CONGRESS HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1790. MR. Vi n1 n g took his feat this day.—The bill to promote theprogrefs of the ufeful arts, ■was brought in engrolled, read the third time,and ordered to lie on the table till to morrow. The bill to accept of the ceflion of lands in the weltern territory, by theftate of North Carolina ■was read the second time and refered to a commit tee of the whole lioufe. The resolve of the Senate for giving further inftru£tions to the collectors of the revenue was read the second time. This resolution enjoins a compliance with the llate infpetftion laws previous to clearing out vef lels, and was referee! to a committee confiding of Mr. White, Mr. Tucker, and Mr. Contee—who are inftru