post duties must increase, and a fuffieient revenue for every, purpose from that source, is to be ex pected. Why then should we lay this odious tax r He concluded by faying he fliould lay his elti inate before the house. Mr. W adfvvorth fa id he had also made some calculations which he fliould iubmit to the house : In these he had taken pains to be as accurate as pofiible. He then read his cftimate, by which it appeared that the probable amount of the im poli would be dimii.ifned even below the iuin stated by the Secretary of the Trealury. ihe tonnage he said would be diminished, owing to the change in the present situation of Europe, and the cefl'ation of the demand tor grain. The importation of molafles and sugar mull be ledened as the articles are not to be had. Great ' part of the European importations for the palt year have been made on (peculation, and are not to be again expected—and there will be, said he, a very great decrease in the amount of the le- Jienue 011 wines. He adverted to the vVeftern Expedition, and observed, a greater lutn than what has been men tioned will be wanted on that account —and the pension lift, he feared, would be encreaf'ed, ra ther rhan diminiflied : On the whole he thought there was no danger of a great excess in the re venue. The duty on domestic spirits he consi dered as proper—it is.a duty that will be sub mitted to by the even a direct tax would be paid without murmuring, if the necef- fity was made apparenr. Mr. Jackson replied to Mr. Wadfworth—lie controverted the eltimate offered by that gentle man and then entered into a recapitulation of his arguments against the bill, and urged the postponement of it to the next feflion. Mr. Stone observed that the house had at last got into a mode of considering the fubjett, which ouglit to have been attended to at firit. He adverted to the drawback Hated by the gen tleman from Pennsylvania ; but he desired to know why this f«m, which amounts to upwarrds of 10,000 dollars, is not mentioned by the Se cretary of the Treasury : He considered the slim Hated by the Secretary for the year '89, as the neat produce of the revenue—and he believed, that would be found to be the Sum. With relpect to the decrease in the importations, this had been the cry for seven years back : He believed this ■would continue to be the cafe, tho the importa tions, he was well fatisfied, would continue to cncreafe—and this would be owing to our en creafing population. I he gentleman frora -Pcnnfylvajnia has noticed • the probable oecreale in the importation of teas, wines, &c. but takes no notice of the inereafe in the importation of other articles. He said gen tlemen had called our attention to the Mediter ranean and Indian Expeditions ; but neither of these fubjedls are now before the committee. If these fubjedts are to be considered, let us go into a committee 011 them, and fee what is neceflary to be done. At present we are deviling ways and means to pay the interest of the State debts—and with refpecft to this object, he conceived the re venue to be derived from the present eftablilh inents, will be Aifficient for that and all the other exigencies of government, till the year 1793. — It is now said, that the Exclfe will be fufKcient for all the demands of government ; but he fuf pedted, that he iliould hear something 011 the l'ubjedt of Tonnage before the end of the feliion. (To bi conttuusd.) M O N D A Y, Jan. 17. Mr. Galetook his feat this day. 011 motion of Mr. Livermore, the memorial of Andrew Brown was referred to the Secretary of State- The petition of George Glentworth, was read and referred to the Sec.; ta> yat war. The petiti'on of Brigadier General Donald Campbell, praying compensation for fervices,was read—a motion to refer this petition was nega tived. Sundry other petitions were read and referred. Mr. Tucker gave notice, that to morrow he should move for leave to bring in a bill that a committee may be appointed to join a committee of the Senate, to coniider and report a time for the next meetingof Congress. , t Agreeable to the order of the day, the Iloufe proceeded to c,on(ider the amendments proposed ! by the committee of the whole, to the bill, re pealing after the last day of next, tlie duties' lieretofo'e laid on diftjlled spirits and laying others in their Head—these amendments were agreed to by the Hotife. It was moved by Mr. Jackson to itrike out the thirteenth section, and the eas and Nays on the ipieiiion being taken, it palled in the negative, Ayes 16. Noes 36 —the Ayes and Noes being' as follow 1 MeflYs Bald win, lii ood worth, Brown, Kurkt, Heiftrr, lackfon 2 I 'uiicwj. I\ 10 ui k. YEAS, McffrS P. Muhlenberg, Parker, Scott, Sevier, Steele, Stone, Tucker, Wuimii) fun. MeffrsAmes, Meffis Madison," Benfon, Partridge, Boudmot, "V .iu Rjnfellaer, Bourne, Schureman, Cadwaltadcr, S^d^wick, Clymer, Seney, Fitzfimojis, Shcrinao, Floyd, Sylvester, Toller, S'niiickfon, Oilman, Smith, (M ) Goodhue, Smith, (S. C.) Griffin, Surges, Grout, Thatcher, Giles, Trumbull, Lawrance, Vining, Lee, Wadfworth, Leonard, White, Liverniore, Wynkoop. Sundry other amendments werepropofed, but postponed until to morrow. A message was received from the President of the United States, with sundry papers, which have not been lead. Adjourned. TUESDAY, Jan. 18 The papers communicated to the house yester day, by the President of the United States were read—which are, a ftatementof the expenditures made out of the sum of 10000 dollars, appropria ted for contingencies the lalt session—A letter from the Governor of Virginia ; inclosing sun dry resolutions of the legislature of that state, refpedting the lands North-Weft of the Ohio granced by an adl of Congress to the officers and soldiers of that state—A petition from the officers therein referred to—and a letter from the Go vernor of Maryland, enclosing in acfl of the le gislature of that state, empowering the wardens of the port of Baltimore, to colled; the duty therein mentioned. A letter was read from the Secretary of State, enclosing a supplement to his report on the fub jedls of coins, weights, and measures. Sundry memorials and petitions were read and referred. Mr Goodhue made the following motion,that j the Secretary of the be direified to re port tb the house whether any, and what further provision is neceflary to be made for the respective officers employed in the collection of the revenue —which was agreed to. A committee,confining of Meflrs. Seney, Smith (M.) and Mr. Mathews was appointed to report a bill declariag the aflent of Congrpfs to a certain ar r lt , . / A quantity of excellent carrot Tobacco, And «ii elegant CHANDELIER. 85 pr. cent. Martinlco Coffee, (taw6\v')