precedents are derived, said, that since tlic adop tion of their prelent system of bankruptcy, that nation had enjoyed a degree of tranquility and domestic happiness, unknown for a century be fore ; but recuring to the obvious difference in the circumstances of the two countries, with ref peiffc to commercial tranlacftions within that king dom, said, that in his opinion we are not prepar ed at present to go fully into the lubjetfl, or to a dopt liinilar regulations. When there appeared to him to be a greater facility in recovering debts he would not be backward in voting for the mea sure. Mr. Hartley consented that the motion should lie on the table. Mr. Smith, (S. C.) recited the following clause in the couftitution, viz : Full faith and credit iliall be given in each State to the public ao dollars, the al lowance to the maflhal of the diftridt of New- Jersey, should be (truck out, and 200 inserted— which was carried in the affirmative. The bill being gone through, and sundry a mendments adopted, it was ordered to be en grofled for a third reading to-morrow. A mcflage from the Senate by their Secretary, with the bill for giving effey, Novels, Miscellany, tfc. Catalogues will be delivered previous to thefale. New-York, I^9o. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Has for Sale, at his EAST-INDIA GOODS STORE, No. 4, Burling-Slip, Aflortment of EAST-INDIA GOODS. Among which are the following Articles : BOOK Muslins 8-4 6-4 5-4 || HUMHUMS, Jackonet do. j| Long Cloths, Hankerchiefs,of various kinds,j| Cartas, Chintzes, || Seerfuckcrs, Ginghams, || Boglapores. A Variety of handsome painted MUSLINS. With many other Articles, which will be fold by the Piece or Package, low for calh. And a few pair large handsome Cotton COUN TERPANES, much warmer than Blankets. January q, 1790. t. f. 1