MR. ADAMS'S LETTERS. LETTER XX. Amsterdam, Oct. 26, 1780. SIR, QUESTION twentieth.—" Have there not been , different opinions in Congress, with regard to " this (i. e. topropofats appearing fair, which were " not Jo,) Jrom whence animojities have arisen ?" There Jias never been any difference of fenti menc in Congress, since the declaration of In dependency, concerning any proposals of recon ciliation. There have been no proposals of re conciliation made lincc the 4th of July, 1776, excepting twice. The fir It was made by Lord Howe, who, together with his brother, the General, were appointed by the King, commiflioners for some purpose or other. The public has never been informed what powers they had. Lord Howe lent a meflage by General Sullivan to Congress, desiring a confer ence with some of" its members. There were different sentiments concerning the propriety of fending any members, until we knew his lord, fliip's powers. A majority decided to fend, Dr. Franklin, Mr. John Adaius, and Mr. Rutledge, were sent. Upon their report, there was a pcr feift unanimity of fentinient in Congress. The second was the million of Lord Carlisle, Governor Johnfton, and Mr. Eden, in 1778. Upon this occasion again there was a perfedl un animity in Congress. Before the declaration of Independency, Lord North moved several conciliatory proportions in parliament, in which a good deal of art was em ployed to seduce, deceive, and divide. But there was always an unanimity in Congress upon all these plans. There was different opinions concerning the petition to the King, in the year 1 775 ; and be fore that, concerning the non-exportation agree ment. There have been different opinions con cerning articles of the confederation ; concern ing the bell plans for the condtul of the war ; concerning the best officers to conduct them ; concerning territorial controversies between par ticular States, &c. but these differences of opinion, which are cflential to all assemblies, have never caused greater animosities than those which arise in all aflemblies, where there is freedom of debate. I have the honor to be, JOHN ADAMS. MR. CALKOEN. LETTER, XXI. Amsterdam, October 27, 1780. S 1 R, QUESTION twenty-firft.—" Are there no mal , " contents in America, again/} the government, " ■ who are otherwise much inclined for the American " catfe, who may force the nation, or Congress, a " £ a '"ft 'h'tr resolutions and interejts, to conclude a " peace ?" There is no party formed in any of the Thirteen States against the new conftittnion, nor any op position against the government, that I have ever heard of, excepting in Pennfylvania,and in North- Carolina. These by no means deserve to be coin pared together. In Pennsylvania there is a refpedtable body of people, who arc zealous against Great-Britain, but yet wish for some alterations in their new form of government : yet this docs not appear to weaken their exertions ; it seems rather to exite an emulation in the two parties, and to in crease their efforts. I have before explained the hiltory of the rife and progress of the party, in North-Carolina, con lifting of Regulators and Scotch Highlanders ; and General Howe has informed you of their fate. This party has ever appeared to make North-Carolina more staunch and decided, instead of weakening it. The party in Pennsylvania will never have an inclination to force the Congress, against their interests, to make peace ; nor would they have the power, if they had the will. The party in North-Carolina, whose inclinati on cannot be doubted, is tooinconfiderableto do any thing. I have the honor to be, JOHN ADAMS. MR. CALKOEN. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. ABSTRACT of JOURNAL of the first SESSION of the SENATE oj the UNITED STATES. T H U 11 S D A Y, June 4, 1789. ON the report ofthe committee appointed the 3d June, to confjder the mode of commu nicating the aAs of Congress to the several States ill the Union— Resolved, That in ten days after the passing of every ac f t of Congress during tlieprefent fef ilon, or until some other regulation shall bea dopted, twenty-two printed copies thereof, lign ed by the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Beprefentatives, and certified by, them to be true copies of the original ast, be lodged with the President of the United States, and that he be requested to caufeto be rranfinit ted, two of the said copies so attested as afore faid, to each of the Supreme Executives in the ieveral States. FRIDAY, June j. A mefTage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Beckley, their Clerk—who informed the Senate of the concurrence of the House oil the refolutionof the 4th June, upon the mode of com municating the acts of Congress to the Executives of the several States in the Union. Adjourned. MONDAY, June 8. " In the House of Representatives of the U nitcd States, Thursday, the 28th of May, 1789. " On motion, Resolved, That every such mem ber of the present Congress, as is not yet fur nifhedwitha set of the journals of the late Con gress, lhall on application to the keeper of the records and papers of the said late Congress, be entitled to receive a complete set of such journals, " Extract from the journal, John Beckley, Clerk. Read and concurred, and the Secretary car ried a mellage to the House of Representatives accordingly. Adjourned. F R j D A Y, June 12, Mr. Lee, in behalf of the committee therefot appointed, reported " a bill to establish the ju dicial courts of the United States," which was read the firft time, and Monday, the 22dofJune, was alfigned for the second reading. Ordered, That Mr. Butler be added to the committee, appointed " Toconftder and report a bill defining the crimes and offences that shall be cognizable under the authority of the United States, and their punishment." Adjourned. WEDNESDAY, June 17. Ordered, that a committee, to confiit of Mr. Butler, Mr. Morris, Mr. Langdon, Mr. Dalton and Mr. Lee, be appointed to arrange and brine forward afyftem, for the regulation of the trade and intercourse between the United States and the territory of other powers in North-America, and the Welt-Indies, so as to place the fame on a more beneficial footing. The committee appointed May the 9th, to view the rooms in the city-hall, and to confer with a committee of the House of Representatives ap pointed for that purpose, reported : Ordered, That the report lie for consideration. Adjourned. FRIDAY, June 19. The committee appointed May 9th, to view the rooms in the city-hail, and to confer with a com mittee of the House of Representatives appoint ed for that purpose, reported in part— That the two rooms on the firft floor in the south-west angle of the taid hall, are not neces sary for the accommodation of Congress, and that the Mayor of the city be notified thereof, that the said rooms maybe occupied by such per sons as the corporation may employ to take charsre of the building. Read and accepted, and sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence. Adjourned. WE D NES DA Y, June 24. A meflage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Beckley their Clerk ; who brought to' the Senate, the coucurrence of the House, upon the report of a committee appointed May the 9 th, to view the rooms in the city hall ; and a bill! entitled, " An ast for eftablilhing an Executive Department, to be denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs," which had parted the House of Representatives, and to which the concur rence of the Senate was desired. Adjourned THURSDAY, June 2;. The Senate proceeded to the consideration of a bill, entitled, " An ast for establishing an Ex ecutive Department, to be denominated the De partment of Foreign Affairs," which was read the firft: time, and ordered to lie for consideration. Proceeded in the second reading, " A bill to eflablifh the Judicial Courtsof the United States," and after debate—Adjourned. MONDAY, June 29. The bill, entitled " An act for laying a duty on goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States," was carried to the House of Representatives, with amendments as agreed to on the 27th. Adjourned. (To be continued.) The following jhort account of the Palace of the THUILLERIES, may amuji ftme of our readers, THIS palace is so called, becaule built in a place where tiles were formerly made. It was begun in 155 4, by order of Catherine de Medicis.—Henry IV finiflied it in 1600— Lewis XIV carried it to perfection, and -rave it all the beauty that is remarked in all its elegant apartments. b It is compofedof five pavilions, and four bo dies of lodging rooms, in which the architecture is admired, tho differently executed.—The sculp ture is by the principal mailers.—The whole is bmh upon a right line about 170 fathoms lono-. [ lie large pavilion in the centre is adorned with columns of marble. In the infUc of the palace many things a le to be observed. In the lung's great apar u,e„t the niuit celebrated painters ot the 16th century emu lated each other, under the conduct of Le'Bru • The cielings are adorned with reprefe,nations of armies, battles, and a great variety of allejo rical figures, in painting, itucco, ami fculptme 1 he cieling of the gallery of the amballkdors is much admired;it is copied after the Karnefiau Gallery at Rome—painted byANNiBAt.CAR RACCI The Theatre is one of the most (biking objects that one hnds in the palace of the Thuilleries • The grandeur, the difpofirion, and the riches of it are all offurprizing beauty : It will hold debt thousand persons, and all he commodtoufly seated" The ceiling was painted by Covpel, after the Cartoons of Le Bkun. This palace has been neglected till within a few years, when the present Queen had some oftlw apartments fitted up in elegant taste, for her own particular accommodation. Some account of the gardens ofth: 7l:iiU;rtts in cur next. EXTRACTS. was never a friend to the love ofGod,or A man, toduty, or conscience, truth,probity,or honor : It therefore can never make a good fub jea, a good citizen, or a good soldier, and least of all agoodcliriftian. The world has substituted good manners in the place of good nature : Whoever conforms to the former, is dispensed with from any observance of the latter. PRICE CURRENT. NEW-YORK. DECEMBER 12. Dollars at Bs. TAMAICA Spirits, J Antigua Rum, 4J9. " St. Croix, do. 4/8. Country, do. vfia. Molasses, 2/6. a tfj. Brandy, 5/9. a 6/ Geneva, 5 f Do. in cases, iif a 2gf. Muscovado Sugar, 80s. a 7if. Loaf, do. I^3. Lump, do. 1/1 Pc PP". 3f 3 Pimento, 1/9. aif Coffee, 1/8. a ljg. Indigo, (Carolina) if a 61. Do. French, 18f. Rice, 22f. Superfine Flour, 4sf. Common do. 4if Rye do. 25/ Indian Meal, 18f. Rye. P r - bvfh Corn, (Southern) 4f. (Northern,) 4/3. „4 /b Beef, firft quality, « 48/ Pork, firft quality, 70s. a 75/ Oats, 1/7. zt!" C ~u', 5 f 6 " 5 /9- Miip bread per cwt. 21^ Country refined > , bar-iron, J 281. a 301. Do. bloomery, 251. a 261. Swedes do. 45 1. Ruflia do. 301. Pig-iron, 81 lof. a gl. German steel, per lb. gi. Nails American, by calk. ) . per. lb. 4 d. \H d Do. do. do. 6d. 12J. Do. do. do. Bd. gld. Do. do. do. rod. "S Do. do. do- i2d.( . , , Do. do. do. 2od.r' * * Do. do. do, 2 4 d.) Pot alh, per ton, 391. a 401. Pearl alh, 481 a 5 01. Bees-wax per ib. 2/3. Mackaiel per barr. 26/ a 30/ Herring!, 18f Mahogany, Jamaica, ) , per foot, J 10a - Dominico, do. 9d. Honduras, do. 7d. Logwood unchipped, > per ton. J 8I - Do. chipped. i 4 l. 2 inch white oak ) , r plank, perm. $ ' 10f -1 inch do. 51. 2 inch white pine planlc, 81. i j inch do. 61. 10f. 1 inch do. 31. 10f. 2 inch pitch pine do. iol. inch do. 61. 10f. 1 inch do. 41. Pitch pine scantling, 31. Bf Cyprus 2 feet shingles, il. lof Do. 22 inch do. il. 8f Cedar 2 inch do. il. iof advertisement. , C=T THE Gazette of the United Stqtes circulates in ep£ryfi artt J the Union—being honored by JukJcribers in Georgia, South and Nort'i Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennj\!vania, New-Jew)'* New-York, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Maffachvfetts, New-Hamffiirt, and DijlriEl of Maine, Canada, Europe, and the Wejt Indies. This a ten five circulation renders it a proper vehicle for Advertisements of a. general, commercial and governmental import: —By the pdrttcuUf deftre and advice, therefore, oj a number of its patrons, thispapcf will be open for the reception of advertisements of the above defcriptwy which as they will convey intelligence of an inter efting nature, the ■ ' tor hopes their infer lion will meet the approbation of his frtevds j* general. Should the number at any time amount to more than ap a s e 1,1 the Gazette, they will be given in a Supplement. f£\KC New-York, Nov. pB. 1780. , . MR. ADAMS'S LETTERS which have apfetrei irlhi ,zettei are part of a series, 26 in number, by Exccllw^ Holland—the whole are published in a pamphlet of 64 p a g ei ; a ' u , . to be fold by Mejfrs. Bcrrv & Rogers, Hanover-Square, Mr. Ko 1 Hodge, Queen-Street, and by the Editor hereof Publifkedby JOHN FENNO, No. 9, MaideS; Lane, ncaftheOfmego-Markit, New-York. —[3 Do. 22 inch do. iJ. 6j. Do. jB. inch do. 18f Butt white oak Haves, Pipe do. do. 91. Hogftiead do. do. 61. 10f. Do. do; heading, 8!. Irilh barrel do. Aaves, 31. Hogshead red oak do. 51. $j. Do. French do. 51. Hogshead hoops, 41. White oak square umber) per iquare loot, u Red wood, per too, 281. Fuftick, 101. Beaver, per lb. Otter per {kin, gf. 32f. Grey fox, 4/7. Martin, 4JIQ. Racoon, 3J6 a 7/6. Mufkrat, \cd.a\\