a feleft committee confid ing of a member from each State. ' , The for accepting the cession of the Light House within the bar of the harbor of Charleston it was moved fliould be refered to Adjourned. Trafur y- wh ' ch ™ voted in the affirm,^ NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. 1 , I ;r t T S ,i fVom E "g ,a " d received at Philadelphia by the 1 alt arrivals mention that the Court of Low don has ordered 24 the line to be imme diately equipped and all its officers on half pav to be recalled. v 3 The philosophical society of Pejmfylvaniahave unanmioufly voted that an Oration fliall be deliver ed byoneot their members in honor of their Presi dent, the illultrious Dr. Franklin. The H°„ John WAL«»,Erq; of Virginia, elofted a Senator bv ,he executive of that state, to fill the vacancy occafionrd in the S nateof the United States, by the death of the Hon. William Graylon, took his feat on Monday in that honorable bodv. JPT Su ''f\ r,l " rs l<" < he Gazette of the United States may be fur volume" numbtrs complete, J rom tie commencement of the ftconi ARRIVALS SINCE OUR LAST. NLW-YORK. Ship Ann and Susan, Chevers Dublin. Lord Middleton, Hewgill, Montego Bay, Packet Queen Charlotte, Radelift, Falmouth and Halifax Ship London, Woolfey, London, Ship Lord North, Northover, Pool. Schooner Betsy, Davidfon, Montego Bay. Sloop Patty, Pond, St. Martins. Prig Nelly, Buchannan, Martha Brae. Brig Rambler, Gilchrift, Havre de Grace ; ccnti